Exemplo n.º 1
// Read the next op from the kernel process, returning the op and a context
// that should be used for work related to the op. Return io.EOF if the kernel
// has closed the connection.
// If err != nil, the user is responsible for later calling c.Reply with the
// returned context.
// This function delivers ops in exactly the order they are received from
// /dev/fuse. It must not be called multiple times concurrently.
func (c *Connection) ReadOp() (ctx context.Context, op interface{}, err error) {
	// Keep going until we find a request we know how to convert.
	for {
		// Read the next message from the kernel.
		var inMsg *buffer.InMessage
		inMsg, err = c.readMessage()
		if err != nil {

		// Convert the message to an op.
		outMsg := c.getOutMessage()
		op, err = convertInMessage(inMsg, outMsg, c.protocol)
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("convertInMessage: %v", err)

		// Choose an ID for this operation for the purposes of logging, and log it.
		if c.debugLogger != nil {
			c.debugLog(inMsg.Header().Unique, 1, "<- %s", describeRequest(op))

		// Special case: handle interrupt requests inline.
		if interruptOp, ok := op.(*interruptOp); ok {

		// Set up a context that remembers information about this op.
		ctx = c.beginOp(inMsg.Header().Opcode, inMsg.Header().Unique)
		ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, contextKey, opState{inMsg, outMsg, op})

		// Special case: responding to statfs is required to make mounting work on
		// OS X. We don't currently expose the capability for the file system to
		// intercept this.
		if _, ok := op.(*statFSOp); ok {
			c.Reply(ctx, nil)

		// Return the op to the user.
Exemplo n.º 2
// Convert a kernel message to an appropriate op. If the op is unknown, a
// special unexported type will be used.
// The caller is responsible for arranging for the message to be destroyed.
func convertInMessage(
	inMsg *buffer.InMessage,
	outMsg *buffer.OutMessage,
	protocol fusekernel.Protocol) (o interface{}, err error) {
	switch inMsg.Header().Opcode {
	case fusekernel.OpLookup:
		buf := inMsg.ConsumeBytes(inMsg.Len())
		n := len(buf)
		if n == 0 || buf[n-1] != '\x00' {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpLookup")

		o = &fuseops.LookUpInodeOp{
			Parent: fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
			Name:   string(buf[:n-1]),

	case fusekernel.OpGetattr:
		o = &fuseops.GetInodeAttributesOp{
			Inode: fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),

	case fusekernel.OpSetattr:
		type input fusekernel.SetattrIn
		in := (*input)(inMsg.Consume(unsafe.Sizeof(input{})))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpSetattr")

		to := &fuseops.SetInodeAttributesOp{
			Inode: fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
		o = to

		valid := fusekernel.SetattrValid(in.Valid)
		if valid&fusekernel.SetattrSize != 0 {
			to.Size = &in.Size

		if valid&fusekernel.SetattrMode != 0 {
			mode := convertFileMode(in.Mode)
			to.Mode = &mode

		if valid&fusekernel.SetattrAtime != 0 {
			t := time.Unix(int64(in.Atime), int64(in.AtimeNsec))
			to.Atime = &t

		if valid&fusekernel.SetattrMtime != 0 {
			t := time.Unix(int64(in.Mtime), int64(in.MtimeNsec))
			to.Mtime = &t

	case fusekernel.OpForget:
		type input fusekernel.ForgetIn
		in := (*input)(inMsg.Consume(unsafe.Sizeof(input{})))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpForget")

		o = &fuseops.ForgetInodeOp{
			Inode: fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
			N:     in.Nlookup,

	case fusekernel.OpMkdir:
		in := (*fusekernel.MkdirIn)(inMsg.Consume(fusekernel.MkdirInSize(protocol)))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpMkdir")

		name := inMsg.ConsumeBytes(inMsg.Len())
		i := bytes.IndexByte(name, '\x00')
		if i < 0 {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpMkdir")
		name = name[:i]

		o = &fuseops.MkDirOp{
			Parent: fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
			Name:   string(name),

			// On Linux, vfs_mkdir calls through to the inode with at most
			// permissions and sticky bits set (cf. https://goo.gl/WxgQXk), and fuse
			// passes that on directly (cf. https://goo.gl/f31aMo). In other words,
			// the fact that this is a directory is implicit in the fact that the
			// opcode is mkdir. But we want the correct mode to go through, so ensure
			// that os.ModeDir is set.
			Mode: convertFileMode(in.Mode) | os.ModeDir,

	case fusekernel.OpCreate:
		in := (*fusekernel.CreateIn)(inMsg.Consume(fusekernel.CreateInSize(protocol)))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpCreate")

		name := inMsg.ConsumeBytes(inMsg.Len())
		i := bytes.IndexByte(name, '\x00')
		if i < 0 {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpCreate")
		name = name[:i]

		o = &fuseops.CreateFileOp{
			Parent: fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
			Name:   string(name),
			Mode:   convertFileMode(in.Mode),

	case fusekernel.OpSymlink:
		// The message is "newName\0target\0".
		names := inMsg.ConsumeBytes(inMsg.Len())
		if len(names) == 0 || names[len(names)-1] != 0 {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpSymlink")
		i := bytes.IndexByte(names, '\x00')
		if i < 0 {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpSymlink")
		newName, target := names[0:i], names[i+1:len(names)-1]

		o = &fuseops.CreateSymlinkOp{
			Parent: fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
			Name:   string(newName),
			Target: string(target),

	case fusekernel.OpRename:
		type input fusekernel.RenameIn
		in := (*input)(inMsg.Consume(unsafe.Sizeof(input{})))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpRename")

		names := inMsg.ConsumeBytes(inMsg.Len())
		// names should be "old\x00new\x00"
		if len(names) < 4 {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpRename")
		if names[len(names)-1] != '\x00' {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpRename")
		i := bytes.IndexByte(names, '\x00')
		if i < 0 {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpRename")
		oldName, newName := names[:i], names[i+1:len(names)-1]

		o = &fuseops.RenameOp{
			OldParent: fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
			OldName:   string(oldName),
			NewParent: fuseops.InodeID(in.Newdir),
			NewName:   string(newName),

	case fusekernel.OpUnlink:
		buf := inMsg.ConsumeBytes(inMsg.Len())
		n := len(buf)
		if n == 0 || buf[n-1] != '\x00' {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpUnlink")

		o = &fuseops.UnlinkOp{
			Parent: fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
			Name:   string(buf[:n-1]),

	case fusekernel.OpRmdir:
		buf := inMsg.ConsumeBytes(inMsg.Len())
		n := len(buf)
		if n == 0 || buf[n-1] != '\x00' {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpRmdir")

		o = &fuseops.RmDirOp{
			Parent: fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
			Name:   string(buf[:n-1]),

	case fusekernel.OpOpen:
		o = &fuseops.OpenFileOp{
			Inode: fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),

	case fusekernel.OpOpendir:
		o = &fuseops.OpenDirOp{
			Inode: fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),

	case fusekernel.OpRead:
		in := (*fusekernel.ReadIn)(inMsg.Consume(fusekernel.ReadInSize(protocol)))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpRead")

		to := &fuseops.ReadFileOp{
			Inode:  fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
			Handle: fuseops.HandleID(in.Fh),
			Offset: int64(in.Offset),
		o = to

		readSize := int(in.Size)
		p := outMsg.GrowNoZero(uintptr(readSize))
		if p == nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Can't grow for %d-byte read", readSize)

		sh := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&to.Dst))
		sh.Data = uintptr(p)
		sh.Len = readSize
		sh.Cap = readSize

	case fusekernel.OpReaddir:
		in := (*fusekernel.ReadIn)(inMsg.Consume(fusekernel.ReadInSize(protocol)))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpReaddir")

		to := &fuseops.ReadDirOp{
			Inode:  fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
			Handle: fuseops.HandleID(in.Fh),
			Offset: fuseops.DirOffset(in.Offset),
		o = to

		readSize := int(in.Size)
		p := outMsg.GrowNoZero(uintptr(readSize))
		if p == nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Can't grow for %d-byte read", readSize)

		sh := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&to.Dst))
		sh.Data = uintptr(p)
		sh.Len = readSize
		sh.Cap = readSize

	case fusekernel.OpRelease:
		type input fusekernel.ReleaseIn
		in := (*input)(inMsg.Consume(unsafe.Sizeof(input{})))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpRelease")

		o = &fuseops.ReleaseFileHandleOp{
			Handle: fuseops.HandleID(in.Fh),

	case fusekernel.OpReleasedir:
		type input fusekernel.ReleaseIn
		in := (*input)(inMsg.Consume(unsafe.Sizeof(input{})))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpReleasedir")

		o = &fuseops.ReleaseDirHandleOp{
			Handle: fuseops.HandleID(in.Fh),

	case fusekernel.OpWrite:
		in := (*fusekernel.WriteIn)(inMsg.Consume(fusekernel.WriteInSize(protocol)))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpWrite")

		buf := inMsg.ConsumeBytes(inMsg.Len())
		if len(buf) < int(in.Size) {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpWrite")

		o = &fuseops.WriteFileOp{
			Inode:  fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
			Handle: fuseops.HandleID(in.Fh),
			Data:   buf,
			Offset: int64(in.Offset),

	case fusekernel.OpFsync:
		type input fusekernel.FsyncIn
		in := (*input)(inMsg.Consume(unsafe.Sizeof(input{})))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpFsync")

		o = &fuseops.SyncFileOp{
			Inode:  fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
			Handle: fuseops.HandleID(in.Fh),

	case fusekernel.OpFlush:
		type input fusekernel.FlushIn
		in := (*input)(inMsg.Consume(unsafe.Sizeof(input{})))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpFlush")

		o = &fuseops.FlushFileOp{
			Inode:  fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
			Handle: fuseops.HandleID(in.Fh),

	case fusekernel.OpReadlink:
		o = &fuseops.ReadSymlinkOp{
			Inode: fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),

	case fusekernel.OpStatfs:
		o = &statFSOp{}

	case fusekernel.OpInterrupt:
		type input fusekernel.InterruptIn
		in := (*input)(inMsg.Consume(unsafe.Sizeof(input{})))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpInterrupt")

		o = &interruptOp{
			FuseID: in.Unique,

	case fusekernel.OpInit:
		type input fusekernel.InitIn
		in := (*input)(inMsg.Consume(unsafe.Sizeof(input{})))
		if in == nil {
			err = errors.New("Corrupt OpInit")

		o = &initOp{
			Kernel:       fusekernel.Protocol{in.Major, in.Minor},
			MaxReadahead: in.MaxReadahead,
			Flags:        fusekernel.InitFlags(in.Flags),

		o = &unknownOp{
			OpCode: inMsg.Header().Opcode,
			Inode:  fuseops.InodeID(inMsg.Header().Nodeid),
