Exemplo n.º 1
// Proxy the request to the given endpoint, execute observers and middlewares chains
func (l *HttpLocation) proxyToEndpoint(tr *http.Transport, o *Options, endpoint endpoint.Endpoint, req request.Request) (*http.Response, error) {

	a := &request.BaseAttempt{Endpoint: endpoint}

	defer l.observerChain.ObserveResponse(req, a)
	defer req.AddAttempt(a)

	it := l.middlewareChain.GetIter()
	defer l.unwindIter(it, req, a)

	for v := it.Next(); v != nil; v = it.Next() {
		a.Response, a.Error = v.ProcessRequest(req)
		if a.Response != nil || a.Error != nil {
			// Move the iterator forward to count it again once we unwind the chain
			log.Errorf("Midleware intercepted request with response=%v, error=%v", a.Response, a.Error)
			return a.Response, a.Error
	// Forward the request and mirror the response
	start := o.TimeProvider.UtcNow()

	re, err := tr.RoundTrip(req.GetHttpRequest())
	// Read the response as soon as we can, this will allow to release a connection to the pool
	a.Response, a.Error = readResponse(&o.Limits, re, err)

	a.Duration = o.TimeProvider.UtcNow().Sub(start)
	return a.Response, a.Error