Exemplo n.º 1
func (g *Grabber) Grab(parm toolkit.M) error {
	errorTxt := ""

	sendConf, e := g.GetConfig()
	if e != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to grab %s, GetConfig Error found %s", g.URL, e.Error())

	r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(g.URL, g.CallType, g.DataByte(), sendConf)
	if e != nil {
		errorTxt = e.Error()
	} else if r.StatusCode != 200 {
		errorTxt = r.Status

	if errorTxt != "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to grab %s. %s", g.URL, errorTxt)

	g.Response = r
	g.bodyByte = toolkit.HttpContent(r)

	//Logout ====
	if sendConf.Has("cookie") {
		tjar := sendConf.Get("cookie", nil).(*cookiejar.Jar)
		if tjar != nil && g.LogoutUrl != "" {
			_, e := toolkit.HttpCall(g.LogoutUrl, g.CallType, g.DataByte(), toolkit.M{}.Set("cookie", tjar))
			if e != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Unable to logout %s, grab logout Error found %s", g.LogoutUrl, e.Error())

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 2
Execute command depend on type that has been declared before
func (c *Command) Exec() (string, error) {
	var (
		res     string
		e       error
		httpRes *http.Response
	res = "initial"

	e = fmt.Errorf("Command %s %s can't be executed. No valid implementation can be found")

	if c.Type == CommandType_Local {
		ps := []string{}
		if c.CommandParms != nil {
			ps = c.CommandParms

		res, e = toolkit.RunCommand(c.CommandText, ps...)

	} else if c.Type == CommandType_SSH {

		ps := []string{c.CommandText}
		res, e = c.SshClient.RunCommandSsh(ps...)

	} else if c.Type == CommandType_REST {
		if c.RESTAuthType == RESTAuthType_None {
			httpRes, e = toolkit.HttpCall(c.RESTUrl, c.RESTMethod, nil, nil)
		} else if c.RESTAuthType == RESTAuthType_Basic {
			var config = map[string]interface{}{"auth": "basic", "user": c.RESTUser, "password": c.RESTPassword}
			httpRes, e = toolkit.HttpCall(c.RESTUrl, c.RESTMethod, nil, config)
			// httpRes, e = toolkit.HttpCall(c.RESTUrl, c.RESTMethod, nil, true, c.RESTUser, c.RESTPassword)
		res = toolkit.HttpContentString(httpRes)
	return res, e
Exemplo n.º 3
func (s *Subscriber) getMsgAsResult(key string) *toolkit.Result {
	result := toolkit.NewResult()
	if key == "" {
		if len(s.messageKeys) > 0 {
			key = s.messageKeys[0]

	// if no key is provided, check from the latest
	if key == "" {
		result.Status = toolkit.Status_NOK
		result.Message = "No key has been provided to receive the message"
	} else {
		msgQue, exist := s.MessageQues[key]
		if !exist {
			result.Status = toolkit.Status_NOK
			result.Message = "Key " + key + " is not exist on message que or it has been collected. Available keys are: " + strings.Join(s.messageKeys, ",")
		} else {
			url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/getmsg", s.BroadcasterAddress)
			r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(url, "POST",
				toolkit.Jsonify(msgQue), nil)
			if e != nil {
				result.SetErrorTxt("Subscriber ReceiveMsg Call Error: " + e.Error())
			} else if r.StatusCode != 200 {
				result.SetErrorTxt("Subsciber ReceiveMsg Call Error: " + r.Status)
			} else {
				//var resultMsg toolkit.Result
				e := toolkit.Unjson(toolkit.HttpContent(r),
				if e != nil {
					result.SetErrorTxt(fmt.Sprintf("Subsciber ReceiveMsg Decode Error: ", e.Error()))
				/*else {

					if resultMsg.Status == toolkit.Status_OK {
						result.Data = resultMsg.Data
					} else {

	if result.Status == "OK" {
		url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/msgreceived")
		toolkit.HttpCall(url, "POST", toolkit.Jsonify(struct {
			Key        string
			Subscriber string
		}{key, s.Address}), nil)
	return result
Exemplo n.º 4
func main() {
	UrlStr := "http://www.dce.com.cn/PublicWeb/MainServlet"

	dataurl := toolkit.M{}
	dataurl["Pu00231_Input.trade_date"] = "20151214"
	dataurl["Pu00231_Input.variety"] = "i"
	dataurl["Pu00231_Input.trade_type"] = "0"
	dataurl["Submit"] = "Go"
	dataurl["action"] = "Pu00231_result"

	postdata := toolkit.M{}.Set("formvalues", dataurl)
	// dataurl := url.Values{}
	// dataurl.Add("Pu00231_Input.trade_date", "20151214")
	// dataurl.Add("Pu00231_Input.variety", "i")
	// dataurl.Add("Pu00231_Input.trade_type", "0")
	// dataurl.Add("Submit", "Go")
	// dataurl.Add("action", "Pu00231_result")

	// tdata := toolkit.Jsonify(dataurl.Encode())
	r, _ := toolkit.HttpCall(UrlStr, "POST", nil, postdata)


	// rX, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", UrlStr, bytes.NewBuffer(tdata))

	// fmt.Println(rX)
	// client := &http.Client{}
	// resp, _ := client.Do(rX)
	// fmt.Println(string(toolkit.HttpContent(resp)))
Exemplo n.º 5
func TestPut(t *testing.T) {
	if e := getToken(); e != nil {
		//he(t, e)

	surl := restPrefix + "/put"
	for i := 1; i <= 1000; i++ {
		randomTxt := createRandomString(toolkit.RandInt(22) + 10)
		data := struct {
			Token string
			Data  string

		fmt.Printf("Saving %d value %s", i, data.Data)

		r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(surl, "XPUT", toolkit.GetEncodeByte(data), nil)
		//e = nil
		if e != nil {
			fmt.Printf("... Fail: %s \n", e.Error())
		} else {
			if r.StatusCode != 200 {
				fmt.Printf("... Fail: %d %s \n", r.StatusCode, r.Status)
			} else {
Exemplo n.º 6
func webcall(url, method string, data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(url, method, data, nil)
	if e != nil {
		return nil, e
	if r.StatusCode != 200 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid Code: " + r.Status)
	return toolkit.HttpContent(r), nil
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: ping.go Projeto: arfian/live
func (p *Ping) checkHttpStatus() error {
	r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(p.Host, "GET", nil, false, "", "")
	if e != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to access %s, %s", p.Host, e.Error())
	if r.StatusCode != 200 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to access %s, code: %d status: %s", p.Host, r.StatusCode, r.Status)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: ping.go Projeto: eaciit/live
Ping service over http status
func (p *Ping) checkHttpStatus() error {
	r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(p.Host, "GET", nil, nil)
	p.LastStatus = "Fail"
	if e != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to access %s, %s", p.Host, e.Error())
	if r.StatusCode != 200 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to access %s, code: %d status: %s", p.Host, r.StatusCode, r.Status)
	p.LastStatus = "OK"
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 9
func (m *MessageMonitor) distributeBroadcast() {
	for len(m.Targets) != m.Success && time.Now().After(m.Expiry) == false {
		wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
		for k, t := range m.Targets {
			go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, k int, t string) {
				defer wg.Done()
				if m.Status[k] != "OK" && m.retry[k] < RetryWhenFail() {
					var command, url string
						if m.Command != "" {
							command = m.Command
						} else {
							command = "msg"
					sub := m.broadcaster.Subscibers[t]
					if sub != nil {
						command = "pushmessage"
						url = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/subscriber/%s", t, command)
						r, ecall := toolkit.HttpCall(url, "POST",
							toolkit.M{}.Set("secret", sub.Secret).Set("Data", m.Data).Set("Key", m.Key).ToBytes("json", nil),
						if ecall != nil {
							m.setSuccessFail(k, "CALL ERROR: "+url+" ERR:"+ecall.Error())
						} else if r.StatusCode != 200 {
							m.setSuccessFail(k, fmt.Sprintf("CALL STATUS ERROR: %s ERR: %s", url, r.Status))
						} else {
							var result toolkit.Result
							bs := toolkit.HttpContent(r)
							edecode := toolkit.Unjson(bs, &result)
							if edecode != nil {
								m.setSuccessFail(k, "DECODE ERROR: "+string(bs)+" ERR:"+edecode.Error())
							} else {
								m.setSuccessFail(k, toolkit.IfEq(result.Status, toolkit.Status_OK, "OK", result.Message).(string))

			}(wg, k, t)
		//time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
		//fmt.Printf("%d = %d \n", len(m.Targets), m.Success+m.Fail)
Exemplo n.º 10
func (s *Server) call(op string, calltype string, qs toolkit.M, payload []byte) (*http.Response, error) {
	url := s.Id
	url += op
	q := ""
	for k, v := range qs {
		if q == "" {
			q = "?" + k + "=" + v.(string)
		} else {
			q += "&" + k + "=" + v.(string)
	url += q

	//rdr := bytes.NewReader(payload)
	r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(url, calltype, payload, nil)
	return r, e
Exemplo n.º 11
func (w *WebGrabberController) FetchContent(r *knot.WebContext) interface{} {
	r.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputJson

	payload := new(colonycore.WebGrabber)
	err := r.GetPayload(payload)
	if err != nil {
		return helper.CreateResult(false, nil, err.Error())

	param := toolkit.M{} //.Set("formvalues", payload.Parameter)
	res, err := toolkit.HttpCall(payload.URL, payload.CallType, nil, param)
	if err != nil {
		return helper.CreateResult(false, nil, err.Error())

	data := toolkit.HttpContentString(res)
	return helper.CreateResult(true, data, "")
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: ping.go Projeto: arfian/live
func (p *Ping) checkHttpBody() error {
	r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(p.Host, "GET", nil, false, "", "")
	if e != nil {
		return e
	body := toolkit.HttpContentString(r)
	if p.HttpBodyType == HttpBody_Contains {
		if !strings.Contains(body, p.HttpBodySearch) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Phrase %s could not be found on response body", p.HttpBodySearch)
	} else if p.HttpBodyType == HttpBody_Equals {
		if body != p.HttpBodySearch {
			return fmt.Errorf("Response is not valid. Expecting for %s", p.HttpBodySearch)
	} else {
		return fmt.Errorf("Invalid parameter")
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 13
func (s *Subscriber) AddChannel(c string) error {
	url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/channelregister", s.BroadcasterAddress)
	r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(url, "POST", toolkit.Jsonify(ChannelRegister{c, s.Address}), nil)
	if e != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Channel Register Call Error: %s", e.Error())
	if r.StatusCode != 200 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Channel Register Call Error: %s", r.Status)
	result := new(toolkit.Result)
	e = toolkit.Unjson(toolkit.HttpContent(r), &result)
	if e != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Channel Register Decode error: %s", e.Error())
	if result.Status != toolkit.Status_OK {
		return fmt.Errorf("Channel Register error: %s", result.Message)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 14
func main() {
	url := "http://www.dce.com.cn/PublicWeb/MainServlet"

	formvalues := toolkit.M{}.Set("Pu00231_Input.trade_date", "20151214").
		Set("Pu00231_Input.variety", "i").
		Set("Pu00231_Input.trade_type", "0").
		Set("Submit", "Go").
		Set("action", "Pu00231_result")

	config := toolkit.M{}.Set("formvalues", formvalues)

	r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(url, "POST", nil, config)
	if e != nil {
		fmt.Printf("ERROR:\n%s\n", e.Error())

	fmt.Printf("Result:\n%s\n", toolkit.HttpContentString(r))
Exemplo n.º 15
func call(url, call string, data []byte, expectedStatus int) (*toolkit.Result, error) {
	cfg := toolkit.M{}
	if expectedStatus != 0 {
		cfg.Set("expectedstatus", expectedStatus)
	r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(url, call, data, cfg)
	if e != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf(url + " Call Error: " + e.Error())
	result := toolkit.NewResult()
	bs := toolkit.HttpContent(r)
	edecode := toolkit.Unjson(bs, result)
	if edecode != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf(url + " Http Result Decode Error: " + edecode.Error() + "\nFollowing got: " + string(bs))
	if result.Status == toolkit.Status_NOK {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf(url + " Http Result Error: " + result.Message)
	return result, nil
Exemplo n.º 16
func (a *ConfigurationController) GetURL(k *knot.WebContext) interface{} {

	d := struct {
		URL       string
		Method    string
		Parameter tk.M
	e := k.GetPayload(&d)
	if e != nil {
	k.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputJson
	r, e := tk.HttpCall(d.URL, d.Method, nil, tk.M{}.Set("formvalues", d.Parameter))
	if e != nil {
		return e.Error()
	} else {
		return tk.HttpContentString(r)
Exemplo n.º 17
func (w *WebGrabberController) FetchContent(r *knot.WebContext) interface{} {
	r.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputJson

	payload := struct {
		URL      string
		Method   string
		Payloads toolkit.M
	err := r.GetPayload(&payload)
	if err != nil {
		return helper.CreateResult(false, nil, err.Error())

	res, err := toolkit.HttpCall(payload.URL, payload.Method, nil, payload.Payloads)
	if err != nil {
		return helper.CreateResult(false, nil, err.Error())

	data := toolkit.HttpContentString(res)
	return helper.CreateResult(true, data, "")
Exemplo n.º 18
func (m *MessageMonitor) ditributeBroadcast() {
	//for len(m.Targets) != m.Success && time.Now().After(m.Expiry) == false {
	wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
	for k, t := range m.Targets {
		go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, k int, t string) {
			defer wg.Done()
			if m.Status[k] != "OK" {
				var command, url string
				if m.Command != "" {
					command = m.Command
				} else {
					command = "msg"
				url = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s", t, command)
				r, ecall := toolkit.HttpCall(url, "POST",
					toolkit.Jsonify(Message{Key: m.Key, Data: m.Data, Expiry: m.Expiry}), nil)
				if ecall != nil {
					m.setSuccessFail(k, "CALL ERROR: "+url+" ERR:"+ecall.Error())
				} else if r.StatusCode != 200 {
					m.setSuccessFail(k, fmt.Sprintf("CALL STATUS ERROR: %s ERR: %s", url, r.Status))
				} else {
					var result toolkit.Result
					bs := toolkit.HttpContent(r)
					edecode := toolkit.Unjson(bs, &result)
					if edecode != nil {
						m.setSuccessFail(k, "DECODE ERROR: "+string(bs)+" ERR:"+edecode.Error())
					} else {
						m.setSuccessFail(k, toolkit.IfEq(result.Status, toolkit.Status_OK, "OK", result.Message).(string))
		}(wg, k, t)
	//time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
	//fmt.Printf("%d = %d \n", len(m.Targets), m.Success+m.Fail)
Exemplo n.º 19
func getToken() error {
	surl := restPrefix + "auth/init"
	b, e := toolkit.EncodeByte(struct {
		Key    string
		Secret string
	}{"ariefdarmawan", "Password.1"})
	if e != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to connect: %s", e.Error())
	r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(surl, "get", b, nil)

	if e != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to connect: %s", e.Error())

	token := toolkit.HttpContentM(r).Get("Token", "").(string)
	if token == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("Wrong token returned")

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 20
func (m *MessageMonitor) distributeQue() {
	//--- inform all targets that new message has been created
	msg := toolkit.Jsonify(Message{Key: m.Key, Data: m.Data, Expiry: m.Expiry})
	wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)

	targetCount := len(m.Targets)
	var newtargets []string
	var failtargets []string
	for _, t := range m.Targets {
		go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, t string) {
			defer wg.Done()
			url := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/newkey", "http", t)
			r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(url, "POST", msg, nil)
			if e != nil {
					"Unable to inform %s for new que %s. %s",
					url, m.Key, e.Error()))
				failtargets = append(failtargets, t)
			} else if r.StatusCode != 200 {
					"Unable to inform %s for new que %s  %s",
					url, m.Key, r.Status))
				failtargets = append(failtargets, t)
			} else {
				newtargets = append(newtargets, t)
		}(wg, t)
	m.Targets = newtargets
	m.Broadcaster.Log().Info(fmt.Sprintf("Ping %d servers for new message %s. Succcess: %d Fail: %d", targetCount, m.Key, len(newtargets), len(failtargets)))

	//-- loop while not all target complete receival or expire
	for len(m.Targets) != m.Success && time.Now().After(m.Expiry) == false {
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
Exemplo n.º 21
func (s *Subscriber) Start(address string) error {
	s.Address = address
	s.Actions = map[string]FnTrigger{}
	s.MessageQues = map[string]*MessageQue{}
	broadcasterUrl := s.BroadcasterAddress + "/nodeadd?node=" + s.Address
	r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(broadcasterUrl, "GET", nil, nil)
	if e != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to contact Broadcaster Server. %s", e.Error())
	if sOk := toolkit.HttpContentString(r); sOk != "OK" {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to add %s as subsriber to %s. Error: %s", s.Address, s.BroadcasterAddress, sOk)

	//-- inform subscriber if newkey is available to be collected
	s.Route("/newkey", func(k *knot.WebContext) interface{} {
		result := toolkit.NewResult()
		k.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputJson
		msg := new(MessageQue)
		e := k.GetPayload(&msg)
		if e != nil {
			result.Message = e.Error()
			result.Status = toolkit.Status_NOK
		} else {
			msg.Data = nil
			msg.Collected = false
			_, exist := s.MessageQues[msg.Key]
			if !exist {
				s.messageKeys = append(s.messageKeys, msg.Key)
			s.MessageQues[msg.Key] = msg
			//s.messageKeys = append(s.messageKeys, msg.Key)
		return result

	s.Route("/getmsg", func(k *knot.WebContext) interface{} {
		k.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputJson
		key := k.Query("key")
		result := s.getMsgAsResult(key)
		return result

	//-- replicate message to subscribe
	s.Route("/msg", func(k *knot.WebContext) interface{} {
		k.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputJson
		result := toolkit.NewResult()
		var payload Message
		eDecode := k.GetPayload(&payload)
		if eDecode != nil {
			result.Status = toolkit.Status_NOK
			result.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Subscriber Message Decode Error %s", eDecode.Error())
		} else {
			result.Data = payload
		return result

	//-- stop the server
	s.Route("/stop", func(k *knot.WebContext) interface{} {
		defer k.Server.Stop()
		k.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputJson
		result := new(toolkit.Result)
		result.Status = "OK"
		return result

	go func() {
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 22
func call(url string) (*http.Response, error) {
	surl := "http://localhost:13000" + url
	r, e := toolkit.HttpCall(surl, "GET", nil, nil)
	return r, e