Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: ssa.go Projeto: rvedam/llgo
// contextFunction creates a wrapper function that
// has the same signature as the specified function,
// but has an additional first parameter that accepts
// and ignores the function context value.
// contextFunction must be called with a global function
// pointer.
func contextFunction(c *compiler, f *LLVMValue) *LLVMValue {
	defer c.builder.SetInsertPointAtEnd(c.builder.GetInsertBlock())
	resultType := c.llvmtypes.ToLLVM(f.Type())
	fnptr := f.LLVMValue()
	contextType := resultType.StructElementTypes()[1]
	llfntyp := fnptr.Type().ElementType()
	llfntyp = llvm.FunctionType(
		append([]llvm.Type{contextType}, llfntyp.ParamTypes()...),
	wrapper := llvm.AddFunction(c.module.Module, fnptr.Name()+".ctx", llfntyp)
	entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(wrapper, "entry")
	args := make([]llvm.Value, len(llfntyp.ParamTypes())-1)
	for i := range args {
		args[i] = wrapper.Param(i + 1)
	result := c.builder.CreateCall(fnptr, args, "")
	switch nresults := f.Type().(*types.Signature).Results().Len(); nresults {
	case 0:
	case 1:
		results := make([]llvm.Value, nresults)
		for i := range results {
			results[i] = c.builder.CreateExtractValue(result, i, "")
	return c.NewValue(wrapper, f.Type())
Exemplo n.º 2
func (c *compiler) createMainFunction() error {
	// In a PNaCl program (plugin), there should not be a "main.main";
	// instead, we expect a "main.CreateModule" function.
	// See pkg/nacl/ppapi/ppapi.go for more details.
	mainMain := c.module.NamedFunction("main.main")
		if c.pnacl {
			// PNaCl's libppapi_stub.a implements "main", which simply
			// calls through to PpapiPluginMain. We define our own "main"
			// so that we can capture argc/argv.
			if !mainMain.IsNil() {
				return fmt.Errorf("Found main.main")
			pluginMain := c.RuntimeFunction("PpapiPluginMain", "func() int32")

			// Synthesise a main which has no return value. We could cast
			// PpapiPluginMain, but this is potentially unsafe as its
			// calling convention is unspecified.
			ftyp := llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), nil, false)
			mainMain = llvm.AddFunction(c.module.Module, "main.main", ftyp)
			entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(mainMain, "entry")
			c.builder.CreateCall(pluginMain, nil, "")
		} else */{
		mainMain = c.module.NamedFunction("main.main")

	if mainMain.IsNil() {
		return fmt.Errorf("Could not find main.main")

	// runtime.main is called by main, with argc, argv, argp,
	// and a pointer to main.main, which must be a niladic
	// function with no result.
	runtimeMain := c.runtime.main.LLVMValue()

	ptrptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0), 0)
	ftyp := llvm.FunctionType(llvm.Int32Type(), []llvm.Type{llvm.Int32Type(), ptrptr, ptrptr}, true)
	main := llvm.AddFunction(c.module.Module, "main", ftyp)

	entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(main, "entry")
	runtimeMainParamTypes := runtimeMain.Type().ElementType().ParamTypes()
	args := []llvm.Value{
		main.Param(0), // argc
		main.Param(1), // argv
		main.Param(2), // argp
		c.builder.CreateBitCast(mainMain, runtimeMainParamTypes[3], ""),
	result := c.builder.CreateCall(runtimeMain, args, "")
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 3
func (tm *TypeMap) interfaceFuncWrapper(f llvm.Value) llvm.Value {
	ftyp := f.Type().ElementType()
	paramTypes := ftyp.ParamTypes()
	recvType := paramTypes[0]
	paramTypes[0] = llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	newf := llvm.AddFunction(f.GlobalParent(), f.Name()+".ifn", llvm.FunctionType(

	b := llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer b.Dispose()
	entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(newf, "entry")
	args := make([]llvm.Value, len(paramTypes))
	for i := range paramTypes {
		args[i] = newf.Param(i)

	recvBits := int(tm.target.TypeSizeInBits(recvType))
	if recvBits > 0 {
		args[0] = b.CreatePtrToInt(args[0], tm.target.IntPtrType(), "")
		if args[0].Type().IntTypeWidth() > recvBits {
			args[0] = b.CreateTrunc(args[0], llvm.IntType(recvBits), "")
		args[0] = coerce(b, args[0], recvType)
	} else {
		args[0] = llvm.ConstNull(recvType)

	result := b.CreateCall(f, args, "")
	if result.Type().TypeKind() == llvm.VoidTypeKind {
	} else {
	return newf
Exemplo n.º 4
func test() {

	mod := llvm.NewModule("fac_module")

	// don't do that, because ExecutionEngine takes ownership over module
	//defer mod.Dispose()

	fac_args := []llvm.Type{llvm.Int32Type()}
	fac_type := llvm.FunctionType(llvm.Int32Type(), fac_args, false)
	fac := llvm.AddFunction(mod, "fac", fac_type)
	n := fac.Param(0)

	entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(fac, "entry")
	iftrue := llvm.AddBasicBlock(fac, "iftrue")
	iffalse := llvm.AddBasicBlock(fac, "iffalse")
	end := llvm.AddBasicBlock(fac, "end")

	builder := llvm.NewBuilder()
	defer builder.Dispose()

	If := builder.CreateICmp(llvm.IntEQ, n, llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), 0, false), "cmptmp")
	builder.CreateCondBr(If, iftrue, iffalse)

	res_iftrue := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), 1, false)

	n_minus := builder.CreateSub(n, llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), 1, false), "subtmp")
	call_fac_args := []llvm.Value{n_minus}
	call_fac := builder.CreateCall(fac, call_fac_args, "calltmp")
	res_iffalse := builder.CreateMul(n, call_fac, "multmp")

	res := builder.CreatePHI(llvm.Int32Type(), "result")
	phi_vals := []llvm.Value{res_iftrue, res_iffalse}
	phi_blocks := []llvm.BasicBlock{iftrue, iffalse}
	res.AddIncoming(phi_vals, phi_blocks)

	err := llvm.VerifyModule(mod, llvm.ReturnStatusAction)
	if err != nil {

	engine, err := llvm.NewMCJITCompiler(mod, llvm.MCJITCompilerOptions{OptLevel: 2})
	if err != nil {
	defer engine.Dispose()

	pass := llvm.NewPassManager()
	defer pass.Dispose()



	exec_args := []llvm.GenericValue{llvm.NewGenericValueFromInt(llvm.Int32Type(), 10, false)}
	exec_res := engine.RunFunction(fac, exec_args)
	fmt.Println("Running fac(10) with JIT...")
	fmt.Printf("Result: %d\n", exec_res.Int(false))
Exemplo n.º 5
// indirectFunction creates an indirect function from a
// given function and arguments, suitable for use with
// "defer" and "go".
func (c *compiler) indirectFunction(fn *LLVMValue, args []*LLVMValue) *LLVMValue {
	nilarytyp := types.NewSignature(nil, nil, nil, nil, false)
	if len(args) == 0 {
		val := fn.LLVMValue()
		ptr := c.builder.CreateExtractValue(val, 0, "")
		ctx := c.builder.CreateExtractValue(val, 1, "")
		fnval := llvm.Undef(c.types.ToLLVM(nilarytyp))
		ptr = c.builder.CreateBitCast(ptr, fnval.Type().StructElementTypes()[0], "")
		ctx = c.builder.CreateBitCast(ctx, fnval.Type().StructElementTypes()[1], "")
		fnval = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(fnval, ptr, 0, "")
		fnval = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(fnval, ctx, 1, "")
		return c.NewValue(fnval, nilarytyp)

	// Check if function pointer or context pointer is global/null.
	fnval := fn.LLVMValue()
	fnptr := fnval
	var nctx int
	var fnctx llvm.Value
	var fnctxindex uint64
	var globalfn bool
	if fnptr.Type().TypeKind() == llvm.StructTypeKind {
		fnptr = c.builder.CreateExtractValue(fnval, 0, "")
		fnctx = c.builder.CreateExtractValue(fnval, 1, "")
		globalfn = !fnptr.IsAFunction().IsNil()
		if !globalfn {
		if !fnctx.IsNull() {
			fnctxindex = uint64(nctx)
	} else {
		// We've got a raw global function pointer. Convert to <ptr,ctx>.
		fnval = llvm.ConstNull(c.types.ToLLVM(fn.Type()))
		fnval = llvm.ConstInsertValue(fnval, fnptr, []uint32{0})
		fn = c.NewValue(fnval, fn.Type())
		fnctx = llvm.ConstExtractValue(fnval, []uint32{1})
		globalfn = true

	i8ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	llvmargs := make([]llvm.Value, len(args)+nctx)
	llvmargtypes := make([]llvm.Type, len(args)+nctx)
	for i, arg := range args {
		llvmargs[i+nctx] = arg.LLVMValue()
		llvmargtypes[i+nctx] = llvmargs[i+nctx].Type()
	if !globalfn {
		llvmargtypes[0] = fnptr.Type()
		llvmargs[0] = fnptr
	if !fnctx.IsNull() {
		llvmargtypes[fnctxindex] = fnctx.Type()
		llvmargs[fnctxindex] = fnctx

	// TODO(axw) investigate an option for go statements
	// to allocate argument structure on the stack in the
	// initiator, and block until the spawned goroutine
	// has loaded the arguments from it.
	structtyp := llvm.StructType(llvmargtypes, false)
	argstruct := c.createTypeMalloc(structtyp)
	for i, llvmarg := range llvmargs {
		argptr := c.builder.CreateGEP(argstruct, []llvm.Value{
			llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), 0, false),
			llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(i), false)}, "")
		c.builder.CreateStore(llvmarg, argptr)

	// Create a function that will take a pointer to a structure of the type
	// defined above, or no parameters if there are none to pass.
	fntype := llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), []llvm.Type{argstruct.Type()}, false)
	indirectfn := llvm.AddFunction(c.module.Module, "", fntype)
	i8argstruct := c.builder.CreateBitCast(argstruct, i8ptr, "")
	currblock := c.builder.GetInsertBlock()
	c.builder.SetInsertPointAtEnd(llvm.AddBasicBlock(indirectfn, "entry"))
	argstruct = indirectfn.Param(0)
	newargs := make([]*LLVMValue, len(args))
	for i := range llvmargs[nctx:] {
		argptr := c.builder.CreateGEP(argstruct, []llvm.Value{
			llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), 0, false),
			llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(i+nctx), false)}, "")
		newargs[i] = c.NewValue(c.builder.CreateLoad(argptr, ""), args[i].Type())

	// Unless we've got a global function, extract the
	// function pointer from the context.
	if !globalfn {
		fnval = llvm.Undef(fnval.Type())
		fnptrptr := c.builder.CreateGEP(argstruct, []llvm.Value{
			llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), 0, false),
			llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), 0, false)}, "")
		fnptr = c.builder.CreateLoad(fnptrptr, "")
		fnval = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(fnval, fnptr, 0, "")
	if !fnctx.IsNull() {
		fnctxptr := c.builder.CreateGEP(argstruct, []llvm.Value{
			llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), 0, false),
			llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), fnctxindex, false)}, "")
		fnctx = c.builder.CreateLoad(fnctxptr, "")
		fnval = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(fnval, fnctx, 1, "")
		fn = c.NewValue(fnval, fn.Type())
	c.createCall(fn, newargs)

	// Indirect function calls' return values are always ignored.

	fnval = llvm.Undef(c.types.ToLLVM(nilarytyp))
	indirectfn = c.builder.CreateBitCast(indirectfn, fnval.Type().StructElementTypes()[0], "")
	fnval = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(fnval, indirectfn, 0, "")
	fnval = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(fnval, i8argstruct, 1, "")
	fn = c.NewValue(fnval, nilarytyp)
	return fn
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: ssa.go Projeto: rvedam/llgo
// prepareCall returns the evaluated function and arguments.
// For builtins that may not be used in go/defer, prepareCall
// will emits inline code. In this case, prepareCall returns
// nil for fn and args, and returns a non-nil value for result.
func (fr *frame) prepareCall(instr ssa.CallInstruction) (fn *LLVMValue, args []*LLVMValue, result *LLVMValue) {
	call := instr.Common()
	args = make([]*LLVMValue, len(call.Args))
	for i, arg := range call.Args {
		args[i] = fr.value(arg)

	if call.IsInvoke() {
		fn := fr.interfaceMethod(fr.value(call.Value), call.Method)
		return fn, args, nil

	switch v := call.Value.(type) {
	case *ssa.Builtin:
		// handled below
	case *ssa.Function:
		// Function handled specially; value() will convert
		// a function to one with a context argument.
		fn = fr.resolveFunction(v)
		pair := llvm.ConstNull(fr.llvmtypes.ToLLVM(fn.Type()))
		pair = llvm.ConstInsertValue(pair, fn.LLVMValue(), []uint32{0})
		fn = fr.NewValue(pair, fn.Type())
		return fn, args, nil
		fn = fr.value(call.Value)
		return fn, args, nil

	// Builtins may only be used in calls (i.e. can't be assigned),
	// and only print[ln], panic and recover may be used in go/defer.
	builtin := call.Value.(*ssa.Builtin)
	switch builtin.Name() {
	case "print", "println":
		// print/println generates a call-site specific anonymous
		// function to print the values. It's not inline because
		// print/println may be deferred.
		params := make([]*types.Var, len(call.Args))
		for i, arg := range call.Args {
			// make sure to use args[i].Type(), not call.Args[i].Type(),
			// as the evaluated expression converts untyped.
			params[i] = types.NewParam(arg.Pos(), nil, arg.Name(), args[i].Type())
		sig := types.NewSignature(nil, nil, types.NewTuple(params...), nil, false)
		llfntyp := fr.llvmtypes.ToLLVM(sig)
		llfnptr := llvm.AddFunction(fr.module.Module, "", llfntyp.StructElementTypes()[0].ElementType())
		currBlock := fr.builder.GetInsertBlock()
		entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(llfnptr, "entry")
		internalArgs := make([]Value, len(args))
		for i, arg := range args {
			internalArgs[i] = fr.NewValue(llfnptr.Param(i), arg.Type())
		fr.printValues(builtin.Name() == "println", internalArgs...)
		return fr.NewValue(llfnptr, sig), args, nil

	case "panic":
		panic("TODO: panic")

	case "recover":
		// TODO(axw) determine number of frames to skip in pc check
		indirect := fr.NewValue(llvm.ConstNull(llvm.Int32Type()), types.Typ[types.Int32])
		return fr.runtime.recover_, []*LLVMValue{indirect}, nil

	case "append":
		return nil, nil, fr.callAppend(args[0], args[1])

	case "close":
		return fr.runtime.chanclose, args, nil

	case "cap":
		return nil, nil, fr.callCap(args[0])

	case "len":
		return nil, nil, fr.callLen(args[0])

	case "copy":
		return nil, nil, fr.callCopy(args[0], args[1])

	case "delete":
		fr.callDelete(args[0], args[1])
		return nil, nil, nil

	case "real":
		return nil, nil, args[0].extractComplexComponent(0)

	case "imag":
		return nil, nil, args[0].extractComplexComponent(1)

	case "complex":
		r := args[0].LLVMValue()
		i := args[1].LLVMValue()
		typ := instr.Value().Type()
		cmplx := llvm.Undef(fr.llvmtypes.ToLLVM(typ))
		cmplx = fr.builder.CreateInsertValue(cmplx, r, 0, "")
		cmplx = fr.builder.CreateInsertValue(cmplx, i, 1, "")
		return nil, nil, fr.NewValue(cmplx, typ)

		panic("unimplemented: " + builtin.Name())
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: ssa.go Projeto: rvedam/llgo
func (fr *frame) value(v ssa.Value) (result *LLVMValue) {
	switch v := v.(type) {
	case nil:
		return nil
	case *ssa.Function:
		result, ok := fr.funcvals[v]
		if ok {
			return result
		// fr.globals[v] has the function in raw pointer form;
		// we must convert it to <f,ctx> form. If the function
		// does not have a receiver, then create a wrapper
		// function that has an additional "context" parameter.
		f := fr.resolveFunction(v)
		if v.Signature.Recv() == nil && len(v.FreeVars) == 0 {
			f = contextFunction(fr.compiler, f)
		pair := llvm.ConstNull(fr.llvmtypes.ToLLVM(f.Type()))
		fnptr := llvm.ConstBitCast(f.LLVMValue(), pair.Type().StructElementTypes()[0])
		pair = llvm.ConstInsertValue(pair, fnptr, []uint32{0})
		result = fr.NewValue(pair, f.Type())
		fr.funcvals[v] = result
		return result
	case *ssa.Const:
		return fr.NewConstValue(v.Value, v.Type())
	case *ssa.Global:
		if g, ok := fr.globals[v]; ok {
			return g
		// Create an external global. Globals for this package are defined
		// on entry to translatePackage, and have initialisers.
		llelemtyp := fr.llvmtypes.ToLLVM(deref(v.Type()))
		llglobal := llvm.AddGlobal(fr.module.Module, llelemtyp, v.String())
		global := fr.NewValue(llglobal, v.Type())
		fr.globals[v] = global
		return global
	if value, ok := fr.env[v]; ok {
		return value

	// Instructions are not necessarily visited before they are used (e.g. Phi
	// edges) so we must "backpatch": create a value with the resultant type,
	// and then replace it when we visit the instruction.
	if b, ok := fr.backpatch[v]; ok {
		return b
	if fr.backpatch == nil {
		fr.backpatch = make(map[ssa.Value]*LLVMValue)
	// Note: we must not create a constant here (e.g. Undef/ConstNull), as
	// it is not permissible to replace a constant with a non-constant.
	// We must create the value in its own standalone basic block, so we can
	// dispose of it after replacing.
	currBlock := fr.builder.GetInsertBlock()
	fr.builder.SetInsertPointAtEnd(llvm.AddBasicBlock(currBlock.Parent(), ""))
	placeholder := fr.compiler.builder.CreatePHI(fr.llvmtypes.ToLLVM(v.Type()), "")
	value := fr.NewValue(placeholder, v.Type())
	fr.backpatch[v] = value
	return value
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: ssa.go Projeto: rvedam/llgo
func (u *unit) defineFunction(f *ssa.Function) {
	// Nothing to do for functions without bodies.
	if len(f.Blocks) == 0 {

	// Only define functions from this package.
	if f.Pkg == nil {
		if r := f.Signature.Recv(); r != nil {
			if r.Pkg() != nil && r.Pkg() != u.pkg.Object {
			} else if named, ok := r.Type().(*types.Named); ok && named.Obj().Parent() == types.Universe {
				// This condition is true iff f is error.Error.
				if u.pkg.Object.Path() != "runtime" {
	} else if f.Pkg != u.pkg {

	fr := frame{
		unit:   u,
		blocks: make([]llvm.BasicBlock, len(f.Blocks)),
		env:    make(map[ssa.Value]*LLVMValue),

	fr.logf("Define function: %s", f.String())
	llvmFunction := fr.resolveFunction(f).LLVMValue()
	delete(u.undefinedFuncs, f)

	// Push the function onto the debug context.
	// TODO(axw) create a fake CU for synthetic functions
	if u.GenerateDebug && f.Synthetic == "" {
		u.debug.pushFunctionContext(llvmFunction, f.Signature, f.Pos())
		defer u.debug.popFunctionContext()
		u.debug.setLocation(u.builder, f.Pos())

	// Functions that call recover must not be inlined, or we
	// can't tell whether the recover call is valid at runtime.
	if f.Recover != nil {

	for i, block := range f.Blocks {
		fr.blocks[i] = llvm.AddBasicBlock(llvmFunction, fmt.Sprintf(".%d.%s", i, block.Comment))

	var paramOffset int
	if len(f.FreeVars) > 0 {
		// Extract captures from the first implicit parameter.
		arg0 := llvmFunction.Param(0)
		for i, fv := range f.FreeVars {
			addressPtr := fr.builder.CreateStructGEP(arg0, i, "")
			address := fr.builder.CreateLoad(addressPtr, "")
			fr.env[fv] = fr.NewValue(address, fv.Type())
	// Map parameter positions to indices. We use this
	// when processing locals to map back to parameters
	// when generating debug metadata.
	paramPos := make(map[token.Pos]int)
	for i, param := range f.Params {
		paramPos[param.Pos()] = i + paramOffset
		llparam := llvmFunction.Param(i + paramOffset)
		fr.env[param] = fr.NewValue(llparam, param.Type())

	// Allocate stack space for locals in the prologue block.
	prologueBlock := llvm.InsertBasicBlock(fr.blocks[0], "prologue")
	for _, local := range f.Locals {
		typ := fr.llvmtypes.ToLLVM(deref(local.Type()))
		alloca := fr.builder.CreateAlloca(typ, local.Comment)
		u.memsetZero(alloca, llvm.SizeOf(typ))
		value := fr.NewValue(alloca, local.Type())
		fr.env[local] = value
		if fr.GenerateDebug {
			paramIndex, ok := paramPos[local.Pos()]
			if !ok {
				paramIndex = -1
			fr.debug.declare(fr.builder, local, alloca, paramIndex)

	// Move any allocs relating to named results from the entry block
	// to the prologue block, so they dominate the rundefers and recover
	// blocks.
	// TODO(axw) ask adonovan for a cleaner way of doing this, e.g.
	// have ssa generate an entry block that defines Allocs and related
	// stores, and then a separate block for function body instructions.
	if f.Synthetic == "" {
		if results := f.Signature.Results(); results != nil {
			for i := 0; i < results.Len(); i++ {
				result := results.At(i)
				if result.Name() == "" {
				for i, instr := range f.Blocks[0].Instrs {
					if instr, ok := instr.(*ssa.Alloc); ok && instr.Heap && instr.Pos() == result.Pos() {
						instrs := f.Blocks[0].Instrs
						instrs = append(instrs[:i], instrs[i+1:]...)
						f.Blocks[0].Instrs = instrs

	// If the function contains any defers, we must first call
	// setjmp so we can call rundefers in response to a panic.
	// We can short-circuit the check for defers with
	// f.Recover != nil.
	if f.Recover != nil || hasDefer(f) {
		rdblock := llvm.AddBasicBlock(llvmFunction, "rundefers")
		defers := fr.builder.CreateAlloca(fr.runtime.defers.llvm, "")
		fr.builder.CreateCall(fr.runtime.initdefers.LLVMValue(), []llvm.Value{defers}, "")
		jb := fr.builder.CreateStructGEP(defers, 0, "")
		jb = fr.builder.CreateBitCast(jb, llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0), "")
		result := fr.builder.CreateCall(fr.runtime.setjmp.LLVMValue(), []llvm.Value{jb}, "")
		result = fr.builder.CreateIsNotNull(result, "")
		fr.builder.CreateCondBr(result, rdblock, fr.blocks[0])
		// We'll only get here via a panic, which must either be
		// recovered or continue panicking up the stack without
		// returning from "rundefers". The recover block may be
		// nil even if we can recover, in which case we just need
		// to return the zero value for each result (if any).
		var recoverBlock llvm.BasicBlock
		if f.Recover != nil {
			recoverBlock = fr.block(f.Recover)
		} else {
			recoverBlock = llvm.AddBasicBlock(llvmFunction, "recover")
			var nresults int
			results := f.Signature.Results()
			if results != nil {
				nresults = results.Len()
			switch nresults {
			case 0:
			case 1:
				values := make([]llvm.Value, nresults)
				for i := range values {
					values[i] = llvm.ConstNull(fr.llvmtypes.ToLLVM(results.At(i).Type()))
		fr.builder.CreateCall(fr.runtime.rundefers.LLVMValue(), nil, "")
	} else {

	for i, block := range f.Blocks {
		fr.translateBlock(block, fr.blocks[i])