Exemplo n.º 1
// DiscoverDevices attempts to find targets of the given type. This is
// typically the entry-point for this package. searchTarget is typically a URN
// in the form "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:..." or
// "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:...". A single error is returned for errors
// while attempting to send the query. An error or RootDevice is returned for
// each discovered RootDevice.
func DiscoverDevices(searchTarget string) ([]MaybeRootDevice, error) {
	httpu, err := httpu.NewHTTPUClient()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer httpu.Close()
	responses, err := ssdp.SSDPRawSearch(httpu, string(searchTarget), 2, 3)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	results := make([]MaybeRootDevice, len(responses))
	for i, response := range responses {
		maybe := &results[i]
		loc, err := response.Location()
		if err != nil {
			maybe.Err = ContextError{"unexpected bad location from search", err}
		maybe.Location = loc
		if root, err := DeviceByURL(loc); err != nil {
			maybe.Err = err
		} else {
			maybe.Root = root

	return results, nil
Exemplo n.º 2
// DiscoverDevices attempts to find targets of the given type. This is
// typically the entry-point for this package. searchTarget is typically a URN
// in the form "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:..." or
// "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:...". A single error is returned for errors
// while attempting to send the query. An error or RootDevice is returned for
// each discovered RootDevice.
func DiscoverDevices(searchTarget string) ([]MaybeRootDevice, error) {
	httpu, err := httpu.NewHTTPUClient()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer httpu.Close()
	responses, err := ssdp.SSDPRawSearch(httpu, string(searchTarget), 2, 3)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	results := make([]MaybeRootDevice, len(responses))
	for i, response := range responses {
		maybe := &results[i]
		loc, err := response.Location()
		if err != nil {

			maybe.Err = ContextError{"unexpected bad location from search", err}
		locStr := loc.String()
		root := new(RootDevice)
		if err := requestXml(locStr, DeviceXMLNamespace, root); err != nil {
			maybe.Err = ContextError{fmt.Sprintf("error requesting root device details from %q", locStr), err}
		var urlBaseStr string
		if root.URLBaseStr != "" {
			urlBaseStr = root.URLBaseStr
		} else {
			urlBaseStr = locStr
		urlBase, err := url.Parse(urlBaseStr)
		if err != nil {
			maybe.Err = ContextError{fmt.Sprintf("error parsing location URL %q", locStr), err}
		maybe.Root = root

	return results, nil