Exemplo n.º 1
func TestUsers(t *testing.T) {
	params := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	user := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	user.UserName, user.Password = "******", "test"
	user.AppName = params.AppName
	utils.Execute(t, authRegisterCmd, user, false, "")
	usersListTest(t, params, user)
Exemplo n.º 2
func authCancel(t *testing.T, params *utils.DeisTestConfig) {
	utils.Execute(t, authCancelCmd, params, false, "Account cancelled")
	user := utils.GetGlobalConfig()

	// Admins can delete other users.
	user.UserName, user.Password = "******", "test"
	utils.Execute(t, authRegisterCmd, user, false, "")
	admin := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	utils.Execute(t, authLoginCmd, admin, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, authCancelAdminCmd, user, false, "Account cancelled")
	// Make sure the user's config was not purged after auth:cancel --username
	utils.Execute(t, authWhoamiCmd, admin, false, "You are "+admin.UserName)
Exemplo n.º 3
func authCancel(t *testing.T, params *utils.DeisTestConfig) {
	utils.Execute(t, authCancelCmd, params, false, "Account cancelled")
	user := utils.GetGlobalConfig()

	// Admins can delete other users.
	user.UserName, user.Password = "******", "test"
	utils.Execute(t, authRegisterCmd, user, false, "")
	admin := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	utils.Execute(t, authLoginCmd, admin, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, authCancelAdminCmd, user, false, "Account cancelled")
	// Make sure the admin is still logged in
	utils.CheckList(t, authWhoamiCmd, admin, admin.UserName, false)
Exemplo n.º 4
func appsSetup(t *testing.T) *utils.DeisTestConfig {
	cfg := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	cfg.AppName = "appssample"
	utils.Execute(t, authLoginCmd, cfg, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, gitCloneCmd, cfg, false, "")
	return cfg
Exemplo n.º 5
// TestSmokeExampleApp updates a Vagrant instance to run Deis with docker
// containers using the current codebase, then registers a user, pushes an
// example app, and looks for "Powered by Deis" in the HTTP response.
func TestSmokeExampleApp(t *testing.T) {
	cfg := utils.GetGlobalConfig()

	for _, tt := range smokeTests {
		runTest(t, &tt, cfg)
Exemplo n.º 6
func configSetup(t *testing.T) *utils.DeisTestConfig {
	cfg := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	cfg.AppName = "configsample"
	utils.Execute(t, authLoginCmd, cfg, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, gitCloneCmd, cfg, false, "")
	if err := utils.Chdir(cfg.ExampleApp); err != nil {
	utils.Execute(t, appsCreateCmd, cfg, false, "")
	// ensure envvars with spaces work fine on `git push`
	// https://github.com/deis/deis/issues/2477
	utils.Execute(t, configSet3Cmd, cfg, false, "the Deis team")
	// ensure custom buildpack URLs are in order
	url := buildpacks[cfg.ExampleApp]
	if url == "" {
		// set url anyway so example-dockerfile apps create a build
		url = buildpacks["example-go"]
	cmd := strings.Replace(configSetBuildpackCmd, "$BUILDPACK_URL", url, 1)
	utils.Execute(t, cmd, cfg, false, url)
	utils.Execute(t, gitPushCmd, cfg, false, "")
	utils.CurlApp(t, *cfg)
	utils.CheckList(t, "run env --app={{.AppName}}", cfg, "DEIS_APP", false)
	utils.CheckList(t, "run env --app={{.AppName}}", cfg, "DEIS_RELEASE", false)
	if err := utils.Chdir(".."); err != nil {
	return cfg
Exemplo n.º 7
func TestGlobal(t *testing.T) {
	params := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	cookieTest(t, params)
	utils.Execute(t, authRegisterCmd, params, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, keysAddCmd, params, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, clustersCreateCmd, params, false, "")
Exemplo n.º 8
func TestPerms(t *testing.T) {
	params := permsSetup(t)
	user := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	user.UserName, user.Password = "******", "test1"
	user.AppName = params.AppName
	utils.Execute(t, authRegisterCmd, user, false, "")
	permsCreateAppTest(t, params, user)
	permsDeleteAppTest(t, params, user)
	permsCreateAdminTest(t, params)
	permsDeleteAdminTest(t, params)
	utils.AppsDestroyTest(t, params)
Exemplo n.º 9
func authRegenerateTest(t *testing.T) {
	params := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	regenCmd := authRegenerateUsrCmd
	loginCmd := authLoginCmd

	utils.Execute(t, loginCmd, params, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, authRegenerateCmd, params, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, loginCmd, params, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, regenCmd, params, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, checkTokenCmd, params, true, "401 UNAUTHORIZED")
	utils.Execute(t, loginCmd, params, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, authRegenerateAllCmd, params, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, checkTokenCmd, params, true, "401 UNAUTHORIZED")
Exemplo n.º 10
func appsTransferTest(t *testing.T, params *utils.DeisTestConfig) {
	user := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	user.UserName, user.Password = "******", "test"
	user.AppName = "transfer-test"
	user.NewOwner = params.UserName
	utils.Execute(t, authRegisterCmd, user, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, authLoginCmd, user, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, appsCreateCmdNoRemote, user, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, appsTransferCmd, user, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, appsInfoCmd, user, true, "403 FORBIDDEN")
	utils.Execute(t, authLoginCmd, params, false, "")
	params.AppName = user.AppName
	utils.CheckList(t, appsInfoCmd, params, params.UserName, false)
Exemplo n.º 11
func psSetup(t *testing.T) *utils.DeisTestConfig {
	cfg := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	cfg.AppName = "pssample"
	utils.Execute(t, authLoginCmd, cfg, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, gitCloneCmd, cfg, false, "")
	if err := utils.Chdir(cfg.ExampleApp); err != nil {
	utils.Execute(t, appsCreateCmd, cfg, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, gitPushCmd, cfg, false, "")
	if err := utils.Chdir(".."); err != nil {
	return cfg
Exemplo n.º 12
func buildSetup(t *testing.T) *utils.DeisTestConfig {
	cfg := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	cfg.AppName = "buildsample"
	utils.Execute(t, authLoginCmd, cfg, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, gitCloneCmd, cfg, false, "")
	if err := utils.Chdir(cfg.ExampleApp); err != nil {
	utils.Execute(t, appsCreateCmd, cfg, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, gitPushCmd, cfg, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, "git commit --allow-empty -m bump", cfg, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, gitPushCmd, cfg, false, "")
	if err := utils.Chdir(".."); err != nil {
	return cfg
Exemplo n.º 13
func configSetup(t *testing.T) *utils.DeisTestConfig {
	cfg := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	cfg.AppName = "configsample"
	utils.Execute(t, authLoginCmd, cfg, false, "")
	utils.Execute(t, gitCloneCmd, cfg, false, "")
	if err := utils.Chdir(cfg.ExampleApp); err != nil {
	utils.Execute(t, appsCreateCmd, cfg, false, "")
	// ensure envvars with spaces work fine on `git push`
	// https://github.com/deis/deis/issues/2477
	utils.Execute(t, configSet3Cmd, cfg, false, "the Deis team")
	utils.Execute(t, gitPushCmd, cfg, false, "")
	utils.CurlWithFail(t, cfg, false, "the Deis team")
	if err := utils.Chdir(".."); err != nil {
	return cfg
Exemplo n.º 14
func clustersSetup(t *testing.T) *utils.DeisTestConfig {
	cfg := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	cfg.ClusterName = "devtest"
	utils.Execute(t, authLoginCmd, cfg, false, "")
	return cfg
Exemplo n.º 15
func TestGlobal(t *testing.T) {
	params := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	utils.Execute(t, authRegisterCmd, params, false, "")
	clientTest(t, params)
	utils.Execute(t, keysAddCmd, params, false, "")
Exemplo n.º 16
// Requires a ~/.ssh/deis-testkey to be set up:
// $ ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/deiskey -N '' -C deiskey
func keysSetup(t *testing.T) *utils.DeisTestConfig {
	cfg := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	utils.Execute(t, authLoginCmd, cfg, false, "")
	return cfg
Exemplo n.º 17
func authSetup(t *testing.T) *utils.DeisTestConfig {
	user := utils.GetGlobalConfig()
	user.UserName, user.Password = utils.NewID(), utils.NewID()
	return user