Exemplo n.º 1
// copyData copies all key-value pairs pertinent to the given data instance d2.  If d2 is nil,
// the destination data instance is d1, useful for migration of data to a new store.
// Each datatype can implement filters that can restrict the transmitted key-value pairs
// based on the given FilterSpec.
func copyData(oldKV, newKV storage.OrderedKeyValueDB, d1, d2 dvid.Data, uuid dvid.UUID, f storage.Filter, flatten bool) error {
	// Get data context for this UUID.
	v, err := VersionFromUUID(uuid)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	srcCtx := NewVersionedCtx(d1, v)
	var dstCtx *VersionedCtx
	if d2 == nil {
		d2 = d1
		dstCtx = srcCtx
	} else {
		dstCtx = NewVersionedCtx(d2, v)

	// Send this instance's key-value pairs
	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	stats := new(txStats)
	stats.lastTime = time.Now()

	var kvTotal, kvSent int
	var bytesTotal, bytesSent uint64
	keysOnly := false
	if flatten {
		// Start goroutine to receive flattened key-value pairs and store them.
		ch := make(chan *storage.TKeyValue, 1000)
		go func() {
			for {
				tkv := <-ch
				if tkv == nil {
					dvid.Infof("Copied %d %q key-value pairs (%s, out of %d kv pairs, %s) [flattened]\n",
						kvSent, d1.DataName(), humanize.Bytes(bytesSent), kvTotal, humanize.Bytes(bytesTotal))
				curBytes := uint64(len(tkv.V) + len(tkv.K))
				bytesTotal += curBytes
				if f != nil {
					skip, err := f.Check(tkv)
					if err != nil {
						dvid.Errorf("problem applying filter on data %q: %v\n", d1.DataName(), err)
					if skip {
				bytesSent += curBytes
				if err := newKV.Put(dstCtx, tkv.K, tkv.V); err != nil {
					dvid.Errorf("can't put k/v pair to destination instance %q: %v\n", d2.DataName(), err)
				stats.addKV(tkv.K, tkv.V)

		begKey, endKey := srcCtx.TKeyRange()
		err := oldKV.ProcessRange(srcCtx, begKey, endKey, &storage.ChunkOp{}, func(c *storage.Chunk) error {
			if c == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("received nil chunk in flatten push for data %s", d1.DataName())
			ch <- c.TKeyValue
			return nil
		ch <- nil
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error in flatten push for data %q: %v", d1.DataName(), err)
	} else {
		// Start goroutine to receive all key-value pairs and store them.
		ch := make(chan *storage.KeyValue, 1000)
		go func() {
			for {
				kv := <-ch
				if kv == nil {
					dvid.Infof("Sent %d %q key-value pairs (%s, out of %d kv pairs, %s)\n",
						kvSent, d1.DataName(), humanize.Bytes(bytesSent), kvTotal, humanize.Bytes(bytesTotal))
				tkey, err := storage.TKeyFromKey(kv.K)
				if err != nil {
					dvid.Errorf("couldn't get %q TKey from Key %v: %v\n", d1.DataName(), kv.K, err)

				curBytes := uint64(len(kv.V) + len(kv.K))
				bytesTotal += curBytes
				if f != nil {
					skip, err := f.Check(&storage.TKeyValue{K: tkey, V: kv.V})
					if err != nil {
						dvid.Errorf("problem applying filter on data %q: %v\n", d1.DataName(), err)
					if skip {
				bytesSent += curBytes
				if dstCtx != nil {
					err := dstCtx.UpdateInstance(kv.K)
					if err != nil {
						dvid.Errorf("can't update raw key to new data instance %q: %v\n", d2.DataName(), err)
				if err := newKV.RawPut(kv.K, kv.V); err != nil {
					dvid.Errorf("can't put k/v pair to destination instance %q: %v\n", d2.DataName(), err)
				stats.addKV(kv.K, kv.V)

		begKey, endKey := srcCtx.KeyRange()
		if err = oldKV.RawRangeQuery(begKey, endKey, keysOnly, ch, nil); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("push voxels %q range query: %v", d1.DataName(), err)
	return nil