Exemplo n.º 1
// GetHeadersAsync returns an instance of a type that can be used to get the result
// of the RPC at some future time by invoking the Receive function on the returned instance.
// See GetHeaders for the blocking version and more details.
func (c *Client) GetHeadersAsync(blockLocators []chainhash.Hash, hashStop *chainhash.Hash) FutureGetHeadersResult {
	concatenatedLocators := make([]byte, chainhash.HashSize*len(blockLocators))
	for i := range blockLocators {
		copy(concatenatedLocators[i*chainhash.HashSize:], blockLocators[i][:])
	cmd := dcrjson.NewGetHeadersCmd(hex.EncodeToString(concatenatedLocators),
	return c.sendCmd(cmd)
// GetRawTransactionAsync returns an instance of a type that can be used to get
// the result of the RPC at some future time by invoking the Receive function on
// the returned instance.
// See GetRawTransaction for the blocking version and more details.
func (c *Client) GetRawTransactionAsync(txHash *chainhash.Hash) FutureGetRawTransactionResult {
	hash := ""
	if txHash != nil {
		hash = txHash.String()

	cmd := dcrjson.NewGetRawTransactionCmd(hash, dcrjson.Int(0))
	return c.sendCmd(cmd)
Exemplo n.º 3
// GetBlockAsync returns an instance of a type that can be used to get the
// result of the RPC at some future time by invoking the Receive function on the
// returned instance.
// See GetBlock for the blocking version and more details.
func (c *Client) GetBlockAsync(blockHash *chainhash.Hash) FutureGetBlockResult {
	hash := ""
	if blockHash != nil {
		hash = blockHash.String()

	cmd := dcrjson.NewGetBlockCmd(hash, dcrjson.Bool(false), nil)
	return c.sendCmd(cmd)
Exemplo n.º 4
// GetBlockVerboseAsync returns an instance of a type that can be used to get
// the result of the RPC at some future time by invoking the Receive function on
// the returned instance.
// See GetBlockVerbose for the blocking version and more details.
func (c *Client) GetBlockVerboseAsync(blockHash *chainhash.Hash, verboseTx bool) FutureGetBlockVerboseResult {
	hash := ""
	if blockHash != nil {
		hash = blockHash.String()

	cmd := dcrjson.NewGetBlockCmd(hash, dcrjson.Bool(true), &verboseTx)
	return c.sendCmd(cmd)
Exemplo n.º 5
// GetTxOutAsync returns an instance of a type that can be used to get
// the result of the RPC at some future time by invoking the Receive function on
// the returned instance.
// See GetTxOut for the blocking version and more details.
func (c *Client) GetTxOutAsync(txHash *chainhash.Hash, index uint32, mempool bool) FutureGetTxOutResult {
	hash := ""
	if txHash != nil {
		hash = txHash.String()

	cmd := dcrjson.NewGetTxOutCmd(hash, index, &mempool)
	return c.sendCmd(cmd)
Exemplo n.º 6
// fetchSStxRecord retrieves a tx record from the sstx records bucket
// with the given hash.
func fetchSStxRecord(tx walletdb.Tx, hash *chainhash.Hash) (*sstxRecord, error) {
	bucket := tx.RootBucket().Bucket(sstxRecordsBucketName)

	key := hash.Bytes()
	val := bucket.Get(key)
	if val == nil {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("missing sstx record for hash '%s'", hash.String())
		return nil, stakeStoreError(ErrSStxNotFound, str, nil)

	return deserializeSStxRecord(val)
Exemplo n.º 7
// fetchSSRtxRecords retrieves SSRtx records from the SSRtxRecords bucket with
// the given hash.
func fetchSSRtxRecords(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, hash *chainhash.Hash) ([]*ssrtxRecord,
	error) {

	bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(ssrtxRecordsBucketName)

	key := hash.Bytes()
	val := bucket.Get(key)
	if val == nil {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("missing ssrtx records for hash '%s'", hash.String())
		return nil, stakeStoreError(ErrSSRtxsNotFound, str, nil)

	return deserializeSSRtxRecords(val)
Exemplo n.º 8
// fetchSStxRecordSStxTicketHash160 retrieves a ticket 0th output script or
// pubkeyhash from the sstx records bucket with the given hash.
func fetchSStxRecordSStxTicketHash160(ns walletdb.ReadBucket,
	hash *chainhash.Hash) (hash160 []byte, p2sh bool, err error) {

	bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(sstxRecordsBucketName)

	key := hash.Bytes()
	val := bucket.Get(key)
	if val == nil {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("missing sstx record for hash '%s'", hash.String())
		return nil, false, stakeStoreError(ErrSStxNotFound, str, nil)

	return deserializeSStxTicketHash160(val)
Exemplo n.º 9
// updateSStxRecordVoteBits updates an individual ticket's intended voteBits
// which are used to override the default voteBits when voting.
func updateSStxRecordVoteBits(ns walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, hash *chainhash.Hash,
	voteBits stake.VoteBits) error {
	if len(voteBits.ExtendedBits) > stake.MaxSingleBytePushLength-2 {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("voteBitsExt too long (got %v bytes, want max %v)",
			len(voteBits.ExtendedBits), stake.MaxSingleBytePushLength-2)
		return stakeStoreError(ErrData, str, nil)

	bucket := ns.NestedReadWriteBucket(sstxRecordsBucketName)

	key := hash.Bytes()
	val := bucket.Get(key)
	if val == nil {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("missing sstx record for hash '%s'", hash.String())
		return stakeStoreError(ErrSStxNotFound, str, nil)
	valLen := len(val)
	valCopy := make([]byte, valLen, valLen)
	copy(valCopy, val)

	// Move the cursor to the voteBits position and rewrite it.
	curPos := 0
	curPos += int64Size
	curPos += int32Size

	// Write the intended votebits length (uint8).
	valCopy[curPos] = byte(int16Size + len(voteBits.ExtendedBits))
	curPos += int8Size

	// Write the first two bytes for the intended votebits.
	byteOrder.PutUint16(valCopy[curPos:curPos+int16Size], voteBits.Bits)
	curPos += int16Size

	// Copy the remaining data from voteBitsExt.
	copy(valCopy[curPos:], voteBits.ExtendedBits[:])

	err := bucket.Put(key, valCopy)
	if err != nil {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to update sstxrecord votebits for '%s'", hash)
		return stakeStoreError(ErrDatabase, str, err)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 10
// fetchSStxRecordVoteBits fetches an individual ticket's intended voteBits
// which are used to override the default voteBits when voting.
func fetchSStxRecordVoteBits(ns walletdb.ReadBucket, hash *chainhash.Hash) (bool,
	stake.VoteBits, error) {

	bucket := ns.NestedReadBucket(sstxRecordsBucketName)

	key := hash.Bytes()
	val := bucket.Get(key)
	if val == nil {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("missing sstx record for hash '%s'", hash.String())
		return false, stake.VoteBits{}, stakeStoreError(ErrSStxNotFound, str, nil)
	valLen := len(val)
	valCopy := make([]byte, valLen, valLen)
	copy(valCopy, val)

	// Move the cursor to the voteBits position and rewrite it.
	curPos := 0
	curPos += int64Size
	curPos += int32Size

	// Read the intended votebits length (uint8). If it is unset, return now.
	// Check it for sanity.
	voteBitsLen := uint8(val[curPos])
	if voteBitsLen == 0 {
		return false, stake.VoteBits{}, nil
	if voteBitsLen < 2 || voteBitsLen > stake.MaxSingleBytePushLength {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("corrupt votebits length '%v'", voteBitsLen)
		return false, stake.VoteBits{}, stakeStoreError(ErrData, str, nil)
	curPos += int8Size

	// Read the first two bytes for the intended votebits.
	voteBits := byteOrder.Uint16(valCopy[curPos : curPos+int16Size])
	curPos += int16Size

	// Retrieve the extended vote bits.
	voteBitsExt := make([]byte, voteBitsLen-int16Size)
	copy(voteBitsExt[:], valCopy[curPos:(curPos+int(voteBitsLen)-int16Size)])

	return true, stake.VoteBits{Bits: voteBits, ExtendedBits: voteBitsExt}, nil
Exemplo n.º 11
// ExistsLiveTicketAsync returns an instance of a type that can be used to get the
// result of the RPC at some future time by invoking the Receive function on the
// returned instance.
func (c *Client) ExistsLiveTicketAsync(hash *chainhash.Hash) FutureExistsLiveTicketResult {
	cmd := dcrjson.NewExistsLiveTicketCmd(hash.String())
	return c.sendCmd(cmd)