Exemplo n.º 1
func checkoutWithIncludeExclude(include []string, exclude []string) {
	ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not checkout")

	pointers, err := lfs.ScanTree(ref)
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not scan for Git LFS files")

	var wait sync.WaitGroup

	c := make(chan *lfs.WrappedPointer)

	go func() {
	for _, pointer := range pointers {
		if lfs.FilenamePassesIncludeExcludeFilter(pointer.Name, include, exclude) {
			c <- pointer


Exemplo n.º 2
func pullCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {

	if len(args) > 0 {
		// Remote is first arg
		if err := git.ValidateRemote(args[0]); err != nil {
			Panic(err, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid remote name '%v'", args[0]))
		lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = args[0]
	} else {
		// Actively find the default remote, don't just assume origin
		defaultRemote, err := git.DefaultRemote()
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "No default remote")
		lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = defaultRemote

	ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not pull")

	includePaths, excludePaths := determineIncludeExcludePaths(pullIncludeArg, pullExcludeArg)

	c := fetchRefToChan(ref.Sha, includePaths, excludePaths)
	checkoutFromFetchChan(includePaths, excludePaths, c)
Exemplo n.º 3
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetRetainedWorktree(retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer waitg.Done()

	// Retain other worktree HEADs too
	// Working copy, branch & maybe commit is different but repo is shared
	allWorktreeRefs, err := git.GetAllWorkTreeHEADs(lfs.LocalGitStorageDir)
	if err != nil {
		errorChan <- err
	// Don't repeat any commits, worktrees are always on their own branches but
	// may point to the same commit
	commits := lfs.NewStringSet()
	// current HEAD is done elsewhere
	headref, err := git.CurrentRef()
	if err != nil {
		errorChan <- err
	for _, ref := range allWorktreeRefs {
		if commits.Add(ref.Sha) {
			// Worktree is on a different commit
			// Don't need to 'cd' to worktree since we share same repo
			go pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref.Sha, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)

Exemplo n.º 4
func fetchCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
	var refs []string

	if len(args) > 0 {
		// Remote is first arg
		lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = args[0]
	} else {
		trackedRemote, err := git.CurrentRemote()
		if err == nil {
			lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = trackedRemote
		} // otherwise leave as default (origin)
	if len(args) > 1 {
		refs = args[1:]
	} else {
		ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Could not fetch")
		refs = []string{ref}

	includePaths, excludePaths := determineIncludeExcludePaths(fetchIncludeArg, fetchExcludeArg)

	// Fetch refs sequentially per arg order; duplicates in later refs will be ignored
	for _, ref := range refs {
		fetchRef(ref, includePaths, excludePaths)

Exemplo n.º 5
func lsFilesCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {

	var ref string
	var err error

	if len(args) == 1 {
		ref = args[0]
	} else {
		fullref, err := git.CurrentRef()
		if err != nil {
		ref = fullref.Sha

	showOidLen := 10
	if longOIDs {
		showOidLen = 64

	files, err := lfs.ScanTree(ref)
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not scan for Git LFS tree: %s", err)

	for _, p := range files {
		Print("%s %s %s", p.Oid[0:showOidLen], lsFilesMarker(p), p.Name)
Exemplo n.º 6
func fetchCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {

	var refs []*git.Ref

	if len(args) > 0 {
		// Remote is first arg
		lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = args[0]
	} else {
		trackedRemote, err := git.CurrentRemote()
		if err == nil {
			lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = trackedRemote
		} // otherwise leave as default (origin)

	if len(args) > 1 {
		for _, r := range args[1:] {
			ref, err := git.ResolveRef(r)
			if err != nil {
				Panic(err, "Invalid ref argument")
			refs = append(refs, ref)
	} else {
		ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Could not fetch")
		refs = []*git.Ref{ref}

	if fetchAllArg {
		if fetchRecentArg || len(args) > 1 {
			Exit("Cannot combine --all with ref arguments or --recent")
		if fetchIncludeArg != "" || fetchExcludeArg != "" {
			Exit("Cannot combine --all with --include or --exclude")
		if len(lfs.Config.FetchIncludePaths()) > 0 || len(lfs.Config.FetchExcludePaths()) > 0 {
			Print("Ignoring global include / exclude paths to fulfil --all")

	} else { // !all
		includePaths, excludePaths := determineIncludeExcludePaths(fetchIncludeArg, fetchExcludeArg)

		// Fetch refs sequentially per arg order; duplicates in later refs will be ignored
		for _, ref := range refs {
			Print("Fetching %v", ref.Name)
			fetchRef(ref.Sha, includePaths, excludePaths)

		if fetchRecentArg || lfs.Config.FetchPruneConfig().FetchRecentAlways {
			fetchRecent(refs, includePaths, excludePaths)
Exemplo n.º 7
func pull(includePaths, excludePaths []string) {

	ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not pull")

	c := fetchRefToChan(ref.Sha, includePaths, excludePaths)
	checkoutFromFetchChan(includePaths, excludePaths, c)

Exemplo n.º 8
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetRetainedCurrentAndRecentRefs(retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer waitg.Done()

	// We actually increment the waitg in this func since we kick off sub-goroutines
	// Make a list of what unique commits to keep, & search backward from
	commits := lfs.NewStringSet()
	// Do current first
	ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
	if err != nil {
		errorChan <- err
	go pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref.Sha, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)

	// Now recent
	fetchconf := lfs.Config.FetchPruneConfig()
	if fetchconf.FetchRecentRefsDays > 0 {
		pruneRefDays := fetchconf.FetchRecentRefsDays + fetchconf.PruneOffsetDays
		tracerx.Printf("PRUNE: Retaining non-HEAD refs within %d (%d+%d) days", pruneRefDays, fetchconf.FetchRecentRefsDays, fetchconf.PruneOffsetDays)
		refsSince := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -pruneRefDays)
		// Keep all recent refs including any recent remote branches
		refs, err := git.RecentBranches(refsSince, fetchconf.FetchRecentRefsIncludeRemotes, "")
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Could not scan for recent refs")
		for _, ref := range refs {
			if commits.Add(ref.Sha) {
				// A new commit
				go pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref.Sha, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)

	// For every unique commit we've fetched, check recent commits too
	// Only if we're fetching recent commits, otherwise only keep at refs
	if fetchconf.FetchRecentCommitsDays > 0 {
		pruneCommitDays := fetchconf.FetchRecentCommitsDays + fetchconf.PruneOffsetDays
		for commit := range commits.Iter() {
			// We measure from the last commit at the ref
			summ, err := git.GetCommitSummary(commit)
			if err != nil {
				errorChan <- fmt.Errorf("Couldn't scan commits at %v: %v", commit, err)
			commitsSince := summ.CommitDate.AddDate(0, 0, -pruneCommitDays)
			go pruneTaskGetPreviousVersionsOfRef(commit, commitsSince, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)
Exemplo n.º 9
func checkoutWithIncludeExclude(include []string, exclude []string) {
	ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not checkout")

	pointers, err := lfs.ScanTree(ref.Sha)
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not scan for Git LFS files")

	var wait sync.WaitGroup

	c := make(chan *lfs.WrappedPointer, 1)

	go func() {

	// Count bytes for progress
	var totalBytes int64
	for _, pointer := range pointers {
		totalBytes += pointer.Size

	logPath, _ := cfg.Os.Get("GIT_LFS_PROGRESS")
	progress := progress.NewProgressMeter(len(pointers), totalBytes, false, logPath)
	totalBytes = 0
	for _, pointer := range pointers {
		totalBytes += pointer.Size
		if lfs.FilenamePassesIncludeExcludeFilter(pointer.Name, include, exclude) {
			c <- pointer
			// not strictly correct (parallel) but we don't have a callback & it's just local
			// plus only 1 slot in channel so it'll block & be close
			progress.TransferBytes("checkout", pointer.Name, pointer.Size, totalBytes, int(pointer.Size))
		} else {

func fetchCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
	var refs []string

	if len(args) > 0 {
		refs = args
	} else {
		ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Could not fetch")
		refs = []string{ref}

	// Fetch refs sequentially per arg order; duplicates in later refs will be ignored
	for _, ref := range refs {

Exemplo n.º 11
func fetchCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
	var refs []*git.Ref

	if len(args) > 0 {
		// Remote is first arg
		lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = args[0]
	} else {
		trackedRemote, err := git.CurrentRemote()
		if err == nil {
			lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = trackedRemote
		} // otherwise leave as default (origin)
	if len(args) > 1 {
		for _, r := range args[1:] {
			ref, err := git.ResolveRef(r)
			if err != nil {
				Panic(err, "Invalid ref argument")
			refs = append(refs, ref)
	} else {
		ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Could not fetch")
		refs = []*git.Ref{ref}

	includePaths, excludePaths := determineIncludeExcludePaths(fetchIncludeArg, fetchExcludeArg)

	// Fetch refs sequentially per arg order; duplicates in later refs will be ignored
	for _, ref := range refs {
		Print("Fetching %v", ref.Name)
		fetchRef(ref.Sha, includePaths, excludePaths)

	if fetchRecentArg || lfs.Config.FetchPruneConfig().FetchRecentAlways {
		fetchRecent(refs, includePaths, excludePaths)

Exemplo n.º 12
func checkoutFromFetchChan(include []string, exclude []string, in chan *lfs.WrappedPointer) {
	ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not checkout")
	// Need to ScanTree to identify multiple files with the same content (fetch will only report oids once)
	pointers, err := lfs.ScanTree(ref.Sha)
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not scan for Git LFS files")

	// Map oid to multiple pointers
	mapping := make(map[string][]*lfs.WrappedPointer)
	for _, pointer := range pointers {
		if lfs.FilenamePassesIncludeExcludeFilter(pointer.Name, include, exclude) {
			mapping[pointer.Oid] = append(mapping[pointer.Oid], pointer)

	// Launch git update-index
	c := make(chan *lfs.WrappedPointer)

	var wait sync.WaitGroup

	go func() {

	// Feed it from in, which comes from fetch
	for p := range in {
		// Add all of the files for this oid
		for _, fp := range mapping[p.Oid] {
			c <- fp
Exemplo n.º 13
func lsFilesCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
	var ref string
	var err error

	if len(args) == 1 {
		ref = args[0]
	} else {
		ref, err = git.CurrentRef()
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Could not ls-files")

	pointers, err := lfs.ScanRefs(ref, "")
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not scan for Git LFS files")

	for _, p := range pointers {
Exemplo n.º 14
func pullCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {

	if len(args) > 0 {
		// Remote is first arg
		lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = args[0]
	} else {
		trackedRemote, err := git.CurrentRemote()
		if err == nil {
			lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = trackedRemote
		} // otherwise leave as default (origin)

	ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not pull")

	includePaths, excludePaths := determineIncludeExcludePaths(pullIncludeArg, pullExcludeArg)

	c := fetchRefToChan(ref, includePaths, excludePaths)
	checkoutFromFetchChan(includePaths, excludePaths, c)
Exemplo n.º 15
func lsFilesCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
	var ref string
	var err error

	if len(args) == 1 {
		ref = args[0]
	} else {
		fullref, err := git.CurrentRef()
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Could not ls-files")
		ref = fullref.Sha

	scanOpt := &lfs.ScanRefsOptions{SkipDeletedBlobs: true}
	pointers, err := lfs.ScanRefs(ref, "", scanOpt)
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not scan for Git LFS files")

	for _, p := range pointers {
Exemplo n.º 16
func fetchCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {

	var refs []*git.Ref

	if len(args) > 0 {
		// Remote is first arg
		if err := git.ValidateRemote(args[0]); err != nil {
			Exit("Invalid remote name %q", args[0])
		cfg.CurrentRemote = args[0]
	} else {
		cfg.CurrentRemote = ""

	if len(args) > 1 {
		resolvedrefs, err := git.ResolveRefs(args[1:])
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Invalid ref argument: %v", args[1:])
		refs = resolvedrefs
	} else if !fetchAllArg {
		ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Could not fetch")
		refs = []*git.Ref{ref}

	success := true
	include, exclude := getIncludeExcludeArgs(cmd)

	if fetchAllArg {
		if fetchRecentArg || len(args) > 1 {
			Exit("Cannot combine --all with ref arguments or --recent")
		if include != nil || exclude != nil {
			Exit("Cannot combine --all with --include or --exclude")
		if len(cfg.FetchIncludePaths()) > 0 || len(cfg.FetchExcludePaths()) > 0 {
			Print("Ignoring global include / exclude paths to fulfil --all")
		success = fetchAll()

	} else { // !all
		includePaths, excludePaths := determineIncludeExcludePaths(cfg, include, exclude)

		// Fetch refs sequentially per arg order; duplicates in later refs will be ignored
		for _, ref := range refs {
			Print("Fetching %v", ref.Name)
			s := fetchRef(ref.Sha, includePaths, excludePaths)
			success = success && s

		if fetchRecentArg || cfg.FetchPruneConfig().FetchRecentAlways {
			s := fetchRecent(refs, includePaths, excludePaths)
			success = success && s

	if fetchPruneArg {
		fetchconf := cfg.FetchPruneConfig()
		verify := fetchconf.PruneVerifyRemoteAlways
		// no dry-run or verbose options in fetch, assume false
		prune(fetchconf, verify, false, false)

	if !success {
		Exit("Warning: errors occurred")
Exemplo n.º 17
func doFsck() (bool, error) {

	ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	// The LFS scanner methods return unexported *lfs.wrappedPointer objects.
	// All we care about is the pointer OID and file name
	pointerIndex := make(map[string]string)

	pointers, err := lfs.ScanRefs(ref.Sha, "", nil)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	for _, p := range pointers {
		pointerIndex[p.Oid] = p.Name

	// TODO(zeroshirts): do we want to look for LFS stuff in past commits?
	p2, err := lfs.ScanIndex()
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	for _, p := range p2 {
		pointerIndex[p.Oid] = p.Name

	ok := true

	for oid, name := range pointerIndex {
		path := lfs.LocalMediaPathReadOnly(oid)

		Debug("Examining %v (%v)", name, path)

		f, err := os.Open(path)
		if pErr, pOk := err.(*os.PathError); pOk {
			Print("Object %s (%s) could not be checked: %s", name, oid, pErr.Err)
			ok = false
		if err != nil {
			return false, err

		oidHash := sha256.New()
		_, err = io.Copy(oidHash, f)
		if err != nil {
			return false, err

		recalculatedOid := hex.EncodeToString(oidHash.Sum(nil))
		if recalculatedOid != oid {
			ok = false
			Print("Object %s (%s) is corrupt", name, oid)
			if fsckDryRun {

			badDir := filepath.Join(config.LocalGitStorageDir, "lfs", "bad")
			if err := os.MkdirAll(badDir, 0755); err != nil {
				return false, err

			badFile := filepath.Join(badDir, oid)
			if err := os.Rename(path, badFile); err != nil {
				return false, err
			Print("  moved to %s", badFile)
	return ok, nil
Exemplo n.º 18
func fetchCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
	var ref string
	var err error

	if len(args) == 1 {
		ref = args[0]
	} else {
		ref, err = git.CurrentRef()
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Could not fetch")

	pointers, err := lfs.ScanRefs(ref, "")
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not scan for Git LFS files")

	q := lfs.NewDownloadQueue(lfs.Config.ConcurrentTransfers(), len(pointers))

	for _, p := range pointers {

	target, err := git.ResolveRef(ref)
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not resolve git ref")

	current, err := git.CurrentRef()
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not fetch the current git ref")

	if target == current {
		// We just downloaded the files for the current ref, we can copy them into
		// the working directory and update the git index. We're doing this in a
		// goroutine so they can be copied as they come in, for efficiency.
		watch := q.Watch()

		go func() {
			files := make(map[string]*lfs.WrappedPointer, len(pointers))
			for _, pointer := range pointers {
				files[pointer.Oid] = pointer

			// Fire up the update-index command
			cmd := exec.Command("git", "update-index", "-q", "--refresh", "--stdin")
			stdin, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
			if err != nil {
				Panic(err, "Could not update the index")

			if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
				Panic(err, "Could not update the index")

			// As files come in, write them to the wd and update the index
			for oid := range watch {
				pointer, ok := files[oid]
				if !ok {

				file, err := os.Create(pointer.Name)
				if err != nil {
					Panic(err, "Could not create working directory file")

				if err := lfs.PointerSmudge(file, pointer.Pointer, pointer.Name, nil); err != nil {
					Panic(err, "Could not write working directory file")

				stdin.Write([]byte(pointer.Name + "\n"))

			if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
				Panic(err, "Error updating the git index")

		processQueue := time.Now()
		tracerx.PerformanceSince("process queue", processQueue)
Exemplo n.º 19
// pushCommand pushes local objects to a Git LFS server.  It takes two
// arguments:
//   `<remote> <remote ref>`
// Both a remote name ("origin") or a remote URL are accepted.
// pushCommand calculates the git objects to send by looking comparing the range
// of commits between the local and remote git servers.
func pushCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
	var uploadQueue *lfs.TransferQueue

	if len(args) == 0 {
		Print("Specify a remote and a remote branch name (`git lfs push origin master`)")

	lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = args[0]

	if useStdin {
		requireStdin("Run this command from the Git pre-push hook, or leave the --stdin flag off.")

		// called from a pre-push hook!  Update the existing pre-push hook if it's
		// one that git-lfs set.

		refsData, err := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Error reading refs on stdin")

		if len(refsData) == 0 {

		left, right := decodeRefs(string(refsData))
		if left == pushDeleteBranch {

		uploadQueue = uploadsBetweenRefs(left, right)
	} else if pushObjectIDs {
		if len(args) < 2 {
			Print("Usage: git lfs push --object-id <remote> <lfs-object-id> [lfs-object-id] ...")

		uploadQueue = uploadsWithObjectIDs(args[1:])
	} else {

		if len(args) < 1 {
			Print("Usage: git lfs push --dry-run <remote> [ref]")

		remote := args[0]
		var ref string
		if len(args) == 2 {
			ref = args[1]

		if ref == "" {
			localRef, err := git.CurrentRef()
			if err != nil {
				Panic(err, "Error getting local ref")
			ref = localRef.Sha

		uploadQueue = uploadsBetweenRefAndRemote(ref, remote)

	if !pushDryRun {
		for _, err := range uploadQueue.Errors() {
			if Debugging || err.Panic {
				LoggedError(err.Err, err.Error())
			} else {

		if len(uploadQueue.Errors()) > 0 {
Exemplo n.º 20
func fetchCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {

	var refs []*git.Ref

	if len(args) > 0 {
		// Remote is first arg
		if err := git.ValidateRemote(args[0]); err != nil {
			Exit("Invalid remote name %q", args[0])
		lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = args[0]
	} else {
		// Actively find the default remote, don't just assume origin
		defaultRemote, err := git.DefaultRemote()
		if err != nil {
			Exit("No default remote")
		lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = defaultRemote

	if len(args) > 1 {
		for _, r := range args[1:] {
			ref, err := git.ResolveRef(r)
			if err != nil {
				Panic(err, "Invalid ref argument")
			refs = append(refs, ref)
	} else {
		ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Could not fetch")
		refs = []*git.Ref{ref}

	success := true
	if fetchAllArg {
		if fetchRecentArg || len(args) > 1 {
			Exit("Cannot combine --all with ref arguments or --recent")
		if fetchIncludeArg != "" || fetchExcludeArg != "" {
			Exit("Cannot combine --all with --include or --exclude")
		if len(lfs.Config.FetchIncludePaths()) > 0 || len(lfs.Config.FetchExcludePaths()) > 0 {
			Print("Ignoring global include / exclude paths to fulfil --all")
		success = fetchAll()

	} else { // !all
		includePaths, excludePaths := determineIncludeExcludePaths(fetchIncludeArg, fetchExcludeArg)

		// Fetch refs sequentially per arg order; duplicates in later refs will be ignored
		for _, ref := range refs {
			Print("Fetching %v", ref.Name)
			s := fetchRef(ref.Sha, includePaths, excludePaths)
			success = success && s

		if fetchRecentArg || lfs.Config.FetchPruneConfig().FetchRecentAlways {
			s := fetchRecent(refs, includePaths, excludePaths)
			success = success && s

	if fetchPruneArg {
		verify := lfs.Config.FetchPruneConfig().PruneVerifyRemoteAlways
		// no dry-run or verbose options in fetch, assume false
		prune(verify, false, false)

	if !success {
		Exit("Warning: errors occurred")
Exemplo n.º 21
// pushCommand pushes local objects to a Git LFS server.  It takes two
// arguments:
//   `<remote> <remote ref>`
// Both a remote name ("origin") or a remote URL are accepted.
// pushCommand calculates the git objects to send by looking comparing the range
// of commits between the local and remote git servers.
func pushCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
	var left, right string

	if len(args) == 0 {
		Print("Specify a remote and a remote branch name (`git lfs push origin master`)")

	lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = args[0]

	if useStdin {
		requireStdin("Run this command from the Git pre-push hook, or leave the --stdin flag off.")

		// called from a pre-push hook!  Update the existing pre-push hook if it's
		// one that git-lfs set.

		refsData, err := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Error reading refs on stdin")

		if len(refsData) == 0 {

		left, right = decodeRefs(string(refsData))
		if left == pushDeleteBranch {
	} else {
		var remoteArg, refArg string

		if len(args) < 1 {
			Print("Usage: git lfs push --dry-run <remote> [ref]")

		remoteArg = args[0]
		if len(args) == 2 {
			refArg = args[1]

		localRef, err := git.CurrentRef()
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Error getting local ref")
		left = localRef

		remoteRef, err := git.LsRemote(remoteArg, refArg)
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Error getting remote ref")

		if remoteRef != "" {
			right = "^" + strings.Split(remoteRef, "\t")[0]

	// Just use scanner here
	pointers, err := lfs.ScanRefs(left, right)
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Error scanning for Git LFS files")

	uploadQueue := lfs.NewUploadQueue(lfs.Config.ConcurrentTransfers(), len(pointers))

	for i, pointer := range pointers {
		if pushDryRun {
			Print("push %s", pointer.Name)
		tracerx.Printf("checking_asset: %s %s %d/%d", pointer.Oid, pointer.Name, i+1, len(pointers))

		u, wErr := lfs.NewUploadable(pointer.Oid, pointer.Name, i+1, len(pointers))
		if wErr != nil {
			if Debugging || wErr.Panic {
				Panic(wErr.Err, wErr.Error())
			} else {

	if !pushDryRun {
		for _, err := range uploadQueue.Errors() {
			if Debugging || err.Panic {
				LoggedError(err.Err, err.Error())
			} else {

		if len(uploadQueue.Errors()) > 0 {
Exemplo n.º 22
func statusCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {

	ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not get the current ref")

	stagedPointers, err := lfs.ScanIndex()
	if err != nil {
		Panic(err, "Could not scan staging for Git LFS objects")

	if porcelain {
		for _, p := range stagedPointers {
			switch p.Status {
			case "R", "C":
				Print("%s  %s -> %s %d", p.Status, p.SrcName, p.Name, p.Size)
			case "M":
				Print(" %s %s %d", p.Status, p.Name, p.Size)
				Print("%s  %s %d", p.Status, p.Name, p.Size)

	Print("On branch %s", ref.Name)

	remoteRef, err := git.CurrentRemoteRef()
	if err == nil {

		pointers, err := lfs.ScanRefs(ref.Sha, "^"+remoteRef.Sha, nil)
		if err != nil {
			Panic(err, "Could not scan for Git LFS objects")

		Print("Git LFS objects to be pushed to %s:\n", remoteRef.Name)
		for _, p := range pointers {
			Print("\t%s (%s)", p.Name, humanizeBytes(p.Size))

	Print("\nGit LFS objects to be committed:\n")
	for _, p := range stagedPointers {
		switch p.Status {
		case "R", "C":
			Print("\t%s -> %s (%s)", p.SrcName, p.Name, humanizeBytes(p.Size))
		case "M":
			Print("\t%s (%s)", p.Name, humanizeBytes(p.Size))

	Print("\nGit LFS objects not staged for commit:\n")
	for _, p := range stagedPointers {
		if p.Status == "M" {
			Print("\t%s", p.Name)
