Exemplo n.º 1
//intenal, may fail
//may return nil
func _pubkeyFromSeckey(seckey []byte) []byte {
	if len(seckey) != 32 {
		log.Panic("seckey length invalid")

	if secp.SeckeyIsValid(seckey) != 1 {
		log.Panic("always ensure seckey is valid")
		return nil

	var pubkey []byte = secp.GeneratePublicKey(seckey) //always returns true
	if pubkey == nil {
		log.Panic("ERROR: impossible, secp.BaseMultiply always returns true")
		return nil
	if len(pubkey) != 33 {
		log.Panic("ERROR: impossible, invalid pubkey length")

	if ret := secp.PubkeyIsValid(pubkey); ret != 1 {
		log.Panic("ERROR: pubkey invald, ret=%s", ret)
		return nil

	if _VerifyPubkey(pubkey) != 1 {
		log.Panic("ERROR: pubkey verification failed, for deterministic")
		return nil

	return pubkey
Exemplo n.º 2
//generates deterministic keypair with weak SHA256 hash of seed
//internal use only
//be extremely careful with golang slice semantics
func generateDeterministicKeyPair(seed []byte) ([]byte, []byte) {
	if seed == nil {
	if len(seed) != 32 {

	const seckey_len = 32
	var seckey []byte = make([]byte, seckey_len)

	seed = SumSHA256(seed[0:32])
	copy(seckey[0:32], seed[0:32])

	if bytes.Equal(seckey, seed) == false {
	if secp.SeckeyIsValid(seckey) != 1 {
		log.Printf("generateDeterministicKeyPair, secp.SeckeyIsValid fail")
		goto new_seckey //regen

	var pubkey []byte = secp.GeneratePublicKey(seckey)

	if pubkey == nil {
		log.Panic("ERROR: impossible, secp.BaseMultiply always returns true")
		goto new_seckey
	if len(pubkey) != 33 {
		log.Panic("ERROR: impossible, pubkey length wrong")

	if ret := secp.PubkeyIsValid(pubkey); ret != 1 {
		log.Panic("ERROR: pubkey invalid, ret=%i", ret)

	if ret := VerifyPubkey(pubkey); ret != 1 {
		log.Printf("seckey= %s", hex.EncodeToString(seckey))
		log.Printf("pubkey= %s", hex.EncodeToString(pubkey))

		log.Panic("ERROR: pubkey is invalid, for deterministic. ret=%i", ret)
		goto new_seckey

	return pubkey, seckey
Exemplo n.º 3
//must succeed
//TODO; hash on fail
//TOO: must match, result of private key from deterministic gen?
//deterministic gen will always return a valid private key
func _PubkeyFromSeckey(seckey []byte) []byte {
	if len(seckey) != 32 {
		log.Panic("PubkeyFromSeckey: invalid length")

	pubkey := _pubkeyFromSeckey(seckey)
	if pubkey == nil {
		log.Panic("ERRROR: impossible, pubkey generation failed")
		//goto new_seckey
	if ret := secp.PubkeyIsValid(pubkey); ret != 1 {
		log.Panic("ERROR: Pubkey invalid, ret=%s", ret)
		//goto new_seckey

	return pubkey
Exemplo n.º 4
func _GenerateKeyPair() ([]byte, []byte) {
	const seckey_len = 32

	var seckey []byte = RandByte(seckey_len)
	if secp.SeckeyIsValid(seckey) != 1 {
		goto new_seckey //regen

	pubkey := _pubkeyFromSeckey(seckey)
	if pubkey == nil {
		log.Panic("IMPOSSIBLE: pubkey invalid from valid seckey")
		goto new_seckey
	if ret := secp.PubkeyIsValid(pubkey); ret != 1 {
		log.Panic("ERROR: Pubkey invalid, ret=%s", ret)
		goto new_seckey

	return pubkey, seckey
Exemplo n.º 5
//Rename ChkPubkeyValidity
// returns 1 on success
func _VerifyPubkey(pubkey []byte) int {
	if len(pubkey) != 33 {
		//log.Printf("Seck256k1, VerifyPubkey, pubkey length invalid")
		return -1

	if secp.PubkeyIsValid(pubkey) != 1 {
		return -3 //tests parse and validity

	var pubkey1 secp.XY
	ret := pubkey1.ParsePubkey(pubkey)

	if ret == false {
		return -2 //invalid, parse fail
	//fails for unknown reason
	//if pubkey1.IsValid() == false {
	//	return -4 //invalid, validation fail
	return 1 //valid