Exemplo n.º 1
// submitBlock submits the passed block to network after ensuring it passes all
// of the consensus validation rules.
func (m *CPUMiner) submitBlock(block *dcrutil.Block) bool {
	defer m.submitBlockLock.Unlock()

	_, latestHeight := m.server.blockManager.chainState.Best()

	// Be sure to set this so ProcessBlock doesn't fail! - Decred
	block.SetHeight(latestHeight + 1)

	// Process this block using the same rules as blocks coming from other
	// nodes. This will in turn relay it to the network like normal.
	isOrphan, err := m.server.blockManager.ProcessBlock(block, blockchain.BFNone)
	if err != nil {
		// Anything other than a rule violation is an unexpected error,
		// so log that error as an internal error.
		if rErr, ok := err.(blockchain.RuleError); !ok {
			minrLog.Errorf("Unexpected error while processing "+
				"block submitted via CPU miner: %v", err)
			return false
		} else {
			// Occasionally errors are given out for timing errors with
			// ResetMinDifficulty and high block works that is above
			// the target. Feed these to debug.
			if m.server.chainParams.ResetMinDifficulty &&
				rErr.ErrorCode == blockchain.ErrHighHash {
				minrLog.Debugf("Block submitted via CPU miner rejected "+
					"because of ResetMinDifficulty time sync failure: %v",
				return false
			} else {
				// Other rule errors should be reported.
				minrLog.Errorf("Block submitted via CPU miner rejected: %v", err)
				return false

	if isOrphan {
		minrLog.Errorf("Block submitted via CPU miner is an orphan building "+
			"on parent %v", block.MsgBlock().Header.PrevBlock)
		return false

	// The block was accepted.
	coinbaseTxOuts := block.MsgBlock().Transactions[0].TxOut
	coinbaseTxGenerated := int64(0)
	for _, out := range coinbaseTxOuts {
		coinbaseTxGenerated += out.Value
	minrLog.Infof("Block submitted via CPU miner accepted (hash %s, "+
		"height %v, amount %v)",
	return true
Exemplo n.º 2
// loadReorgBlocks reads files containing decred block data (bzipped but
// otherwise in the format bitcoind writes) from disk and returns them as an
// array of dcrutil.Block. This is copied from the blockchain package, which
// itself largely borrowed it from the test code in this package.
func loadReorgBlocks(filename string) ([]*dcrutil.Block, error) {
	filename = filepath.Join("../blockchain/testdata/", filename)
	fi, err := os.Open(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	bcStream := bzip2.NewReader(fi)
	defer fi.Close()

	// Create a buffer of the read file
	bcBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)

	// Create decoder from the buffer and a map to store the data
	bcDecoder := gob.NewDecoder(bcBuf)
	blockchain := make(map[int64][]byte)

	// Decode the blockchain into the map
	if err := bcDecoder.Decode(&blockchain); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var block *dcrutil.Block

	blocks := make([]*dcrutil.Block, 0, len(blockchain))
	for height := int64(0); height < int64(len(blockchain)); height++ {
		block, err = dcrutil.NewBlockFromBytes(blockchain[height])
		if err != nil {
			return blocks, err
		blocks = append(blocks, block)

	return blocks, nil
Exemplo n.º 3
// maybeAcceptBlock potentially accepts a block into the memory block chain.
// It performs several validation checks which depend on its position within
// the block chain before adding it.  The block is expected to have already gone
// through ProcessBlock before calling this function with it.
// The flags modify the behavior of this function as follows:
//  - BFDryRun: The memory chain index will not be pruned and no accept
//    notification will be sent since the block is not being accepted.
// This function MUST be called with the chain state lock held (for writes).
func (b *BlockChain) maybeAcceptBlock(block *dcrutil.Block,
	flags BehaviorFlags) (bool, error) {
	dryRun := flags&BFDryRun == BFDryRun

	// Get a block node for the block previous to this one.  Will be nil
	// if this is the genesis block.
	prevNode, err := b.getPrevNodeFromBlock(block)
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("getPrevNodeFromBlock: %v", err)
		return false, err

	// The height of this block is one more than the referenced previous
	// block.
	blockHeight := int64(0)
	if prevNode != nil {
		blockHeight = prevNode.height + 1

	// The block must pass all of the validation rules which depend on the
	// position of the block within the block chain.
	err = b.checkBlockContext(block, prevNode, flags)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	// Prune stake nodes and block nodes which are no longer needed before
	// creating a new node.
	if !dryRun {
		err := b.pruner.pruneChainIfNeeded()
		if err != nil {
			return false, err

	// Create a new block node for the block and add it to the in-memory
	// block chain (could be either a side chain or the main chain).
	blockHeader := &block.MsgBlock().Header
	newNode := newBlockNode(blockHeader, block.Sha(), blockHeight,
		ticketsSpentInBlock(block), ticketsRevokedInBlock(block),
		voteVersionsInBlock(block, b.chainParams))
	if prevNode != nil {
		newNode.parent = prevNode
		newNode.height = blockHeight
		newNode.workSum.Add(prevNode.workSum, newNode.workSum)

	// Fetching a stake node could enable a new DoS vector, so restrict
	// this only to blocks that are recent in history.
	if newNode.height < b.bestNode.height-minMemoryNodes {
		newNode.stakeNode, err = b.fetchStakeNode(newNode)
		if err != nil {
			return false, err
		newNode.stakeUndoData = newNode.stakeNode.UndoData()

	// Connect the passed block to the chain while respecting proper chain
	// selection according to the chain with the most proof of work.  This
	// also handles validation of the transaction scripts.
	var onMainChain bool
	onMainChain, err = b.connectBestChain(newNode, block, flags)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	// Notify the caller that the new block was accepted into the block
	// chain.  The caller would typically want to react by relaying the
	// inventory to other peers.
	if !dryRun {
			&BlockAcceptedNtfnsData{onMainChain, block})

	return onMainChain, nil
Exemplo n.º 4
// maybeAcceptBlock potentially accepts a block into the memory block chain.
// It performs several validation checks which depend on its position within
// the block chain before adding it.  The block is expected to have already gone
// through ProcessBlock before calling this function with it.
// The flags modify the behavior of this function as follows:
//  - BFDryRun: The memory chain index will not be pruned and no accept
//    notification will be sent since the block is not being accepted.
func (b *BlockChain) maybeAcceptBlock(block *dcrutil.Block,
	flags BehaviorFlags) (bool, error) {
	dryRun := flags&BFDryRun == BFDryRun

	// Get a block node for the block previous to this one.  Will be nil
	// if this is the genesis block.
	prevNode, err := b.getPrevNodeFromBlock(block)
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("getPrevNodeFromBlock: %v", err)
		return false, err

	// The height of this block is one more than the referenced previous
	// block.
	blockHeight := int64(0)
	if prevNode != nil {
		blockHeight = prevNode.height + 1

	// The block must pass all of the validation rules which depend on the
	// position of the block within the block chain.
	err = b.checkBlockContext(block, prevNode, flags)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	// Prune block nodes which are no longer needed before creating
	// a new node.
	if !dryRun {
		err = b.pruneBlockNodes()
		if err != nil {
			return false, err

	// Create a new block node for the block and add it to the in-memory
	// block chain (could be either a side chain or the main chain).
	blockHeader := &block.MsgBlock().Header
	var voteBitsStake []uint16
	for _, stx := range block.STransactions() {
		if is, _ := stake.IsSSGen(stx); is {
			vb := stake.GetSSGenVoteBits(stx)
			voteBitsStake = append(voteBitsStake, vb)

	newNode := newBlockNode(blockHeader, block.Sha(), blockHeight, voteBitsStake)
	if prevNode != nil {
		newNode.parent = prevNode
		newNode.height = blockHeight
		newNode.workSum.Add(prevNode.workSum, newNode.workSum)

	// Connect the passed block to the chain while respecting proper chain
	// selection according to the chain with the most proof of work.  This
	// also handles validation of the transaction scripts.
	var onMainChain bool
	onMainChain, err = b.connectBestChain(newNode, block, flags)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	// Notify the caller that the new block was accepted into the block
	// chain.  The caller would typically want to react by relaying the
	// inventory to other peers.
	if !dryRun {
			&BlockAcceptedNtfnsData{onMainChain, block})

	return onMainChain, nil