Exemplo n.º 1
func TestTribeConfigYaml(t *testing.T) {
	config := &mockConfig{
		Tribe: GetDefaultConfig(),
	path := "../../examples/configs/snap-config-sample.yaml"
	err := cfgfile.Read(path, &config, MOCK_CONSTRAINTS)
	var cfg *Config
	if err == nil {
		cfg = config.Tribe
	Convey("Provided a valid config in YAML", t, func() {
		Convey("An error should not be returned when unmarshalling the config", func() {
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
		Convey("Enable should be true", func() {
			So(cfg.Enable, ShouldEqual, true)
		Convey("BindAddr should equal", func() {
			So(cfg.BindAddr, ShouldEqual, "")
		Convey("BindPort should be 16000", func() {
			So(cfg.BindPort, ShouldEqual, 16000)
		Convey("Name should equal localhost", func() {
			So(cfg.Name, ShouldEqual, "localhost")
		Convey("Seed should be", func() {
			So(cfg.Seed, ShouldEqual, "")

Exemplo n.º 2
// Read the snapd configuration from a configuration file
func readConfig(cfg *Config, fpath string) {
	var path string
	if !defaultConfigFile() && fpath == "" {
	if defaultConfigFile() && fpath == "" {
		path = defaultConfigPath
	if fpath != "" {
		f, err := os.Stat(fpath)
		if err != nil {
		if f.IsDir() {
			log.Fatal("configuration path provided must be a file")
		path = fpath

	serrs := cfgfile.Read(path, &cfg, CONFIG_CONSTRAINTS)
	if serrs != nil {
		for _, serr := range serrs {
		log.Fatal("Errors found while parsing global configuration file")
Exemplo n.º 3
func TestRestAPIConfigYaml(t *testing.T) {
	config := &mockRestAPIConfig{
		RestAPI: GetDefaultConfig(),
	path := "../../examples/configs/snap-config-sample.yaml"
	err := cfgfile.Read(path, &config, MOCK_CONSTRAINTS)
	var cfg *Config
	if err == nil {
		cfg = config.RestAPI
	Convey("Provided a valid config in YAML", t, func() {
		Convey("An error should not be returned when unmarshalling the config", func() {
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
		Convey("Enable should be true", func() {
			So(cfg.Enable, ShouldEqual, true)
		Convey("HTTPS should be true", func() {
			So(cfg.HTTPS, ShouldEqual, true)
		Convey("Port should be 8282", func() {
			So(cfg.Port, ShouldEqual, 8282)
		Convey("Address should equal", func() {
			So(cfg.Address, ShouldEqual, "")
		Convey("RestAuth should be true", func() {
			So(cfg.RestAuth, ShouldEqual, true)
		Convey("RestAuthPassword should equal changeme", func() {
			So(cfg.RestAuthPassword, ShouldEqual, "changeme")
		Convey("RestCertificate should equal /path/to/cert/file", func() {
			So(cfg.RestCertificate, ShouldEqual, "/path/to/cert/file")
		Convey("RestKey should equal /path/to/private/key", func() {
			So(cfg.RestKey, ShouldEqual, "/path/to/private/key")

Exemplo n.º 4
func TestSchedulerConfigYaml(t *testing.T) {
	config := &mockConfig{
		Scheduler: GetDefaultConfig(),
	path := "../examples/configs/snap-config-sample.yaml"
	err := cfgfile.Read(path, &config, MOCK_CONSTRAINTS)
	var cfg *Config
	if err == nil {
		cfg = config.Scheduler
	Convey("Provided a valid config in YAML", t, func() {
		Convey("An error should not be returned when unmarshalling the config", func() {
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
		Convey("WorkManagerQueueSize should equal 10", func() {
			So(cfg.WorkManagerQueueSize, ShouldEqual, 10)
		Convey("WorkManagerPoolSize should equal 2", func() {
			So(cfg.WorkManagerPoolSize, ShouldEqual, 2)

Exemplo n.º 5
func TestPluginRestCalls(t *testing.T) {
	CompressedUpload = false
	Convey("REST API functional V1", t, func() {
		Convey("Load Plugin - POST - /v1/plugins", func() {
			Convey("a single plugin loads", func() {
				// This test alone tests gzip. Saves on test time.
				CompressedUpload = true
				r := startAPI(getDefaultMockConfig())
				port := r.port
				col := core.CollectorPluginType
				pub := core.PublisherPluginType
				Convey("A global plugin config is added for all plugins", func() {
					cdn := cdata.NewNode()
					cdn.AddItem("password", ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "p@ssw0rd"})
					r := setPluginConfigItem(port, "", "", "", cdn)
					So(r.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &rbody.SetPluginConfigItem{})
					r1 := r.Body.(*rbody.SetPluginConfigItem)
					So(r1.Table()["password"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "p@ssw0rd"})

					r2 := getPluginConfigItem(port, &col, "", "")
					So(r2.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &rbody.PluginConfigItem{})
					r3 := r2.Body.(*rbody.PluginConfigItem)
					So(len(r3.Table()), ShouldEqual, 1)
					So(r3.Table()["password"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "p@ssw0rd"})

					Convey("A plugin config is added for all publishers", func() {
						cdn := cdata.NewNode()
						cdn.AddItem("user", ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "john"})
						r := setPluginConfigItem(port, core.PublisherPluginType.String(), "", "", cdn)
						So(r.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &rbody.SetPluginConfigItem{})
						r1 := r.Body.(*rbody.SetPluginConfigItem)
						So(r1.Table()["user"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "john"})
						So(len(r1.Table()), ShouldEqual, 2)

						Convey("A plugin config is added for all versions of a publisher", func() {
							cdn := cdata.NewNode()
							cdn.AddItem("path", ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "/usr/local/influxdb/bin"})
							r := setPluginConfigItem(port, "2", "influxdb", "", cdn)
							So(r.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &rbody.SetPluginConfigItem{})
							r1 := r.Body.(*rbody.SetPluginConfigItem)
							So(r1.Table()["path"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "/usr/local/influxdb/bin"})
							So(len(r1.Table()), ShouldEqual, 3)

							Convey("A plugin config is added for a specific version of a publisher", func() {
								cdn := cdata.NewNode()
								cdn.AddItem("rate", ctypes.ConfigValueFloat{Value: .8})
								r := setPluginConfigItem(port, core.PublisherPluginType.String(), "influxdb", "1", cdn)
								So(r.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &rbody.SetPluginConfigItem{})
								r1 := r.Body.(*rbody.SetPluginConfigItem)
								So(r1.Table()["rate"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueFloat{Value: .8})
								So(len(r1.Table()), ShouldEqual, 4)

								r2 := getPluginConfigItem(port, &pub, "", "")
								So(r2.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &rbody.PluginConfigItem{})
								r3 := r2.Body.(*rbody.PluginConfigItem)
								So(len(r3.Table()), ShouldEqual, 2)

								r4 := getPluginConfigItem(port, &pub, "influxdb", "1")
								So(r4.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &rbody.PluginConfigItem{})
								r5 := r4.Body.(*rbody.PluginConfigItem)
								So(len(r5.Table()), ShouldEqual, 4)

								Convey("A global plugin config field is deleted", func() {
									r := deletePluginConfigItem(port, "", "", "", []string{"password"})
									So(r.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &rbody.DeletePluginConfigItem{})
									r1 := r.Body.(*rbody.DeletePluginConfigItem)
									So(len(r1.Table()), ShouldEqual, 0)

									r2 := setPluginConfigItem(port, core.PublisherPluginType.String(), "influxdb", "", cdn)
									So(r2.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &rbody.SetPluginConfigItem{})
									r3 := r2.Body.(*rbody.SetPluginConfigItem)
									So(len(r3.Table()), ShouldEqual, 3)

			Convey("Plugin config is set at startup", func() {
				cfg := getDefaultMockConfig()
				err := cfgfile.Read("../../examples/configs/snap-config-sample.json", &cfg, MOCK_CONSTRAINTS)
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				if len(SNAP_AUTODISCOVER_PATH) == 0 {
					if len(SNAP_PATH) != 0 {
						SNAP_AUTODISCOVER_PATH = fmt.Sprintf("%s/plugin", SNAP_PATH)
						log.Warning(fmt.Sprintf("SNAP_AUTODISCOVER_PATH has been set to SNAP_PATH/plugin (%s). This might cause test failures", SNAP_AUTODISCOVER_PATH))
				} else {
					log.Warning(fmt.Sprintf("SNAP_AUTODISCOVER_PATH is set to %s. This might cause test failures", SNAP_AUTODISCOVER_PATH))
				cfg.Control.AutoDiscoverPath = SNAP_AUTODISCOVER_PATH
				r := startAPI(cfg)
				port := r.port
				col := core.CollectorPluginType

				Convey("Gets the collector config by name and version", func() {
					r := getPluginConfigItem(port, &col, "pcm", "1")
					So(r.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &rbody.PluginConfigItem{})
					r1 := r.Body.(*rbody.PluginConfigItem)
					So(r1.Table()["path"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "/usr/local/pcm/bin"})
					So(r1.Table()["user"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "john"})
					So(len(r1.Table()), ShouldEqual, 6)
				Convey("Gets the config for a collector by name", func() {
					r := getPluginConfigItem(port, &col, "pcm", "")
					So(r.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &rbody.PluginConfigItem{})
					r1 := r.Body.(*rbody.PluginConfigItem)
					So(r1.Table()["path"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "/usr/local/pcm/bin"})
					So(r1.Table()["user"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "jane"})
					So(len(r1.Table()), ShouldEqual, 3)
				Convey("Gets the config for all collectors", func() {
					r := getPluginConfigItem(port, &col, "", "")
					So(r.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &rbody.PluginConfigItem{})
					r1 := r.Body.(*rbody.PluginConfigItem)
					So(r1.Table()["user"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "jane"})
					So(r1.Table()["password"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "p@ssw0rd"})
					So(len(r1.Table()), ShouldEqual, 2)
				Convey("Gets the config for all plugins", func() {
					r := getPluginConfigItem(port, nil, "", "")
					So(r.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &rbody.PluginConfigItem{})
					r1 := r.Body.(*rbody.PluginConfigItem)
					So(r1.Table()["password"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "p@ssw0rd"})
					So(len(r1.Table()), ShouldEqual, 1)

		Convey("Enable task - put - /v1/tasks/:id/enable", func() {
			Convey("Enable a running task", func(c C) {
				r := startAPI(getDefaultMockConfig())
				port := r.port

				uploadPlugin(MOCK_PLUGIN_PATH2, port)
				uploadPlugin(FILE_PLUGIN_PATH, port)

				r1 := createTask("1.json", "yeti", "1s", true, port)
				So(r1.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, new(rbody.AddScheduledTask))
				plr1 := r1.Body.(*rbody.AddScheduledTask)

				id := plr1.ID

				r2 := startTask(id, port)
				So(r2.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, new(rbody.ScheduledTaskStarted))
				plr2 := r2.Body.(*rbody.ScheduledTaskStarted)
				So(plr2.ID, ShouldEqual, id)

				r4 := enableTask(id, port)
				So(r4.Body, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, new(rbody.Error))
				plr4 := r4.Body.(*rbody.Error)
				So(plr4.ErrorMessage, ShouldEqual, "Task must be disabled")
Exemplo n.º 6
func TestPluginConfig(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Given a plugin config", t, func() {
		cfg := GetDefaultConfig()
		So(cfg, ShouldNotBeNil)
		Convey("with an entry for ALL plugins", func() {
			cfg.Plugins.All.AddItem("gvar", ctypes.ConfigValueBool{Value: true})
			So(len(cfg.Plugins.All.Table()), ShouldEqual, 1)
			Convey("with an entry for ALL collector plugins", func() {
				cfg.Plugins.Collector.All.AddItem("user", ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "jane"})
				cfg.Plugins.Collector.All.AddItem("password", ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "P@ssw0rd"})
				So(len(cfg.Plugins.Collector.All.Table()), ShouldEqual, 2)
				Convey("an entry for a specific plugin of any version", func() {
					cfg.Plugins.Collector.Plugins["test"] = newPluginConfigItem(optAddPluginConfigItem("user", ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "john"}))
					So(len(cfg.Plugins.Collector.Plugins["test"].Table()), ShouldEqual, 1)
					Convey("and an entry for a specific plugin of a specific version", func() {
						cfg.Plugins.Collector.Plugins["test"].Versions[1] = cdata.NewNode()
						cfg.Plugins.Collector.Plugins["test"].Versions[1].AddItem("vvar", ctypes.ConfigValueBool{Value: true})
						So(len(cfg.Plugins.Collector.Plugins["test"].Versions[1].Table()), ShouldEqual, 1)
						Convey("we can get the merged conf for the given plugin", func() {
							cd := cfg.Plugins.getPluginConfigDataNode(core.CollectorPluginType, "test", 1)
							So(len(cd.Table()), ShouldEqual, 4)
							So(cd.Table()["user"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "john"})

	Convey("Provided a config in JSON we are able to unmarshal it into a valid config", t, func() {
		config := &mockConfig{
			Control: GetDefaultConfig(),
		path := "../examples/configs/snap-config-sample.json"
		err := cfgfile.Read(path, &config, MOCK_CONSTRAINTS)
		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
		cfg := config.Control
		So(cfg.Plugins, ShouldNotBeNil)
		So(cfg.Plugins.All, ShouldNotBeNil)
		So(cfg.Plugins.All.Table()["password"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "p@ssw0rd"})
		So(cfg.Plugins.Collector, ShouldNotBeNil)
		So(cfg.Plugins.All, ShouldNotBeNil)
		So(cfg.Plugins.Collector.Plugins["pcm"], ShouldNotBeNil)
		So(cfg.Plugins.Collector.Plugins["pcm"].Table()["path"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "/usr/local/pcm/bin"})
		So(cfg.Plugins.Collector.Plugins["pcm"].Versions[1].Table()["user"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "john"})
		So(cfg.Plugins.Processor, ShouldNotBeNil)
		So(cfg.Plugins.Processor.Plugins["movingaverage"].Table()["user"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "jane"})

		Convey("We can access the config for plugins", func() {
			Convey("Getting the values of a specific version of a plugin", func() {
				c := cfg.Plugins.getPluginConfigDataNode(core.CollectorPluginType, "pcm", 1)
				So(c, ShouldNotBeNil)
				So(c.Table()["password"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "p@ssw0rd"})
				So(c.Table()["user"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "john"})
				So(c.Table()["somefloat"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueFloat{Value: 3.14})
				So(c.Table()["someint"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueInt{Value: 1234})
				So(c.Table()["somebool"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueBool{Value: true})
			Convey("Getting the common config for collectors", func() {
				c := cfg.Plugins.getPluginConfigDataNode(core.CollectorPluginType, "", -2)
				So(c, ShouldNotBeNil)
				So(len(c.Table()), ShouldEqual, 2)
				So(c.Table()["user"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "jane"})
				So(c.Table()["password"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "p@ssw0rd"})
			Convey("Overwriting the value of a variable defined for all plugins", func() {
				c := cfg.Plugins.getPluginConfigDataNode(core.ProcessorPluginType, "movingaverage", 1)
				So(c, ShouldNotBeNil)
				So(c.Table()["password"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "new password"})
			Convey("Retrieving the value of a variable defined for all versions of a plugin", func() {
				c := cfg.Plugins.getPluginConfigDataNode(core.CollectorPluginType, "pcm", 0)
				So(c, ShouldNotBeNil)
				So(c.Table()["password"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "p@ssw0rd"})
			Convey("Overwriting the value of a variable defined for all versions of the plugin", func() {
				c := cfg.Plugins.getPluginConfigDataNode(core.ProcessorPluginType, "movingaverage", 1)
				So(c, ShouldNotBeNil)
				So(c.Table()["password"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "new password"})

Exemplo n.º 7
func TestControlConfigYaml(t *testing.T) {
	config := &mockConfig{
		Control: GetDefaultConfig(),
	path := "../examples/configs/snap-config-sample.yaml"
	err := cfgfile.Read(path, &config, MOCK_CONSTRAINTS)
	var cfg *Config
	if err == nil {
		cfg = config.Control
	Convey("Provided a valid config in YAML", t, func() {
		Convey("An error should not be returned when unmarshalling the config", func() {
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
		Convey("AutoDiscoverPath should be set to /some/directory/with/plugins", func() {
			So(cfg.AutoDiscoverPath, ShouldEqual, "/some/directory/with/plugins")
		Convey("CacheExpiration should be set to 750ms", func() {
			So(cfg.CacheExpiration.Duration, ShouldResemble, 750*time.Millisecond)
		Convey("MaxRunningPlugins should be set to 1", func() {
			So(cfg.MaxRunningPlugins, ShouldEqual, 1)
		Convey("KeyringPaths should be set to /some/path/with/keyring/files", func() {
			So(cfg.KeyringPaths, ShouldEqual, "/some/path/with/keyring/files")
		Convey("PluginTrust should be set to 0", func() {
			So(cfg.PluginTrust, ShouldEqual, 0)
		Convey("Plugins section of control configuration should not be nil", func() {
			So(cfg.Plugins, ShouldNotBeNil)
		Convey("Plugins.All section should not be nil", func() {
			So(cfg.Plugins.All, ShouldNotBeNil)
		Convey("A password should be configured for all plugins", func() {
			So(cfg.Plugins.All.Table()["password"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "p@ssw0rd"})
		Convey("Plugins.Collector section should not be nil", func() {
			So(cfg.Plugins.Collector, ShouldNotBeNil)
		Convey("Plugins.Collector should have config for pcm collector plugin", func() {
			So(cfg.Plugins.Collector.Plugins["pcm"], ShouldNotBeNil)
		Convey("Config for pcm should set path to pcm binary to /usr/local/pcm/bin", func() {
			So(cfg.Plugins.Collector.Plugins["pcm"].Table()["path"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "/usr/local/pcm/bin"})
		Convey("Config for pcm plugin at version 1 should set user to john", func() {
			So(cfg.Plugins.Collector.Plugins["pcm"].Versions[1].Table()["user"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "john"})
		Convey("Plugins.Processor section should not be nil", func() {
			So(cfg.Plugins.Processor, ShouldNotBeNil)
		Convey("Movingaverage processor plugin should have user set to jane", func() {
			So(cfg.Plugins.Processor.Plugins["movingaverage"].Table()["user"], ShouldResemble, ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: "jane"})
		Convey("Plugins.Publisher should not be nil", func() {
			So(cfg.Plugins.Publisher, ShouldNotBeNil)
