// DockerRun perform a docker run
func DockerRun(req *DockerRunRequest) (DockerRunResponse, error) {
	response := DockerRunResponse{}
	//logit.Info.Println("DockerRun called")
	swarmURL := os.Getenv("SWARM_MANAGER_URL")
	if swarmURL == "" {
		logit.Error.Println("SWARM_MANAGER_URL not set")
		return response, errors.New("SWARM_MANAGER_URL not set")

	var envvars []string
	var i = 0
	if req.EnvVars != nil {
		envvars = make([]string, len(req.EnvVars)+1)
		for k, v := range req.EnvVars {
			envvars[i] = k + "=" + v
	} else {
		envvars = make([]string, 1)

	if req.Profile == "" {
		return response, errors.New("Profile was empty and should not be")

	//typical case is to always add the profile constraint env var
	//like SM, MED, LG, however in the case of a restore job, we
	//use a hard constraint of the host ipaddress to pin
	//the restored container to the same host as where the backup
	//is stored
	if req.IPAddress != "" {
		envvars[i] = "constraint:host==~" + req.IPAddress
	} else {
		envvars[i] = "constraint:profile==~" + req.Profile

	docker, err := dockerapi.NewClient(swarmURL)
	if err != nil {
		return response, err

	options := dockerapi.CreateContainerOptions{}
	config := dockerapi.Config{}
	config.Hostname = req.ContainerName
	options.Config = &config
	hostConfig := dockerapi.HostConfig{}
	options.HostConfig = &hostConfig
	options.Name = req.ContainerName
	options.Config.Env = envvars
	options.Config.Image = "crunchydata/" + req.Image
	//logit.Info.Println("swarmapi using " + options.Config.Image + " as the image name")
	options.Config.Volumes = make(map[string]struct{})

	//TODO figure out cpu shares and memory settings, these are different
	//than what I was using before due to me using the docker api directly
	//with this swarm implementation...use the defaults for now

	//options.HostConfig.CPUShares, err = strconv.ParseInt(req.CPU, 0, 64)
	//if err != nil {
	//return response, err
	//options.HostConfig.Memory = req.MEM

	options.HostConfig.Binds = make([]string, 3)
	options.HostConfig.Binds[0] = req.PGDataPath + ":/pgdata"
	options.HostConfig.Binds[1] = "/var/cpm/data/keys:/keys"
	options.HostConfig.Binds[2] = "/var/cpm/config:/syslogconfig"

	container, err3 := docker.CreateContainer(options)
	if err3 != nil {
		return response, err3

	var startResponse DockerStartResponse
	startRequest := DockerStartRequest{}
	startRequest.ContainerName = req.ContainerName
	startResponse, err = DockerStart(&startRequest)
	if err != nil {
		return response, err
	//cmd := exec.Command(req.CommandPath, req.PGDataPath, req.ContainerName,
	//req.Image, req.CPU, req.MEM, allEnvVars)

	response.ID = container.ID
	return response, nil