Exemplo n.º 1
func TestQuadratic(t *testing.T) {
	n := 10
	xStar := mat.NewVec(n)
	A := mat.RandN(n)
	At := A.TrView()
	AtA := mat.New(n)
	AtA.Mul(At, A)

	bTmp := mat.NewVec(n)
	bTmp.Apply(A, xStar)
	b := mat.NewVec(n)
	b.Apply(At, bTmp)

	c := bTmp.Nrm2Sq()

	//Define input arguments
	obj := opt.NewQuadratic(AtA, b, c)
	p := NewParams()
	sol := NewSolution(mat.NewVec(n))

	//Steepest descent with armijo
	stDesc := NewSteepestDescent()
	res1 := stDesc.Solve(obj, sol, p, NewDisplay(100))

	t.Log(res1.ObjX, res1.FunEvals, res1.GradEvals, res1.Status)

	//Steepest descent with Quadratic
	stDesc.LineSearch = uni.DerivWrapper{uni.NewQuadratic()}
	res2 := stDesc.Solve(obj, sol, p, NewDisplay(100))

	t.Log(res2.ObjX, res2.FunEvals, res2.GradEvals, res2.Status)

	//LBFGS with armijo
	lbfgs := NewLBFGS()
	res3 := lbfgs.Solve(obj, sol, p, NewDisplay(10))

	t.Log(res3.ObjX, res3.FunEvals, res3.GradEvals, res3.Status)

	//constrained problems (constraints described as projection)
	projGrad := NewProjGrad()

	res4 := projGrad.Solve(obj, opt.RealPlus{}, sol, p, NewDisplay(100))

	t.Log(res4.ObjX, res4.FunEvals, res4.GradEvals, res4.Status)

	if math.Abs(res1.ObjX) > 0.01 {
	if math.Abs(res2.ObjX) > 0.01 {
	if math.Abs(res3.ObjX) > 0.01 {
	if math.Abs(res4.ObjX) > 0.01 {
Exemplo n.º 2
//Predictor-Corrector Interior Point implementation
func (sol *PredCorr) Solve(prob *Problem, p *Params, u ...Updater) *Result {
	res := NewResult(prob)
	h := newHelper(u)

	A := prob.A

	m, n := A.Dims()

	At := A.TrView()

	var mu, sigma float64


	res.Rd = mat.NewVec(n)
	res.Rp = mat.NewVec(m)
	res.Rs = mat.NewVec(n)

	x := res.X
	s := res.S
	y := res.Y

	dx := mat.NewVec(n)
	ds := mat.NewVec(n)
	dy := mat.NewVec(m)

	dxAff := mat.NewVec(n)
	dsAff := mat.NewVec(n)
	dyAff := mat.NewVec(m)

	dxCC := mat.NewVec(n)
	dsCC := mat.NewVec(n)
	dyCC := mat.NewVec(m)

	xdivs := mat.NewVec(n)
	temp := mat.New(m, n)

	lhs := mat.New(m, m)
	rhs := mat.NewVec(m)
	soli := mat.NewVec(m)

	triU := mat.New(m, m)
	triUt := triU.TrView()

	nTemp1 := mat.NewVec(n)
	nTemp2 := mat.NewVec(n)

	alpha := 0.0

	for {
		res.Rd.Sub(prob.C, res.S)
		res.Rd.AddMul(At, res.Y, -1)
		res.Rp.Apply(A, res.X)
		res.Rp.Sub(prob.B, res.Rp)
		res.Rs.Mul(res.X, res.S)

		if h.update(res, p); res.Status != 0 {
		if checkKKT(res, p); res.Status != 0 {
		mu = res.Rs.Asum() / float64(n)

		//determining left hand side
		temp.ScalCols(A, xdivs.Div(x, s))
		lhs.Mul(temp, At)


		//right hand side
		nTemp1.Add(res.Rd, s)
		nTemp1.Mul(nTemp1, xdivs)
		rhs.Apply(A, nTemp1)
		rhs.Add(rhs, res.Rp)

		//solving for dyAff
		soli.Trsv(triUt, rhs)
		dyAff.Trsv(triU, soli)

		//calculating other steps (dxAff, dsAff)
		nTemp1.Apply(At, dyAff)
		dxAff.Sub(nTemp1, res.Rd)
		dxAff.Sub(dxAff, s)
		dxAff.Mul(dxAff, xdivs)

		dsAff.Div(dxAff, xdivs)
		dsAff.Add(dsAff, s)

		//determining step size
		alpha = 1.0
		for i := range dxAff {
			if dxAff[i] < 0 {
				alph := -x[i] / dxAff[i]
				if alph < alpha {
					alpha = alph
		for i := range dsAff {
			if dsAff[i] < 0 {
				alph := -s[i] / dsAff[i]
				if alph < alpha {
					alpha = alph
		alpha *= 0.99995

		//calculating duality gap measure for affine case
		nTemp1.Axpy(alpha, dxAff)
		nTemp2.Axpy(alpha, dsAff)
		mu_aff := mat.Dot(nTemp1, nTemp2) / float64(n)

		//centering parameter
		sigma = math.Pow(mu_aff/mu, 3)

		//right hand side for predictor corrector step
		res.Rs.Mul(dxAff, dsAff)
		res.Rs.AddSc(sigma * mu_aff)

		nTemp1.Div(res.Rs, s)

		rhs.Apply(A, nTemp1)

		//solving for dyCC
		soli.Trsv(triUt, rhs)
		dyCC.Trsv(triU, soli)

		//calculating other steps (dxAff, dsAff)
		nTemp1.Apply(At, dyCC)
		dxCC.Mul(nTemp1, x)
		dxCC.Add(res.Rs, dxCC)
		dxCC.Div(dxCC, s)

		dsCC.Mul(dxCC, s)
		dsCC.Sub(res.Rs, dsCC)
		dsCC.Div(dsCC, x)

		dx.Add(dxAff, dxCC)
		dy.Add(dyAff, dyCC)
		ds.Add(dsAff, dsCC)

		alpha = 1
		for i := range dx {
			if dx[i] < 0 {
				alph := -x[i] / dx[i]
				if alph < alpha {
					alpha = alph
		for i := range ds {
			if ds[i] < 0 {
				alph := -s[i] / ds[i]
				if alph < alpha {
					alpha = alph
		alpha *= 0.99995

		x.Axpy(alpha, dx)
		y.Axpy(alpha, dy)
		s.Axpy(alpha, ds)
	return res