Exemplo n.º 1
func (d *driver) generateEnvConfig(c *execdriver.Command) error {
	data, err := json.Marshal(c.Env)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	p := path.Join(d.root, "containers", c.ID, "config.env")
	c.Mounts = append(c.Mounts, execdriver.Mount{p, "/.dockerenv", false, true})

	return ioutil.WriteFile(p, data, 0600)
Exemplo n.º 2
func (d *driver) generateEnvConfig(c *execdriver.Command) error {
	data, err := json.Marshal(c.ProcessConfig.Env)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	p := path.Join(d.root, "containers", c.ID, "config.env")
	c.Mounts = append(c.Mounts, execdriver.Mount{
		Source:      p,
		Destination: "/.dockerenv",
		Writable:    false,
		Private:     true,

	return ioutil.WriteFile(p, data, 0600)
Exemplo n.º 3
func (d *driver) Run(c *execdriver.Command, pipes *execdriver.Pipes, startCallback execdriver.StartCallback) (int, error) {
	var (
		term execdriver.Terminal
		err  error

	if c.ProcessConfig.Tty {
		term, err = NewTtyConsole(&c.ProcessConfig, pipes)
	} else {
		term, err = execdriver.NewStdConsole(&c.ProcessConfig, pipes)
	c.ProcessConfig.Terminal = term

	c.Mounts = append(c.Mounts, execdriver.Mount{
		Source:      d.initPath,
		Destination: c.InitPath,
		Writable:    false,
		Private:     true,

	if err := d.generateEnvConfig(c); err != nil {
		return -1, err
	configPath, err := d.generateLXCConfig(c)
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err
	params := []string{
		"-n", c.ID,
		"-f", configPath,

	if c.Network.Interface != nil {
		params = append(params,
			"-g", c.Network.Interface.Gateway,
			"-i", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", c.Network.Interface.IPAddress, c.Network.Interface.IPPrefixLen),
	params = append(params,
		"-mtu", strconv.Itoa(c.Network.Mtu),

	if c.ProcessConfig.User != "" {
		params = append(params, "-u", c.ProcessConfig.User)

	if c.ProcessConfig.Privileged {
		if d.apparmor {
			params[0] = path.Join(d.root, "lxc-start-unconfined")

		params = append(params, "-privileged")

	if c.WorkingDir != "" {
		params = append(params, "-w", c.WorkingDir)

	if len(c.CapAdd) > 0 {
		params = append(params, fmt.Sprintf("-cap-add=%s", strings.Join(c.CapAdd, ":")))

	if len(c.CapDrop) > 0 {
		params = append(params, fmt.Sprintf("-cap-drop=%s", strings.Join(c.CapDrop, ":")))

	params = append(params, "--", c.ProcessConfig.Entrypoint)
	params = append(params, c.ProcessConfig.Arguments...)

	if d.sharedRoot {
		// lxc-start really needs / to be non-shared, or all kinds of stuff break
		// when lxc-start unmount things and those unmounts propagate to the main
		// mount namespace.
		// What we really want is to clone into a new namespace and then
		// mount / MS_REC|MS_SLAVE, but since we can't really clone or fork
		// without exec in go we have to do this horrible shell hack...
		shellString :=
			"mount --make-rslave /; exec " +

		params = []string{
			"unshare", "-m", "--", "/bin/sh", "-c", shellString,

	var (
		name = params[0]
		arg  = params[1:]
	aname, err := exec.LookPath(name)
	if err != nil {
		aname = name
	c.ProcessConfig.Path = aname
	c.ProcessConfig.Args = append([]string{name}, arg...)

	if err := nodes.CreateDeviceNodes(c.Rootfs, c.AutoCreatedDevices); err != nil {
		return -1, err

	if err := c.ProcessConfig.Start(); err != nil {
		return -1, err

	var (
		waitErr  error
		waitLock = make(chan struct{})

	go func() {
		if err := c.ProcessConfig.Wait(); err != nil {
			if _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); !ok { // Do not propagate the error if it's simply a status code != 0
				waitErr = err

	// Poll lxc for RUNNING status
	pid, err := d.waitForStart(c, waitLock)
	if err != nil {
		if c.ProcessConfig.Process != nil {
		return -1, err

	c.ContainerPid = pid

	if startCallback != nil {
		startCallback(&c.ProcessConfig, pid)


	return getExitCode(c), waitErr
Exemplo n.º 4
func (d *driver) Run(c *execdriver.Command, pipes *execdriver.Pipes, startCallback execdriver.StartCallback) (execdriver.ExitStatus, error) {
	var (
		term     execdriver.Terminal
		err      error
		dataPath = d.containerDir(c.ID)

	if c.ProcessConfig.Tty {
		term, err = NewTtyConsole(&c.ProcessConfig, pipes)
	} else {
		term, err = execdriver.NewStdConsole(&c.ProcessConfig, pipes)
	c.ProcessConfig.Terminal = term
	container, err := d.createContainer(c)
	if err != nil {
		return execdriver.ExitStatus{ExitCode: -1}, err
	d.activeContainers[c.ID] = &activeContainer{
		container: container,
		cmd:       &c.ProcessConfig.Cmd,

	c.Mounts = append(c.Mounts, execdriver.Mount{
		Source:      d.initPath,
		Destination: c.InitPath,
		Writable:    false,
		Private:     true,

	if err := d.generateEnvConfig(c); err != nil {
		return execdriver.ExitStatus{ExitCode: -1}, err
	configPath, err := d.generateLXCConfig(c)
	if err != nil {
		return execdriver.ExitStatus{ExitCode: -1}, err
	params := []string{
		"-n", c.ID,
		"-f", configPath,

	// From lxc>=1.1 the default behavior is to daemonize containers after start
	lxcVersion := version.Version(d.version())
	if lxcVersion.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(version.Version("1.1")) {
		params = append(params, "-F")

	if c.Network.ContainerID != "" {
		params = append(params,
			"--share-net", c.Network.ContainerID,
	if c.Ipc != nil {
		if c.Ipc.ContainerID != "" {
			params = append(params,
				"--share-ipc", c.Ipc.ContainerID,
		} else if c.Ipc.HostIpc {
			params = append(params,
				"--share-ipc", "1",

	params = append(params,
	if c.Network.Interface != nil {
		params = append(params,
			"-g", c.Network.Interface.Gateway,
			"-i", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", c.Network.Interface.IPAddress, c.Network.Interface.IPPrefixLen),
	params = append(params,
		"-mtu", strconv.Itoa(c.Network.Mtu),

	if c.ProcessConfig.User != "" {
		params = append(params, "-u", c.ProcessConfig.User)

	if c.ProcessConfig.Privileged {
		if d.apparmor {
			params[0] = path.Join(d.root, "lxc-start-unconfined")

		params = append(params, "-privileged")

	if c.WorkingDir != "" {
		params = append(params, "-w", c.WorkingDir)

	params = append(params, "--", c.ProcessConfig.Entrypoint)
	params = append(params, c.ProcessConfig.Arguments...)

	if d.sharedRoot {
		// lxc-start really needs / to be non-shared, or all kinds of stuff break
		// when lxc-start unmount things and those unmounts propagate to the main
		// mount namespace.
		// What we really want is to clone into a new namespace and then
		// mount / MS_REC|MS_SLAVE, but since we can't really clone or fork
		// without exec in go we have to do this horrible shell hack...
		shellString :=
			"mount --make-rslave /; exec " +

		params = []string{
			"unshare", "-m", "--", "/bin/sh", "-c", shellString,
	logrus.Debugf("lxc params %s", params)
	var (
		name = params[0]
		arg  = params[1:]
	aname, err := exec.LookPath(name)
	if err != nil {
		aname = name
	c.ProcessConfig.Path = aname
	c.ProcessConfig.Args = append([]string{name}, arg...)

	if err := createDeviceNodes(c.Rootfs, c.AutoCreatedDevices); err != nil {
		return execdriver.ExitStatus{ExitCode: -1}, err

	if err := c.ProcessConfig.Start(); err != nil {
		return execdriver.ExitStatus{ExitCode: -1}, err

	var (
		waitErr  error
		waitLock = make(chan struct{})

	go func() {
		if err := c.ProcessConfig.Wait(); err != nil {
			if _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); !ok { // Do not propagate the error if it's simply a status code != 0
				waitErr = err

	terminate := func(terr error) (execdriver.ExitStatus, error) {
		if c.ProcessConfig.Process != nil {
		return execdriver.ExitStatus{ExitCode: -1}, terr
	// Poll lxc for RUNNING status
	pid, err := d.waitForStart(c, waitLock)
	if err != nil {
		return terminate(err)

	cgroupPaths, err := cgroupPaths(c.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return terminate(err)

	state := &libcontainer.State{
		InitProcessPid: pid,
		CgroupPaths:    cgroupPaths,

	f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(dataPath, "state.json"))
	if err != nil {
		return terminate(err)
	defer f.Close()

	if err := json.NewEncoder(f).Encode(state); err != nil {
		return terminate(err)

	c.ContainerPid = pid

	if startCallback != nil {
		logrus.Debugf("Invoking startCallback")
		startCallback(&c.ProcessConfig, pid)

	oomKill := false
	oomKillNotification, err := notifyOnOOM(cgroupPaths)


	if err == nil {
		_, oomKill = <-oomKillNotification
		logrus.Debugf("oomKill error %s waitErr %s", oomKill, waitErr)
	} else {
		logrus.Warnf("Your kernel does not support OOM notifications: %s", err)

	// check oom error
	exitCode := getExitCode(c)
	if oomKill {
		exitCode = 137
	return execdriver.ExitStatus{ExitCode: exitCode, OOMKilled: oomKill}, waitErr