Exemplo n.º 1
func (sr *StampSignature) UnmarshalJSON(dataJSON []byte) error {
	type Alias StampSignature
	suite := app.GetSuite(sr.SuiteStr)
	aux := &struct {
		BinaryBlob []byte
		Response   abstract.Secret
		Challenge  abstract.Secret
		AggCommit  abstract.Point
		AggPublic  abstract.Point
		Response:  suite.Secret(),
		Challenge: suite.Secret(),
		AggCommit: suite.Point(),
		AggPublic: suite.Point(),
		Alias:     (*Alias)(sr),
	if err := json.Unmarshal(dataJSON, &aux); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := suite.Read(bytes.NewReader(aux.BinaryBlob), &sr.Response,
		&sr.Challenge, &sr.AggCommit, &sr.AggPublic); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("decoding signature Response / Challenge / AggCommit:", err)
		return err
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 2
func readConfig() *app.ConfigConode {
	conf := &app.ConfigConode{}
	if err := app.ReadTomlConfig(conf, "testdata/config.toml"); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Could not read toml config... : ", err)
	dbg.Lvl2("Configuration file read")
	suite = app.GetSuite(conf.Suite)
	return conf
Exemplo n.º 3
// NewStamp initializes a new stamp-client by reading all
// configuration from a "config.toml"-file.
// If an error occurs, it is returned by the second argument.
// It also initializes X0 and Suite for later use.
func NewStamp(file string) (*Stamp, error) {
	s := &Stamp{}
	err := app.ReadTomlConfig(&s.Config, file)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	s.Suite = app.GetSuite(s.Config.Suite)
	pub, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(s.Config.AggPubKey)
	s.Suite.Read(bytes.NewReader(pub), &s.X0)
	return s, nil
Exemplo n.º 4
// NewPeer returns a peer that can be used to set up
// connections.
func NewPeer(address string, conf *app.ConfigConode) *Peer {
	suite := app.GetSuite(conf.Suite)

	var err error
	// make sure address has a port or insert default one
	address, err = cliutils.VerifyPort(address, DefaultPort)
	if err != nil {

	// For retro compatibility issues, convert the base64 encoded key into hex
	// encoded keys....
	convertTree(suite, conf.Tree)
	// Add our private key to the tree (compatibility issues again with graphs/
	// lib)
	addPrivateKey(suite, address, conf)
	// load the configuration
	dbg.Lvl3("loading configuration")
	var hc *graphs.HostConfig
	opts := graphs.ConfigOptions{ConnType: "tcp", Host: address, Suite: suite}
	hc, err = graphs.LoadConfig(conf.Hosts, conf.Tree, suite, opts)
	if err != nil {

	// Listen to stamp-requests on port 2001
	node := hc.Hosts[address]
	peer := &Peer{
		conf:      conf,
		Node:      node,
		RLock:     sync.Mutex{},
		CloseChan: make(chan bool, 5),
		Hostname:  address,

	// Start the cothority-listener on port 2000
	err = hc.Run(true, sign.MerkleTree, address)
	if err != nil {

	go func() {
		err := peer.Node.Listen()
		dbg.Lvl3("Node.listen quits with status", err)
		peer.CloseChan <- true
	return peer
Exemplo n.º 5
func wait_for_blocks() {

	server := "localhost:2011"
	suite = app.GetSuite("25519")

	dbg.Lvl2("Connecting to", server)
	conn := coconet.NewTCPConn(server)
	err := conn.Connect()
	if err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Error when getting the connection to the host:", err)
	dbg.Lvl1("Connected to ", server)
	for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
		msg := &BitCoSi.BitCoSiMessage{
			Type:  BitCoSi.BlockRequestType,
			ReqNo: 0,

		err = conn.PutData(msg)
		if err != nil {
			dbg.Fatal("Couldn't send hash-message to server: ", err)
		dbg.Lvl1("Sent signature request")
		// Wait for the signed message

		tsm := new(BitCoSi.BitCoSiMessage)
		tsm.Brep = &BitCoSi.BlockReply{}
		tsm.Brep.SuiteStr = suite.String()
		err = conn.GetData(tsm)
		if err != nil {
			dbg.Fatal("Error while receiving signature:", err)
		//dbg.Lvlf1("Got signature response %+v", tsm.Brep)

		T := new(BitCoSi.TrBlock)
		T.Block = tsm.Brep.Block
		dbg.Lvlf1("Response %v ", tsm.Brep.Response)
	// Asking to close the connection
	err = conn.PutData(&BitCoSi.BitCoSiMessage{
		ReqNo: 1,
		Type:  BitCoSi.BitCoSiClose,


Exemplo n.º 6
func (sr *StampSignature) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	type Alias StampSignature
	var b bytes.Buffer
	suite := app.GetSuite(sr.SuiteStr)
	if err := suite.Write(&b, sr.Response, sr.Challenge, sr.AggCommit, sr.AggPublic); err != nil {
		dbg.Lvl1("encoding stampreply response/challenge/AggCommit:", err)
		return nil, err

	return json.Marshal(&struct {
		BinaryBlob []byte
		BinaryBlob: b.Bytes(),
		Alias:      (*Alias)(sr),
Exemplo n.º 7
// Write will write the struct in a human readable format into this writer
// The format is TOML and most fields are written in base64
func (sr *StampSignature) Save(file string) error {
	var p []string
	for _, pr := range sr.Prf {
		p = append(p, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(pr))
	suite := app.GetSuite(sr.SuiteStr)
	// Write challenge and response + commitment part
	var bufChall bytes.Buffer
	var bufResp bytes.Buffer
	var bufCommit bytes.Buffer
	var bufPublic bytes.Buffer
	if err := cliutils.WriteSecret64(suite, &bufChall, sr.Challenge); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Could not write secret challenge:", err)
	if err := cliutils.WriteSecret64(suite, &bufResp, sr.Response); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Could not write secret response:", err)
	if err := cliutils.WritePub64(suite, &bufCommit, sr.AggCommit); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Could not write aggregated commitment:", err)
	if err := cliutils.WritePub64(suite, &bufPublic, sr.AggPublic); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Could not write aggregated public key:", err)
	// Signature file struct containing everything needed
	sigStr := &sigFile{
		Name:          file,
		SuiteStr:      suite.String(),
		Timestamp:     sr.Timestamp,
		Proof:         p,
		MerkleRoot:    base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(sr.MerkleRoot),
		Challenge:     bufChall.String(),
		Response:      bufResp.String(),
		AggCommitment: bufCommit.String(),
		AggPublic:     bufPublic.String(),

	// Print to the screen, and write to file
	dbg.Lvl2("Signature-file will be:\n%+v", sigStr)

	app.WriteTomlConfig(sigStr, file)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 8
func (sr *StampSignature) Open(file string) error {
	// Read in the toml-file
	sigStr := &sigFile{}
	err := app.ReadTomlConfig(sigStr, file)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	suite := app.GetSuite(sigStr.SuiteStr)

	sr.Timestamp = sigStr.Timestamp
	for _, pr := range sigStr.Proof {
		pro, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(pr)
		if err != nil {
			dbg.Lvl1("Couldn't decode proof:", pr)
			return err
		sr.Prf = append(sr.Prf, pro)
	// Read the root, the challenge and response
	sr.MerkleRoot, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(sigStr.MerkleRoot)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Errorf("Could not decode Merkle Root from sig file:", err)
	sr.Response, err = cliutils.ReadSecret64(suite, strings.NewReader(sigStr.Response))
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Errorf("Could not read secret challenge:", err)
	if sr.Challenge, err = cliutils.ReadSecret64(suite, strings.NewReader(sigStr.Challenge)); err != nil {
		fmt.Errorf("Could not read the aggregate commitment:", err)
	if sr.AggCommit, err = cliutils.ReadPub64(suite, strings.NewReader(sigStr.AggCommitment)); err != nil {
		return err
	if sr.AggPublic, err = cliutils.ReadPub64(suite, strings.NewReader(sigStr.AggPublic)); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 9
func setupTestSig() {
	var sig = test_sig{
		Suite:      "Ed25519",
		Name:       "stamp.sig",
		Timestamp:  1448637057,
		Proof:      []string{"fN1GPbpXUqLGh20Ls1JmiFncbWcnvai4pt2ufJnUcIo=", "ehvna7oGGqwZsCgLVP1GvEHxCbYl2Bv8fS0EgGEvmB4=", "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=", "cFol1fkwjOXyXLNM8Bhu3Bafs1L8GnrWWswE19YDh/E=", "cFol1fkwjOXyXLNM8Bhu3Bafs1L8GnrWWswE19YDh/E="},
		Root:       "vu2wvZDMc5ZlCNspMRWKZCI0ShYZ8zyLfy2cuZFf54A=",
		Challenge:  "ClSG6pa3uklYndfBztJ9yAD8aY2g/GzTq0rs8nQC12w=",
		Response:   "AJXkEEiyvWdoidjjUMUi5nryHRzJSywXoFY/fIT/8FM=",
		Commitment: "LbMi53pBXpHN1IYa7pRaC953KAox+NvzQSzAOsK1CEQ=",
		AggPubKey:  "dkp32QL4viiR0EiMtnLIVYLgk6PXTcSQlNXFNwpnLiI=",
		Hash:       "RnZyRnItjXQBSMYLfY/f8WDgiYJI9Yh4lQXa6+VwWxc=",

	suite = app.GetSuite(sig.Suite)
	suite.Read(get64R(sig.AggPubKey), &X0)

	reply.SuiteStr = sig.Suite
	reply.Timestamp = int64(sig.Timestamp)
	reply.MerkleRoot = get64(sig.Root)
	var proof []hashid.HashId
	for _, p := range sig.Proof {
		proof = append(proof, get64(p))
	reply.Prf = proof

	suite.Read(get64R(sig.Challenge), &reply.Challenge)
	suite.Read(get64R(sig.Response), &reply.Response)
	suite.Read(get64R(sig.Commitment), &reply.AggCommit)
	suite.Read(get64R(sig.AggPubKey), &reply.AggPublic)

	hash = get64(sig.Hash)

	dbg.Lvl3("Challenge", reply.Challenge)
	dbg.Lvl3("Response", reply.Response)
	dbg.Lvl3("Commitment", reply.AggCommit)
	dbg.Lvl3("AggPubKey", reply.AggPublic)
Exemplo n.º 10
// If the server is only given with it's hostname, it supposes that the stamp
// server is run on port 2001. Else you will have to add the port yourself.
func main() {
	stamp := cli.NewApp()
	stamp.Name = "collective"
	stamp.Usage = "Used to sign files to a cothority tree and to verify issued signatures"
	stamp.Version = "0.0.1"
	stamp.Authors = []cli.Author{
			Name:  "Linus Gasser",
			Email: "*****@*****.**",
			Name:  "nikkolasg",
			Email: "",
	stamp.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:    "sign",
			Aliases: []string{"s"},
			Usage:   "Request a signed time-stamp on a file. Provide with FILE.",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				dbg.Lvl1("Requesting a timestamp on a cothority tree")
				server := c.String("server")
				StampFile(c.Args().First(), server)
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "server, s",
					Value: "",
					Usage: "Server in the cothority tree we wish to contact. If not given, it will select a random one.",
			Name:      "check",
			Aliases:   []string{"c"},
			Usage:     "Verify a given signature against a file",
			ArgsUsage: "FILE is the name of the file. Signature file should be file.sig otherwise use the sig option",
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "sig",
					Value: "",
					Usage: "signature file to verify",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				sigFile := c.String("sig")
				if sigFile == "" {
					sigFile = c.Args().First() + sigExtension
				if VerifyFileSignature(c.Args().First(), sigFile) {
					dbg.Lvl1("Verification OK")
				} else {
					dbg.Lvl1("Verification of file failed")
	stamp.Flags = []cli.Flag{
			Name:  "config, c",
			Value: defaultConfigFile,
			Usage: "Configuration file of the cothority tree we are using.",
			Name:  "debug, d",
			Value: 1,
			Usage: "debug level from 1 (major operations) to 5 (very noisy text)",
	// Read the config file before
	stamp.Before = func(c *cli.Context) error {
		var cf string = c.String("config")
		if c.String("config") == "" {
			cf = defaultConfigFile
		conf = new(app.ConfigConode)
		err := app.ReadTomlConfig(conf, cf)
		suite = app.GetSuite(conf.Suite)
		pub, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(conf.AggPubKey)
		suite.Read(bytes.NewReader(pub), &public_X0)

		// sets the right debug options
		dbg.DebugVisible = c.GlobalInt("debug")
		return err
