Exemplo n.º 1
func (self *XEth) SignTransaction(fromStr, toStr, nonceStr, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, codeStr string) (*types.Transaction, error) {
	if len(toStr) > 0 && toStr != "0x" && !isAddress(toStr) {
		return nil, errors.New("Invalid address")

	var (
		from             = common.HexToAddress(fromStr)
		to               = common.HexToAddress(toStr)
		value            = common.Big(valueStr)
		gas              *big.Int
		price            *big.Int
		data             []byte
		contractCreation bool

	if len(gasStr) == 0 {
		gas = DefaultGas()
	} else {
		gas = common.Big(gasStr)

	if len(gasPriceStr) == 0 {
		price = self.DefaultGasPrice()
	} else {
		price = common.Big(gasPriceStr)

	data = common.FromHex(codeStr)
	if len(toStr) == 0 {
		contractCreation = true

	var nonce uint64
	if len(nonceStr) != 0 {
		nonce = common.Big(nonceStr).Uint64()
	} else {
		state := self.backend.TxPool().State()
		nonce = state.GetNonce(from)
	var tx *types.Transaction
	if contractCreation {
		tx = types.NewContractCreation(nonce, value, gas, price, data)
	} else {
		tx = types.NewTransaction(nonce, to, value, gas, price, data)

	signed, err := self.sign(tx, from, false)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return signed, nil
Exemplo n.º 2
// validatePool removes invalid and processed transactions from the main pool.
func (pool *TxPool) validatePool() {
	state := pool.currentState()
	for hash, tx := range pool.pending {
		from, _ := tx.From() // err already checked
		// perform light nonce validation
		if state.GetNonce(from) > tx.Nonce() {
			if glog.V(logger.Core) {
				glog.Infof("removed tx (%x) from pool: low tx nonce\n", hash[:4])
			delete(pool.pending, hash)
Exemplo n.º 3
// checkQueue moves transactions that have become processable to main pool.
func (pool *TxPool) checkQueue() {
	state := pool.pendingState

	var addq txQueue
	for address, txs := range pool.queue {
		// guessed nonce is the nonce currently kept by the tx pool (pending state)
		guessedNonce := state.GetNonce(address)
		// true nonce is the nonce known by the last state
		trueNonce := pool.currentState().GetNonce(address)
		addq := addq[:0]
		for hash, tx := range txs {
			if tx.Nonce() < trueNonce {
				// Drop queued transactions whose nonce is lower than
				// the account nonce because they have been processed.
				delete(txs, hash)
			} else {
				// Collect the remaining transactions for the next pass.
				addq = append(addq, txQueueEntry{hash, address, tx})
		// Find the next consecutive nonce range starting at the
		// current account nonce.
		for i, e := range addq {
			// start deleting the transactions from the queue if they exceed the limit
			if i > maxQueued {
				delete(pool.queue[address], e.hash)

			if e.Nonce() > guessedNonce {
				if len(addq)-i > maxQueued {
					if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
						glog.Infof("Queued tx limit exceeded for %s. Tx %s removed\n", common.PP(address[:]), common.PP(e.hash[:]))
					for j := i + maxQueued; j < len(addq); j++ {
						delete(txs, addq[j].hash)
			delete(txs, e.hash)
			pool.addTx(e.hash, address, e.Transaction)
		// Delete the entire queue entry if it became empty.
		if len(txs) == 0 {
			delete(pool.queue, address)
Exemplo n.º 4
// validatePool removes invalid and processed transactions from the main pool.
// If a transaction is removed for being invalid (e.g. out of funds), all sub-
// sequent (Still valid) transactions are moved back into the future queue. This
// is important to prevent a drained account from DOSing the network with non
// executable transactions.
func (pool *TxPool) validatePool() {
	state, err := pool.currentState()
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("failed to get current state: %v", err)
	balanceCache := make(map[common.Address]*big.Int)

	// Clean up the pending pool, accumulating invalid nonces
	gaps := make(map[common.Address]uint64)

	for hash, tx := range pool.pending {
		sender, _ := tx.From() // err already checked

		// Perform light nonce and balance validation
		balance := balanceCache[sender]
		if balance == nil {
			balance = state.GetBalance(sender)
			balanceCache[sender] = balance
		if past := state.GetNonce(sender) > tx.Nonce(); past || balance.Cmp(tx.Cost()) < 0 {
			// Remove an already past it invalidated transaction
			if glog.V(logger.Core) {
				glog.Infof("removed tx (%v) from pool: low tx nonce or out of funds\n", tx)
			delete(pool.pending, hash)

			// Track the smallest invalid nonce to postpone subsequent transactions
			if !past {
				if prev, ok := gaps[sender]; !ok || tx.Nonce() < prev {
					gaps[sender] = tx.Nonce()
	// Move all transactions after a gap back to the future queue
	if len(gaps) > 0 {
		for hash, tx := range pool.pending {
			sender, _ := tx.From()
			if gap, ok := gaps[sender]; ok && tx.Nonce() >= gap {
				if glog.V(logger.Core) {
					glog.Infof("postponed tx (%v) due to introduced gap\n", tx)
				pool.queueTx(hash, tx)
				delete(pool.pending, hash)
Exemplo n.º 5
// demoteUnexecutables removes invalid and processed transactions from the pools
// executable/pending queue and any subsequent transactions that become unexecutable
// are moved back into the future queue.
func (pool *TxPool) demoteUnexecutables() {
	// Retrieve the current state to allow nonce and balance checking
	state, err := pool.currentState()
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("failed to get current state: %v", err)
	// Iterate over all accounts and demote any non-executable transactions
	for addr, list := range pool.pending {
		nonce := state.GetNonce(addr)

		// Drop all transactions that are deemed too old (low nonce)
		for _, tx := range list.Forward(nonce) {
			if glog.V(logger.Core) {
				glog.Infof("Removed old pending transaction: %v", tx)
			delete(pool.all, tx.Hash())
		// Drop all transactions that are too costly (low balance), and queue any invalids back for later
		drops, invalids := list.Filter(state.GetBalance(addr))
		for _, tx := range drops {
			if glog.V(logger.Core) {
				glog.Infof("Removed unpayable pending transaction: %v", tx)
			delete(pool.all, tx.Hash())
		for _, tx := range invalids {
			if glog.V(logger.Core) {
				glog.Infof("Demoting pending transaction: %v", tx)
			pool.enqueueTx(tx.Hash(), tx)
		// Delete the entire queue entry if it became empty.
		if list.Empty() {
			delete(pool.pending, addr)
			delete(pool.beats, addr)
Exemplo n.º 6
// promoteExecutables moves transactions that have become processable from the
// future queue to the set of pending transactions. During this process, all
// invalidated transactions (low nonce, low balance) are deleted.
func (pool *TxPool) promoteExecutables() {
	// Init delayed since tx pool could have been started before any state sync
	if pool.pendingState == nil {
	// Retrieve the current state to allow nonce and balance checking
	state, err := pool.currentState()
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Could not get current state: %v", err)
	// Iterate over all accounts and promote any executable transactions
	queued := uint64(0)

	for addr, list := range pool.queue {
		// Drop all transactions that are deemed too old (low nonce)
		for _, tx := range list.Forward(state.GetNonce(addr)) {
			if glog.V(logger.Core) {
				glog.Infof("Removed old queued transaction: %v", tx)
			delete(pool.all, tx.Hash())
		// Drop all transactions that are too costly (low balance)
		drops, _ := list.Filter(state.GetBalance(addr))
		for _, tx := range drops {
			if glog.V(logger.Core) {
				glog.Infof("Removed unpayable queued transaction: %v", tx)
			delete(pool.all, tx.Hash())
		// Gather all executable transactions and promote them
		for _, tx := range list.Ready(pool.pendingState.GetNonce(addr)) {
			if glog.V(logger.Core) {
				glog.Infof("Promoting queued transaction: %v", tx)
			pool.promoteTx(addr, tx.Hash(), tx)
		// Drop all transactions over the allowed limit
		for _, tx := range list.Cap(int(maxQueuedPerAccount)) {
			if glog.V(logger.Core) {
				glog.Infof("Removed cap-exceeding queued transaction: %v", tx)
			delete(pool.all, tx.Hash())
		queued += uint64(list.Len())

		// Delete the entire queue entry if it became empty.
		if list.Empty() {
			delete(pool.queue, addr)
	// If we've queued more transactions than the hard limit, drop oldest ones
	if queued > maxQueuedInTotal {
		// Sort all accounts with queued transactions by heartbeat
		addresses := make(addresssByHeartbeat, 0, len(pool.queue))
		for addr, _ := range pool.queue {
			addresses = append(addresses, addressByHeartbeat{addr, pool.beats[addr]})

		// Drop transactions until the total is below the limit
		for drop := queued - maxQueuedInTotal; drop > 0; {
			addr := addresses[len(addresses)-1]
			list := pool.queue[addr.address]

			addresses = addresses[:len(addresses)-1]

			// Drop all transactions if they are less than the overflow
			if size := uint64(list.Len()); size <= drop {
				for _, tx := range list.Flatten() {
				drop -= size
			// Otherwise drop only last few transactions
			txs := list.Flatten()
			for i := len(txs) - 1; i >= 0 && drop > 0; i-- {
Exemplo n.º 7
func (self *XEth) Transact(fromStr, toStr, nonceStr, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, codeStr string) (string, error) {

	// this minimalistic recoding is enough (works for natspec.js)
	var jsontx = fmt.Sprintf(`{"params":[{"to":"%s","data": "%s"}]}`, toStr, codeStr)
	if !self.ConfirmTransaction(jsontx) {
		err := fmt.Errorf("Transaction not confirmed")
		return "", err

	if len(toStr) > 0 && toStr != "0x" && !isAddress(toStr) {
		return "", errors.New("Invalid address")

	var (
		from             = common.HexToAddress(fromStr)
		to               = common.HexToAddress(toStr)
		value            = common.Big(valueStr)
		gas              *big.Int
		price            *big.Int
		data             []byte
		contractCreation bool

	if len(gasStr) == 0 {
		gas = DefaultGas()
	} else {
		gas = common.Big(gasStr)

	if len(gasPriceStr) == 0 {
		price = self.DefaultGasPrice()
	} else {
		price = common.Big(gasPriceStr)

	data = common.FromHex(codeStr)
	if len(toStr) == 0 {
		contractCreation = true

	// 2015-05-18 Is this still needed?
	// TODO if no_private_key then
	//if _, exists := p.register[args.From]; exists {
	//	p.register[args.From] = append(p.register[args.From], args)
	//} else {
		account := accounts.Get(common.FromHex(args.From))
		if account != nil {
			if account.Unlocked() {
				if !unlockAccount(account) {

			result, _ := account.Transact(common.FromHex(args.To), common.FromHex(args.Value), common.FromHex(args.Gas), common.FromHex(args.GasPrice), common.FromHex(args.Data))
			if len(result) > 0 {
				*reply = common.ToHex(result)
		} else if _, exists := p.register[args.From]; exists {
			p.register[ags.From] = append(p.register[args.From], args)

	defer self.transactMu.Unlock()

	var nonce uint64
	if len(nonceStr) != 0 {
		nonce = common.Big(nonceStr).Uint64()
	} else {
		state := self.backend.TxPool().State()
		nonce = state.GetNonce(from)
	var tx *types.Transaction
	if contractCreation {
		tx = types.NewContractCreation(nonce, value, gas, price, data)
	} else {
		tx = types.NewTransaction(nonce, to, value, gas, price, data)

	signed, err := self.sign(tx, from, false)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if err = self.backend.TxPool().Add(signed); err != nil {
		return "", err

	if contractCreation {
		addr := crypto.CreateAddress(from, nonce)
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Tx(%s) created: %s\n", signed.Hash().Hex(), addr.Hex())
	} else {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Tx(%s) to: %s\n", signed.Hash().Hex(), tx.To().Hex())

	return signed.Hash().Hex(), nil