Exemplo n.º 1
func (this *ConfigMongodb) LoadConfig(cf *conf.Conf) {
	this.ShardBaseNum = cf.Int("shard_base_num", 100000)
	this.DebugProtocol = cf.Bool("debug_protocol", false)
	this.DebugHeartbeat = cf.Bool("debug_heartbeat", false)
	this.ShardStrategy = cf.String("shard_strategy", "legacy")
	this.ConnectTimeout = cf.Duration("connect_timeout", 4*time.Second)
	this.IoTimeout = cf.Duration("io_timeout", 30*time.Second)
	this.MaxIdleConnsPerServer = cf.Int("max_idle_conns_per_server", 2)
	this.MaxConnsPerServer = cf.Int("max_conns_per_server",
	this.HeartbeatInterval = cf.Int("heartbeat_interval", 120)
	section, err := cf.Section("breaker")
	if err == nil {
	this.Servers = make(map[string]*ConfigMongodbServer)
	for i := 0; i < len(cf.List("servers", nil)); i++ {
		section, err := cf.Section(fmt.Sprintf("servers[%d]", i))
		if err != nil {

		server := new(ConfigMongodbServer)
		server.ShardBaseNum = this.ShardBaseNum
		this.Servers[server.Pool] = server

	log.Debug("mongodb conf: %+v", *this)
Exemplo n.º 2
func (this *SkyOutput) Init(config *conf.Conf) {
	const TYPE_SEP = ":"
	this.uidFieldType, this.actionFieldType = als.KEY_TYPE_INT, als.KEY_TYPE_STRING
	this.uidField = config.String("uid_field", "_log_info.uid")
	if strings.Contains(this.uidField, TYPE_SEP) {
		p := strings.SplitN(this.uidField, TYPE_SEP, 2)
		this.uidField, this.uidFieldType = p[0], p[1]
	this.actionField = config.String("action_field", "action")
	if this.actionField == "" {
		panic("empty action field")
	if strings.Contains(this.actionField, TYPE_SEP) {
		p := strings.SplitN(this.actionField, TYPE_SEP, 2)
		this.actionField, this.actionFieldType = p[0], p[1]

	this.project = config.String("project", "")
	var (
		host string = config.String("host", "localhost")
		port int    = config.Int("port", 8585)
	client := sky.NewClient(host)
	client.Port = port

	if !client.Ping() {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("sky server not running: %s:%d", host, port))

	this.table, _ = client.GetTable(config.String("table", ""))
	if this.table == nil {
		panic("must create table in advance")

Exemplo n.º 3
func (this *SyslogngInput) Init(config *conf.Conf) {
	this.ident = config.String("ident", "")
	if this.ident == "" {
		panic("empty ident")
	this.addr = config.String("addr", ":9787")
Exemplo n.º 4
func (this *esConverter) load(section *conf.Conf) {
	this.keys = section.StringList("keys", nil)
	this.typ = section.String("type", "")
	this.currency = section.String("currency", "")
	this.rang = section.IntList("range", nil)
	this.normalizers = section.StringList("normalizers", nil)
Exemplo n.º 5
func (this *SelfSysInput) Init(config *conf.Conf) {
	this.stopChan = make(chan bool)
	this.ident = config.String("ident", "")
	if this.ident == "" {
		panic("empty ident")
Exemplo n.º 6
func (this *CardinalityOutput) Init(config *conf.Conf) {
	this.checkpoint = config.String("checkpoint", "")
	this.counters = stats.NewCardinalityCounter()
	if this.checkpoint != "" {
Exemplo n.º 7
func (this *ConfigMysqlServer) loadConfig(section *conf.Conf) {
	this.Pool = section.String("pool", "")
	this.Host = section.String("host", "")
	this.Port = section.String("port", "3306")
	this.DbName = section.String("db", "")
	this.User = section.String("username", "")
	this.Pass = section.String("password", "")
	this.Charset = section.String("charset", "utf8")
	if this.Host == "" ||
		this.Port == "" ||
		this.Pool == "" ||
		this.DbName == "" {
		panic("required field missing")

	this.dsn = ""
	if this.User != "" {
		this.dsn = this.User + ":"
		if this.Pass != "" {
			this.dsn += this.Pass
	this.dsn += fmt.Sprintf("@tcp(%s:%s)/%s?", this.Host, this.Port, this.DbName)
	if this.Charset != "" {
		this.dsn += "charset=" + this.Charset
	if this.conf.Timeout > 0 {
		this.dsn += "&timeout=" + this.conf.Timeout.String()
Exemplo n.º 8
func (this *ConfigMemcache) LoadConfig(cf *conf.Conf) {
	this.Servers = make(map[string]*ConfigMemcacheServer)
	this.HashStrategy = cf.String("hash_strategy", "standard")
	this.Timeout = cf.Duration("timeout", 4*time.Second)
	this.ReplicaN = cf.Int("replica_num", 1)
	section, err := cf.Section("breaker")
	if err == nil {
	this.MaxIdleConnsPerServer = cf.Int("max_idle_conns_per_server", 3)
	this.MaxConnsPerServer = cf.Int("max_conns_per_server",
	for i := 0; i < len(cf.List("servers", nil)); i++ {
		section, err := cf.Section(fmt.Sprintf("servers[%d]", i))
		if err != nil {

		server := new(ConfigMemcacheServer)
		this.Servers[server.Address()] = server

	log.Debug("memcache conf: %+v", *this)
Exemplo n.º 9
func (this *ConfigMongodbServer) loadConfig(section *conf.Conf) {
	this.Pool = section.String("pool", "")
	this.Host = section.String("host", "")
	this.Port = section.String("port", "27017")
	this.DbName = section.String("db", "")
	this.ShardBaseNum = section.Int("shard_base_num", this.ShardBaseNum)
	this.User = section.String("user", "")
	this.Pass = section.String("pass", "")
	this.ReplicaSet = section.String("replicaSet", "")
	if this.Host == "" ||
		this.Port == "" ||
		this.Pool == "" ||
		this.DbName == "" {
		panic("required field missing")

	// http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/connection-string/
	this.uri = "mongodb://" + this.Host + ":" + this.Port + "/"
	if this.DbName != "" {
		this.uri += this.DbName + "/"
	if this.ReplicaSet != "" {
		this.uri += "?replicaSet=" + this.ReplicaSet

Exemplo n.º 10
func (this *FlashlogInput) Init(config *conf.Conf) {
	this.dsn = config.String("dsn",
	this.ident = config.String("ident", "")
	if this.ident == "" {
		panic("empty ident")
Exemplo n.º 11
func (this *ConfigRedisServer) loadConfig(cf *conf.Conf) {
	this.Addr = cf.String("addr", "")
	if this.Addr == "" {
		panic("Empty redis server addr")
	this.MaxIdle = cf.Int("max_idle", 10)
	this.MaxActive = cf.Int("max_active", this.MaxIdle*2)
	this.IdleTimeout = cf.Duration("idle_timeout", 10*time.Minute)
Exemplo n.º 12
func (this *apiConfig) loadConfig(section *conf.Conf) {
	this.controller = section.String("controller", "")
	this.action = section.String("action", "")
	io, err := section.Section("io")
	if err != nil {
	this.input = io.Object("input", nil)
	this.output = io.Object("output", nil)
Exemplo n.º 13
func (this *ConfigMemcacheServer) loadConfig(section *conf.Conf) {
	this.host = section.String("host", "")
	if this.host == "" {
		panic("Empty memcache server host")
	this.hort = section.String("port", "")
	if this.hort == "" {
		panic("Empty memcache server port")

	log.Debug("memcache server: %+v", *this)
Exemplo n.º 14
func (this *configRpc) loadConfig(section *conf.Conf) {
	this.listenAddr = section.String("listen_addr", "")
	if this.listenAddr == "" {
		panic("Empty listen_addr")

	this.clientTimeout = time.Duration(section.Int("client_timeout", 0)) * time.Second
	this.framed = section.Bool("framed", false)
	this.protocol = section.String("protocol", "binary")

	log.Debug("rpc: %+v", *this)
Exemplo n.º 15
func (this *EsOutput) Init(config *conf.Conf) {
	this.stopChan = make(chan bool)
	api.Domain = config.String("domain", "localhost")
	this.counters = sortedmap.NewSortedMap()
	api.Port = config.String("port", "9200")
	this.reportInterval = time.Duration(config.Int("report_interval", 30)) * time.Second
	this.showProgress = config.Bool("show_progress", true)
	this.flushInterval = time.Duration(config.Int("flush_interval", 30)) * time.Second
	this.bulkMaxConn = config.Int("bulk_max_conn", 20)
	this.bulkMaxDocs = config.Int("bulk_max_docs", 100)
	this.bulkMaxBuffer = config.Int("bulk_max_buffer", 10<<20) // 10 MB
	this.dryRun = config.Bool("dryrun", false)
Exemplo n.º 16
func (this *CardinalityFilter) Init(config *conf.Conf) {
	this.ident = config.String("ident", "")
	if this.ident == "" {
		panic("empty ident")
	for i := 0; i < len(config.List("converts", nil)); i++ {
		section, err := config.Section(fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", "converts", i))
		if err != nil {

		c := cardinalityConverter{}
		this.converters = append(this.converters, c)
Exemplo n.º 17
func (this *ConfigMemcache) loadConfig(cf *conf.Conf) {
	this.Servers = make(map[string]*ConfigMemcacheServer)
	this.HashStrategy = cf.String("hash_strategy", "standard")
	for i := 0; i < len(cf.List("servers", nil)); i++ {
		section, err := cf.Section(fmt.Sprintf("servers[%d]", i))
		if err != nil {

		server := new(ConfigMemcacheServer)
		this.Servers[server.Address()] = server

	log.Debug("memcache: %+v", *this)
Exemplo n.º 18
func loadConfig(cf *conf.Conf) {
	config.etcServers = cf.StringList("etcd_servers", nil)
	config.faeTemplateFile = cf.String("fae_template_file", "")
	config.faeTargetFile = cf.String("fae_target_file", "")
	config.maintainTemplateFile = cf.String("maintain_template_file", "")
	config.maintainTargetFile = cf.String("maintain_target_file", "")

	log.Debug("config: %+v", config)
Exemplo n.º 19
func (this *ConfigRpc) LoadConfig(section *conf.Conf) {
	this.ListenAddr = section.String("listen_addr", "")
	if this.ListenAddr == "" {
		panic("Empty listen_addr")

	this.SessionTimeout = section.Duration("session_timeout", 30*time.Second)
	this.IoTimeout = section.Duration("io_timeout", 2*time.Second)
	this.StatsOutputInterval = section.Duration("stats_output_interval", 10*time.Second)
	this.Framed = section.Bool("framed", false)
	this.BufferSize = section.Int("buffer_size", 4<<10)
	this.Protocol = section.String("protocol", "binary")
	this.PreforkMode = section.Bool("prefork_mode", false)
	this.MaxOutstandingSessions = section.Int("max_outstanding_sessions", 20000)
	this.HostMaxCallPerMinute = section.Int("host_max_call_per_minute", 100*60)

	log.Debug("rpc conf: %+v", *this)
Exemplo n.º 20
func (this *ConfigMongodbServer) loadConfig(section *conf.Conf) {
	this.Kind = section.String("kind", "")
	this.Host = section.String("host", "")
	this.Port = section.String("port", "27017")
	this.DbName = section.String("db", "")
	this.ShardBaseNum = section.Int("shard_base_num", this.ShardBaseNum)
	this.User = section.String("user", "")
	this.Pass = section.String("pass", "")
	this.ReplicaSet = section.String("replicaSet", "")
	if this.Host == "" ||
		this.Port == "" ||
		this.Kind == "" ||
		this.DbName == "" {
		panic("required field missing")

	log.Debug("mongodb server: %+v", *this)
Exemplo n.º 21
func (this *ArchiveInput) Init(config *conf.Conf) {
	this.rootDir = config.String("root_dir", "")
	this.ident = config.String("ident", "")
	if this.ident == "" {
		panic("empty ident")
	this.project = config.String("project", "rs")
	this.workerNChan = make(chan int, config.Int("concurrent_num", 20))
	this.chkpnt = als.NewFileCheckpoint(config.String("chkpntfile", ""))
	this.ignores = config.StringList("ignores", nil)
Exemplo n.º 22
func (this *EsBufferFilter) Init(config *conf.Conf) {
	this.ident = config.String("ident", "")
	if this.ident == "" {
		panic("empty ident")

	this.stopChan = make(chan interface{})
	this.wokers = make([]*esBufferWorker, 0, 10)
	for i := 0; i < len(config.List("workers", nil)); i++ {
		section, err := config.Section(fmt.Sprintf("workers[%d]", i))
		if err != nil {

		worker := new(esBufferWorker)
		worker.init(section, this.ident, this.stopChan)
		this.wokers = append(this.wokers, worker)
Exemplo n.º 23
func (this *cardinalityConverter) load(section *conf.Conf) {
	this.logPrefix = section.String("log_prefix", "")
	this.project = section.String("project", "")
	this.fields = make([]cardinalityField, 0, 5)
	for i := 0; i < len(section.List("fields", nil)); i++ {
		keyPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("fields[%d].", i)
		field := cardinalityField{}
		field.key = section.String(keyPrefix+"key", "")
		field.typ = section.String(keyPrefix+"type", "string")
		field.intervals = section.StringList(keyPrefix+"intervals", nil)
		this.fields = append(this.fields, field)
Exemplo n.º 24
func (this *EsFilter) Init(config *conf.Conf) {
	this.ident = config.String("ident", "")
	if this.ident == "" {
		panic("empty ident")
	this.converters = make([]esConverter, 0, 10)
	this.indexPattern = config.String("index_pattern", "")
	for i := 0; i < len(config.List("converts", nil)); i++ {
		section, err := config.Section(fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", "converts", i))
		if err != nil {

		c := esConverter{}
		this.converters = append(this.converters, c)

	geodbFile := config.String("geodbfile", "")
	if err := als.LoadGeoDb(geodbFile); err != nil {
	globals := engine.Globals()
	if globals.Verbose {
		globals.Printf("Loaded geodb %s\n", geodbFile)
Exemplo n.º 25
func (this *table) init(config *conf.Conf) error {
	this.properties = make([]property, 0, 10)
	this.name = config.String("name", "")
	if this.name == "" {
		return errors.New("empty table name")

	for i := 0; i < len(config.List("props", nil)); i++ {
		section, err := config.Section(fmt.Sprintf("props[%d]", i))
		if err != nil {
			return err

		p := property{}
		p.name = section.String("name", "")
		p.transient = section.Bool("transient", true)
		p.dataType = section.String("type", "")
		this.properties = append(this.properties, p)

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 26
func (this *ConfigMysql) LoadConfig(cf *conf.Conf) {
	this.GlobalPools = make(map[string]bool)
	for _, p := range cf.StringList("global_pools", nil) {
		this.GlobalPools[p] = true
	this.ShardStrategy = cf.String("shard_strategy", "standard")
	this.MaxIdleTime = cf.Duration("max_idle_time", 0)
	this.Timeout = cf.Duration("timeout", 10*time.Second)
	this.AllowNullableColumns = cf.Bool("allow_nullable_columns", true)
	this.MaxIdleConnsPerServer = cf.Int("max_idle_conns_per_server", 2)
	this.MaxConnsPerServer = cf.Int("max_conns_per_server",
	this.CachePrepareStmtMaxItems = cf.Int("cache_prepare_stmt_max_items", 0)
	this.HeartbeatInterval = cf.Int("heartbeat_interval", 120)
	this.CacheStore = cf.String("cache_store", "mem")
	this.CacheStoreMemMaxItems = cf.Int("cache_store_mem_max_items", 10<<20)
	this.CacheStoreRedisPool = cf.String("cache_store_redis_pool", "db_cache")
	this.CacheKeyHash = cf.Bool("cache_key_hash", false)
	this.LookupPool = cf.String("lookup_pool", "ShardLookup")
	this.JsonMergeMaxOutstandingItems = cf.Int("json_merge_max_outstanding_items", 8<<20)
	this.LookupCacheMaxItems = cf.Int("lookup_cache_max_items", 1<<20)
	section, err := cf.Section("breaker")
	if err == nil {
	section, err = cf.Section("lookup_tables")
	if err == nil {
		this.lookupTables = *section
	} else {

	this.Servers = make(map[string]*ConfigMysqlServer)
	for i := 0; i < len(cf.List("servers", nil)); i++ {
		section, err := cf.Section(fmt.Sprintf("servers[%d]", i))
		if err != nil {

		server := new(ConfigMysqlServer)
		server.conf = this
		this.Servers[server.Pool] = server

	log.Debug("mysql conf: %+v", *this)
Exemplo n.º 27
func (this *alarmProjectConf) fromConfig(config *conf.Conf) {
	this.name = config.String("name", "")
	if this.name == "" {
		panic("project has no 'name'")

	mailSection, err := config.Section("alarm_email")
	if err == nil {
		this.mailConf = alarmProjectMailConf{}
		this.mailConf.severityPoolSize = mailSection.Int("severity_pool_size", 100)
		this.mailConf.severityThreshold = mailSection.Int("severity_threshold", 8)
		this.mailConf.suppressHours = mailSection.IntList("suppress_hours", nil)
		this.mailConf.recipients = mailSection.String("recipients", "")
		if this.mailConf.recipients == "" {
			panic("mail alarm can't have no recipients")
		this.mailConf.interval = mailSection.Int("interval", 300)

	this.emailChan = make(chan alarmMailMessage)
	workersMutex := new(sync.Mutex)
	this.workers = make(map[string]*alarmWorker)
	for i := 0; i < len(config.List("workers", nil)); i++ {
		section, err := config.Section(fmt.Sprintf("workers[%d]", i))
		if err != nil {

		worker := &alarmWorker{projName: this.name,
			emailChan: this.emailChan, workersMutex: workersMutex}
		worker.init(section, this.stopChan)
		this.workers[worker.conf.camelName] = worker
	if len(this.workers) == 0 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s empty 'workers'", this.name))
Exemplo n.º 28
func (this *ConfigMemcacheServer) loadConfig(section *conf.Conf) {
	this.Host = section.String("host", "")
	if this.Host == "" {
		panic("Empty memcache server host")
	this.Port = section.String("port", "")
	if this.Port == "" {
		panic("Empty memcache server port")
	this.Pool = section.String("pool", "default")

Exemplo n.º 29
func (this *pluginCommons) load(section *conf.Conf) {
	this.name = section.String("name", "")
	if this.name == "" {
		pretty.Printf("%# v\n", *section)
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid plugin config: %v", *section))

	this.class = section.String("class", "")
	if this.class == "" {
		this.class = this.name
	this.comment = section.String("comment", "")
	this.ticker = section.Int("ticker_interval", Globals().TickerLength)
	this.disabled = section.Bool("disabled", false)
Exemplo n.º 30
func (this *alarmWorkerConfigField) init(config *conf.Conf) {
	this.name = config.String("name", "")
	if this.name == "" {
		panic("alarm worker field name can't be empty")

	this.typ = config.String("type", als.KEY_TYPE_STRING)
	this.parser = config.String("parser", "")
	this.ignores = config.StringList("ignores", nil)
	this._regexIgnores = make([]*regexp.Regexp, 0)
	// build the precompiled regex matcher
	for _, ignore := range this.ignores {
		if strings.HasPrefix(ignore, "regex:") {
			pattern := strings.TrimSpace(ignore[6:])
			r, err := regexp.Compile(pattern)
			if err != nil {

			this._regexIgnores = append(this._regexIgnores, r)
	this.normalizers = config.StringList("normalizers", nil)