Exemplo n.º 1
func main() {

	command.W = os.Stdout

	/* Handle options and what they should do */

	// TODO : Readd ...
	//Taken out so as to connect to both cluster and query service
	//using go_n1ql.
		if strings.HasPrefix(ServerFlag, "http://") == false {
			ServerFlag = "http://" + ServerFlag

		urlRegex := "^(https?://)[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]"
		match, _ := regexp.MatchString(urlRegex, ServerFlag)
		if match == false {
			//TODO Isha : Add error code. Throw invalid url error
			fmt.Println("Invalid url please check" + ServerFlag)

		if strings.HasSuffix(ServerFlag, "/") == false {
			ServerFlag = ServerFlag + "/"

	/* -quiet : Display Message only if flag not specified
	if !quietFlag && NoQueryService == false {
		s := fmt.Sprintln("Connect to " + ServerFlag + ". Type Ctrl-D to exit.\n")
		_, werr := io.WriteString(command.W, s)
		if werr != nil {
			s_err := command.HandleError(errors.WRITER_OUTPUT, werr.Error())

	/* -version : Display the version of the shell and then exit.
	if versionFlag == true {
		dummy := []string{}
		cmd := command.Version{}

	/* -user : Accept Admin credentials. Prompt for password and set
	   the n1ql_creds. Append to creds so that user can also define
	   bucket credentials using -credentials if they need to.
	var creds command.Credentials

	if userFlag != "" {
		s := fmt.Sprintln("Enter Password: "******"" {
				s_err := command.HandleError(errors.INVALID_PASSWORD, "")
			} else {
				creds = append(creds, command.Credential{"user": userFlag, "pass": string(password)})
		} else {
			s_err := command.HandleError(errors.INVALID_PASSWORD, err.Error())

	/* -credentials : Accept credentials to pass to the n1ql endpoint.
	   Ensure that the user inputs credentials in the form a:b.
	   It is important to apend these credentials to those given by
	if userFlag == "" && credsFlag == "" {
		// No credentials exist. This can still be used to connect to
		// un-authenticated servers.
		// Dont output the statement if we are running in single command
		// mode.
		if scriptFlag == "" {
			_, werr := io.WriteString(command.W, "No Input Credentials. In order to connect to a server with authentication, please provide credentials.\n")

			if werr != nil {
				s_err := command.HandleError(errors.WRITER_OUTPUT, werr.Error())

	} else if credsFlag != "" {

		creds_ret, err_code, err_string := command.ToCreds(credsFlag)
		if err_code != 0 {
			s_err := command.HandleError(err_code, err_string)
		for _, v := range creds_ret {
			creds = append(creds, v)

	//Append empty credentials. This is used for cases where one of the buckets
	//is a SASL bucket, and we need to access the other unprotected buckets.
	//CBauth works this way.

	//if credsFlag == "" && userFlag != "" {
	creds = append(creds, command.Credential{"user": "", "pass": ""})

	/* Add the credentials set by -user and -credentials to the
	   go_n1ql creds parameter.
	if creds != nil {
		ac, err := json.Marshal(creds)
		if err != nil {
			//Error while Marshalling
			s_err := command.HandleError(errors.JSON_MARSHAL, err.Error())
		go_n1ql.SetQueryParams("creds", string(ac))

	if scriptFlag != "" {
		err_code, err_str := execute_input(scriptFlag, os.Stdout)
		if err_code != 0 {
			s_err := command.HandleError(err_code, err_str)

	if timeoutFlag != "0ms" {
		go_n1ql.SetQueryParams("timeout", timeoutFlag)

	if inputFlag != "" {
		//Read each line from the file and call execute query


	//fmt.Println("Input arguments, ", os.Args)
Exemplo n.º 2
/* This method is used to handle user interaction with the
   cli. After combining the multi line input, it is sent to
   the execute_inpu method which parses and executes the
   input command. In the event an error is returned from the
   query execution, it is printed in red. The input prompt is
   the name of the executable.
func HandleInteractiveMode(prompt string) {

	/* Find the HOME environment variable. If it isnt set then
	   try USERPROFILE for windows. If neither is found then
	   the cli cant find the history file to read from.
	homeDir := os.Getenv("HOME")
	if homeDir == "" {
		homeDir = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
		if homeDir == "" {
			_, werr := io.WriteString(command.W, "Unable to determine home directory, history file disabled\n")
			if werr != nil {
				s_err := command.HandleError(errors.WRITER_OUTPUT, werr.Error())

	/* Create a new liner */
	var liner = liner.NewLiner()
	defer liner.Close()

	/* Load history from Home directory
	   TODO : Once Histfile and Histsize are introduced then change this code
	err_code, err_string := LoadHistory(liner, homeDir)
	if err_code != 0 {
		s_err := command.HandleError(err_code, err_string)

	go signalCatcher(liner)

	// state for reading a multi-line query
	inputLine := []string{}
	fullPrompt := prompt + QRY_PROMPT1
	for {
		line, err := liner.Prompt(fullPrompt)
		if err != nil {

		line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
		if line == "" {

		/* Check for shell comments : -- and #. Add them to the history
		   but do not send them to be parsed.
		if strings.HasPrefix(line, "--") || strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
			err_code, err_string := UpdateHistory(liner, homeDir, line)
			if err_code != 0 {
				s_err := command.HandleError(err_code, err_string)


		// Building query string mode: set prompt, gather current line
		fullPrompt = QRY_PROMPT2
		inputLine = append(inputLine, line)

		/* If the current line ends with a QRY_EOL, join all query lines,
		   trim off trailing QRY_EOL characters, and submit the query string.
		if strings.HasSuffix(line, QRY_EOL) {
			inputString := strings.Join(inputLine, " ")
			for strings.HasSuffix(inputString, QRY_EOL) {
				inputString = strings.TrimSuffix(inputString, QRY_EOL)
			if inputString != "" {
				err_code, err_string := UpdateHistory(liner, homeDir, inputString+QRY_EOL)
				if err_code != 0 {
					s_err := command.HandleError(err_code, err_string)
				err_code, err_string = execute_input(inputString, os.Stdout)
				/* Error handling for Shell errors and errors recieved from
				if err_code != 0 {
					s_err := command.HandleError(err_code, err_string)
					if err_code == errors.GON1QL_QUERY {
						//Dont print the error code for query errors.
						tmpstr := fmt.Sprintln(fgRed, s_err, reset)
						io.WriteString(command.W, tmpstr+"\n")

					} else {

					if *errorExitFlag == true {
						if first == false {
							first = true
							_, werr := io.WriteString(command.W, "Exiting on first error encountered\n")
							if werr != nil {
								s_err = command.HandleError(errors.WRITER_OUTPUT, werr.Error())

				/* For the \EXIT and \QUIT shell commands we need to
				   make sure that we close the liner and then exit. In
				   the event an error is returned from execute_input after
				   the \EXIT command, then handle the error and exit with
				   exit code 1 (which is for general errors).
				if EXIT == true {
					command.EXIT = false
					if err == nil {
					} else {



			// reset state for multi-line query
			inputLine = []string{}
			fullPrompt = prompt + QRY_PROMPT1
