Exemplo n.º 1
// GetDelegation finds the role entry representing the provided
// role name or ErrInvalidRole
func (tr *Repo) GetDelegation(role string) (*data.Role, error) {
	r := data.Role{Name: role}
	if !r.IsDelegation() {
		return nil, data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: role, Reason: "not a valid delegated role"}

	parent := path.Dir(role)

	// check the parent role
	if parentRole := tr.keysDB.GetRole(parent); parentRole == nil {
		return nil, data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: role, Reason: "parent role not found"}

	// check the parent role's metadata
	p, ok := tr.Targets[parent]
	if !ok { // the parent targetfile may not exist yet, so it can't be in the list
		return nil, data.ErrNoSuchRole{Role: role}

	foundAt := utils.FindRoleIndex(p.Signed.Delegations.Roles, role)
	if foundAt < 0 {
		return nil, data.ErrNoSuchRole{Role: role}
	return p.Signed.Delegations.Roles[foundAt], nil
Exemplo n.º 2
// UpdateDelegations updates the appropriate delegations, either adding
// a new delegation or updating an existing one. If keys are
// provided, the IDs will be added to the role (if they do not exist
// there already), and the keys will be added to the targets file.
func (tr *Repo) UpdateDelegations(role *data.Role, keys []data.PublicKey) error {
	if !role.IsDelegation() || !role.IsValid() {
		return data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: role.Name, Reason: "not a valid delegated role"}
	parent := path.Dir(role.Name)

	if err := tr.VerifyCanSign(parent); err != nil {
		return err

	// check the parent role's metadata
	p, ok := tr.Targets[parent]
	if !ok { // the parent targetfile may not exist yet - if not, then create it
		var err error
		p, err = tr.InitTargets(parent)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	for _, k := range keys {
		if !utils.StrSliceContains(role.KeyIDs, k.ID()) {
			role.KeyIDs = append(role.KeyIDs, k.ID())
		p.Signed.Delegations.Keys[k.ID()] = k

	// if the role has fewer keys than the threshold, it
	// will never be able to create a valid targets file
	// and should be considered invalid.
	if len(role.KeyIDs) < role.Threshold {
		return data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: role.Name, Reason: "insufficient keys to meet threshold"}

	foundAt := utils.FindRoleIndex(p.Signed.Delegations.Roles, role.Name)

	if foundAt >= 0 {
		p.Signed.Delegations.Roles[foundAt] = role
	} else {
		p.Signed.Delegations.Roles = append(p.Signed.Delegations.Roles, role)
	// We've made a change to parent. Set it to dirty
	p.Dirty = true

	// We don't actually want to create the new delegation metadata yet.
	// When we add a delegation, it may only be signable by a key we don't have
	// (hence we are delegating signing).


	return nil
Exemplo n.º 3
// InitTargets initializes an empty targets, and returns the new empty target
func (tr *Repo) InitTargets(role string) (*data.SignedTargets, error) {
	r := data.Role{Name: role}
	if !r.IsDelegation() && role != data.CanonicalTargetsRole {
		return nil, data.ErrInvalidRole{
			Role:   role,
			Reason: fmt.Sprintf("role is not a valid targets role name: %s", role),
	targets := data.NewTargets()
	tr.Targets[role] = targets
	return targets, nil
Exemplo n.º 4
// DeleteDelegation removes a delegated targets role from its parent
// targets object. It also deletes the delegation from the snapshot.
// DeleteDelegation will only make use of the role Name field.
func (tr *Repo) DeleteDelegation(role data.Role) error {
	if !role.IsDelegation() {
		return data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: role.Name, Reason: "not a valid delegated role"}
	// the role variable must not be used past this assignment for safety
	name := role.Name

	parent := path.Dir(name)
	if err := tr.VerifyCanSign(parent); err != nil {
		return err

	// delete delegated data from Targets map and Snapshot - if they don't
	// exist, these are no-op
	delete(tr.Targets, name)

	p, ok := tr.Targets[parent]
	if !ok {
		// if there is no parent metadata (the role exists though), then this
		// is as good as done.
		return nil

	foundAt := utils.FindRoleIndex(p.Signed.Delegations.Roles, name)

	if foundAt >= 0 {
		var roles []*data.Role
		// slice out deleted role
		roles = append(roles, p.Signed.Delegations.Roles[:foundAt]...)
		if foundAt+1 < len(p.Signed.Delegations.Roles) {
			roles = append(roles, p.Signed.Delegations.Roles[foundAt+1:]...)
		p.Signed.Delegations.Roles = roles


		p.Dirty = true
	} // if the role wasn't found, it's a good as deleted

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// UpdateDelegations updates the appropriate delegations, either adding
// a new delegation or updating an existing one. If keys are
// provided, the IDs will be added to the role (if they do not exist
// there already), and the keys will be added to the targets file.
// The "before" argument specifies another role which this new role
// will be added in front of (i.e. higher priority) in the delegation list.
// An empty before string indicates to add the role to the end of the
// delegation list.
// A new, empty, targets file will be created for the new role.
func (tr *Repo) UpdateDelegations(role *data.Role, keys []data.PublicKey, before string) error {
	if !role.IsDelegation() || !role.IsValid() {
		return data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: role.Name}
	parent := filepath.Dir(role.Name)
	p, ok := tr.Targets[parent]
	if !ok {
		return data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: role.Name}
	for _, k := range keys {
		if !utils.StrSliceContains(role.KeyIDs, k.ID()) {
			role.KeyIDs = append(role.KeyIDs, k.ID())
		p.Signed.Delegations.Keys[k.ID()] = k

	i := -1
	var r *data.Role
	for i, r = range p.Signed.Delegations.Roles {
		if r.Name == role.Name {
	if i >= 0 {
		p.Signed.Delegations.Roles[i] = role
	} else {
		p.Signed.Delegations.Roles = append(p.Signed.Delegations.Roles, role)
	p.Dirty = true

	roleTargets := data.NewTargets() // NewTargets always marked Dirty
	tr.Targets[role.Name] = roleTargets


	return nil