Exemplo n.º 1
func GetSolidFlags(extra string) (useB, debug bool, thickness float64) {

	// defaults
	useB = false
	debug = false
	thickness = 1.0

	// flag: use B matrix
	if s_useB, found := io.Keycode(extra, "useB"); found {
		useB = io.Atob(s_useB)

	// fix useB flag in case of axisymmetric simulation
	if Global.Sim.Data.Axisym {
		useB = true

	// flag: thickess => plane-stress
	if s_thick, found := io.Keycode(extra, "thick"); found {
		thickness = io.Atof(s_thick)

	// fix thickness flag
	if !Global.Sim.Data.Pstress {
		thickness = 1.0

	// flag: debug
	if s_debug, found := io.Keycode(extra, "debug"); found {
		debug = io.Atob(s_debug)
Exemplo n.º 2
// Str2Dbl converts a slice of strings to a slice of doubles (float64)
func Str2Dbl(s []string) (v []float64) {
	v = make([]float64, len(s))
	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
		v[i] = io.Atof(s[i])
Exemplo n.º 3
// DblSplit splits a string into floats
func DblSplit(s string) (r []float64) {
	ss := strings.Fields(s)
	r = make([]float64, len(ss))
	for i, v := range ss {
		r[i] = io.Atof(v)
Exemplo n.º 4
// ReadGraphTable reads data and allocate graph
func ReadGraphTable(fname string, bargera bool) *Graph {

	// data
	var ne int
	var edges [][]int
	var weights []float64

	// Bar-Gera format files from: http://www.bgu.ac.il/~bargera/tntp/
	if bargera {
		k := 0
		reading_meta := true
		io.ReadLines(fname, func(idx int, line string) (stop bool) {
			if len(line) < 1 {
				return false
			line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
			if line[0] == '~' {
				return false
			if reading_meta {
				switch {
				case strings.HasPrefix(line, "<NUMBER OF LINKS>"):
					res := strings.Split(line, "<NUMBER OF LINKS>")
					ne = io.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(res[1]))
					edges = make([][]int, ne)
					weights = make([]float64, ne)
				case strings.HasPrefix(line, "<END OF METADATA>"):
					reading_meta = false
				return false
			l := strings.Fields(line)
			edges[k] = []int{io.Atoi(l[0]) - 1, io.Atoi(l[1]) - 1}
			weights[k] = io.Atof(l[4])
			return false
	} else {
		_, dat, err := io.ReadTable(fname)
		if err != nil {
			chk.Panic("cannot read datafile\n%v", err)
		ne = len(dat["from"]) // number of edges
		edges = make([][]int, ne)
		weights = make([]float64, ne)
		for i := 0; i < ne; i++ {
			edges[i] = []int{int(dat["from"][i]) - 1, int(dat["to"][i]) - 1}
			weights[i] = dat["cost"][i]

	// graph
	var G Graph
	G.Init(edges, weights, nil, nil)
	return &G
Exemplo n.º 5
func GetSeepFaceFlags(extra string) (Macaulay bool, BetRamp, Kappa float64) {

	// defaults
	Macaulay = false
	BetRamp = math.Ln2 / 0.01
	Kappa = 1.0

	// use macaulay function ?
	if s_mac, found := io.Keycode(extra, "mac"); found {
		Macaulay = io.Atob(s_mac)

	// coefficient for smooth ramp function
	if s_bet, found := io.Keycode(extra, "bet"); found {
		BetRamp = io.Atof(s_bet)

	// κ coefficient
	if s_kap, found := io.Keycode(extra, "kap"); found {
		Kappa = io.Atof(s_kap)
Exemplo n.º 6
// ReadSmat reads a smat matrix back
func ReadSmat(fn string) *Triplet {
	var t Triplet
		func(idx int, line string) (stop bool) {
			r := strings.Fields(line)
			if idx == 0 {
				m, n, nnz := io.Atoi(r[0]), io.Atoi(r[1]), io.Atoi(r[2])
				t.Init(m, n, nnz)
			} else {
				t.Put(io.Atoi(r[0]), io.Atoi(r[1]), io.Atof(r[2]))
	return &t
Exemplo n.º 7
func main() {

	// input data
	simfile := "simfile.sim"
	zmin := 0.0
	zmax := 3.0
	npts := 11

	// parse flags
	if len(flag.Args()) > 0 {
		simfile = flag.Arg(0)
	if len(flag.Args()) > 1 {
		zmin = io.Atof(flag.Arg(1))
	if len(flag.Args()) > 2 {
		zmax = io.Atob(flag.Arg(2))
	if len(flag.Args()) > 3 {
		npts = io.Atoi(flag.Arg(3))

	// print input data
	io.Pf("\nInput data\n")
	io.Pf("  simfile  = %30s // simulation filename\n", simfile)
	io.Pf("  zmin     = %30s // min elevation\n", zmin)
	io.Pf("  zmax     = %30v // max elevation\n", zmax)
	io.Pf("  npts     = %30v // number of points\n", npts)

	// sim file
	sim := inp.ReadSim("", simfile, false)
	if sim == nil {
		io.PfRed("cannot read sim file\n")

	// layer
	var lay fem.GeoLayer
	lay.Zmin = zmin
	lay.Zmax = zmax
	lay.Cl = sim.WaterRho0 / sim.WaterBulk
	//if !lay.ReadPorousParameters(sim.Regions[0],
	// TODO

Exemplo n.º 8
func main() {

	// input data
	simfn := "elast.sim"
	matname := "lrm1"
	pcmax := 30.0
	npts := 101

	// parse flags
	if len(flag.Args()) > 0 {
		simfn = flag.Arg(0)
	if len(flag.Args()) > 1 {
		matname = flag.Arg(1)
	if len(flag.Args()) > 2 {
		pcmax = io.Atof(flag.Arg(2))
	if len(flag.Args()) > 3 {
		npts = io.Atoi(flag.Arg(3))

	// check extension
	if io.FnExt(simfn) == "" {
		simfn += ".sim"

	// print input data
	io.Pf("\nInput data\n")
	io.Pf("  simfn   = %30s // simulation filename\n", simfn)
	io.Pf("  matname = %30s // material name\n", matname)
	io.Pf("  pcmax   = %30v // max pc\n", pcmax)
	io.Pf("  npts    = %30v // number of points\n", npts)

	// load simulation
	sim := inp.ReadSim("", simfn, "lrm_", false)
	if sim == nil {
		io.PfRed("cannot load simulation\n")

	// get material data
	mat := sim.Mdb.Get(matname)
	if mat == nil {
		io.PfRed("cannot get material\n")
	io.Pforan("mat = %v\n", mat)

	// get and initialise model
	mdl := mreten.GetModel(simfn, matname, mat.Model, false)
	if mdl == nil {
		io.PfRed("cannot allocate model\n")

	// plot drying path
	d_Pc := utl.LinSpace(0, pcmax, npts)
	d_Sl := make([]float64, npts)
	d_Sl[0] = 1
	var err error
	for i := 1; i < npts; i++ {
		d_Sl[i], err = mreten.Update(mdl, d_Pc[i-1], d_Sl[i-1], d_Pc[i]-d_Pc[i-1])
		if err != nil {
			io.PfRed("drying: cannot updated model\n%v\n", err)
	plt.Plot(d_Pc, d_Sl, io.Sf("'b-', label='%s (dry)', clip_on=0", matname))

	// plot wetting path
	w_Pc := utl.LinSpace(pcmax, 0, npts)
	w_Sl := make([]float64, npts)
	w_Sl[0] = d_Sl[npts-1]
	for i := 1; i < npts; i++ {
		w_Sl[i], err = mreten.Update(mdl, w_Pc[i-1], w_Sl[i-1], w_Pc[i]-w_Pc[i-1])
		if err != nil {
			io.PfRed("wetting: cannot updated model\n%v\n", err)
	plt.Plot(w_Pc, w_Sl, io.Sf("'c-', label='%s (wet)', clip_on=0", matname))

	// save results
	type Results struct{ Pc, Sl []float64 }
	res := Results{append(d_Pc, w_Pc...), append(d_Sl, w_Sl...)}
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	enc := json.NewEncoder(&buf)
	err = enc.Encode(&res)
	if err != nil {
		io.PfRed("cannot encode results\n")
	fn := path.Join(sim.Data.DirOut, matname+".dat")
	io.WriteFile(fn, &buf)
	io.Pf("file <%s> written\n", fn)

	// show figure
	plt.AxisYrange(0, 1)
	plt.Gll("$p_c$", "$s_{\\ell}$", "")
Exemplo n.º 9
// nice_num returns a truncated float
func nice_num(x float64) float64 {
	s := io.Sf("%.2f", x)
	return io.Atof(s)
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: stat.go Projeto: cpmech/goga
// nice returns a truncated float
func nice(x float64, ndigits int) float64 {
	s := io.Sf("%."+io.Sf("%d", ndigits)+"f", x)
	return io.Atof(s)
Exemplo n.º 11
// ReadLPfortran reads linear program from particular fortran file
//  download LP files from here: http://users.clas.ufl.edu/hager/coap/format.html
//  Output:
//   A -- compressed-column sparse matrix where:
//        Ap -- pointers to the begining of storage of column (size n+1)
//        Ai -- row indices for each non zero entry (input, nnz A)
//        Ax -- non zero entries (input, nnz A)
//   b -- right hand side (input, size m)
//   c -- objective vector (minimize, size n)
//   l -- lower bounds on variables (size n)
//   u -- upper bounds on variables (size n)
func ReadLPfortran(fn string) (A *la.CCMatrix, b, c, l, u []float64) {

	// variables
	var m int        // number or rows (input)
	var n int        // number of columns (input)
	var Ap []int     // pointers to the begining of storage of column (size n+1)
	var Ai []int     // row indices for each non zero entry (input, nnz A)
	var Ax []float64 // non zero entries (input, nnz A)
	var z0 float64   // initial fixed value for objective

	// auxiliary
	reading_Ap := false
	reading_Ai := false
	reading_Ax := false
	reading_b := false
	reading_c := false
	reading_z0 := false
	reading_l := false
	reading_u := false
	atof := func(s string) float64 {
		return io.Atof(strings.Replace(s, "D", "E", 1))

	// read data
	k := 0
	io.ReadLines(fn, func(idx int, line string) (stop bool) {
		if idx == 0 { // skip name
		str := strings.Fields(line)
		if idx == 1 { // read m and m
			m, n = io.Atoi(str[0]), io.Atoi(str[1])
			Ap = make([]int, n+1)
			k = 0
			reading_Ap = true
		for _, s := range str {
			if reading_Ap {
				if k == n+1 {
					reading_Ap = false
					reading_Ai = true
					nnz := Ap[n]
					Ai = make([]int, nnz)
					Ax = make([]float64, nnz)
					b = make([]float64, m)
					c = make([]float64, n)
					l = make([]float64, n)
					u = make([]float64, n)
					k = 0
				} else {
					Ap[k] = io.Atoi(s) - 1 // subtract 1 because of Fortran indexing
			if reading_Ai {
				if k == Ap[n] {
					reading_Ai = false
					reading_Ax = true
					k = 0
				} else {
					Ai[k] = io.Atoi(s) - 1 // subtract 1 because of Fortran indexing
			if reading_Ax {
				if k == Ap[n] {
					reading_Ax = false
					reading_b = true
					k = 0
				} else {
					Ax[k] = atof(s)
			if reading_b {
				if k == m {
					reading_b = false
					reading_c = true
					k = 0
				} else {
					b[k] = atof(s)
			if reading_c {
				if k == n {
					reading_c = false
					reading_z0 = true
					k = 0
				} else {
					c[k] = atof(s)
			if reading_z0 {
				z0 = atof(s)
				_ = z0
				reading_z0 = false
				reading_l = true
				k = 0
			if reading_l {
				if k == n {
					reading_l = false
					reading_u = true
					k = 0
				} else {
					l[k] = atof(s)
			if reading_u {
				if k == n {
					reading_u = false
					k = 0
				} else {
					u[k] = atof(s)

	// debug
	if false {
		io.Pforan("Ap = %v\n", Ap)
		io.Pfcyan("Ai = %v\n", Ai)
		io.Pfyel("Ax = %v\n", Ax)
		io.Pf("b = %v\n", b)
		io.Pforan("c = %v\n", c)
		io.Pfcyan("l = %v\n", l)
		io.Pfyel("u = %v\n", u)

	// results
	A = new(la.CCMatrix)
	A.Set(m, n, Ap, Ai, Ax)
Exemplo n.º 12
// Set sets a constraint if it does NOT exist yet.
//  key   -- can be Dof key such as "ux", "uy" or constraint type such as "mpc" or "rigid"
//  extra -- is a keycode-style data. e.g. "!type:incsup2d !alp:30"
//  Notes: 1) the default for key is single point constraint; e.g. "ux", "uy", ...
//         2) hydraulic head can be set with key == "H"
func (o *EssentialBcs) Set(key string, nodes []*Node, fcn fun.Func, extra string) (err error) {

	// len(nod) must be greater than 0
	chk.IntAssertLessThan(0, len(nodes)) // 0 < len(nod)

	// skip nil node
	if nodes[0] == nil {

	// space dimension
	ndim := len(nodes[0].Vert.C)

	// rigid element
	if key == "rigid" {
		a := nodes[0].Dofs
		for i := 1; i < len(nodes); i++ {
			for j, b := range nodes[i].Dofs {
				o.add(key, []int{a[j].Eq, b.Eq}, []float64{1, -1}, &fun.Zero)
		return // success

	// inclined support
	if key == "incsup" {

		// check
		if ndim != 2 {
			return chk.Err("inclined support works only in 2D for now")

		// get data
		var α float64
		if val, found := io.Keycode(extra, "alp"); found {
			α = io.Atof(val) * math.Pi / 180.0
		co, si := math.Cos(α), math.Sin(α)

		// set for all nodes
		for _, nod := range nodes {

			// find existent constraints and deactivate them
			eqx := nod.Dofs[0].Eq
			eqy := nod.Dofs[1].Eq
			for _, eq := range []int{eqx, eqy} {
				for _, idx := range o.Eq2idx[eq] {
					pair := o.BcsTmp[idx]
					if pair.bc.Key != "rigid" {
						pair.bc.Inact = true

			// set constraint
			o.add(key, []int{eqx, eqy}, []float64{co, si}, &fun.Zero)
		return // success

	// hydraulic head
	if key == "hst" {

		// set for all nodes
		for _, nod := range nodes {

			// create function
			// Note: fcn is a shift such that  pl = pl(z) - shift(t)
			d := nod.GetDof("pl")
			if d == nil {
				continue // node doesn't have key. ex: pl in qua8/qua4 elements
			z := nod.Vert.C[1] // 2D
			if ndim == 3 {
				z = nod.Vert.C[2] // 3D
			plVal, _, err := o.HydFcn.Calc(z)
			if err != nil {
				return chk.Err("cannot set hst (hydrostatic) essential boundary condition")
			pl := fun.Add{
				B: 1, Fb: &fun.Cte{C: plVal},
				A: -1, Fa: fcn,

			// set constraint
			o.add_single("pl", d.Eq, &pl)
		return // success

	// single-point constraint
	for _, nod := range nodes {
		d := nod.GetDof(key)
		if d == nil {
			return // success
		o.add_single(key, d.Eq, fcn)

	// success
Exemplo n.º 13
// PlotDiagMoment plots bending moment diagram
//  Input:
//   M        -- moment along stations
//   withtext -- show bending moment values
//   numfmt   -- number format for values. use "" to chose default one
//   tolM     -- tolerance to clip absolute values of M
//   sf       -- scaling factor
func (o *Beam) PlotDiagMoment(M []float64, withtext bool, numfmt string, tolM, sf float64) {

	// number of stations
	nstations := len(M)
	ds := 1.0 / float64(nstations-1)

	// nodes
	var xa, xb []float64
	var u []float64 // out-of-pane vector
	if o.Ndim == 2 {
		xa = []float64{o.X[0][0], o.X[1][0], 0}
		xb = []float64{o.X[0][1], o.X[1][1], 0}
		u = []float64{0, 0, 1}
	} else {
		chk.Panic("TODO: 3D beam diagram")

	// unit vector along beam
	v := make([]float64, 3)
	sum := 0.0
	for j := 0; j < o.Ndim; j++ {
		v[j] = xb[j] - xa[j]
		sum += v[j] * v[j]
	sum = math.Sqrt(sum)
	for j := 0; j < o.Ndim; j++ {
		v[j] /= sum

	// unit normal
	n := make([]float64, 3)     // normal
	utl.CrossProduct3d(n, u, v) // n := u cross v

	// auxiliary vectors
	x := make([]float64, o.Ndim) // station
	m := make([]float64, o.Ndim) // vector pointing to other side
	c := make([]float64, o.Ndim) // centre
	imin, imax := utl.DblArgMinMax(M)

	// draw text function
	draw_text := func(mom float64) {
		if math.Abs(mom) > tolM {
			α := math.Atan2(-n[1], -n[0]) * 180.0 / math.Pi
			str := io.Sf("%g", mom)
			if numfmt != "" {
				str = io.Sf(numfmt, mom)
			} else {
				if len(str) > 10 {
					str = io.Sf("%.10f", mom) // truncate number
					str = io.Sf("%g", io.Atof(str))
			plt.Text(c[0], c[1], str, io.Sf("ha='center', size=7, rotation=%g, clip_on=0", α))

	// draw
	pts := utl.DblsAlloc(nstations, 2)
	xx, yy := make([]float64, 2), make([]float64, 2)
	for i := 0; i < nstations; i++ {

		// station
		s := float64(i) * ds
		for j := 0; j < o.Ndim; j++ {
			x[j] = (1.0-s)*o.X[j][0] + s*o.X[j][1]

		// auxiliary vectors
		for j := 0; j < o.Ndim; j++ {
			m[j] = x[j] - sf*M[i]*n[j]
			c[j] = (x[j] + m[j]) / 2.0

		// points on diagram
		pts[i][0], pts[i][1] = m[0], m[1]
		xx[0], xx[1] = x[0], m[0]
		yy[0], yy[1] = x[1], m[1]

		// draw
		clr, lw := "#919191", 1.0
		if i == imin || i == imax {
			lw = 2
			if M[i] < 0 {
				clr = "#9f0000"
			} else {
				clr = "#109f24"
		plt.Plot(xx, yy, io.Sf("'-', color='%s', lw=%g, clip_on=0", clr, lw))
		if withtext {
			if i == imin || i == imax { // draw text @ min/max
			} else {
				if i == 0 || i == nstations-1 { // draw text @ extremities

	// draw polyline
	plt.DrawPolyline(pts, &plt.Sty{Ec: "k", Fc: "none", Lw: 1}, "")