Exemplo n.º 1

// PrivKey is part of PrivAccount and state.PrivValidator.
type PrivKey interface {
	Sign(msg []byte) Signature
	PubKey() PubKey

// Types of PrivKey implementations
const (
	PrivKeyTypeEd25519 = byte(0x01)

// for binary.readReflect
var _ = binary.RegisterInterface(
	struct{ PrivKey }{},
	binary.ConcreteType{PrivKeyEd25519{}, PrivKeyTypeEd25519},


// Implements PrivKey
type PrivKeyEd25519 []byte

func (key PrivKeyEd25519) Sign(msg []byte) Signature {
	pubKey := key.PubKey().(PubKeyEd25519)
	keyBytes := new([64]byte)
	copy(keyBytes[:32], key[:])
	copy(keyBytes[32:], pubKey[:])
	signatureBytes := ed25519.Sign(keyBytes, msg)
	return SignatureEd25519(signatureBytes[:])
Exemplo n.º 2
	msgTypeNewRoundStep = byte(0x01)
	msgTypeCommitStep   = byte(0x02)
	msgTypeProposal     = byte(0x11)
	msgTypeProposalPOL  = byte(0x12)
	msgTypeBlockPart    = byte(0x13) // both block & POL
	msgTypeVote         = byte(0x14)
	msgTypeHasVote      = byte(0x15)

type ConsensusMessage interface{}

var _ = binary.RegisterInterface(
	struct{ ConsensusMessage }{},
	binary.ConcreteType{&NewRoundStepMessage{}, msgTypeNewRoundStep},
	binary.ConcreteType{&CommitStepMessage{}, msgTypeCommitStep},
	binary.ConcreteType{&ProposalMessage{}, msgTypeProposal},
	binary.ConcreteType{&ProposalPOLMessage{}, msgTypeProposalPOL},
	binary.ConcreteType{&BlockPartMessage{}, msgTypeBlockPart},
	binary.ConcreteType{&VoteMessage{}, msgTypeVote},
	binary.ConcreteType{&HasVoteMessage{}, msgTypeHasVote},

// TODO: check for unnecessary extra bytes at the end.
func DecodeMessage(bz []byte) (msgType byte, msg ConsensusMessage, err error) {
	msgType = bz[0]
	n := new(int64)
	r := bytes.NewReader(bz)
	msg = binary.ReadBinary(struct{ ConsensusMessage }{}, r, n, &err).(struct{ ConsensusMessage }).ConsensusMessage

Exemplo n.º 3
	pexR.evsw = evsw

// Messages

const (
	msgTypeRequest = byte(0x01)
	msgTypeAddrs   = byte(0x02)

type PexMessage interface{}

var _ = binary.RegisterInterface(
	struct{ PexMessage }{},
	binary.ConcreteType{&pexRequestMessage{}, msgTypeRequest},
	binary.ConcreteType{&pexAddrsMessage{}, msgTypeAddrs},

func DecodeMessage(bz []byte) (msgType byte, msg PexMessage, err error) {
	msgType = bz[0]
	n := new(int64)
	r := bytes.NewReader(bz)
	msg = binary.ReadBinary(struct{ PexMessage }{}, r, n, &err).(struct{ PexMessage }).PexMessage

A pexRequestMessage requests additional peer addresses.
type pexRequestMessage struct {
Exemplo n.º 4
// Messages

const (
	msgTypeBlockRequest   = byte(0x10)
	msgTypeBlockResponse  = byte(0x11)
	msgTypeStatusResponse = byte(0x20)
	msgTypeStatusRequest  = byte(0x21)

type BlockchainMessage interface{}

var _ = binary.RegisterInterface(
	struct{ BlockchainMessage }{},
	binary.ConcreteType{&bcBlockRequestMessage{}, msgTypeBlockRequest},
	binary.ConcreteType{&bcBlockResponseMessage{}, msgTypeBlockResponse},
	binary.ConcreteType{&bcStatusResponseMessage{}, msgTypeStatusResponse},
	binary.ConcreteType{&bcStatusRequestMessage{}, msgTypeStatusRequest},

func DecodeMessage(bz []byte) (msgType byte, msg BlockchainMessage, err error) {
	msgType = bz[0]
	n := new(int64)
	r := bytes.NewReader(bz)
	msg = binary.ReadBinary(struct{ BlockchainMessage }{}, r, n, &err).(struct{ BlockchainMessage }).BlockchainMessage


type bcBlockRequestMessage struct {
Exemplo n.º 5
	. "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/tendermint/tendermint/common"

// Signature is a part of Txs and consensus Votes.
type Signature interface {

// Types of Signature implementations
const (
	SignatureTypeEd25519 = byte(0x01)

// for binary.readReflect
var _ = binary.RegisterInterface(
	struct{ Signature }{},
	binary.ConcreteType{SignatureEd25519{}, SignatureTypeEd25519},


// Implements Signature
type SignatureEd25519 []byte

func (sig SignatureEd25519) IsNil() bool { return false }

func (sig SignatureEd25519) IsZero() bool { return len(sig) == 0 }

func (sig SignatureEd25519) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("/%X.../", Fingerprint(sig)) }
Exemplo n.º 6
// implements events.Eventable
func (memR *MempoolReactor) SetFireable(evsw events.Fireable) {
	memR.evsw = evsw

// Messages

const (
	msgTypeTx = byte(0x01)

type MempoolMessage interface{}

var _ = binary.RegisterInterface(
	struct{ MempoolMessage }{},
	binary.ConcreteType{&TxMessage{}, msgTypeTx},

func DecodeMessage(bz []byte) (msgType byte, msg MempoolMessage, err error) {
	msgType = bz[0]
	n := new(int64)
	r := bytes.NewReader(bz)
	msg = binary.ReadBinary(struct{ MempoolMessage }{}, r, n, &err).(struct{ MempoolMessage }).MempoolMessage


type TxMessage struct {
	Tx types.Tx
Exemplo n.º 7
	TxTypeCall = byte(0x02)
	TxTypeName = byte(0x03)

	// Validation transactions
	TxTypeBond    = byte(0x11)
	TxTypeUnbond  = byte(0x12)
	TxTypeRebond  = byte(0x13)
	TxTypeDupeout = byte(0x14)

// for binary.readReflect
var _ = binary.RegisterInterface(
	struct{ Tx }{},
	binary.ConcreteType{&SendTx{}, TxTypeSend},
	binary.ConcreteType{&CallTx{}, TxTypeCall},
	binary.ConcreteType{&NameTx{}, TxTypeName},
	binary.ConcreteType{&BondTx{}, TxTypeBond},
	binary.ConcreteType{&UnbondTx{}, TxTypeUnbond},
	binary.ConcreteType{&RebondTx{}, TxTypeRebond},
	binary.ConcreteType{&DupeoutTx{}, TxTypeDupeout},


type TxInput struct {
	Address   []byte            `json:"address"`   // Hash of the PubKey
	Amount    int64             `json:"amount"`    // Must not exceed account balance
	Sequence  int               `json:"sequence"`  // Must be 1 greater than the last committed TxInput
	Signature account.Signature `json:"signature"` // Depends on the PubKey type and the whole Tx
	PubKey    account.PubKey    `json:"pub_key"`   // Must not be nil, may be nil