Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: icarus.go Projeto: mouk/gc6
func Iterate(survey mazelib.Survey, breadcrumbs *mazelib.Stack) {
	var err error
	co := mazelib.Coordinate{0, 0}

	//data structure to keep track of already visited rooms
	visited := make(map[mazelib.Coordinate]bool)
	//start from the cnter (0,0) and set it to visited
	visited[co] = true
	for true {

		//If solution found
		if err == mazelib.ErrVictory {
			fmt.Printf("Solution with %d steps found\n", breadcrumbs.Len())
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("An error happend: |%v|\n", err)
		move, moveErr := getValidMove(survey, visited, co)

		//a move forward is possible
		if moveErr == nil {
			survey, co, err = executeMove(move, breadcrumbs, visited, co)
		} else if undoObj, stackErr := breadcrumbs.Pop(); stackErr != mazelib.ErrEmptyStack {
			// back up one step and try again
			undo := ReverseMove(undoObj.(string))
			survey, err = Move(undo)
			co = co.TranformByMove(undo)
		} else {
			fmt.Println("No solution found.")
