Exemplo n.º 1
// addRecDeps recursively finds all dependencies of tasks and adds them to tasks and uiDeps.
// done is a hashtable of task IDs whose dependencies we have found.
// TODO EVG-614: delete this function once Task.DependsOn includes all recursive dependencies.
func addRecDeps(tasks map[string]task.Task, uiDeps map[string]uiDep, done map[string]bool) error {
	curTask := make(map[string]bool)
	depIds := make([]string, 0)
	for _, t := range tasks {
		if _, ok := done[t.Id]; !ok {
			for _, dep := range t.DependsOn {
				depIds = append(depIds, dep.TaskId)
			curTask[t.Id] = true

	if len(depIds) == 0 {
		return nil

	deps, err := task.Find(task.ByIds(depIds).WithFields(task.DisplayNameKey, task.StatusKey, task.ActivatedKey,
		task.BuildVariantKey, task.DetailsKey, task.DependsOnKey))

	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, dep := range deps {
		tasks[dep.Id] = dep

	for _, t := range tasks {
		if _, ok := curTask[t.Id]; ok {
			for _, dep := range t.DependsOn {
				if uid, ok := uiDeps[dep.TaskId]; !ok ||
					// only replace if the current uiDep is not strict and not recursive
					(uid.RequiredStatus == model.AllStatuses && !uid.Recursive) {
					depTask := tasks[dep.TaskId]
					uiDeps[depTask.Id] = uiDep{
						Id:             depTask.Id,
						Name:           depTask.DisplayName,
						Status:         depTask.Status,
						RequiredStatus: dep.Status,
						Activated:      depTask.Activated,
						BuildVariant:   depTask.BuildVariant,
						Details:        depTask.Details,
						Recursive:      true,
			done[t.Id] = true

	return addRecDeps(tasks, uiDeps, done)
Exemplo n.º 2
// getTaskDependencies returns the uiDeps for the task and its status (either its original status,
// "blocked", or "pending")
func getTaskDependencies(t *task.Task) ([]uiDep, string, error) {
	depIds := []string{}
	for _, dep := range t.DependsOn {
		depIds = append(depIds, dep.TaskId)
	dependencies, err := task.Find(task.ByIds(depIds).WithFields(task.DisplayNameKey, task.StatusKey,
		task.ActivatedKey, task.BuildVariantKey, task.DetailsKey, task.DependsOnKey))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", err

	idToUiDep := make(map[string]uiDep)
	// match each task with its dependency requirements
	for _, depTask := range dependencies {
		for _, dep := range t.DependsOn {
			if dep.TaskId == depTask.Id {
				idToUiDep[depTask.Id] = uiDep{
					Id:             depTask.Id,
					Name:           depTask.DisplayName,
					Status:         depTask.Status,
					RequiredStatus: dep.Status,
					Activated:      depTask.Activated,
					BuildVariant:   depTask.BuildVariant,
					Details:        depTask.Details,
					//TODO EVG-614: add "Recursive: dep.Recursive," once Task.DependsOn includes all recursive dependencies

	idToDep := make(map[string]task.Task)
	for _, dep := range dependencies {
		idToDep[dep.Id] = dep

	// TODO EVG 614: delete this section once Task.DependsOn includes all recursive dependencies
	err = addRecDeps(idToDep, idToUiDep, make(map[string]bool))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", err

	// set the status for each of the uiDeps as "blocked" or "pending" if appropriate
	// and get the status for task
	status := setBlockedOrPending(*t, idToDep, idToUiDep)

	uiDeps := make([]uiDep, 0, len(idToUiDep))
	for _, dep := range idToUiDep {
		uiDeps = append(uiDeps, dep)
	return uiDeps, status, nil
// computeRunningTasksDuration returns the estimated time to completion of all
// currently running tasks for a given distro given its hosts
func computeRunningTasksDuration(existingDistroHosts []host.Host,
	taskDurations model.ProjectTaskDurations) (runningTasksDuration float64,
	err error) {

	runningTaskIds := []string{}

	for _, existingDistroHost := range existingDistroHosts {
		if existingDistroHost.RunningTask != "" {
			runningTaskIds = append(runningTaskIds,

	// if this distro's hosts are all free, return immediately
	if len(runningTaskIds) == 0 {

	runningTasksMap := make(map[string]task.Task)
	runningTasks, err := task.Find(task.ByIds(runningTaskIds))
	if err != nil {
		return runningTasksDuration, err

	// build a map of task id => task
	for _, runningTask := range runningTasks {
		runningTasksMap[runningTask.Id] = runningTask

	// compute the total time to completion for running tasks
	for _, runningTaskId := range runningTaskIds {
		runningTask, ok := runningTasksMap[runningTaskId]
		if !ok {
			return runningTasksDuration, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find running "+
				"task with _id %v", runningTaskId)
		expectedDuration := model.GetTaskExpectedDuration(runningTask,
		elapsedTime := time.Now().Sub(runningTask.StartTime)
		if elapsedTime > expectedDuration {
			// probably an outlier; or an unknown data point
		runningTasksDuration += expectedDuration.Seconds() -
Exemplo n.º 4
// GetFailedTests returns a mapping of task id to a slice of failed tasks
// extracted from a pipeline of aggregated tasks
func (self *taskHistoryIterator) GetFailedTests(aggregatedTasks *mgo.Pipe) (map[string][]task.TestResult, error) {
	// get the ids of the failed task
	var failedTaskIds []string
	var taskHistory TaskHistory
	iter := aggregatedTasks.Iter()
	for {
		if iter.Next(&taskHistory) {
			for _, task := range taskHistory.Tasks {
				if task.Status == evergreen.TaskFailed {
					failedTaskIds = append(failedTaskIds, task.Id)
		} else {

	if err := iter.Err(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// find all the relevant failed tests
	failedTestsMap := make(map[string][]task.TestResult)
	tasks, err := task.Find(task.ByIds(failedTaskIds).WithFields(task.IdKey, task.TestResultsKey))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// create the mapping of the task id to the list of failed tasks
	for _, task := range tasks {
		for _, test := range task.TestResults {
			if test.Status == evergreen.TestFailedStatus {
				failedTestsMap[task.Id] = append(failedTestsMap[task.Id], test)
	return failedTestsMap, nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// Fetch versions until 'numVersionElements' elements are created, including
// elements consisting of multiple versions rolled-up into one.
// The skip value indicates how many versions back in time should be skipped
// before starting to fetch versions, the project indicates which project the
// returned versions should be a part of.
func getVersionsAndVariants(skip, numVersionElements int, project *model.Project) (versionVariantData, error) {
	// the final array of versions to return
	finalVersions := []waterfallVersion{}

	// keep track of the build variants we see
	bvSet := map[string]bool{}

	waterfallRows := map[string]waterfallRow{}

	// build variant mappings - used so we can store the display name as
	// the build variant field of a build
	buildVariantMappings := project.GetVariantMappings()

	// keep track of the last rolled-up version, so inactive versions can
	// be added
	var lastRolledUpVersion *waterfallVersion = nil

	// loop until we have enough from the db
	for len(finalVersions) < numVersionElements {

		// fetch the versions and associated builds
		versionsFromDB, buildsByVersion, err :=
			fetchVersionsAndAssociatedBuilds(project, skip, numVersionElements)

		if err != nil {
			return versionVariantData{}, fmt.Errorf("error fetching versions and builds:"+
				" %v", err)

		// if we've reached the beginning of all versions
		if len(versionsFromDB) == 0 {

		// to fetch started tasks and failed tests for providing additional context
		// in a tooltip
		failedAndStartedTaskIds := []string{}

		// update the amount skipped
		skip += len(versionsFromDB)

		// create the necessary versions, rolling up inactive ones
		for _, versionFromDB := range versionsFromDB {

			// if we have hit enough versions, break out
			if len(finalVersions) == numVersionElements {

			// the builds for the version
			buildsInVersion := buildsByVersion[versionFromDB.Id]

			// see if there are any active tasks in the version
			versionActive := anyActiveTasks(buildsInVersion)

			// add any represented build variants to the set and initialize rows
			for _, b := range buildsInVersion {
				bvSet[b.BuildVariant] = true

				buildVariant := waterfallBuildVariant{
					Id:          b.BuildVariant,
					DisplayName: buildVariantMappings[b.BuildVariant],

				if buildVariant.DisplayName == "" {
					buildVariant.DisplayName = b.BuildVariant +
						" (removed)"

				if _, ok := waterfallRows[b.BuildVariant]; !ok {
					waterfallRows[b.BuildVariant] = waterfallRow{
						Builds:       map[string]waterfallBuild{},
						BuildVariant: buildVariant,


			// if it is inactive, roll up the version and don't create any
			// builds for it
			if !versionActive {
				if lastRolledUpVersion == nil {
					lastRolledUpVersion = &waterfallVersion{RolledUp: true, RevisionOrderNumber: versionFromDB.RevisionOrderNumber}

				// add the version metadata into the last rolled-up version
				lastRolledUpVersion.Ids = append(lastRolledUpVersion.Ids,
				lastRolledUpVersion.Authors = append(lastRolledUpVersion.Authors,
				lastRolledUpVersion.Errors = append(
					lastRolledUpVersion.Errors, waterfallVersionError{versionFromDB.Errors})
				lastRolledUpVersion.Warnings = append(
					lastRolledUpVersion.Warnings, waterfallVersionError{versionFromDB.Warnings})
				lastRolledUpVersion.Messages = append(
					lastRolledUpVersion.Messages, versionFromDB.Message)
				lastRolledUpVersion.Ignoreds = append(
					lastRolledUpVersion.Ignoreds, versionFromDB.Ignored)
				lastRolledUpVersion.CreateTimes = append(
					lastRolledUpVersion.CreateTimes, versionFromDB.CreateTime)
				lastRolledUpVersion.Revisions = append(
					lastRolledUpVersion.Revisions, versionFromDB.Revision)

				// move on to the next version

			// add a pending rolled-up version, if it exists
			if lastRolledUpVersion != nil {
				finalVersions = append(finalVersions, *lastRolledUpVersion)
				lastRolledUpVersion = nil

			// if we have hit enough versions, break out
			if len(finalVersions) == numVersionElements {

			// if the version can not be rolled up, create a fully fledged
			// version for it
			activeVersion := waterfallVersion{
				Ids:                 []string{versionFromDB.Id},
				Messages:            []string{versionFromDB.Message},
				Authors:             []string{versionFromDB.Author},
				CreateTimes:         []time.Time{versionFromDB.CreateTime},
				Revisions:           []string{versionFromDB.Revision},
				Errors:              []waterfallVersionError{{versionFromDB.Errors}},
				Warnings:            []waterfallVersionError{{versionFromDB.Warnings}},
				Ignoreds:            []bool{versionFromDB.Ignored},
				RevisionOrderNumber: versionFromDB.RevisionOrderNumber,

			// add the builds to the waterfall row
			for _, b := range buildsInVersion {
				currentRow := waterfallRows[b.BuildVariant]
				buildForWaterfall := waterfallBuild{
					Id:      b.Id,
					Version: versionFromDB.Id,

				tasks, statusCount := createWaterfallTasks(b.Tasks)
				buildForWaterfall.Tasks = tasks
				buildForWaterfall.TaskStatusCount = statusCount
				currentRow.Builds[versionFromDB.Id] = buildForWaterfall
				waterfallRows[b.BuildVariant] = currentRow
				for _, task := range buildForWaterfall.Tasks {
					if task.Status == evergreen.TaskFailed || task.Status == evergreen.TaskStarted {
						failedAndStartedTaskIds = append(failedAndStartedTaskIds, task.Id)

			// add the version
			finalVersions = append(finalVersions, activeVersion)


		failedAndStartedTasks, err := task.Find(task.ByIds(failedAndStartedTaskIds))
		if err != nil {
			return versionVariantData{}, fmt.Errorf("error fetching failed tasks:"+
				" %v", err)

		addFailedAndStartedTests(waterfallRows, failedAndStartedTasks)

	// if the last version was rolled-up, add it
	if lastRolledUpVersion != nil {
		finalVersions = append(finalVersions, *lastRolledUpVersion)

	// create the list of display names for the build variants represented
	buildVariants := waterfallBuildVariants{}
	for name := range bvSet {
		displayName := buildVariantMappings[name]
		if displayName == "" {
			displayName = name + " (removed)"
		buildVariants = append(buildVariants, waterfallBuildVariant{Id: name, DisplayName: displayName})

	return versionVariantData{
		Rows:          waterfallRows,
		Versions:      finalVersions,
		BuildVariants: buildVariants,
	}, nil

Exemplo n.º 6
func (uis *UIServer) allTaskQueues(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	projCtx := MustHaveProjectContext(r)

	taskQueues, err := model.FindAllTaskQueues()
	if err != nil {
		uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError,
			fmt.Errorf("Error finding task queues: %v", err))

	// cached map of version id to relevant patch
	cachedPatches := map[string]*patch.Patch{}

	// convert the task queues to the ui versions
	uiTaskQueues := []uiTaskQueue{}
	for _, tQ := range taskQueues {
		asUI := uiTaskQueue{
			Distro: tQ.Distro,
			Queue:  []uiTaskQueueItem{},

		if len(tQ.Queue) == 0 {
			uiTaskQueues = append(uiTaskQueues, asUI)

		// convert the individual task queue items
		taskIds := []string{}
		for _, item := range tQ.Queue {

			// cache the ids, for fetching the tasks from the db
			taskIds = append(taskIds, item.Id)
			queueItemAsUI := uiTaskQueueItem{
				Id:                  item.Id,
				DisplayName:         item.DisplayName,
				BuildVariant:        item.BuildVariant,
				RevisionOrderNumber: item.RevisionOrderNumber,
				Requester:           item.Requester,
				Revision:            item.Revision,
				Project:             item.Project,
			asUI.Queue = append(asUI.Queue, queueItemAsUI)

		// find all the relevant tasks
		tasks, err := task.Find(task.ByIds(taskIds).WithFields(task.VersionKey, task.BuildIdKey))
		if err != nil {
			msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error finding tasks: %v", err)
			evergreen.Logger.Errorf(slogger.ERROR, msg)
			http.Error(w, msg, http.StatusInternalServerError)

		// store all of the version and build ids in the relevant task queue
		// items
		for _, task := range tasks {
			// this sucks, but it's because we're not guaranteed the order out
			// of the db
			for idx, queueItemAsUI := range asUI.Queue {
				if queueItemAsUI.Id == task.Id {
					queueItemAsUI.Version = task.Version
					queueItemAsUI.Build = task.BuildId
					asUI.Queue[idx] = queueItemAsUI

		// add all of the necessary patch info into the relevant task queue
		// items
		for idx, queueItemAsUI := range asUI.Queue {
			if queueItemAsUI.Requester == evergreen.PatchVersionRequester {
				// fetch the patch, if necessary
				var p *patch.Patch
				var ok bool
				if p, ok = cachedPatches[queueItemAsUI.Version]; ok {
					queueItemAsUI.User = p.Author
					asUI.Queue[idx] = queueItemAsUI
				} else {
					p, err = patch.FindOne(
					if err != nil {
						msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error finding patch: %v", err)
						evergreen.Logger.Errorf(slogger.ERROR, msg)
						http.Error(w, msg, http.StatusInternalServerError)
					if p == nil {
						msg := fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't find patch for version %v", queueItemAsUI.Version)
						evergreen.Logger.Errorf(slogger.ERROR, msg)
						http.Error(w, msg, http.StatusInternalServerError)
					cachedPatches[queueItemAsUI.Version] = p
				queueItemAsUI.User = p.Author
				asUI.Queue[idx] = queueItemAsUI


		uiTaskQueues = append(uiTaskQueues, asUI)


	// add other useful statistics to view alongside queue
	idleHosts, err := host.Find(host.IsIdle)
	if err != nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error finding idle hosts: %v", err)
		evergreen.Logger.Errorf(slogger.ERROR, msg)
		http.Error(w, msg, http.StatusInternalServerError)
	activeHosts, err := host.Find(host.IsLive)
	if err != nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error finding active hosts: %v", err)
		evergreen.Logger.Errorf(slogger.ERROR, msg)
		http.Error(w, msg, http.StatusInternalServerError)
	idleStaticHostsCount := 0
	for _, host := range idleHosts {
		if host.Provider == evergreen.HostTypeStatic {
	activeStaticHostsCount := 0
	for _, host := range activeHosts {
		if host.Provider == evergreen.HostTypeStatic {
	hostStats := uiHostStatistics{
		ActiveHosts:       len(activeHosts),
		ActiveStaticHosts: activeStaticHostsCount,
		IdleHosts:         len(idleHosts),
		IdleStaticHosts:   idleStaticHostsCount,

	uis.WriteHTML(w, http.StatusOK, struct {
		ProjectData projectContext
		User        *user.DBUser
		Flashes     []interface{}
		Data        uiResourceInfo
	}{projCtx, GetUser(r), []interface{}{}, uiResourceInfo{uiTaskQueues, hostStats}},
		"base", "task_queues.html", "base_angular.html", "menu.html")