Exemplo n.º 1
//check for presence of large snapshot in a TS and set the flag
func (ss *StreamState) checkLargeSnapshot(ts *common.TsVbuuid) {

	largeSnapshotThreshold := ss.config["settings.largeSnapshotThreshold"].Uint64()
	for _, s := range ts.Snapshots {
		if s[1]-s[0] > largeSnapshotThreshold {

Exemplo n.º 2
// FromTsVbuuid converts timestamp from common.TsVbuuid to protobuf
// format.
func (ts *TsVbuuid) FromTsVbuuid(nativeTs *c.TsVbuuid) *TsVbuuid {
	for _, vbno := range nativeTs.GetVbnos() {
		s := nativeTs.Snapshots[vbno]
		snapshot := NewSnapshot(s[0], s[1])
		ts.Snapshots = append(ts.Snapshots, snapshot)
		ts.Vbnos = append(ts.Vbnos, uint32(vbno))
		ts.Seqnos = append(ts.Seqnos, nativeTs.Seqnos[vbno])
		ts.Vbuuids = append(ts.Vbuuids, nativeTs.Vbuuids[vbno])
	return ts
Exemplo n.º 3
func compareIfActiveTsEqual(origTs, compTs *c.TsVbuuid) bool {

	vbnosOrig := origTs.GetVbnos()

	vbnosComp := compTs.GetVbnos()

	for i, vb := range vbnosOrig {
		if vbnosComp[i] != vb {
			return false
	return true

Exemplo n.º 4
//If a snapshot marker has been received but no mutation for that snapshot,
//the repairTs seqno will be outside the snapshot marker range and
//DCP will refuse to accept such seqno for restart. Such VBs need to
//use lastFlushTs or restartTs.
func (ss *StreamState) adjustNonSnapAlignedVbs(repairTs *common.TsVbuuid,
	streamId common.StreamId, bucket string) {

	for _, vbno := range repairTs.GetVbnos() {
		seqno := repairTs.Seqnos[vbno]
		snapBegin := repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0]
		snapEnd := repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1]
		if !(seqno >= snapBegin && seqno <= snapEnd) {
			// First, use the last flush TS seqno if avaliable
			if fts, ok := ss.streamBucketLastFlushedTsMap[streamId][bucket]; ok && fts != nil {
				repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0] = fts.Snapshots[vbno][0]
				repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1] = fts.Snapshots[vbno][1]
				repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] = fts.Seqnos[vbno]
				snapBegin = repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0]
				snapEnd = repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1]

			// If last flush TS is still out-of-bound, use last Snap-aligned flushed TS if available
			if !(repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] >= snapBegin && repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] <= snapEnd) {
				if fts, ok := ss.streamBucketLastSnapAlignFlushedTsMap[streamId][bucket]; ok && fts != nil {
					repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0] = fts.Snapshots[vbno][0]
					repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1] = fts.Snapshots[vbno][1]
					repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] = fts.Seqnos[vbno]
					snapBegin = repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0]
					snapEnd = repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1]

			// If last snap-aligned flushed TS is not avail, then use restartTS
			if !(repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] >= snapBegin && repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] <= snapEnd) {
				if rts, ok := ss.streamBucketRestartTsMap[streamId][bucket]; ok && rts != nil {
					//if no flush has been done yet, use restart TS
					repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0] = rts.Snapshots[vbno][0]
					repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1] = rts.Snapshots[vbno][1]
					repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] = rts.Seqnos[vbno]
					snapBegin = repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0]
					snapEnd = repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1]

			//if seqno is still not with snapshot range, then it is likely a bug in state management
			if !(repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] >= snapBegin && repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] <= snapEnd) {
				common.CrashOnError(errors.New("No Valid Restart Seqno Found"))

Exemplo n.º 5
func isSnapshotConsistent(
	ss IndexSnapshot, cons common.Consistency, reqTs *common.TsVbuuid) bool {

	if snapTs := ss.Timestamp(); snapTs != nil {
		if cons == common.QueryConsistency && snapTs.AsRecent(reqTs) {
			return true
		} else if cons == common.SessionConsistency {
			if ss.IsEpoch() && reqTs.IsEpoch() {
				return true
			if snapTs.CheckCrc64(reqTs) && snapTs.AsRecentTs(reqTs) {
				return true
			// don't return error because client might be ahead of
			// in receiving a rollback.
			// return nil, ErrVbuuidMismatch
			return false
		return true // AnyConsistency
	return false
Exemplo n.º 6
func (s *storageMgr) createSnapshotWorker(streamId common.StreamId, bucket string,
	tsVbuuid *common.TsVbuuid, indexSnapMap IndexSnapMap, numVbuckets int,
	indexInstMap common.IndexInstMap, indexPartnMap IndexPartnMap, stats *IndexerStats) {

	defer destroyIndexSnapMap(indexSnapMap)

	var needsCommit bool
	snapType := tsVbuuid.GetSnapType()
	if snapType == common.DISK_SNAP {
		needsCommit = true

	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	//for every index managed by this indexer
	for idxInstId, partnMap := range indexPartnMap {
		// Create snapshots for all indexes in parallel
		go func(idxInstId common.IndexInstId, partnMap PartitionInstMap) {
			defer wg.Done()

			idxInst := indexInstMap[idxInstId]
			idxStats := stats.indexes[idxInst.InstId]
			lastIndexSnap := indexSnapMap[idxInstId]
			//if index belongs to the flushed bucket and stream
			if idxInst.Defn.Bucket == bucket &&
				idxInst.Stream == streamId &&
				idxInst.State != common.INDEX_STATE_DELETED {

				// List of snapshots for reading current timestamp
				var isSnapCreated bool = true

				partnSnaps := make(map[common.PartitionId]PartitionSnapshot)
				//for all partitions managed by this indexer
				for partnId, partnInst := range partnMap {
					var lastPartnSnap PartitionSnapshot

					if lastIndexSnap != nil {
						lastPartnSnap = lastIndexSnap.Partitions()[partnId]
					sc := partnInst.Sc

					sliceSnaps := make(map[SliceId]SliceSnapshot)
					//create snapshot for all the slices
					for _, slice := range sc.GetAllSlices() {
						var latestSnapshot Snapshot
						if lastIndexSnap.Partitions() != nil {
							lastSliceSnap := lastPartnSnap.Slices()[slice.Id()]
							latestSnapshot = lastSliceSnap.Snapshot()

						//if flush timestamp is greater than last
						//snapshot timestamp, create a new snapshot
						snapTs := NewTimestamp(numVbuckets)
						if latestSnapshot != nil {
							snapTsVbuuid := latestSnapshot.Timestamp()
							snapTs = getSeqTsFromTsVbuuid(snapTsVbuuid)

						ts := getSeqTsFromTsVbuuid(tsVbuuid)

						//if the flush TS is greater than the last snapshot TS
						//and slice has some changes. Skip only in-memory snapshot
						//in case of unchanged data.
						if latestSnapshot == nil || (ts.GreaterThan(snapTs) &&
							(slice.IsDirty() || needsCommit)) {

							newTsVbuuid := tsVbuuid.Copy()
							var err error
							var info SnapshotInfo
							var newSnapshot Snapshot

							logging.Tracef("StorageMgr::handleCreateSnapshot Creating New Snapshot "+
								"Index: %v PartitionId: %v SliceId: %v Commit: %v", idxInstId, partnId, slice.Id(), needsCommit)

							snapCreateStart := time.Now()
							if info, err = slice.NewSnapshot(newTsVbuuid, needsCommit); err != nil {
								logging.Errorf("handleCreateSnapshot::handleCreateSnapshot Error "+
									"Creating new snapshot Slice Index: %v Slice: %v. Skipped. Error %v", idxInstId,
									slice.Id(), err)
								isSnapCreated = false
							snapCreateDur := time.Since(snapCreateStart)

							idxStats := stats.indexes[idxInstId]
							if needsCommit {

							snapOpenStart := time.Now()
							if newSnapshot, err = slice.OpenSnapshot(info); err != nil {
								logging.Errorf("StorageMgr::handleCreateSnapshot Error Creating Snapshot "+
									"for Index: %v Slice: %v. Skipped. Error %v", idxInstId,
									slice.Id(), err)
								isSnapCreated = false
							snapOpenDur := time.Since(snapOpenStart)

							logging.Infof("StorageMgr::handleCreateSnapshot Added New Snapshot Index: %v "+
								"PartitionId: %v SliceId: %v Crc64: %v (%v) SnapCreateDur %v SnapOpenDur %v", idxInstId, partnId, slice.Id(), tsVbuuid.Crc64, info, snapCreateDur, snapOpenDur)

							ss := &sliceSnapshot{
								id:   slice.Id(),
								snap: newSnapshot,
							sliceSnaps[slice.Id()] = ss
						} else {
							// Increment reference
							ss := &sliceSnapshot{
								id:   slice.Id(),
								snap: latestSnapshot,
							sliceSnaps[slice.Id()] = ss
							logging.Warnf("StorageMgr::handleCreateSnapshot Skipped Creating New Snapshot for Index %v "+
								"PartitionId %v SliceId %v. No New Mutations. IsDirty %v", idxInstId, partnId, slice.Id(), slice.IsDirty())
							logging.Debugf("StorageMgr::handleCreateSnapshot SnapTs %v FlushTs %v", snapTs, ts)

					ps := &partitionSnapshot{
						id:     partnId,
						slices: sliceSnaps,
					partnSnaps[partnId] = ps

				is := &indexSnapshot{
					instId: idxInstId,
					ts:     tsVbuuid.Copy(),
					partns: partnSnaps,

				if isSnapCreated {
					s.updateSnapMapAndNotify(is, idxStats)
				} else {
		}(idxInstId, partnMap)


	s.supvRespch <- &MsgMutMgrFlushDone{mType: STORAGE_SNAP_DONE,
		streamId: streamId,
		bucket:   bucket,
		ts:       tsVbuuid}

Exemplo n.º 7
func (k *kvSender) restartVbuckets(streamId c.StreamId, restartTs *c.TsVbuuid,
	connErrVbs []Vbucket, respCh MsgChannel, stopCh StopChannel) {

	addrs, err := k.getProjAddrsForVbuckets(restartTs.Bucket, restartTs.GetVbnos())
	if err != nil {
		logging.Errorf("KVSender::restartVbuckets %v %v Error in fetching cluster info %v",
			streamId, restartTs.Bucket, err)
		respCh <- &MsgError{
				severity: FATAL,
				cause:    err}}


	//convert TS to protobuf format
	var protoRestartTs *protobuf.TsVbuuid
	numVbuckets := k.config["numVbuckets"].Int()
	protoTs := protobuf.NewTsVbuuid(DEFAULT_POOL, restartTs.Bucket, numVbuckets)
	protoRestartTs = protoTs.FromTsVbuuid(restartTs)

	var rollbackTs *protobuf.TsVbuuid
	topic := getTopicForStreamId(streamId)
	rollback := false

	fn := func(r int, err error) error {

		for _, addr := range addrs {
			ap := newProjClient(addr)

			if res, ret := k.sendRestartVbuckets(ap, topic, connErrVbs, protoRestartTs); ret != nil {
				//retry for all errors
				logging.Errorf("KVSender::restartVbuckets %v %v Error Received %v from %v",
					streamId, restartTs.Bucket, ret, addr)
				err = ret
			} else {
				rollbackTs = updateRollbackTsFromResponse(restartTs.Bucket, rollbackTs, res)

		if rollbackTs != nil && checkVbListInTS(protoRestartTs.GetVbnos(), rollbackTs) {
			//if rollback, no need to retry
			rollback = true
			return nil
		} else {
			return err

	rh := c.NewRetryHelper(MAX_KV_REQUEST_RETRY, time.Second, BACKOFF_FACTOR, fn)
	err = rh.Run()

	//if any of the requested vb is in rollback ts, send rollback
	//msg to caller
	if rollback {
		//convert from protobuf to native format
		nativeTs := rollbackTs.ToTsVbuuid(numVbuckets)

		respCh <- &MsgRollback{streamId: streamId,
			rollbackTs: nativeTs}
	} else if err != nil {
		//if there is a topicMissing/genServer.Closed error, a fresh
		//MutationTopicRequest is required.
		if err.Error() == projClient.ErrorTopicMissing.Error() ||
			err.Error() == c.ErrorClosed.Error() ||
			err.Error() == projClient.ErrorInvalidBucket.Error() {
			respCh <- &MsgKVStreamRepair{
				streamId: streamId,
				bucket:   restartTs.Bucket,
		} else {
			respCh <- &MsgError{
					severity: FATAL,
					cause:    err}}

	} else {
		respCh <- &MsgSuccess{}
Exemplo n.º 8
//If a snapshot marker has been received but no mutation for that snapshot,
//the repairTs seqno will be outside the snapshot marker range and
//DCP will refuse to accept such seqno for restart. Such VBs need to
//use lastFlushTs or restartTs.
func (ss *StreamState) adjustNonSnapAlignedVbs(repairTs *common.TsVbuuid,
	streamId common.StreamId, bucket string, repairVbs []Vbucket, forStreamRepair bool) {

	// The caller either provide a vector of vb to repair, or this function will
	// look for any vb in the repairTS that has a non-zero vbuuid.
	if repairVbs == nil {
		for _, vbno := range repairTs.GetVbnos() {
			repairVbs = append(repairVbs, Vbucket(vbno))

		"Bucket %v StreamId %v Vbuckets %v.",
		bucket, streamId, repairVbs)

	for _, vbno := range repairVbs {

		if !(repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] >= repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0] &&
			repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] <= repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1]) ||
			repairTs.Vbuuids[vbno] == 0 {

			// First, use the last flush TS seqno if avaliable
			if fts, ok := ss.streamBucketLastFlushedTsMap[streamId][bucket]; ok && fts != nil {
				repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0] = fts.Snapshots[vbno][0]
				repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1] = fts.Snapshots[vbno][1]
				repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] = fts.Seqnos[vbno]
				repairTs.Vbuuids[vbno] = fts.Vbuuids[vbno]

			// If last flush TS is still out-of-bound, use last Snap-aligned flushed TS if available
			if !(repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] >= repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0] &&
				repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] <= repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1]) ||
				repairTs.Vbuuids[vbno] == 0 {
				if fts, ok := ss.streamBucketLastSnapAlignFlushedTsMap[streamId][bucket]; ok && fts != nil {
					repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0] = fts.Snapshots[vbno][0]
					repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1] = fts.Snapshots[vbno][1]
					repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] = fts.Seqnos[vbno]
					repairTs.Vbuuids[vbno] = fts.Vbuuids[vbno]

			// If timestamp used for open stream is available, use it
			if !(repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] >= repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0] &&
				repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] <= repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1]) ||
				repairTs.Vbuuids[vbno] == 0 {
				if rts, ok := ss.streamBucketOpenTsMap[streamId][bucket]; ok && rts != nil {
					repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0] = rts.Snapshots[vbno][0]
					repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1] = rts.Snapshots[vbno][1]
					repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] = rts.Seqnos[vbno]
					repairTs.Vbuuids[vbno] = rts.Vbuuids[vbno]

			// If open stream TS is not avail, then use restartTS
			if !(repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] >= repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0] &&
				repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] <= repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1]) ||
				repairTs.Vbuuids[vbno] == 0 {
				if rts, ok := ss.streamBucketRestartTsMap[streamId][bucket]; ok && rts != nil {
					//if no flush has been done yet, use restart TS
					repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0] = rts.Snapshots[vbno][0]
					repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1] = rts.Snapshots[vbno][1]
					repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] = rts.Seqnos[vbno]
					repairTs.Vbuuids[vbno] = rts.Vbuuids[vbno]

			//if seqno is still not with snapshot range or invalid vbuuid, then create an 0 timestamp
			if !(repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] >= repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0] &&
				repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] <= repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1]) ||
				repairTs.Vbuuids[vbno] == 0 {

				repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][0] = 0
				repairTs.Snapshots[vbno][1] = 0
				repairTs.Seqnos[vbno] = 0
				repairTs.Vbuuids[vbno] = 0