Exemplo n.º 1
func (s *clientSuite) TestUploadToolsOtherModel(c *gc.C) {
	otherSt, otherAPISt := s.otherModel(c)
	defer otherSt.Close()
	defer otherAPISt.Close()
	client := otherAPISt.Client()
	newVersion := version.MustParseBinary("5.4.3-quantal-amd64")
	var called bool

	// build fake tools
	expectedTools, _ := coretesting.TarGz(
		coretesting.NewTarFile(jujunames.Jujud, 0777, "jujud contents "+newVersion.String()))

	// UploadTools does not use the facades, so instead of patching the
	// facade call, we set up a fake endpoint to test.
	defer fakeAPIEndpoint(c, client, envEndpoint(c, otherAPISt, "tools"), "POST",
		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
			called = true

			c.Assert(r.URL.Query(), gc.DeepEquals, url.Values{
				"binaryVersion": []string{"5.4.3-quantal-amd64"},
				"series":        []string{""},
			defer r.Body.Close()
			obtainedTools, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
			c.Assert(obtainedTools, gc.DeepEquals, expectedTools)

	// We don't test the error or tools results as we only wish to assert that
	// the API client POSTs the tools archive to the correct endpoint.
	client.UploadTools(bytes.NewReader(expectedTools), newVersion)
	c.Assert(called, jc.IsTrue)
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: testing.go Projeto: bac/juju
// GetMockBuildTools returns a sync.BuildAgentTarballFunc implementation which generates
// a fake tools tarball.
func GetMockBuildTools(c *gc.C) sync.BuildAgentTarballFunc {
	return func(build bool, forceVersion *version.Number, stream string) (*sync.BuiltAgent, error) {
		vers := version.Binary{
			Number: jujuversion.Current,
			Arch:   arch.HostArch(),
			Series: series.HostSeries(),
		if forceVersion != nil {
			vers.Number = *forceVersion

		tgz, checksum := coretesting.TarGz(
			coretesting.NewTarFile(names.Jujud, 0777, "jujud contents "+vers.String()))

		toolsDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "juju-tools-"+stream)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		name := "name"
		ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(toolsDir, name), tgz, 0777)

		return &sync.BuiltAgent{
			Dir:         toolsDir,
			StorageName: name,
			Version:     vers,
			Size:        int64(len(tgz)),
			Sha256Hash:  checksum,
		}, nil
Exemplo n.º 3
func (s *apiEnvironmentSuite) TestUploadToolsOtherEnvironment(c *gc.C) {
	// setup other environment
	otherState := s.Factory.MakeModel(c, nil)
	defer otherState.Close()
	info := s.APIInfo(c)
	info.ModelTag = otherState.ModelTag()
	otherAPIState, err := api.Open(info, api.DefaultDialOpts())
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	defer otherAPIState.Close()
	otherClient := otherAPIState.Client()
	defer otherClient.ClientFacade.Close()

	newVersion := version.MustParseBinary("5.4.3-quantal-amd64")
	vers := newVersion.String()

	// build fake tools
	tgz, checksum := coretesting.TarGz(
		coretesting.NewTarFile(jujunames.Jujud, 0777, "jujud contents "+vers))

	toolsList, err := otherClient.UploadTools(bytes.NewReader(tgz), newVersion)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(toolsList, gc.HasLen, 1)
	c.Assert(toolsList[0].SHA256, gc.Equals, checksum)

	toolStrg, err := otherState.ToolsStorage()
	defer toolStrg.Close()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	meta, closer, err := toolStrg.Open(vers)
	defer closer.Close()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(meta.SHA256, gc.Equals, checksum)
	c.Assert(meta.Version, gc.Equals, vers)
Exemplo n.º 4
func (t *ToolsSuite) TestChangeAgentTools(c *gc.C) {
	files := []*testing.TarFile{
		testing.NewTarFile("jujuc", agenttools.DirPerm, "juju executable"),
		testing.NewTarFile("jujud", agenttools.DirPerm, "jujuc executable"),
	data, checksum := testing.TarGz(files...)
	testTools := &coretest.Tools{
		URL:     "http://foo/bar1",
		Version: version.MustParseBinary("1.2.3-quantal-amd64"),
		Size:    int64(len(data)),
		SHA256:  checksum,
	err := agenttools.UnpackTools(t.dataDir, testTools, bytes.NewReader(data))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	gotTools, err := agenttools.ChangeAgentTools(t.dataDir, "testagent", testTools.Version)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(*gotTools, gc.Equals, *testTools)

	assertDirNames(c, t.toolsDir(), []string{"1.2.3-quantal-amd64", "testagent"})
	assertDirNames(c, agenttools.ToolsDir(t.dataDir, "testagent"), []string{"jujuc", "jujud", agenttools.ToolsFile})

	// Upgrade again to check that the link replacement logic works ok.
	files2 := []*testing.TarFile{
		testing.NewTarFile("quantal", agenttools.DirPerm, "foo content"),
		testing.NewTarFile("amd64", agenttools.DirPerm, "bar content"),
	data2, checksum2 := testing.TarGz(files2...)
	tools2 := &coretest.Tools{
		URL:     "http://foo/bar2",
		Version: version.MustParseBinary("1.2.4-quantal-amd64"),
		Size:    int64(len(data2)),
		SHA256:  checksum2,
	err = agenttools.UnpackTools(t.dataDir, tools2, bytes.NewReader(data2))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	gotTools, err = agenttools.ChangeAgentTools(t.dataDir, "testagent", tools2.Version)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(*gotTools, gc.Equals, *tools2)

	assertDirNames(c, t.toolsDir(), []string{"1.2.3-quantal-amd64", "1.2.4-quantal-amd64", "testagent"})
	assertDirNames(c, agenttools.ToolsDir(t.dataDir, "testagent"), []string{"quantal", "amd64", agenttools.ToolsFile})
Exemplo n.º 5
func (t *ToolsSuite) TestUnpackToolsBadChecksum(c *gc.C) {
	data, _ := testing.TarGz(testing.NewTarFile("tools", agenttools.DirPerm, "some data"))
	testTools := &coretest.Tools{
		URL:     "http://foo/bar",
		Version: version.MustParseBinary("1.2.3-quantal-amd64"),
		Size:    int64(len(data)),
		SHA256:  "1234",
	err := agenttools.UnpackTools(t.dataDir, testTools, bytes.NewReader(data))
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "tarball sha256 mismatch, expected 1234, got .*")
	_, err = os.Stat(t.toolsDir())
	c.Assert(err, gc.FitsTypeOf, &os.PathError{})
Exemplo n.º 6
func (t *ToolsSuite) TestUnpackToolsContents(c *gc.C) {
	files := []*testing.TarFile{
		testing.NewTarFile("bar", agenttools.DirPerm, "bar contents"),
		testing.NewTarFile("foo", agenttools.DirPerm, "foo contents"),
	data, checksum := testing.TarGz(files...)
	testTools := &coretest.Tools{
		URL:     "http://foo/bar",
		Version: version.MustParseBinary("1.2.3-quantal-amd64"),
		Size:    int64(len(data)),
		SHA256:  checksum,

	err := agenttools.UnpackTools(t.dataDir, testTools, bytes.NewReader(data))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	assertDirNames(c, t.toolsDir(), []string{"1.2.3-quantal-amd64"})
	t.assertToolsContents(c, testTools, files)

	// Try to unpack the same version of tools again - it should succeed,
	// leaving the original version around.
	files2 := []*testing.TarFile{
		testing.NewTarFile("bar", agenttools.DirPerm, "bar2 contents"),
		testing.NewTarFile("x", agenttools.DirPerm, "x contents"),
	data2, checksum2 := testing.TarGz(files2...)
	tools2 := &coretest.Tools{
		URL:     "http://arble",
		Version: version.MustParseBinary("1.2.3-quantal-amd64"),
		Size:    int64(len(data2)),
		SHA256:  checksum2,
	err = agenttools.UnpackTools(t.dataDir, tools2, bytes.NewReader(data2))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	assertDirNames(c, t.toolsDir(), []string{"1.2.3-quantal-amd64"})
	t.assertToolsContents(c, testTools, files)
Exemplo n.º 7
// Copied from environs/agent/tools_test.go
func (s *DiskManagerSuite) TestUnpackToolsContents(c *gc.C) {
	files := []*coretesting.TarFile{
		coretesting.NewTarFile("bar", 0755, "bar contents"),
		coretesting.NewTarFile("foo", 0755, "foo contents"),
	gzfile, checksum := coretesting.TarGz(files...)
	t1 := &coretools.Tools{
		URL:     "http://foo/bar",
		Version: version.MustParseBinary("1.2.3-foo-bar"),
		Size:    int64(len(gzfile)),
		SHA256:  checksum,

	err := s.manager.UnpackTools(t1, bytes.NewReader(gzfile))
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	assertDirNames(c, s.toolsDir(), []string{"1.2.3-foo-bar"})
	s.assertToolsContents(c, t1, files)

	// Try to unpack the same version of tools again - it should succeed,
	// leaving the original version around.
	files2 := []*coretesting.TarFile{
		coretesting.NewTarFile("bar", 0755, "bar2 contents"),
		coretesting.NewTarFile("x", 0755, "x contents"),
	gzfile2, checksum2 := coretesting.TarGz(files2...)
	t2 := &coretools.Tools{
		URL:     "http://arble",
		Version: version.MustParseBinary("1.2.3-foo-bar"),
		Size:    int64(len(gzfile2)),
		SHA256:  checksum2,
	err = s.manager.UnpackTools(t2, bytes.NewReader(gzfile2))
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	assertDirNames(c, s.toolsDir(), []string{"1.2.3-foo-bar"})
	s.assertToolsContents(c, t1, files)
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: tools.go Projeto: jiasir/juju
func uploadFakeToolsVersion(stor storage.Storage, vers version.Binary) (*coretools.Tools, error) {
	logger.Infof("uploading FAKE tools %s", vers)
	tgz, checksum := coretesting.TarGz(
		coretesting.NewTarFile("jujud", 0777, "jujud contents "+vers.String()))
	size := int64(len(tgz))
	name := envtools.StorageName(vers)
	if err := stor.Put(name, bytes.NewReader(tgz), size); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	url, err := stor.URL(name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &coretools.Tools{URL: url, Version: vers, Size: size, SHA256: checksum}, nil
Exemplo n.º 9
// GetMockBuildTools returns a sync.BuildToolsTarballFunc implementation which generates
// a fake tools tarball.
func GetMockBuildTools(c *gc.C) sync.BuildToolsTarballFunc {
	return func(forceVersion *version.Number) (*sync.BuiltTools, error) {
		vers := version.Current
		if forceVersion != nil {
			vers.Number = *forceVersion

		tgz, checksum := coretesting.TarGz(
			coretesting.NewTarFile("jujud", 0777, "jujud contents "+vers.String()))

		toolsDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "juju-tools")
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		name := "name"
		ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(toolsDir, name), tgz, 0777)

		return &sync.BuiltTools{
			Dir:         toolsDir,
			StorageName: name,
			Version:     vers,
			Size:        int64(len(tgz)),
			Sha256Hash:  checksum,
		}, nil
Exemplo n.º 10
func makeFakeTools(vers version.Binary) ([]byte, string) {
	return coretesting.TarGz(
		coretesting.NewTarFile(names.Jujud, 0777, "jujud contents "+vers.String()))
Exemplo n.º 11
func initBadDataTest(name string, mode os.FileMode, contents string, err string) badDataTest {
	var result badDataTest
	result.data, result.checksum = testing.TarGz(testing.NewTarFile(name, mode, contents))
	result.err = err
	return result