Exemplo n.º 1
// Ping a peer, log the time it took
func (dht *IpfsDHT) Ping(p *peer.Peer, timeout time.Duration) error {
	// Thoughts: maybe this should accept an ID and do a peer lookup?
	u.DOut("Enter Ping.\n")

	pmes := Message{ID: swarm.GenerateMessageID(), Type: PBDHTMessage_PING}
	mes := swarm.NewMessage(p, pmes.ToProtobuf())

	before := time.Now()
	responseChan := dht.listener.Listen(pmes.ID, 1, time.Minute)
	dht.netChan.Outgoing <- mes

	tout := time.After(timeout)
	select {
	case <-responseChan:
		roundtrip := time.Since(before)
		u.DOut("Ping took %s.\n", roundtrip.String())
		return nil
	case <-tout:
		// Timed out, think about removing peer from network
		u.DOut("[%s] Ping peer [%s] timed out.", dht.self.ID.Pretty(), p.ID.Pretty())
		return u.ErrTimeout