Exemplo n.º 1
// Rescind should be called to indicate you no longer wish to be the leader
func (rl *regionLeader) Rescind() {
	rl.cleanup.Do(func() {
		log.Debugf("[Sync:RegionLeader] Cleaning up leadership of '%v'...", rl.lockNode)
		// keep trying to delete the ZK node (to release leadership) until we're sure it doesn't exist
		for {
			err := zookeeper.Delete(rl.lockNode, -1)
			if err == nil || err == gozk.ErrNoNode {
				log.Debugf("[Sync:RegionLeader] Have deleted leadership node '%v'", rl.lockNode)
				inst.Counter(1.0, "sync.regionleader.rescinded")
			log.Warnf("[Sync:RegionLeader] Failed to cleanup/rescind leadership (will retry): %v", err)

		// Unregister region leader
		for i := 0; i < len(rls); i++ {
			if rls[i] == rl {
				rls = append(rls[:i], rls[i+1:]...)
Exemplo n.º 2
// Reserve will reserve an item with the id in the DefaultReservation for the given amount of
// time.
func (dr *DefaultReservation) Reserve(d time.Duration) error {
	log.Debugf("[Sync:Reservation] Attempting to reserve '%s' for %s...", dr.id, d)

	lockpath := constructPath(dr.path, dr.id)

	// Check if the reservation already exists
	b, _, err := zookeeper.Get(lockpath)
	if err == nil {

		// It exists, check if expired
		var expired time.Time

		log.Debugf("[Sync:Reservation] Read existing node for '%s', expires at %s", dr.id, expired)

		if expired.Before(time.Now()) {
			log.Debugf("[Sync:Reservation] Deleting expired lock '%s'", dr.id)

			// It has expired, delete the node and get the reservation as usual
			zookeeper.Delete(lockpath, -1)
		} else {
			return ErrReserved

	expires := time.Now().Add(d)
	expiresBytes, err := expires.GobEncode()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for {
		_, err = zookeeper.Create(lockpath, expiresBytes, 0, dr.acl)
		if err == gozk.ErrNoNode {
		} else if err == nil {
		} else {
			log.Warnf("[Reservation] ZK error creating ephemeral lock node for reservation: %v", err)
			return err

	log.Debugf("[Sync:Reservation] Created lock node for '%s', expires at %s", dr.id, expires)

	return nil

Exemplo n.º 3
// RegionLeader block indefinitely until this invocation has been elected the "leader" within the local operating region.
// It will then return a channel that will eventually be closed when leadership is rescinded.
func RegionLeader(id string) Leader {
	path := fmt.Sprintf(regionLeaderPath, id)
	prefix := path + "/lock-"
	var lockNode string

	for {
		// create our lock node -- retry until this is done, use exponential backoff
		// to add some delay between attempts
		b := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
		b.InitialInterval = backoffInitialInterval
		b.MaxInterval = backoffMaxInterval
		b.MaxElapsedTime = 0 // Never stop retrying

		backoff.RetryNotify(func() (err error) {
			log.Infof("[Sync:RegionLeader] Attepting to create ephemeral lock node for leadership election")
			lockNode, err = zookeeper.CreateProtectedEphemeralSequential(prefix, []byte{}, gozk.WorldACL(gozk.PermAll))

		}, b, func(err error, d time.Duration) {
			if err == gozk.ErrNoNode {
			} else if err != nil {
				log.Warnf("[Sync:RegionLeader] ZooKeeper error creating ephemeral lock node for leadership election: %s. Waiting %s", err, d)

		err := waitForWinner(path, lockNode)
		if err != nil {
			// try to cleanup - then go again
			zookeeper.Delete(lockNode, -1)

		// we are the leader

	log.Infof("[Sync:RegionLeader] Elected leader of '%v'", id)
	inst.Counter(1.0, "sync.regionleader.elected")

	return newRegionLeader(lockNode)
Exemplo n.º 4
func (r *reaper) reap() {
	// snapshot paths
	keys := make([]string, len(r.paths))
	i := 0
	for k := range r.paths {
		keys[i] = k
	for _, path := range keys {
		exists, stat, err := zk.Exists(path)
		if !exists {
			if err != nil && err != gozk.ErrNoNode {
				log.Errorf("[Sync:RegionLock] Error checking path %s %v", path, err)
				// something is still using this
			// no node
		} else {
			if stat.NumChildren > 0 {
			// node but no children
		// increment reap number
		n := r.incrementPath(path)
		if n >= reaperThreshold {
			// reaped enough times and it's come out as empty. Delete it
			if err := zk.Delete(path, -1); err == nil || err == gozk.ErrNoNode {
				// success
			} else {
				log.Warnf("[Sync:RegionLock] Error reaping path %s. %v", path, err) // debug not error on purpose
				// some error, most likely node being used by something else, reset and let it live
Exemplo n.º 5
// findLowestSequenceNode within a particular lock path
func findLowestSequenceNode(path string, seq int) (lowestSeq int, prevSeqPath string, err error) {
	// Read all the children of the node
	// This is why we create sequential nodes under a parent node based on the lock ID
	// If not, say we stored all ephemeral locks under a higher level parent,
	// we would be checking nodes of every lock currently in play, rather than locks
	// on this ID
	children, _, err := zookeeper.Children(path)
	if err != nil {
		return -1, "", err

	var ttl time.Time
	lowestSeq = seq
	prevSeq := 0
	prevSeqPath = ""
	for _, p := range children {
		// Check if this lock has timed out
		data, _, _ := zookeeper.Get(path + "/" + p)
		if len(data) > 0 {
			if ttl.Before(time.Now()) {
				log.Tracef("[RegionLock] Deleting expired lock '%s'", path+"/"+p)
				zookeeper.Delete(path+"/"+p, -1)

		s, err := parseSeq(p)
		if err != nil {
			return -1, "", err
		if s < lowestSeq {
			lowestSeq = s
		if s < seq && s > prevSeq {
			prevSeq = s
			prevSeqPath = p

	return lowestSeq, prevSeqPath, err
Exemplo n.º 6
// Release will release the reservation in the DefaultReservation
func (dr *DefaultReservation) Release() error {
	return zookeeper.Delete(constructPath(dr.path, dr.id), -1)
Exemplo n.º 7
// AnonymousRelease will  release the reservation of the item with the given id and path
func AnonymousRelease(path, id string) error {
	return zookeeper.Delete(constructPath(path, id), -1)