Exemplo n.º 1
// Push sends a request where we do not wish to wait for a REP (but is still REQ/REP pattern)
func (c *client) Push(req *Request) error {
	return raven.SendRequest(req, c.instanceID)
Exemplo n.º 2
// doReq sends a request, with timeout options and retries, waits for response and returns it
func (c *client) doReq(req *Request, options ...Options) (*Response, errors.Error) {

	if circuitbreaker.Open(req.service, req.endpoint) {
		inst.Counter(1.0, fmt.Sprintf("client.error.%s.%s.circuitbroken", req.service, req.endpoint), 1)
		log.Warnf("Broken Circuit for %s.%s", req.service, req.endpoint)
		return nil, errors.CircuitBroken("com.hailocab.kernel.platform.circuitbreaker", "Circuit is open")

	retries := c.defaults["retries"].(int)
	var timeout time.Duration
	timeoutSupplied := false
	if len(options) == 1 {
		if _, ok := options[0]["retries"]; ok {
			retries = options[0]["retries"].(int)
		if _, ok := options[0]["timeout"]; ok {
			timeout = options[0]["timeout"].(time.Duration)
			timeoutSupplied = true

	// setup the response channel
	rc := make(chan *Response, retries)
	c.responses.add(req, rc)
	defer c.responses.removeByRequest(req)

	instPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("client.%s.%s", req.service, req.endpoint)
	tAllRetries := time.Now()

	for i := 1; i <= retries+1; i++ {
		t := time.Now()

		con := c.listening
		if !con {
			log.Debug("[Client] not yet listening, establishing now...")
			ch := make(chan bool)
			go c.listen(ch)
			if online := <-ch; !online {
				log.Error("[Client] Listener failed")
				inst.Timing(1.0, fmt.Sprintf("%s.error", instPrefix), time.Since(t))
				inst.Counter(1.0, "client.error.com.hailocab.kernel.platform.client.listenfail", 1)
				return nil, errors.InternalServerError("com.hailocab.kernel.platform.client.listenfail", "Listener failed")

			log.Info("[Client] Listener online")

		// figure out what timeout to use
		if !timeoutSupplied {
			timeout = c.timeout.Get(req.service, req.endpoint, i)
		log.Tracef("[Client] Sync request attempt %d for %s using timeout %v", i, req.MessageID(), timeout)

		// only bother sending the request if we are listening, otherwise allow to timeout
		if err := raven.SendRequest(req, c.instanceID); err != nil {
			log.Errorf("[Client] Failed to send request: %v", err)

		select {
		case payload := <-rc:
			if payload.IsError() {
				inst.Timing(1.0, fmt.Sprintf("%s.error", instPrefix), time.Since(t))

				errorProto := &pe.PlatformError{}
				if err := payload.Unmarshal(errorProto); err != nil {
					inst.Counter(1.0, "client.error.com.hailocab.kernel.platform.badresponse", 1)
					return nil, errors.BadResponse("com.hailocab.kernel.platform.badresponse", err.Error())

				err := errors.FromProtobuf(errorProto)
				inst.Counter(1.0, fmt.Sprintf("client.error.%s", err.Code()), 1)

				circuitbreaker.Result(req.service, req.endpoint, err)

				return nil, err

			inst.Timing(1.0, fmt.Sprintf("%s.success", instPrefix), time.Since(t))
			circuitbreaker.Result(req.service, req.endpoint, nil)
			return payload, nil
		case <-time.After(timeout):
			// timeout
			log.Errorf("[Client] Timeout talking to %s.%s after %v for %s", req.Service(), req.Endpoint(), timeout, req.MessageID())
			inst.Timing(1.0, fmt.Sprintf("%s.error", instPrefix), time.Since(t))
			c.traceAttemptTimeout(req, i, timeout)

			circuitbreaker.Result(req.service, req.endpoint, errors.Timeout("com.hailocab.kernel.platform.timeout",
				fmt.Sprintf("Request timed out talking to %s.%s from %s (most recent timeout %v)", req.Service(), req.Endpoint(), req.From(), timeout),

	inst.Timing(1.0, fmt.Sprintf("%s.error.timedOut", instPrefix), time.Since(tAllRetries))
	inst.Counter(1.0, "client.error.com.hailocab.kernel.platform.timeout", 1)

	return nil, errors.Timeout(
		fmt.Sprintf("Request timed out talking to %s.%s from %s (most recent timeout %v)", req.Service(), req.Endpoint(), req.From(), timeout),