Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: base.go Projeto: bac/juju
// NewAPIRoot returns a new connection to the API server for the given
// model or controller.
func (c *JujuCommandBase) NewAPIRoot(
	store jujuclient.ClientStore,
	controllerName, modelName string,
) (api.Connection, error) {
	accountDetails, err := store.AccountDetails(controllerName)
	if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	// If there are no account details or there's no logged-in
	// user or the user is external, then trigger macaroon authentication
	// by using an empty AccountDetails.
	if accountDetails == nil || accountDetails.User == "" {
		accountDetails = &jujuclient.AccountDetails{}
	} else {
		u := names.NewUserTag(accountDetails.User)
		if !u.IsLocal() {
			accountDetails = &jujuclient.AccountDetails{}
	param, err := c.NewAPIConnectionParams(
		store, controllerName, modelName, accountDetails,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	conn, err := juju.NewAPIConnection(param)
	if modelName != "" && params.ErrCode(err) == params.CodeModelNotFound {
		return nil, c.missingModelError(store, controllerName, modelName)
	return conn, err
Exemplo n.º 2
func (s *cmdControllerSuite) TestAddModel(c *gc.C) {
	// The JujuConnSuite doesn't set up an ssh key in the fake home dir,
	// so fake one on the command line.  The dummy provider also expects
	// a config value for 'controller'.
	context := s.run(c, "add-model", "new-model", "authorized-keys=fake-key", "controller=false")
	c.Check(testing.Stdout(context), gc.Equals, "")
	c.Check(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "added model \"new-model\"\n")

	// Make sure that the saved server details are sufficient to connect
	// to the api server.
	accountDetails, err := s.ControllerStore.AccountByName("kontroll", "admin@local")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	modelDetails, err := s.ControllerStore.ModelByName("kontroll", "admin@local", "new-model")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	api, err := juju.NewAPIConnection(juju.NewAPIConnectionParams{
		Store:           s.ControllerStore,
		ControllerName:  "kontroll",
		AccountDetails:  accountDetails,
		ModelUUID:       modelDetails.ModelUUID,
		BootstrapConfig: noBootstrapConfig,
		DialOpts:        api.DefaultDialOpts(),
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
Exemplo n.º 3
func (s *cmdControllerSuite) testAddModel(c *gc.C, args ...string) {
	// The JujuConnSuite doesn't set up an ssh key in the fake home dir,
	// so fake one on the command line.  The dummy provider also expects
	// a config value for 'controller'.
	args = append([]string{"add-model", "new-model"}, args...)
	args = append(args,
		"--config", "authorized-keys=fake-key",
		"--config", "controller=false",
	context := s.run(c, args...)
	c.Check(testing.Stdout(context), gc.Equals, "")
	c.Check(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, `
Added 'new-model' model on dummy/dummy-region with credential 'cred' for user 'admin'

	// Make sure that the saved server details are sufficient to connect
	// to the api server.
	accountDetails, err := s.ControllerStore.AccountDetails("kontroll")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	modelDetails, err := s.ControllerStore.ModelByName("kontroll", "admin@local/new-model")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	api, err := juju.NewAPIConnection(juju.NewAPIConnectionParams{
		Store:          s.ControllerStore,
		ControllerName: "kontroll",
		AccountDetails: accountDetails,
		ModelUUID:      modelDetails.ModelUUID,
		DialOpts:       api.DefaultDialOpts(),
		OpenAPI:        api.Open,
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: login.go Projeto: kat-co/juju
// NewLoginCommand returns a new cmd.Command to handle "juju login".
func NewLoginCommand() cmd.Command {
	return modelcmd.WrapController(&loginCommand{
		newLoginAPI: func(args juju.NewAPIConnectionParams) (LoginAPI, ConnectionAPI, error) {
			api, err := juju.NewAPIConnection(args)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
			return usermanager.NewClient(api), api, nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// NewAPIRoot returns a new connection to the API server for the given
// model or controller.
func (c *JujuCommandBase) NewAPIRoot(
	store jujuclient.ClientStore,
	controllerName, accountName, modelName string,
) (api.Connection, error) {
	params, err := c.NewAPIConnectionParams(
		store, controllerName, accountName, modelName,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	return juju.NewAPIConnection(params)
Exemplo n.º 6
func (s *cmdRegistrationSuite) TestAddUserAndRegister(c *gc.C) {
	// First, add user "bob", and record the "juju register" command
	// that is printed out.
	context := s.run(c, nil, "add-user", "bob", "Bob Dobbs")
	c.Check(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "")
	stdout := testing.Stdout(context)
	c.Check(stdout, gc.Matches, `
User "Bob Dobbs \(bob\)" added
Please send this command to bob:
    juju register .*

"Bob Dobbs \(bob\)" has not been granted access to any models(.|\n)*
	jujuRegisterCommand := strings.Fields(strings.TrimSpace(
		strings.SplitN(stdout[strings.Index(stdout, "juju register"):], "\n", 2)[0],
	c.Logf("%q", jujuRegisterCommand)

	// Now run the "juju register" command. We need to pass the
	// controller name and password to set.
	stdin := strings.NewReader("bob-controller\nhunter2\nhunter2\n")
	args := jujuRegisterCommand[1:] // drop the "juju"
	context = s.run(c, stdin, args...)
	c.Check(testing.Stdout(context), gc.Equals, "")
	c.Check(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, `
Please set a name for this controller: 
Enter password: 
Confirm password: 

Welcome, bob. You are now logged into "bob-controller".

There are no models available. You can create models with
"juju create-model", or you can ask an administrator or owner
of a model to grant access to that model with "juju grant".


	// Make sure that the saved server details are sufficient to connect
	// to the api server.
	accountDetails, err := s.ControllerStore.AccountByName("bob-controller", "bob@local")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	api, err := juju.NewAPIConnection(juju.NewAPIConnectionParams{
		Store:           s.ControllerStore,
		ControllerName:  "bob-controller",
		AccountDetails:  accountDetails,
		BootstrapConfig: noBootstrapConfig,
		DialOpts:        api.DefaultDialOpts(),
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(api.Close(), jc.ErrorIsNil)
Exemplo n.º 7
func (d *Dialer) Dial() (api.Connection, error) {
	c, err := juju.NewAPIConnection(juju.NewAPIConnectionParams{
		ControllerName: d.controller,
		Store:          d.ctxt.store,
		OpenAPI:        api.Open,
		DialOpts:       d.ctxt.dialOpts,
		AccountDetails: d.account,
		ModelUUID:      d.modelUUID,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	return c, nil
Exemplo n.º 8
func newAPIConnectionFromNames(
	c *gc.C,
	controller, model string,
	store jujuclient.ClientStore,
	apiOpen api.OpenFunc,
) (api.Connection, error) {
	params := juju.NewAPIConnectionParams{
		Store:          store,
		ControllerName: controller,
		DialOpts:       api.DefaultDialOpts(),
		OpenAPI:        apiOpen,
	accountDetails, err := store.AccountDetails(controller)
	if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		params.AccountDetails = accountDetails
	if model != "" {
		modelDetails, err := store.ModelByName(controller, model)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		params.ModelUUID = modelDetails.ModelUUID
	return juju.NewAPIConnection(params)
Exemplo n.º 9
func (s *cmdRegistrationSuite) TestAddUserAndRegister(c *gc.C) {
	// First, add user "bob", and record the "juju register" command
	// that is printed out.
	context := s.run(c, nil, "add-user", "bob", "Bob Dobbs")
	c.Check(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "")
	stdout := testing.Stdout(context)
	c.Check(stdout, gc.Matches, `
User "Bob Dobbs \(bob\)" added
Please send this command to bob:
    juju register .*

"Bob Dobbs \(bob\)" has not been granted access to any models(.|\n)*
	jujuRegisterCommand := strings.Fields(strings.TrimSpace(
		strings.SplitN(stdout[strings.Index(stdout, "juju register"):], "\n", 2)[0],
	c.Logf("%q", jujuRegisterCommand)

	// Now run the "juju register" command. We need to pass the
	// controller name and password to set, and we need a different
	// file store to mimic a different local OS user.
	userHomeParams := jujutesting.UserHomeParams{Username: "******"}
	s.CreateUserHome(c, &userHomeParams)
	stdin := strings.NewReader("bob-controller\nhunter2\nhunter2\n")
	args := jujuRegisterCommand[1:] // drop the "juju"

	// The expected prompt does not include a warning about the controller
	// name, as this new local user does not have a controller named
	// "kontroll" registered.
	expectedPrompt := `
Enter a name for this controller [kontroll]: 
Enter a new password: 
Confirm password: 

Welcome, bob. You are now logged into "bob-controller".

There are no models available. You can add models with
"juju add-model", or you can ask an administrator or owner
of a model to grant access to that model with "juju grant".


	context = s.run(c, stdin, args...)
	c.Check(testing.Stdout(context), gc.Equals, "")
	c.Check(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, expectedPrompt)

	// Make sure that the saved server details are sufficient to connect
	// to the api server.
	jar, err := cookiejar.New(&cookiejar.Options{
		Filename: cookiejar.DefaultCookieFile(),
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	dialOpts := api.DefaultDialOpts()
	dialOpts.BakeryClient = httpbakery.NewClient()
	dialOpts.BakeryClient.Jar = jar
	accountDetails, err := s.ControllerStore.AccountDetails("bob-controller")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	api, err := juju.NewAPIConnection(juju.NewAPIConnectionParams{
		Store:          s.ControllerStore,
		ControllerName: "bob-controller",
		AccountDetails: accountDetails,
		DialOpts:       dialOpts,
		OpenAPI:        api.Open,
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(api.Close(), jc.ErrorIsNil)
Exemplo n.º 10
func (s *cmdRegistrationSuite) TestAddUserAndRegister(c *gc.C) {
	// First, add user "bob", and record the "juju register" command
	// that is printed out.

	context := run(c, nil, "add-user", "bob", "Bob Dobbs")
	c.Check(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "")
	stdout := testing.Stdout(context)
	expectPat := `
User "Bob Dobbs \(bob\)" added
Please send this command to bob:
    juju register (.+)

"Bob Dobbs \(bob\)" has not been granted access to any models(.|\n)*
	c.Assert(stdout, gc.Matches, expectPat)

	arg := regexp.MustCompile("^" + expectPat + "$").FindStringSubmatch(stdout)[1]
	c.Logf("juju register %q", arg)

	// Now run the "juju register" command. We need to pass the
	// controller name and password to set, and we need a different
	// file store to mimic a different local OS user.
	s.CreateUserHome(c, &jujutesting.UserHomeParams{
		Username: "******",

	// The expected prompt does not include a warning about the controller
	// name, as this new local user does not have a controller named
	// "kontroll" registered.
	prompter := cmdtesting.NewSeqPrompter(c, "»", `
Enter a new password: »hunter2

Confirm password: »hunter2

Initial password successfully set for bob.
Enter a name for this controller \[kontroll\]: »bob-controller

Welcome, bob. You are now logged into "bob-controller".

There are no models available. (.|\n)*

	context = run(c, prompter, "register", arg)

	// Make sure that the saved server details are sufficient to connect
	// to the api server.
	jar, err := cookiejar.New(&cookiejar.Options{
		Filename: cookiejar.DefaultCookieFile(),
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	dialOpts := api.DefaultDialOpts()
	dialOpts.BakeryClient = httpbakery.NewClient()
	dialOpts.BakeryClient.Jar = jar
	accountDetails, err := s.ControllerStore.AccountDetails("bob-controller")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	api, err := juju.NewAPIConnection(juju.NewAPIConnectionParams{
		Store:          s.ControllerStore,
		ControllerName: "bob-controller",
		AccountDetails: accountDetails,
		DialOpts:       dialOpts,
		OpenAPI:        api.Open,
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(api.Close(), jc.ErrorIsNil)