Exemplo n.º 1
// propagateSkipBlock saves a new skipblock to the identity
func (s *Service) propagateSkipBlockHandler(msg network.Body) {
	log.Lvlf4("Got msg %+v %v", msg, reflect.TypeOf(msg).String())
	usb, ok := msg.(*UpdateSkipBlock)
	if !ok {
		log.Error("Wrong message-type")
	sid := s.getIdentityStorage(usb.ID)
	if sid == nil {
		log.Error("Didn't find entity in", s)
	defer sid.Unlock()
	skipblock := msg.(*UpdateSkipBlock).Latest
	_, msgLatest, err := network.UnmarshalRegistered(skipblock.Data)
	if err != nil {
	al, ok := msgLatest.(*Config)
	if !ok {
	sid.Data = skipblock
	sid.Latest = al
	sid.Proposed = nil
Exemplo n.º 2
// Run starts the simulation on the simulation-side
func (e *Simulation) Run(config *onet.SimulationConfig) error {
	msg := []byte(e.Message)
	size := config.Tree.Size()
	log.Lvl2("Size is:", size, "rounds:", e.Rounds)
	for round := 0; round < e.Rounds; round++ {
		log.Lvl1("Starting round", round, "with message", string(msg))
		round := monitor.NewTimeMeasure("round")

		p, err := config.Overlay.CreateProtocolOnet("NaiveTree", config.Tree)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Quitting the simulation....", err)
			return err
		pi := p.(*Protocol)
		pi.Message = msg
		pi.verifySignature = e.Checking

		done := make(chan bool)
		pi.TreeNodeInstance.OnDoneCallback(func() bool {
			done <- true
			return true
		err = pi.Start()
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Quitting the simulation....", err)
			return err
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 3
// If 'r' is nil, it will starts the response process.
func (bft *ProtocolBFTCoSi) handleResponsePrepare(r *Response) error {
	if r != nil {
		// check if we have enough responses
		bft.tempPrepareResponse = append(bft.tempPrepareResponse, r.Response)
		bft.tempExceptions = append(bft.tempExceptions, r.Exceptions...)
		if len(bft.tempPrepareResponse) < len(bft.Children()) {
			return nil

	// wait for verification
	bzrReturn, ok := bft.waitResponseVerification()
	// append response
	if !ok {
		log.Lvl2(bft.Roster(), "Refused to sign")

	// Return if we're not root
	if !bft.IsRoot() {
		return bft.SendTo(bft.Parent(), bzrReturn)
	// Since cosi does not support exceptions yet, we have to remove
	// the responses that are not supposed to be there,i.e. exceptions.
	cosiSig := bft.prepare.Signature()
	correctResponseBuff, err := bzrReturn.Response.MarshalBinary()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// replace the old one with the corrected one
	copy(cosiSig[32:64], correctResponseBuff)
	bft.prepareSignature = cosiSig

	// Verify the signature is correct
	data := sha512.Sum512(bft.Msg)
	sig := &BFTSignature{
		Msg:        data[:],
		Sig:        cosiSig,
		Exceptions: bft.tempExceptions,

	aggCommit := bft.Suite().Point().Null()
	for _, c := range bft.tempPrepareCommit {
		aggCommit.Add(aggCommit, c)
	if err := sig.Verify(bft.Suite(), bft.Roster().Publics()); err != nil {
		log.Error(bft.Name(), "Verification of the signature failed:", err)
		bft.signRefusal = true
	log.Lvl3(bft.Name(), "Verification of signature successful")
	// Start the challenge of the 'commit'-round
	if err := bft.startChallenge(RoundCommit); err != nil {
		log.Error(bft.Name(), err)
		return err
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 4
func (jv *JVSS) finaliseSecret(sid SID) error {
	secret, err := jv.secrets.secret(sid)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	log.Lvlf4("Node %d: %s deals %d/%d", jv.Index(), sid, len(secret.deals),

	if len(secret.deals) == jv.info.T {
		for _, deal := range secret.deals {
			if _, err := secret.receiver.AddDeal(jv.Index(), deal); err != nil {
				log.Error(jv.Index(), err)
				return err

		sec, err := secret.receiver.ProduceSharedSecret()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		secret.secret = sec
		isShortTermSecret := strings.HasPrefix(string(sid), string(STSS))
		if isShortTermSecret {
			defer secret.nShortConfirmsMtx.Unlock()
		} else {
			defer secret.nLongConfirmsMtx.Unlock()

		log.Lvlf4("Node %d: %v created", jv.Index(), sid)

		// Initialise Schnorr struct for long-term shared secret if not done so before
		if sid.IsLTSS() && !jv.ltssInit {
			jv.ltssInit = true
			jv.schnorr.Init(jv.keyPair.Suite, jv.info, secret.secret)
			log.Lvlf4("Node %d: %v Schnorr struct initialised",
				jv.Index(), sid)

		// Broadcast that we have finished setting up our shared secret
		msg := &SecConfMsg{
			Src: jv.Index(),
			SID: sid,
		if err := jv.Broadcast(msg); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// saves the actual identity
func (s *Service) save() {
	log.Lvl3("Saving service")
	b, err := network.MarshalRegisteredType(s.StorageMap)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't marshal service:", err)
	} else {
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(s.path+"/identity.bin", b, 0660)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Couldn't save file:", err)
Exemplo n.º 6
// PropagateSkipBlock will save a new SkipBlock
func (s *Service) PropagateSkipBlock(msg network.Body) {
	sb, ok := msg.(*SkipBlock)
	if !ok {
		log.Error("Couldn't convert to SkipBlock")
	if err := sb.VerifySignatures(); err != nil {
	log.Lvlf3("Stored skip block %+v in %x", *sb, s.Context.ServerIdentity().ID[0:8])
Exemplo n.º 7
func GetShaString(data []byte) (res string) {
	sha := sha256.New()
	if _, err := sha.Write(data[:]); err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to hash data", err)
	tmp := sha.Sum(nil)
	if _, err := sha.Write(tmp); err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to hash data", err)
	hash := sha.Sum(nil)
	res = HashString(hash)
Exemplo n.º 8
// listen will select on the differents channels
func (nt *Ntree) listen() {
	for {
		select {
		// Dispatch the block through the whole tree
		case msg := <-nt.announceChan:
			log.Lvl3(nt.Name(), "Received Block announcement")
			nt.block = msg.BlockAnnounce.Block
			// verify the block
			go byzcoin.VerifyBlock(nt.block, "", "", nt.verifyBlockChan)
			if nt.IsLeaf() {
			for _, tn := range nt.Children() {
				err := nt.SendTo(tn, &msg.BlockAnnounce)
				if err != nil {
						"couldn't send to", tn.Name(),
			// generate your own signature / exception and pass that up to the
			// root
		case msg := <-nt.blockSignatureChan:
			// Dispatch the signature + expcetion made before through the whole
			// tree
		case msg := <-nt.roundSignatureRequestChan:
			log.Lvl3(nt.Name(), " Signature Request Received")
			go nt.verifySignatureRequest(&msg.RoundSignatureRequest)

			if nt.IsLeaf() {

			for _, tn := range nt.Children() {
				err := nt.SendTo(tn, &msg.RoundSignatureRequest)
				if err != nil {
					log.Error(nt.Name(), "couldn't sent to",
						tn.Name(), err)
			// Decide if we want to sign this or not
		case msg := <-nt.roundSignatureResponseChan:
Exemplo n.º 9
func (tl *TransactionList) HashSum() []byte {
	h := sha256.New()
	for _, tx := range tl.Txs {
		if _, err := h.Write([]byte(tx.Hash)); err != nil {
			log.Error("Couldn't hash TX list", err)
	if err := binary.Write(h, binary.LittleEndian, tl.TxCnt); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't hash TX list", err)
	if err := binary.Write(h, binary.LittleEndian, tl.Fees); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't hash TX list", err)
	return h.Sum(nil)
Exemplo n.º 10
func (c *CoSimul) getResponse(in []abstract.Scalar) {
	if c.IsLeaf() {
		// This is the leaf-node and we can't verify it

	verify := false
	switch VerifyResponse {
	case NoCheck:
		log.Lvl3("Not checking at all")
	case RootCheck:
		verify = c.IsRoot()
	case AllCheck:
		verify = !c.IsLeaf()

	if verify {
		err := c.VerifyResponses(c.TreeNode().AggregatePublic())
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Couldn't verify responses at our level", c.Name(), err.Error())
		} else {
			log.Lvl2("Successfully verified responses at", c.Name())
Exemplo n.º 11
func (jv *JVSS) handleSecInit(m WSecInitMsg) error {
	msg := m.SecInitMsg

	log.Lvl4(jv.Name(), jv.Index(), "Received SecInit from", m.TreeNode.Name())

	// Initialise shared secret
	if err := jv.initSecret(msg.SID); err != nil {
		return err

	// Unmarshal received deal
	deal := new(poly.Deal).UnmarshalInit(jv.info.T, jv.info.R, jv.info.N, jv.keyPair.Suite)
	if err := deal.UnmarshalBinary(msg.Deal); err != nil {
		return err

	// Buffer received deal for later
	secret, err := jv.secrets.secret(msg.SID)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	secret.deals[msg.Src] = deal

	// Finalise shared secret
	if err := jv.finaliseSecret(msg.SID); err != nil {
		log.Error(jv.Index(), err)
		return err
	log.Lvl4("Finished handleSecInit", jv.Name(), msg.SID)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 12
func newIdentityService(c *onet.Context, path string) onet.Service {
	s := &Service{
		ServiceProcessor: onet.NewServiceProcessor(c),
		StorageMap:       &StorageMap{make(map[string]*Storage)},
		skipchain:        skipchain.NewClient(),
		path:             path,
	var err error
	s.propagateIdentity, err =
		manage.NewPropagationFunc(c, "IdentityPropagateID", s.propagateIdentityHandler)
	if err != nil {
		return nil
	s.propagateSkipBlock, err =
		manage.NewPropagationFunc(c, "IdentityPropagateSB", s.propagateSkipBlockHandler)
	if err != nil {
		return nil
	s.propagateConfig, err =
		manage.NewPropagationFunc(c, "IdentityPropagateConf", s.propagateConfigHandler)
	if err != nil {
		return nil
	if err := s.tryLoad(); err != nil {
	for _, f := range []interface{}{s.ProposeSend, s.ProposeVote,
		s.CreateIdentity, s.ProposeUpdate, s.ConfigUpdate} {
		if err := s.RegisterHandler(f); err != nil {
			log.Fatal("Registration error:", err)
	return s
Exemplo n.º 13
// propagateIdentity stores a new identity in all nodes.
func (s *Service) propagateIdentityHandler(msg network.Body) {
	log.Lvlf4("Got msg %+v %v", msg, reflect.TypeOf(msg).String())
	pi, ok := msg.(*PropagateIdentity)
	if !ok {
		log.Error("Got a wrong message for propagation")
	id := ID(pi.Data.Hash)
	if s.getIdentityStorage(id) != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't store new identity")
	log.Lvl3("Storing identity in", s)
	s.setIdentityStorage(id, pi.Storage)
Exemplo n.º 14
// propagateConfig handles propagation of all configuration-proposals in the identity-service.
func (s *Service) propagateConfigHandler(msg network.Body) {
	log.Lvlf4("Got msg %+v %v", msg, reflect.TypeOf(msg).String())
	id := ID(nil)
	switch msg.(type) {
	case *ProposeSend:
		id = msg.(*ProposeSend).ID
	case *ProposeVote:
		id = msg.(*ProposeVote).ID
		log.Errorf("Got an unidentified propagation-request: %v", msg)

	if id != nil {
		sid := s.getIdentityStorage(id)
		if sid == nil {
			log.Error("Didn't find entity in", s)
		defer sid.Unlock()
		switch msg.(type) {
		case *ProposeSend:
			p := msg.(*ProposeSend)
			sid.Proposed = p.Config
			sid.Votes = make(map[string]*crypto.SchnorrSig)
		case *ProposeVote:
			v := msg.(*ProposeVote)
			sid.Votes[v.Signer] = v.Signature
Exemplo n.º 15
func newSkipchainService(c *onet.Context, path string) onet.Service {
	s := &Service{
		ServiceProcessor: onet.NewServiceProcessor(c),
		path:             path,
		SkipBlockMap:     &SkipBlockMap{make(map[string]*SkipBlock)},
		verifiers:        map[VerifierID]SkipBlockVerifier{},
	var err error
	s.Propagate, err = manage.NewPropagationFunc(c, "SkipchainPropagate", s.PropagateSkipBlock)
	c.ProtocolRegister(skipchainBFT, func(n *onet.TreeNodeInstance) (onet.ProtocolInstance, error) {
		return bftcosi.NewBFTCoSiProtocol(n, s.bftVerify)
	if err := s.tryLoad(); err != nil {
	log.ErrFatal(s.RegisterHandlers(s.ProposeSkipBlock, s.SetChildrenSkipBlock,
	if err := s.RegisterVerification(VerifyShard, s.VerifyShardFunc); err != nil {
	if err := s.RegisterVerification(VerifyNone, s.VerifyNoneFunc); err != nil {
	return s
Exemplo n.º 16
// Dispatch listens for all channels and waits for a timeout in case nothing
// happens for a certain duration
func (p *ProtocolCount) Dispatch() error {
	running := true
	for running {
		log.Lvl3(p.Info(), "waiting for message during", p.Timeout())
		select {
		case pc := <-p.PrepareCountChan:
			log.Lvl3(p.Info(), "received from", pc.TreeNode.ServerIdentity.Address,
		case c := <-p.CountChan:
			running = false
		case _ = <-p.NodeIsUpChan:
			if p.Parent() != nil {
				err := p.SendTo(p.Parent(), &NodeIsUp{})
				if err != nil {
					log.Error(p.Info(), "couldn't send to parent",
						p.Parent().Name(), err)
			} else {
		case <-time.After(time.Duration(p.Timeout()) * time.Millisecond):
			log.Lvl3(p.Info(), "timed out while waiting for", p.Timeout())
			if p.IsRoot() {
				log.Lvl2("Didn't get all children in time:", p.Replies)
				p.Count <- p.Replies
				running = false
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 17
func (c *Client) triggerTransactions(blocksPath string, nTxs int) error {
	log.Lvl2("ByzCoin Client will trigger up to", nTxs, "transactions")
	parser, err := blockchain.NewParser(blocksPath, magicNum)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Error: Couldn't parse blocks in", blocksPath,
			".\nPlease download bitcoin blocks as .dat files first and place them in",
			blocksPath, "Either run a bitcoin node (recommended) or using a torrent.")
		return err

	transactions, err := parser.Parse(0, ReadFirstNBlocks)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error while parsing transactions %v", err)
	if len(transactions) == 0 {
		return errors.New("Couldn't read any transactions.")
	if len(transactions) < nTxs {
		return fmt.Errorf("Read only %v but caller wanted %v", len(transactions), nTxs)
	consumed := nTxs
	for consumed > 0 {
		for _, tr := range transactions {
			// "send" transaction to server (we skip tcp connection on purpose here)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 18
// Copy returns a deep copy of the AccountList.
func (c *Config) Copy() *Config {
	b, err := network.MarshalRegisteredType(c)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't marshal AccountList:", err)
		return nil
	_, msg, err := network.UnmarshalRegisteredType(b, network.DefaultConstructors(network.Suite))
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't unmarshal AccountList:", err)
	ilNew := msg.(Config)
	if len(ilNew.Data) == 0 {
		ilNew.Data = make(map[string]string)
	return &ilNew
Exemplo n.º 19
// handleCommitChallenge will verify the signature + check if no more than 1/3
// of participants refused to sign.
func (bz *ByzCoin) handleChallengeCommit(ch *ChallengeCommit) error {
	// marshal the block
	marshalled, err := json.Marshal(bz.tempBlock)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ch.Challenge = bz.commit.Challenge(ch.Challenge)

	// verify if the signature is correct
	if err := cosi.VerifyCosiSignatureWithException(bz.suite, bz.aggregatedPublic, marshalled, ch.Signature, ch.Exceptions); err != nil {
		log.Error(bz.Name(), "Verification of the signature failed:", err)
		bz.signRefusal = true

	// Verify if we have no more than 1/3 failed nodes

	if len(ch.Exceptions) > int(bz.threshold) {
		log.Errorf("More than 1/3 (%d/%d) refused to sign ! ABORT", len(ch.Exceptions), len(bz.Roster().List))
		bz.signRefusal = true

	// store the exceptions for later usage
	bz.tempExceptions = ch.Exceptions
	log.Lvl3("ByzCoin handle Challenge COMMIT")
	if bz.IsLeaf() {
		return bz.startResponseCommit()

	// send it down
	for _, tn := range bz.Children() {
		err = bz.SendTo(tn, ch)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 20
// HashSum returns a hash representation of the header
func (h *Header) HashSum() []byte {
	ha := sha256.New()
	if _, err := ha.Write([]byte(h.MerkleRoot)); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't hash header", err)
	if _, err := ha.Write([]byte(h.Parent)); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't hash header", err)
	if _, err := ha.Write([]byte(h.ParentKey)); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't hash header", err)
	if _, err := ha.Write([]byte(h.PublicKey)); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't hash header", err)
	return ha.Sum(nil)
Exemplo n.º 21
// Start the last phase : send up the final signature
func (nt *Ntree) startSignatureResponse() {
	log.Lvl3(nt.Name(), "Start Signature Response phase")
	if err := nt.SendTo(nt.Parent(), nt.tempSignatureResponse); err != nil {
Exemplo n.º 22
// startBlockSignature will  send the first signature up the tree.
func (nt *Ntree) startBlockSignature() {
	log.Lvl3(nt.Name(), "Starting Block Signature Phase")
	if err := nt.SendTo(nt.Parent(), nt.tempBlockSig); err != nil {

Exemplo n.º 23
// NewCount returns a new protocolInstance
func NewCount(n *onet.TreeNodeInstance) (onet.ProtocolInstance, error) {
	p := &ProtocolCount{
		TreeNodeInstance: n,
		Quit:             make(chan bool),
		timeout:          1024,
	p.Count = make(chan int, 1)
	if err := p.RegisterChannel(&p.CountChan); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't reister channel:", err)
	if err := p.RegisterChannel(&p.PrepareCountChan); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't reister channel:", err)
	if err := p.RegisterChannel(&p.NodeIsUpChan); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't reister channel:", err)
	return p, nil
Exemplo n.º 24
func HashHeader(h *Header) string {
	data := fmt.Sprintf("%v", h)
	sha := sha256.New()
	if _, err := sha.Write([]byte(data)); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't hash header:", err)
	hash := sha.Sum(nil)
	return hex.EncodeToString(hash)
Exemplo n.º 25
// Dispatch is an infinite loop to handle messages from channels
func (p *ProtocolExampleChannels) Dispatch() error {
	for {
		select {
		case announcement := <-p.ChannelAnnounce:
			if !p.IsLeaf() {
				// If we have children, send the same message to all of them
				for _, c := range p.Children() {
					err := p.SendTo(c, &announcement.Announce)
					if err != nil {
							"failed to send to",
							c.Name(), err)
			} else {
				// If we're the leaf, start to reply
				err := p.SendTo(p.Parent(), &Reply{1})
				if err != nil {
					log.Error(p.Info(), "failed to send reply to",
						p.Parent().Name(), err)
				return nil
		case reply := <-p.ChannelReply:
			children := 1
			for _, c := range reply {
				children += c.ChildrenCount
			log.Lvl3(p.ServerIdentity().Address, "is done with total of", children)
			if !p.IsRoot() {
				log.Lvl3("Sending to parent")
				err := p.SendTo(p.Parent(), &Reply{children})
				if err != nil {
					log.Error(p.Info(), "failed to reply to",
						p.Parent().Name(), err)
			} else {
				log.Lvl3("Root-node is done - nbr of children found:", children)
				p.ChildCount <- children
			return nil
Exemplo n.º 26
// Start sends the Announce message to all children
func (p *ProtocolExampleChannels) Start() error {
	log.Lvl3("Starting ExampleChannels")
	for _, c := range p.Children() {
		if err := p.SendTo(c, &Announce{"Example is here"}); err != nil {
			log.Error(p.Info(), "failed to send Announcment to",
				c.Name(), err)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 27
// finish is called by the root to tell everyone the root is done
func (p *Protocol) finish() {
	p.broadcast(func(tn *onet.TreeNode) {
		if err := p.SendTo(tn, &Finish{"Finish"}); err != nil {
			log.Error(p.Name(), "couldn't send 'finish' message to",
				tn.Name(), err)
	// notify ourselves
	go func() { p.finishChan <- finishChan{nil, Finish{}} }()
Exemplo n.º 28
// startSignatureRequest is the root starting the new phase. It will broadcast
// the signature of everyone amongst the tree.
func (nt *Ntree) startSignatureRequest(msg *NaiveBlockSignature) {
	log.Lvl3(nt.Name(), "Start Signature Request")
	sigRequest := &RoundSignatureRequest{msg}
	go nt.verifySignatureRequest(sigRequest)
	for _, tn := range nt.Children() {
		if err := nt.SendTo(tn, sigRequest); err != nil {
			log.Error(nt.Name(), "couldn't send to", tn.Name(), err)
Exemplo n.º 29
// SimulDirToBlockDir creates a path to the 'protocols/byzcoin/block'-dir by
// using 'dir' which comes from 'cothority/simul'
// If that directory doesn't exist, it will be created.
func SimulDirToBlockDir(dir string) string {
	reg, _ := regexp.Compile("simul/.*")
	blockDir := string(reg.ReplaceAll([]byte(dir), []byte("protocols/byzcoin/block")))
	if _, err := os.Stat(blockDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		if err := os.Mkdir(blockDir, 0777); err != nil {
			log.Error("Couldn't create blocks directory", err)
	return blockDir
Exemplo n.º 30
// Hash returns a hash representation of the block
func (tr *TrBlock) HashSum() []byte {
	h := sha256.New()
	if _, err := h.Write(tr.Magic[:]); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't hash block:", err)
	if err := binary.Write(h, binary.LittleEndian, tr.BlockSize); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't hash block:", err)
	if _, err := h.Write([]byte(tr.HeaderHash)); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't hash block:", err)
	if _, err := h.Write(tr.Header.HashSum()); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't hash block:", err)
	if _, err := h.Write(tr.TransactionList.HashSum()); err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't hash block:", err)
	return h.Sum(nil)