Exemplo n.º 1
// allCollections should be the single source of truth for information about
// any collection we use. It's broken up into 4 main sections:
//  * infrastructure: we really don't have any business touching these once
//    we've created them. They should have the rawAccess attribute set, so that
//    multiModelRunner will consider them forbidden.
//  * global: these hold information external to models. They may include
//    model metadata, or references; but they're generally not relevant
//    from the perspective of a given model.
//  * local (in opposition to global; and for want of a better term): these
//    hold information relevant *within* specific models (machines,
//    services, relations, settings, bookkeeping, etc) and should generally be
//    read via an modelStateCollection, and written via a multiModelRunner. This is
//    the most common form of collection, and the above access should usually
//    be automatic via Database.Collection and Database.Runner.
//  * raw-access: there's certainly data that's a poor fit for mgo/txn. Most
//    forms of logs, for example, will benefit both from the speedy insert and
//    worry-free bulk deletion; so raw-access collections are fine. Just don't
//    try to run transactions that reference them.
// Please do not use collections not referenced here; and when adding new
// collections, please document them, and make an effort to put them in an
// appropriate section.
func allCollections() collectionSchema {
	return collectionSchema{

		// Infrastructure collections
		// ==========================

		txnsC: {
			// This collection is used exclusively by mgo/txn to record transactions.
			global:         true,
			rawAccess:      true,
			explicitCreate: &mgo.CollectionInfo{},
		txnLogC: {
			// This collection is used by mgo/txn to record the set of documents
			// affected by each successful transaction; and by state/watcher to
			// generate a stream of document-resolution events that are delivered
			// to, and interpreted by, both state and state/multiwatcher.
			global:    true,
			rawAccess: true,
			explicitCreate: &mgo.CollectionInfo{
				Capped:   true,
				MaxBytes: txnLogSize,

		// ------------------

		// Global collections
		// ==================

		// This collection holds the details of the controllers hosting, well,
		// everything in state.
		controllersC: {global: true},

		// This collection is used to track progress when restoring a
		// controller from backup.
		restoreInfoC: {global: true},

		// This collection is used by the controllers to coordinate binary
		// upgrades and schema migrations.
		upgradeInfoC: {global: true},

		// This collection holds a convenient representation of the content of
		// the simplestreams data source pointing to binaries required by juju.
		// Tools metadata is per-model, to allow multiple revisions of tools to
		// be uploaded to different models without affecting other models.
		toolsmetadataC: {},

		// This collection holds a convenient representation of the content of
		// the simplestreams data source pointing to Juju GUI archives.
		guimetadataC: {global: true},

		// This collection holds Juju GUI current version and other settings.
		guisettingsC: {global: true},

		// This collection holds model information; in particular its
		// Life and its UUID.
		modelsC: {global: true},

		// This collection holds references to entities owned by a
		// model. We use this to determine whether or not we can safely
		// destroy empty models.
		modelEntityRefsC: {global: true},

		// This collection is holds the parameters for model migrations.
		migrationsC: {
			global: true,
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key: []string{"model-uuid"},

		// This collection tracks the progress of model migrations.
		migrationsStatusC: {global: true},

		// This collection records the model migrations which
		// are currently in progress. It is used to ensure that only
		// one model migration document exists per environment.
		migrationsActiveC: {global: true},

		// This collection holds user information that's not specific to any
		// one model.
		usersC: {
			global: true,
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				// TODO(thumper): schema change to remove this index.
				Key: []string{"name"},

		// This collection holds the last time the user connected to the API server.
		userLastLoginC: {
			global:    true,
			rawAccess: true,

		// This collection is used as a unique key restraint. The _id field is
		// a concatenation of multiple fields that form a compound index,
		// allowing us to ensure users cannot have the same name for two
		// different models at a time.
		usermodelnameC: {global: true},

		// This collection holds workload metrics reported by certain charms
		// for passing onward to other tools.
		metricsC: {global: true},

		// This collection holds persistent state for the metrics manager.
		metricsManagerC: {global: true},

		// This collection holds lease data, which is per-model, but is
		// not itself multi-model-aware; happily it will imminently be
		// deprecated in favour of the non-global leasesC below.
		// TODO(fwereade): drop leaseC entirely so can't use wrong const.
		leaseC: {global: true},

		// This collection was deprecated before multi-model support
		// was implemented.
		actionresultsC: {global: true},

		// This collection holds storage items for a macaroon bakery.
		bakeryStorageItemsC: {
			global:  true,
			indexes: bakerystorage.MongoIndexes(),

		// -----------------

		// Local collections
		// =================

		// This collection is basically a standard SQL intersection table; it
		// references the global records of the users allowed access to a
		// given collection.
		modelUsersC: {},

		// This collection holds the last time the model user connected
		// to the model.
		modelUserLastConnectionC: {
			rawAccess: true,

		// This collection contains governors that prevent certain kinds of
		// changes from being accepted.
		blocksC: {},

		// This collection is used for internal bookkeeping; certain complex
		// or tedious state changes are deferred by recording a cleanup doc
		// for later handling.
		cleanupsC: {},

		// This collection contains incrementing integers, subdivided by name,
		// to ensure various IDs aren't reused.
		sequenceC: {},

		// This collection holds lease data. It's currently only used to
		// implement service leadership, but is namespaced and available
		// for use by other clients in future.
		leasesC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "type"},
			}, {
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "namespace"},

		// -----

		// These collections hold information associated with services.
		charmsC:   {},
		servicesC: {},
		unitsC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "service"},
			}, {
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "principal"},
			}, {
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "machineid"},
		minUnitsC: {},

		// This collection holds documents that indicate units which are queued
		// to be assigned to machines. It is used exclusively by the
		// AssignUnitWorker.
		assignUnitC: {},

		// meterStatusC is the collection used to store meter status information.
		meterStatusC:  {},
		settingsrefsC: {},
		relationsC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "endpoints.relationname"},
			}, {
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "endpoints.servicename"},
		relationScopesC: {},

		// -----

		// These collections hold information associated with machines.
		containerRefsC: {},
		instanceDataC:  {},
		machinesC:      {},
		rebootC:        {},
		sshHostKeysC:   {},

		// -----

		// These collections hold information associated with storage.
		blockDevicesC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "machineid"},
		filesystemsC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "storageid"},
		filesystemAttachmentsC: {},
		storageInstancesC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "owner"},
		storageAttachmentsC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "storageid"},
			}, {
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "unitid"},
		volumesC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "storageid"},
		volumeAttachmentsC: {},

		// -----

		// These collections hold information associated with networking.
		// TODO(dimitern): Remove the obsolete collections below once possible.
		legacyipaddressesC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key: []string{"uuid"},
			}, {
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "state"},
			}, {
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "subnetid"},
		// TODO(dimitern): End of obsolete networking collections.
		spacesC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key:    []string{"providerid"},
				Unique: true,
				Sparse: true,
		subnetsC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key:    []string{"providerid"},
				Unique: true,
				Sparse: true,
		linkLayerDevicesC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key:    []string{"providerid"},
				Unique: true,
				Sparse: true,
		linkLayerDevicesRefsC: {},
		ipAddressesC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key:    []string{"providerid"},
				Unique: true,
				Sparse: true,
		endpointBindingsC: {},
		openedPortsC:      {},

		// -----

		// These collections hold information associated with actions.
		actionsC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "name"},
		actionNotificationsC: {},

		// -----

		// TODO(ericsnow) Use a component-oriented registration mechanism...

		// This collection holds information associated with charm payloads.
		// See payload/persistence/mongo.go.
		"payloads": {},

		// This collection holds information associated with charm resources.
		// See resource/persistence/mongo.go.
		"resources": {},

		// -----

		// The remaining non-global collections share the property of being
		// relevant to multiple other kinds of entities, and are thus generally
		// indexed by globalKey(). This is unhelpfully named in this context --
		// it's meant to imply "global within an model", because it was
		// named before multi-env support.

		// This collection holds user annotations for various entities. They
		// shouldn't be written or interpreted by juju.
		annotationsC: {},

		// This collection in particular holds an astounding number of
		// different sorts of data: service config settings by charm version,
		// unit relation settings, model config, etc etc etc.
		settingsC: {},

		constraintsC:        {},
		storageConstraintsC: {},
		statusesC:           {},
		statusesHistoryC: {
			indexes: []mgo.Index{{
				Key: []string{"model-uuid", "globalkey"},

		// This collection holds information about cloud image metadata.
		cloudimagemetadataC: {},

		// ----------------------

		// Raw-access collections
		// ======================

		// metrics; status-history; logs; ..?
Exemplo n.º 2
func (s *BakeryStorageSuite) ensureIndexes(c *gc.C) {
	for _, index := range bakerystorage.MongoIndexes() {
		err := s.coll.EnsureIndex(index)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)