Exemplo n.º 1
func (w *windowsConfigure) ConfigureBasic() error {

	series := w.icfg.Series
	tmpDir, err := paths.TempDir(series)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	renderer := w.conf.ShellRenderer()
	dataDir := renderer.FromSlash(w.icfg.DataDir)
	baseDir := renderer.FromSlash(filepath.Dir(tmpDir))
	binDir := renderer.Join(baseDir, "bin")

		fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, winPowershellHelperFunctions),

		// Some providers create a baseDir before this step, but we need to
		// make sure it exists before applying icacls
		fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir -Force "%s"`, renderer.FromSlash(baseDir)),
		fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir %s`, renderer.FromSlash(tmpDir)),
		fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir "%s"`, binDir),
		fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir "%s\locks"`, renderer.FromSlash(dataDir)),

	// This is necessary for setACLs to work
	w.conf.AddScripts(`$adminsGroup = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier("S-1-5-32-544")).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])`)
	w.conf.AddScripts(setACLs(renderer.FromSlash(baseDir), fileSystem)...)
	w.conf.AddScripts(`setx /m PATH "$env:PATH;C:\Juju\bin\"`)
	noncefile := renderer.Join(dataDir, NonceFile)
		fmt.Sprintf(`Set-Content "%s" "%s"`, noncefile, shquote(w.icfg.MachineNonce)),
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 2
func (w *windowsConfigure) ConfigureBasic() error {

	series := w.icfg.Series
	tmpDir, err := paths.TempDir(series)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	renderer := w.conf.ShellRenderer()
	dataDir := renderer.FromSlash(w.icfg.DataDir)
	baseDir := renderer.FromSlash(filepath.Dir(tmpDir))
	binDir := renderer.Join(baseDir, "bin")

		fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, winPowershellHelperFunctions),
		fmt.Sprintf(`icacls "%s" /grant "jujud:(OI)(CI)(F)" /T`, renderer.FromSlash(baseDir)),
		fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir %s`, renderer.FromSlash(tmpDir)),
		fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir "%s"`, binDir),
		fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, winSetPasswdScript),
		fmt.Sprintf(`Start-ProcessAsUser -Command $powershell -Arguments "-File C:\juju\bin\save_pass.ps1 $juju_passwd" -Credential $jujuCreds`),
		fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir "%s\locks"`, renderer.FromSlash(dataDir)),
		fmt.Sprintf(`Start-ProcessAsUser -Command $cmdExe -Arguments '/C setx PATH "%%PATH%%;C:\Juju\bin"' -Credential $jujuCreds`),
	noncefile := renderer.Join(dataDir, NonceFile)
		fmt.Sprintf(`Set-Content "%s" "%s"`, noncefile, shquote(w.icfg.MachineNonce)),
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 3
func (w *windowsConfigure) ConfigureBasic() error {

	tmpDir, err := paths.TempDir(w.icfg.Series)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	renderer := w.conf.ShellRenderer()
	dataDir := renderer.FromSlash(w.icfg.DataDir)
	baseDir := renderer.FromSlash(filepath.Dir(tmpDir))
	binDir := renderer.Join(baseDir, "bin")


	// The jujud user only gets created on non-nano versions for now.
	if !series.IsWindowsNano(w.icfg.Series) {

		// Some providers create a baseDir before this step, but we need to
		// make sure it exists before applying icacls
		fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir -Force "%s"`, renderer.FromSlash(baseDir)),
		fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir %s`, renderer.FromSlash(tmpDir)),
		fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir "%s"`, binDir),
		fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir "%s\locks"`, renderer.FromSlash(dataDir)),
		`setx /m PATH "$env:PATH;C:\Juju\bin\"`,
		// This is necessary for setACLs to work
		`$adminsGroup = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier("S-1-5-32-544")).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])`,
		fmt.Sprintf(`icacls "%s" /inheritance:r /grant "${adminsGroup}:(OI)(CI)(F)" /t`, renderer.FromSlash(baseDir)),

	// TODO(bogdanteleaga): This, together with the call above, should be using setACLs, once it starts working across all windows versions properly.
	// Until then, if we change permissions, both this and setACLs should be changed to do the same thing.
	if !series.IsWindowsNano(w.icfg.Series) {
		w.conf.AddScripts(fmt.Sprintf(`icacls "%s" /inheritance:r /grant "jujud:(OI)(CI)(F)" /t`, renderer.FromSlash(baseDir)))

	noncefile := renderer.Join(dataDir, NonceFile)
		fmt.Sprintf(`Set-Content "%s" "%s"`, noncefile, shquote(w.icfg.MachineNonce)),
	return nil