Exemplo n.º 1
func (s *NewAPIClientSuite) TestWithInfoError(c *gc.C) {
	expectErr := fmt.Errorf("an error")
	store := newConfigStoreWithError(expectErr)
	client, err := juju.NewAPIFromStore("noconfig", store, panicAPIOpen)
	c.Assert(err, gc.Equals, expectErr)
	c.Assert(client, gc.IsNil)
Exemplo n.º 2
func (s *NewAPIClientSuite) TestWithInfoNoAddresses(c *gc.C) {
	store := newConfigStore("noconfig", &environInfo{
		endpoint: configstore.APIEndpoint{
			Addresses: []string{},
			CACert:    "certificated",
	st, err := juju.NewAPIFromStore("noconfig", store, panicAPIOpen)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `environment "noconfig" not found`)
	c.Assert(st, gc.IsNil)
Exemplo n.º 3
func (s *NewAPIClientSuite) TestWithConfigAndNoInfo(c *gc.C) {

	store := newConfigStore(coretesting.SampleEnvName, &environInfo{
		bootstrapConfig: map[string]interface{}{
			"type":                      "dummy",
			"name":                      "myenv",
			"state-server":              true,
			"authorized-keys":           "i-am-a-key",
			"default-series":            config.LatestLtsSeries(),
			"firewall-mode":             config.FwInstance,
			"development":               false,
			"ssl-hostname-verification": true,
			"admin-secret":              "adminpass",
	bootstrapEnv(c, coretesting.SampleEnvName, store)

	// Verify the cache is empty.
	info, err := store.ReadInfo("myenv")
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(info, gc.NotNil)
	c.Assert(info.APIEndpoint(), jc.DeepEquals, configstore.APIEndpoint{})
	c.Assert(info.APICredentials(), jc.DeepEquals, configstore.APICredentials{})

	called := 0
	expectState := &mockAPIState{}
	apiOpen := func(apiInfo *api.Info, opts api.DialOpts) (juju.APIState, error) {
		c.Check(apiInfo.Tag, gc.Equals, "user-admin")
		c.Check(string(apiInfo.CACert), gc.Not(gc.Equals), "")
		c.Check(apiInfo.Password, gc.Equals, "adminpass")
		c.Check(opts, gc.DeepEquals, api.DefaultDialOpts())
		return expectState, nil
	st, err := juju.NewAPIFromStore("myenv", store, apiOpen)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(st, gc.Equals, expectState)
	c.Assert(called, gc.Equals, 1)

	// Make sure the cache is updated.
	info, err = store.ReadInfo("myenv")
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(info, gc.NotNil)
	ep := info.APIEndpoint()
	c.Assert(ep.Addresses, gc.HasLen, 1)
	c.Check(ep.Addresses[0], gc.Matches, `127\.0\.0\.1:\d+`)
	c.Check(ep.CACert, gc.Not(gc.Equals), "")
	creds := info.APICredentials()
	c.Check(creds.User, gc.Equals, "admin")
	c.Check(creds.Password, gc.Equals, "adminpass")
Exemplo n.º 4
func (s *NewAPIClientSuite) TestWithInfoOnly(c *gc.C) {
	store := newConfigStore("noconfig", dummyStoreInfo)

	called := 0
	expectState := &mockAPIState{
		apiHostPorts: [][]instance.HostPort{
			instance.AddressesWithPort([]instance.Address{instance.NewAddress("", instance.NetworkUnknown)}, 1234),
	apiOpen := func(apiInfo *api.Info, opts api.DialOpts) (juju.APIState, error) {
		c.Check(apiInfo.Tag, gc.Equals, "user-foo")
		c.Check(string(apiInfo.CACert), gc.Equals, "certificated")
		c.Check(apiInfo.Password, gc.Equals, "foopass")
		c.Check(opts, gc.DeepEquals, api.DefaultDialOpts())
		return expectState, nil

	// Give NewAPIFromStore a store interface that can report when the
	// config was written to, to check if the cache is updated.
	mockStore := &storageWithWriteNotify{store: store}
	st, err := juju.NewAPIFromStore("noconfig", mockStore, apiOpen)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(st, gc.Equals, expectState)
	c.Assert(called, gc.Equals, 1)
	c.Assert(mockStore.written, jc.IsTrue)
	info, err := store.ReadInfo("noconfig")
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(info.APIEndpoint().Addresses, gc.DeepEquals, []string{""})
	mockStore.written = false

	// If APIHostPorts haven't changed, then the store won't be updated.
	st, err = juju.NewAPIFromStore("noconfig", mockStore, apiOpen)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(st, gc.Equals, expectState)
	c.Assert(called, gc.Equals, 2)
	c.Assert(mockStore.written, jc.IsFalse)
Exemplo n.º 5
func (s *NewAPIClientSuite) TestWithSlowInfoConnect(c *gc.C) {
	store := configstore.NewMem()
	bootstrapEnv(c, coretesting.SampleEnvName, store)
	setEndpointAddress(c, store, coretesting.SampleEnvName, "infoapi.invalid")

	infoOpenedState := &mockAPIState{}
	infoEndpointOpened := make(chan struct{})
	cfgOpenedState := &mockAPIState{}
	// On a sample run with no delay, the logic took 45ms to run, so
	// we make the delay slightly more than that, so that if the
	// logic doesn't delay at all, the test will fail reasonably consistently.
	s.PatchValue(juju.ProviderConnectDelay, 50*time.Millisecond)
	apiOpen := func(info *api.Info, opts api.DialOpts) (juju.APIState, error) {
		if info.Addrs[0] == "infoapi.invalid" {
			infoEndpointOpened <- struct{}{}
			return infoOpenedState, nil
		return cfgOpenedState, nil

	stateClosed := make(chan juju.APIState)
	infoOpenedState.close = func(st juju.APIState) error {
		stateClosed <- st
		return nil
	cfgOpenedState.close = infoOpenedState.close

	startTime := time.Now()
	st, err := juju.NewAPIFromStore(coretesting.SampleEnvName, store, apiOpen)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	// The connection logic should wait for some time before opening
	// the API from the configuration.
	c.Assert(time.Since(startTime), jc.GreaterThan, *juju.ProviderConnectDelay)
	c.Assert(st, gc.Equals, cfgOpenedState)

	select {
	case <-infoEndpointOpened:
	case <-time.After(coretesting.LongWait):
		c.Errorf("api never opened via info")

	// Check that the ignored state was closed.
	select {
	case st := <-stateClosed:
		c.Assert(st, gc.Equals, infoOpenedState)
	case <-time.After(coretesting.LongWait):
		c.Errorf("timed out waiting for state to be closed")
Exemplo n.º 6
func (s *NewAPIClientSuite) TestWithInfoAPIOpenError(c *gc.C) {
	store := newConfigStore("noconfig", &environInfo{
		endpoint: configstore.APIEndpoint{
			Addresses: []string{"foo.invalid"},

	expectErr := fmt.Errorf("an error")
	apiOpen := func(apiInfo *api.Info, opts api.DialOpts) (juju.APIState, error) {
		return nil, expectErr
	st, err := juju.NewAPIFromStore("noconfig", store, apiOpen)
	c.Assert(err, gc.Equals, expectErr)
	c.Assert(st, gc.IsNil)
Exemplo n.º 7
func (s *NewAPIClientSuite) TestBothError(c *gc.C) {
	store := configstore.NewMem()
	bootstrapEnv(c, coretesting.SampleEnvName, store)
	setEndpointAddress(c, store, coretesting.SampleEnvName, "infoapi.invalid")

	s.PatchValue(juju.ProviderConnectDelay, 0*time.Second)
	apiOpen := func(info *api.Info, opts api.DialOpts) (juju.APIState, error) {
		if info.Addrs[0] == "infoapi.invalid" {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("info connect failed")
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("config connect failed")
	st, err := juju.NewAPIFromStore(coretesting.SampleEnvName, store, apiOpen)
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "config connect failed")
	c.Check(st, gc.IsNil)
Exemplo n.º 8
func (s *NewAPIClientSuite) TestWithBootstrapConfigAndNoEnvironmentsFile(c *gc.C) {
	store := configstore.NewMem()
	bootstrapEnv(c, coretesting.SampleEnvName, store)
	info, err := store.ReadInfo(coretesting.SampleEnvName)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(info.BootstrapConfig(), gc.NotNil)
	c.Assert(info.APIEndpoint().Addresses, gc.HasLen, 0)

	err = os.Remove(osenv.JujuHomePath("environments.yaml"))
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	apiOpen := func(*api.Info, api.DialOpts) (juju.APIState, error) {
		return &mockAPIState{}, nil
	st, err := juju.NewAPIFromStore(coretesting.SampleEnvName, store, apiOpen)
	c.Check(err, gc.IsNil)
Exemplo n.º 9
func (*NewAPIClientSuite) TestWithBootstrapConfigTakesPrecedence(c *gc.C) {
	// We want to make sure that the code is using the bootstrap
	// config rather than information from environments.yaml,
	// even when there is an entry in environments.yaml
	// We can do that by changing the info bootstrap config
	// so it has a different environment name.
	coretesting.WriteEnvironments(c, coretesting.MultipleEnvConfig)

	store := configstore.NewMem()
	bootstrapEnv(c, coretesting.SampleEnvName, store)
	info, err := store.ReadInfo(coretesting.SampleEnvName)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	envName2 := coretesting.SampleCertName + "-2"
	info2, err := store.CreateInfo(envName2)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	err = info2.Write()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	// Now we have info for envName2 which will actually
	// cause a connection to the originally bootstrapped
	// state.
	apiOpen := func(*api.Info, api.DialOpts) (juju.APIState, error) {
		return &mockAPIState{}, nil
	st, err := juju.NewAPIFromStore(envName2, store, apiOpen)
	c.Check(err, gc.IsNil)

	// Sanity check that connecting to the envName2
	// but with no info fails.
	// Currently this panics with an "environment not prepared" error.
	// Disable for now until an upcoming branch fixes it.
	//	err = info2.Destroy()
	//	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	//	st, err = juju.NewAPIFromStore(envName2, store)
	//	if err == nil {
	//		st.Close()
	//	}
	//	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "fooobie")
Exemplo n.º 10
func (s *NewAPIClientSuite) TestWithSlowConfigConnect(c *gc.C) {

	store := configstore.NewMem()
	bootstrapEnv(c, coretesting.SampleEnvName, store)
	setEndpointAddress(c, store, coretesting.SampleEnvName, "infoapi.invalid")

	infoOpenedState := &mockAPIState{}
	infoEndpointOpened := make(chan struct{})
	cfgOpenedState := &mockAPIState{}
	cfgEndpointOpened := make(chan struct{})

	s.PatchValue(juju.ProviderConnectDelay, 0*time.Second)
	apiOpen := func(info *api.Info, opts api.DialOpts) (juju.APIState, error) {
		if info.Addrs[0] == "infoapi.invalid" {
			infoEndpointOpened <- struct{}{}
			return infoOpenedState, nil
		cfgEndpointOpened <- struct{}{}
		return cfgOpenedState, nil

	stateClosed := make(chan juju.APIState)
	infoOpenedState.close = func(st juju.APIState) error {
		stateClosed <- st
		return nil
	cfgOpenedState.close = infoOpenedState.close

	done := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		st, err := juju.NewAPIFromStore(coretesting.SampleEnvName, store, apiOpen)
		c.Check(err, gc.IsNil)
		c.Check(st, gc.Equals, infoOpenedState)

	// Check that we're trying to connect to both endpoints:
	select {
	case <-infoEndpointOpened:
	case <-time.After(coretesting.LongWait):
		c.Fatalf("api never opened via info")
	select {
	case <-cfgEndpointOpened:
	case <-time.After(coretesting.LongWait):
		c.Fatalf("api never opened via config")
	// Let the info endpoint open go ahead and
	// check that the NewAPIFromStore call returns.
	infoEndpointOpened <- struct{}{}
	select {
	case <-done:
	case <-time.After(coretesting.LongWait):
		c.Errorf("timed out opening API")

	// Let the config endpoint open go ahead and
	// check that its state is closed.
	cfgEndpointOpened <- struct{}{}
	select {
	case st := <-stateClosed:
		c.Assert(st, gc.Equals, cfgOpenedState)
	case <-time.After(coretesting.LongWait):
		c.Errorf("timed out waiting for state to be closed")