Exemplo n.º 1
// PointEncodeTo provides a generic implementation of Point.EncodeTo
// based on Point.Encode.
func PointMarshalTo(p abstract.Point, w io.Writer) (int, error) {
	buf, err := p.MarshalBinary()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	return w.Write(buf)
Exemplo n.º 2
// HashKDF is a random map from G to Z_p, for use as the key derivation function (KDF) in the hash-based Verdict
// construction
func HashKDF(point abstract.Point) abstract.Secret {
	bytes, _ := point.MarshalBinary()
	cipher := Suite.Cipher(bytes)

	// This seems to be the only easy way to get outside data reliably in an abstract.Secret.
	return Suite.Secret().Pick(cipher)
Exemplo n.º 3
func (rh *RandHound) newSession(public abstract.Point, purpose string, time time.Time) (*Session, []byte, error) {

	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

	pub, err := public.MarshalBinary()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	if err = binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, pub); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	tm, err := time.MarshalBinary()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	if err = binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, tm); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	if err = binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, []byte(purpose)); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	return &Session{
		Fingerprint: pub,
		Purpose:     purpose,
		Time:        time}, rh.hash(buf.Bytes()), nil
Exemplo n.º 4
// Checks the signature against
// the message
func SchnorrVerify(suite abstract.Suite,
	kp SchnorrPublicKey,
	msg []byte, sig []byte) (bool, error) {

	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(sig)
	signature := SchnorrSignature{}
	err := abstract.Read(buf, &signature, suite)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	s := signature.S
	e := signature.E

	var gs, ye, r abstract.Point
	gs = suite.Point().Mul(nil, s)  // g^s
	ye = suite.Point().Mul(kp.Y, e) // y^e
	r = suite.Point().Add(gs, ye)   // g^xy^e

	r_bin, _ := r.MarshalBinary()
	msg_and_r := append(msg, r_bin...)
	hasher := sha3.New256()
	h := hasher.Sum(nil)

	// again I'm hoping this just reads the state out
	// and doesn't  actually perform any ops
	lct := suite.Cipher(h)

	ev := suite.Secret().Pick(lct)
	return ev.Equal(e), nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// Verify takes a signature issued by EdDSA.Sign and
// return nil if it is a valid signature, or an error otherwise
// Takes:
//  - public key used in signing
//  - msg is the message to sign
//  - sig is the signature return by EdDSA.Sign
func Verify(public abstract.Point, msg, sig []byte) error {
	if len(sig) != 64 {
		return errors.New("Signature length invalid")

	R := suite.Point()
	if err := R.UnmarshalBinary(sig[:32]); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("R invalid point: %s", err)

	s := suite.Scalar()

	// reconstruct h = H(R || Public || Msg)
	Pbuff, err := public.MarshalBinary()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	hash := sha512.New()

	h := suite.Scalar().SetBytes(hash.Sum(nil))
	// reconstruct S == k*A + R
	S := suite.Point().Mul(nil, s)
	hA := suite.Point().Mul(public, h)
	RhA := suite.Point().Add(R, hA)

	if !RhA.Equal(S) {
		return errors.New("Recontructed S is not equal to signature")
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 6
/* Given a Diffie-Hellman shared public key, produces a secret to encrypt
 * another secret
 * Arguments
 *    diffieBase  = the DH shared public key
 * Return
 *   the DH secret
func (p *Deal) diffieHellmanSecret(diffieBase abstract.Point) abstract.Secret {
	buff, err := diffieBase.MarshalBinary()
	if err != nil {
		panic("Bad shared secret for Diffie-Hellman given.")
	cipher := p.suite.Cipher(buff)
	return p.suite.Secret().Pick(cipher)
Exemplo n.º 7
// Verify checks a signature generated by Sign.
// The caller provides the message, anonymity set, and linkage scope
// with which the signature was purportedly produced.
// If the signature is a valid linkable signature (linkScope != nil),
// this function returns a linkage tag that uniquely corresponds
// to the signer within the given linkScope.
// If the signature is a valid unlinkable signature (linkScope == nil),
// returns an empty but non-nil byte-slice instead of a linkage tag on success.
// Returns a nil linkage tag and an error if the signature is invalid.
func Verify(suite abstract.Suite, message []byte, anonymitySet Set,
	linkScope []byte, signatureBuffer []byte) ([]byte, error) {

	n := len(anonymitySet)              // anonymity set size
	L := []abstract.Point(anonymitySet) // public keys in ring

	// Decode the signature
	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(signatureBuffer)
	var linkBase, linkTag abstract.Point
	sig := lSig{}
	sig.S = make([]abstract.Scalar, n)
	if linkScope != nil { // linkable ring signature
		if err := suite.Read(buf, &sig); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		linkStream := suite.Cipher(linkScope)
		linkBase, _ = suite.Point().Pick(nil, linkStream)
		linkTag = sig.Tag
	} else { // unlinkable ring signature
		if err := suite.Read(buf, &sig.C0); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if err := suite.Read(buf, &sig.S); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// Pre-hash the ring-position-invariant parameters to H1.
	H1pre := signH1pre(suite, linkScope, linkTag, message)

	// Verify the signature
	var P, PG, PH abstract.Point
	P = suite.Point()
	PG = suite.Point()
	if linkScope != nil {
		PH = suite.Point()
	s := sig.S
	ci := sig.C0
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		PG.Add(PG.Mul(nil, s[i]), P.Mul(L[i], ci))
		if linkScope != nil {
			PH.Add(PH.Mul(linkBase, s[i]), P.Mul(linkTag, ci))
		ci = signH1(suite, H1pre, PG, PH)
	if !ci.Equal(sig.C0) {
		return nil, errors.New("invalid signature")

	// Return the re-encoded linkage tag, for uniqueness checking
	if linkScope != nil {
		tag, _ := linkTag.MarshalBinary()
		return tag, nil
	} else {
		return []byte{}, nil
Exemplo n.º 8
// Returns a hash of the message and the random secret:
// H( m || V )
// Returns an error if something went wrong with the marshalling
func (s *Schnorr) hashMessage(msg []byte, v abstract.Point) (abstract.Scalar, error) {
	vb, err := v.MarshalBinary()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	c := s.suite.Cipher(vb)
	c.Message(nil, nil, msg)
	return s.suite.Scalar().Pick(c), nil
Exemplo n.º 9
func signH1pre(suite abstract.Suite, linkScope []byte, linkTag abstract.Point,
	message []byte) abstract.Cipher {
	H1pre := suite.Cipher(message) // m
	if linkScope != nil {
		H1pre.Write(linkScope) // L
		tag, _ := linkTag.MarshalBinary()
		H1pre.Write(tag) // ~y
	return H1pre
Exemplo n.º 10
func signH1(suite abstract.Suite, H1pre abstract.Cipher, PG, PH abstract.Point) abstract.Secret {
	H1 := H1pre.Clone()
	PGb, _ := PG.MarshalBinary()
	if PH != nil {
		PHb, _ := PH.MarshalBinary()
	H1.Message(nil, nil, nil) // finish message absorption
	return suite.Secret().Pick(H1)
Exemplo n.º 11
func hash(suite abstract.Suite, r abstract.Point, msg []byte) (abstract.Scalar, error) {
	rBuf, err := r.MarshalBinary()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	cipher := suite.Cipher(rBuf)
	cipher.Message(nil, nil, msg)
	// (re)compute challenge (e)
	e := suite.Scalar().Pick(cipher)

	return e, nil
Exemplo n.º 12
func verifyCommitment(suite abstract.Suite, msg []byte, commitment abstract.Point, challenge abstract.Scalar) error {
	pb, err := commitment.MarshalBinary()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	cipher := suite.Cipher(pb)
	cipher.Message(nil, nil, msg)
	// reconstructed challenge
	reconstructed := suite.Scalar().Pick(cipher)
	if !reconstructed.Equal(challenge) {
		return errors.New("Reconstructed challenge not equal to one given")
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 13
// PubHex converts a Public point to a hexadecimal representation
func PubHex(suite abstract.Suite, point abstract.Point) (string, error) {
	pbuf, err := point.MarshalBinary()
	return hex.EncodeToString(pbuf), err
Exemplo n.º 14
// Returns a secret that depends on on a message and a point
func hashElGamal(suite abstract.Suite, message []byte, p abstract.Point) abstract.Secret {
	pb, _ := p.MarshalBinary()
	c := suite.Cipher(pb)
	c.Message(nil, nil, message)
	return suite.Secret().Pick(c)
Exemplo n.º 15
func handleAnnouncement(params map[string]interface{}) {
	var g abstract.Point = nil
	keyList := util.ProtobufDecodePointList(params["keys"].([]byte))
	valList := params["vals"].([]util.ByteArray)
	size := len(keyList)

	if val, ok := params["g"]; ok {
		// contains g
		byteG := val.([]byte)
		g = anonServer.Suite.Point()
		g = anonServer.Suite.Point().Mul(g, anonServer.Roundkey)
		// verify the previous shuffle
	} else {
		g = anonServer.Suite.Point().Mul(nil, anonServer.Roundkey)

	X1 := make([]abstract.Point, 1)
	X1[0] = anonServer.PublicKey

	newKeys := make([]abstract.Point, size)
	newVals := make([][]byte, size)
	for i := 0; i < len(keyList); i++ {
		// encrypt the public key using modPow
		newKeys[i] = anonServer.Suite.Point().Mul(keyList[i], anonServer.Roundkey)
		// decrypt the reputation using ElGamal algorithm
		MM, err := anon.Decrypt(anonServer.Suite, valList[i].Arr, anon.Set(X1), 0, anonServer.PrivateKey, false)
		newVals[i] = MM
		// update key map
		anonServer.KeyMap[newKeys[i].String()] = keyList[i]
	byteNewKeys := util.ProtobufEncodePointList(newKeys)
	byteNewVals := util.SerializeTwoDimensionArray(newVals)
	byteG, err := g.MarshalBinary()

	if size <= 1 {
		// no need to shuffle, just send the package to next server
		pm := map[string]interface{}{
			"keys": byteNewKeys,
			"vals": byteNewVals,
			"g":    byteG,
		event := &proto.Event{proto.ANNOUNCEMENT, pm}
		util.Send(anonServer.Socket, anonServer.NextHop, util.Encode(event))

	Xori := make([]abstract.Point, len(newVals))
	for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
		Xori[i] = anonServer.Suite.Point().Mul(nil, anonServer.PrivateKey)
	byteOri := util.ProtobufEncodePointList(Xori)

	rand := anonServer.Suite.Cipher(abstract.RandomKey)
	// *** perform neff shuffle here ***
	Xbar, Ybar, _, Ytmp, prover := neffShuffle(Xori, newKeys, rand)
	prf, err := proof.HashProve(anonServer.Suite, "PairShuffle", rand, prover)

	// this is the shuffled key
	finalKeys := convertToOrigin(Ybar, Ytmp)
	finalVals := rebindReputation(newKeys, newVals, finalKeys)

	// send data to the next server
	byteXbar := util.ProtobufEncodePointList(Xbar)
	byteYbar := util.ProtobufEncodePointList(Ybar)
	byteFinalKeys := util.ProtobufEncodePointList(finalKeys)
	byteFinalVals := util.SerializeTwoDimensionArray(finalVals)
	bytePublicKey, _ := anonServer.PublicKey.MarshalBinary()
	// prev keys means the key before shuffle
	pm := map[string]interface{}{
		"xbar":       byteXbar,
		"ybar":       byteYbar,
		"keys":       byteFinalKeys,
		"vals":       byteFinalVals,
		"proof":      prf,
		"prev_keys":  byteOri,
		"prev_vals":  byteNewKeys,
		"shuffled":   true,
		"public_key": bytePublicKey,
		"g":          byteG,
	event := &proto.Event{proto.ANNOUNCEMENT, pm}
	util.Send(anonServer.Socket, anonServer.NextHop, util.Encode(event))
Exemplo n.º 16
// Returns a secret that depends on on a message and a point
func hashSchnorr(suite abstract.Suite, message []byte, p abstract.Point) abstract.Scalar {
	pb, _ := p.MarshalBinary()
	c := suite.Cipher(pb)
	c.Message(nil, nil, message)
	return suite.Scalar().Pick(c)
Exemplo n.º 17
func (rh *RandHound) sessionID(nodes int, faulty int, purpose string, time time.Time, rand []byte, threshold []int, clientKey abstract.Point, serverKey [][]abstract.Point) ([]byte, error) {

	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

	if len(threshold) != len(serverKey) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Non-matching number of group thresholds and keys")

	if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(nodes)); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(faulty)); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if _, err := buf.WriteString(purpose); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	t, err := time.MarshalBinary()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if _, err := buf.Write(t); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if _, err := buf.Write(rand); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	cb, err := clientKey.MarshalBinary()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if _, err := buf.Write(cb); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for _, t := range threshold {
		if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(t)); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	for _, gk := range serverKey {
		for _, k := range gk {
			kb, err := k.MarshalBinary()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if _, err := buf.Write(kb); err != nil {
				return nil, err

	return crypto.HashBytes(rh.Suite().Hash(), buf.Bytes())
Exemplo n.º 18
// Returns a secret that depends on on a message and a point
func (cosi *CosiStruct) HashElGamal(message []byte, p abstract.Point) abstract.Secret {
	pb, _ := p.MarshalBinary()
	c := cosi.Suite.Cipher(pb)
	c.Message(nil, nil, message)
	return cosi.Suite.Secret().Pick(c)