Exemplo n.º 1
// Calculates the transformed vertices and axes and the bounding box.
func (poly *PolygonShape) update(xf transform.Transform) AABB {
	//transform axes
		src := poly.Axes
		dst := poly.TAxes

		for i := 0; i < poly.NumVerts; i++ {
			n := xf.RotateVect(src[i].N)
			dst[i].N = n
			dst[i].D = vect.Dot(xf.Position, n) + src[i].D
			fmt.Println("Started Axes")
			fmt.Println(xf.Rotation, xf.Position)
			for i:=0;i<poly.NumVerts;i++ {
				fmt.Println(src[i], dst[i])
	//transform verts
		inf := vect.Float(math.Inf(1))
		aabb := AABB{
			Lower: vect.Vect{inf, inf},
			Upper: vect.Vect{-inf, -inf},

		src := poly.Verts
		dst := poly.TVerts

		for i := 0; i < poly.NumVerts; i++ {
			v := xf.TransformVect(src[i])

			dst[i] = v
			aabb.Lower.X = vect.FMin(aabb.Lower.X, v.X)
			aabb.Upper.X = vect.FMax(aabb.Upper.X, v.X)
			aabb.Lower.Y = vect.FMin(aabb.Lower.Y, v.Y)
			aabb.Upper.Y = vect.FMax(aabb.Upper.Y, v.Y)

			for i:=0;i<poly.NumVerts;i++ {
				fmt.Println(src[i], dst[i])
		return aabb
Exemplo n.º 2
func (arb *Arbiter) preStep2(inv_dt, slop, bias vect.Float) {

	a := arb.ShapeA.Body
	b := arb.ShapeB.Body

	for i := 0; i < arb.NumContacts; i++ {
		con := arb.Contacts[i]

		// Calculate the offsets.
		con.r1 = vect.Sub(con.p, a.p)
		con.r2 = vect.Sub(con.p, b.p)

		//con.Normal = vect.Vect{-1,0}

		// Calculate the mass normal and mass tangent.
		con.nMass = 1.0 / k_scalar(a, b, con.r1, con.r2, con.n)
		con.tMass = 1.0 / k_scalar(a, b, con.r1, con.r2, vect.Perp(con.n))

		// Calculate the target bias velocity.
		con.bias = -bias * inv_dt * vect.FMin(0.0, con.Dist+slop)
		con.jBias = 0.0
		//con.jtAcc = 0
		//con.jnAcc = 0
		//fmt.Println("con.dist", con.dist)

		// Calculate the target bounce velocity.
		con.bounce = normal_relative_velocity(a, b, con.r1, con.r2, con.n) * arb.e
Exemplo n.º 3
func (poly *PolygonShape) valueOnAxis(n vect.Vect, d vect.Float) vect.Float {
	verts := poly.TVerts
	min := vect.Dot(n, verts[0])

	for i := 1; i < poly.NumVerts; i++ {
		min = vect.FMin(min, vect.Dot(n, verts[i]))
	//fmt.Println(min, d)
	return min - d
Exemplo n.º 4
func (tree *BBTree) GetBB(obj Indexable) AABB {
	v, ok := obj.Velocity()
	if ok {
		bb := obj.AABB()
		coef := vect.Float(0.1)

		l := bb.Lower.X
		b := bb.Lower.Y
		r := bb.Upper.X
		t := bb.Upper.Y

		x := (r - l) * coef
		y := (t - b) * coef

		v = vect.Mult(v, 0.1)

		return NewAABB(l+vect.FMin(-x, v.X), b+vect.FMin(-y, v.Y), r+vect.FMax(x, v.X), t+vect.FMax(y, v.Y))

	return obj.AABB()
Exemplo n.º 5
func segValueOnAxis(seg *SegmentShape, n vect.Vect, d vect.Float) vect.Float {
	a := vect.Dot(n, seg.Ta) - seg.Radius
	b := vect.Dot(n, seg.Tb) - seg.Radius
	return vect.FMin(a, b) - d
Exemplo n.º 6
func MergedAreaPtr(a, b *AABB) vect.Float {
	return (vect.FMax(a.Upper.X, b.Upper.X) - vect.FMin(a.Lower.X, b.Lower.X)) * (vect.FMax(a.Upper.Y, b.Upper.Y) - vect.FMin(a.Lower.Y, b.Lower.Y))