Exemplo n.º 1
func ConnectToAService(srv *definitions.ServiceDefinition, dep string) {
	// Automagically provide links to serviceDeps so they can easily
	// find each other using Docker's automagical modifications to
	// /etc/hosts
	newLink := util.ServiceContainersName(dep, srv.Operations.ContainerNumber) + ":" + dep
	srv.Service.Links = append(srv.Service.Links, newLink)

	// Automagically mount VolumesFrom for serviceDeps so they can
	// easily pass files back and forth
	newVol := util.ServiceContainersName(dep, srv.Operations.ContainerNumber) + ":rw" // for now mounting as "rw"
	srv.Service.VolumesFrom = append(srv.Service.VolumesFrom, newVol)
Exemplo n.º 2
func linkAppToChain(do *definitions.Do, app *definitions.Contracts) {
	var newLink string

	if do.Chain.ChainType == "service" {
		newLink = util.ServiceContainersName(app.ChainName, do.Operations.ContainerNumber) + ":" + "chain"
	} else {
		newLink = util.ChainContainersName(app.ChainName, do.Operations.ContainerNumber) + ":" + "chain"
	newLink2 := util.ServiceContainersName("keys", do.Operations.ContainerNumber) + ":" + "keys"
	do.Service.Links = append(do.Service.Links, newLink)
	do.Service.Links = append(do.Service.Links, newLink2)
Exemplo n.º 3
func testExistAndRun(t *testing.T, servName string, containerNumber int, toExist, toRun bool) {
	var exist, run bool
	logger.Infof("\nTesting whether (%s) is running? (%t) and existing? (%t)\n", servName, toRun, toExist)
	servName = util.ServiceContainersName(servName, containerNumber)

	do := def.NowDo()
	do.Quiet = true
	do.Args = []string{"testing"}
	if err := ListExisting(do); err != nil {
		fatal(t, err)
	res := strings.Split(do.Result, "\n")
	for _, r := range res {
		logger.Debugf("Existing =>\t\t\t%s\n", r)
		if r == util.ContainersShortName(servName) {
			exist = true

	do = def.NowDo()
	do.Quiet = true
	do.Args = []string{"testing"}
	if err := ListRunning(do); err != nil {
		fatal(t, err)
	res = strings.Split(do.Result, "\n")
	for _, r := range res {
		logger.Debugf("Running =>\t\t\t%s\n", r)
		if r == util.ContainersShortName(servName) {
			run = true

	if toExist != exist {
		if toExist {
			logger.Printf("Could not find an existing =>\t%s\n", servName)
		} else {
			logger.Printf("Found an existing instance of %s when I shouldn't have\n", servName)
		fatal(t, nil)

	if toRun != run {
		if toRun {
			logger.Printf("Could not find a running =>\t%s\n", servName)
		} else {
			logger.Printf("Found a running instance of %s when I shouldn't have\n", servName)
		fatal(t, nil)

	logger.Infoln("All good.\n")
Exemplo n.º 4
// These are things we want to *always* control. Should be last
// called before a return...
func ServiceFinalizeLoad(srv *definitions.ServiceDefinition) {
	// If no name use image name
	if srv.Name == "" {
		logger.Debugf("Service definition has no name. ")
		if srv.Service.Name != "" {
			logger.Debugf("Defaulting to service name =>\t%s\n", srv.Service.Name)
			srv.Name = srv.Service.Name
		} else {
			if srv.Service.Image != "" {
				srv.Name = strings.Replace(srv.Service.Image, "/", "_", -1)
				srv.Service.Name = srv.Name
				logger.Debugf("Defaulting to image name =>\t%s\n", srv.Name)
			} else {
				panic("Service's Image should have been set before reaching ServiceFinalizeLoad")

	container := util.FindServiceContainer(srv.Name, srv.Operations.ContainerNumber, true)

	if container != nil {
		logger.Debugf("Setting SrvCont Names =>\t%s:%s\n", container.FullName, container.ContainerID)
		srv.Operations.SrvContainerName = container.FullName
		srv.Operations.SrvContainerID = container.ContainerID
	} else {
		srv.Operations.SrvContainerName = util.ServiceContainersName(srv.Name, srv.Operations.ContainerNumber)
		srv.Operations.DataContainerName = util.ServiceToDataContainer(srv.Operations.SrvContainerName)
	if srv.Service.AutoData {
		dataContainer := util.FindDataContainer(srv.Name, srv.Operations.ContainerNumber)
		if dataContainer != nil {
			logger.Debugf("Setting DataCont Names =>\t%s:%s\n", dataContainer.FullName, dataContainer.ContainerID)
			srv.Operations.DataContainerName = dataContainer.FullName
			srv.Operations.DataContainerID = dataContainer.ContainerID
		} else {
			srv.Operations.SrvContainerName = util.ServiceContainersName(srv.Name, srv.Operations.ContainerNumber)
			srv.Operations.DataContainerName = util.ServiceToDataContainer(srv.Operations.SrvContainerName)
Exemplo n.º 5
// These are things we want to *always* control. Should be last
// called before a return...
func ServiceFinalizeLoad(srv *definitions.ServiceDefinition) {
	if srv.Name == "" && srv.Service.Name == "" && srv.Service.Image == "" { // If no name or image, panic
		panic("Service's Image should have been set before reaching ServiceFinalizeLoad")
	} else if srv.Name == "" && srv.Service.Name == "" && srv.Service.Image != "" { // If no name use image
		srv.Name = strings.Replace(srv.Service.Image, "/", "_", -1)
		srv.Service.Name = srv.Name
		log.WithField("image", srv.Name).Debug("Defaulting to image")
	} else if srv.Service.Name != "" && srv.Name == "" { // harmonize names
		srv.Name = srv.Service.Name
		log.WithField("service", srv.Service.Name).Debug("Defaulting to service")
	} else if srv.Service.Name == "" && srv.Name != "" {
		srv.Service.Name = srv.Name
		log.WithField("service", srv.Name).Debug("Defaulting to service")

	container := util.FindServiceContainer(srv.Name, srv.Operations.ContainerNumber, true)

	if container != nil {
		log.WithField("=>", container.FullName).Debug("Setting service container name")
		srv.Operations.SrvContainerName = container.FullName
		srv.Operations.SrvContainerID = container.ContainerID
	} else {
		srv.Operations.SrvContainerName = util.ServiceContainersName(srv.Name, srv.Operations.ContainerNumber)
		srv.Operations.DataContainerName = util.ServiceToDataContainer(srv.Operations.SrvContainerName)
	if srv.Service.AutoData {
		dataContainer := util.FindDataContainer(srv.Name, srv.Operations.ContainerNumber)
		if dataContainer != nil {
			log.WithField("=>", dataContainer.FullName).Debug("Setting data container name")
			srv.Operations.DataContainerName = dataContainer.FullName
			srv.Operations.DataContainerID = dataContainer.ContainerID
		} else {
			srv.Operations.SrvContainerName = util.ServiceContainersName(srv.Name, srv.Operations.ContainerNumber)
			srv.Operations.DataContainerName = util.ServiceToDataContainer(srv.Operations.SrvContainerName)
Exemplo n.º 6
//return to handle failings in each pkg
//typ = type of test for dealing with do.() details
func TestExistAndRun(name, typ string, contNum int, toExist, toRun bool) bool {
	var exist, run bool
	if typ == "actions" {
		name = strings.Replace(name, " ", "_", -1) // dirty

	//logger.Infof("\nTesting whether (%s) existing? (%t)\n", name, toExist)
	logger.Infof("\nTesting whether (%s) is running? (%t) and existing? (%t)\n", name, toRun, toExist)
	if typ == "chains" {
		name = util.ChainContainersName(name, 1) // not worried about containerNumbers, deal with multiple containers in services tests
	} else if typ == "services" {
		name = util.ServiceContainersName(name, contNum)

	} else {
		name = util.DataContainersName(name, 1)
	do := def.NowDo()
	do.Quiet = true
	do.Operations.Args = []string{"testing"}

	if typ == "data" || typ == "chains" || typ == "services" {
		do.Existing = true
	} else if typ == "actions" {
		do.Known = true
	if err := util.ListAll(do, typ); err != nil {
		return true

	res := strings.Split(do.Result, "\n")
	for _, r := range res {
		logger.Debugf("Existing =>\t\t\t%s\n", r)
		if r == util.ContainersShortName(name) {
			exist = true

	if toExist != exist {
		if toExist {
			logger.Infof("Could not find an existing =>\t%s\n", name)
		} else {
			logger.Infof("Found an existing instance of %s when I shouldn't have\n", name)
		return true
	//func should always be testing for toExist, only sometimes tested for runining
	if typ == "chains" || typ == "services" {
		do.Running = true
		do.Existing = false //unset
		if err := util.ListAll(do, typ); err != nil {
			return true
		logger.Debugln("RUNNING RESULT:", do.Result)
		res = strings.Split(do.Result, "\n")
		for _, r := range res {
			logger.Debugf("Running =>\t\t\t%s\n", r)
			if r == util.ContainersShortName(name) {
				run = true

		if toRun != run {
			if toRun {
				logger.Infof("Could not find a running =>\t%s\n", name)
			} else {
				logger.Infof("Found a running instance of %s when I shouldn't have\n", name)
			return true

	return false
Exemplo n.º 7
// MakeChain runs the `eris-cm make` command in a docker container.
// It returns an error. Note that if do.Known, do.AccountTypes
// or do.ChainType are not set the command will run via interactive
// shell.
//  do.Name          - name of the chain to be created (required)
//  do.Known         - will use the mintgen tool to parse csv's and create a genesis.json (requires do.ChainMakeVals and do.ChainMakeActs) (optional)
//  do.ChainMakeVals - csv file to use for validators (optional)
//  do.ChainMakeActs - csv file to use for accounts (optional)
//  do.AccountTypes  - use eris-cm make account-types paradigm (example: Root:1,Participants:25,...) (optional)
//  do.ChainType     - use eris-cm make chain-types paradigm (example: simplechain) (optional)
//  do.Tarball       - instead of outputing raw files in directories, output packages of tarbals (optional)
//  do.ZipFile       - similar to do.Tarball except uses zipfiles (optional)
//  do.Verbose       - verbose output (optional)
//  do.Debug         - debug output (optional)
func MakeChain(do *definitions.Do) error {
	do.Service.Name = do.Name
	do.Service.Image = path.Join(version.ERIS_REG_DEF, version.ERIS_IMG_CM)
	do.Service.User = "******"
	do.Service.AutoData = true
	do.Service.Links = []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", util.ServiceContainersName("keys", do.Operations.ContainerNumber), "keys")}
	do.Service.Environment = []string{
		fmt.Sprintf("ERIS_KEYS_PATH=http://keys:%d", 4767), // note, needs to be made aware of keys port...
		fmt.Sprintf("ERIS_CHAINMANAGER_ACCOUNTTYPES=%s", strings.Join(do.AccountTypes, ",")),
		fmt.Sprintf("ERIS_CHAINMANAGER_CHAINTYPE=%s", do.ChainType),
		fmt.Sprintf("ERIS_CHAINMANAGER_TARBALLS=%v", do.Tarball),
		fmt.Sprintf("ERIS_CHAINMANAGER_ZIPFILES=%v", do.ZipFile),
		fmt.Sprintf("ERIS_CHAINMANAGER_OUTPUT=%v", do.Output),
		fmt.Sprintf("ERIS_CHAINMANAGER_VERBOSE=%v", do.Verbose),
		fmt.Sprintf("ERIS_CHAINMANAGER_DEBUG=%v", do.Debug),

	do.Operations.ContainerType = "service"
	do.Operations.SrvContainerName = util.ServiceContainersName(do.Name, do.Operations.ContainerNumber)
	do.Operations.DataContainerName = util.DataContainersName(do.Name, do.Operations.ContainerNumber)
	if do.RmD {
		do.Operations.Remove = true

	if do.Known {
		log.Debug("Using MintGen rather than eris:cm")
		do.Service.EntryPoint = "mintgen"
		do.Service.Command = fmt.Sprintf("known %s --csv=%s,%s > %s", do.Name, do.ChainMakeVals, do.ChainMakeActs, path.Join(ErisContainerRoot, "chains", do.Name, "genesis.json"))
	} else {
		log.Debug("Using eris:cm rather than MintGen")
		do.Service.EntryPoint = fmt.Sprintf("eris-cm make %s", do.Name)

	if !do.Known && len(do.AccountTypes) == 0 && do.ChainType == "" {
		do.Operations.Interactive = true
		do.Operations.Args = strings.Split(do.Service.EntryPoint, " ")

	if do.Known {
		do.Operations.Args = append(do.Operations.Args, strings.Split(do.Service.Command, " ")...)
		do.Service.WorkDir = path.Join(ErisContainerRoot, "chains", do.Name)

	doData := definitions.NowDo()
	doData.Name = do.Name
	doData.Operations.ContainerNumber = do.Operations.ContainerNumber
	doData.Operations.DataContainerName = util.DataContainersName(do.Name, do.Operations.ContainerNumber)
	doData.Operations.ContainerType = "service"
	if !do.RmD {
		defer data.RmData(doData)

	doData.Source = AccountsTypePath
	doData.Destination = path.Join(ErisContainerRoot, "chains", "account-types")
	if err := data.ImportData(doData); err != nil {
		return err
	doData.Source = ChainTypePath
	doData.Destination = path.Join(ErisContainerRoot, "chains", "chain-types")
	if err := data.ImportData(doData); err != nil {
		return err
	chnPath := filepath.Join(ChainsPath, do.Name)
	if _, err := os.Stat(chnPath); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		doData.Operations.Args = []string{"mkdir", "--parents", path.Join(ErisContainerRoot, "chains", do.Name)}
		if err := data.ExecData(doData); err != nil {
			return err
		doData.Operations.Args = []string{}
		doData.Source = chnPath
		doData.Destination = path.Join(ErisContainerRoot, "chains", do.Name)
		if err := data.ImportData(doData); err != nil {
			return err

	if err := perform.DockerExecService(do.Service, do.Operations); err != nil {
		return err

	doData.Source = path.Join(ErisContainerRoot, "chains")
	doData.Destination = ErisRoot
	return data.ExportData(doData)