Exemplo n.º 1

// FilesystemInfo XXX
type FilesystemInfo struct {
	PercentUsed string
	KbUsed      float64
	KbSize      float64
	KbAvailable float64
	Mount       string
	Label       string
	VolumeName  string
	FsType      string

var windowsLogger = logging.GetLogger("windows")

// CollectFilesystemValues XXX
func CollectFilesystemValues() (map[string]FilesystemInfo, error) {
	filesystems := make(map[string]FilesystemInfo)

	drivebuf := make([]byte, 256)

	r, _, err := GetLogicalDriveStrings.Call(
	if r == 0 {
		return nil, err

	drives := []string{}
package mpunicorn

import (



	mp "github.com/mackerelio/go-mackerel-plugin-helper"

var logger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.plugin.unicorn")

var graphdef = map[string]mp.Graphs{
	"unicorn.memory": {
		Label: "Unicorn Memory",
		Unit:  "bytes",
		Metrics: []mp.Metrics{
			{Name: "memory_workers", Label: "Workers", Diff: false, Stacked: true},
			{Name: "memory_master", Label: "Master", Diff: false, Stacked: true},
			{Name: "memory_workeravg", Label: "Worker Average", Diff: false, Stacked: false},
	"unicorn.workers": {
		Label: "Unicorn Workers",
		Unit:  "integer",
		Metrics: []mp.Metrics{
Exemplo n.º 3

// FilesystemGenerator XXX
type FilesystemGenerator struct {

// NewFilesystemGenerator XXX
func NewFilesystemGenerator() (*FilesystemGenerator, error) {
	return &FilesystemGenerator{}, nil

var logger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.filesystem")

// Generate XXX
func (g *FilesystemGenerator) Generate() (metrics.Values, error) {
	filesystems, err := windows.CollectFilesystemValues()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ret := make(map[string]float64)
	for name, values := range filesystems {
		if matches := regexp.MustCompile(`^(.*):`).FindStringSubmatch(name); matches != nil {
			device := regexp.MustCompile(`[^A-Za-z0-9_-]`).ReplaceAllString(matches[1], "_")

			ret["filesystem."+device+".size"] = values.KbSize * 1024
			ret["filesystem."+device+".used"] = values.KbUsed * 1024
Exemplo n.º 4
package agent

import (


var logger = logging.GetLogger("agent")

func generateValues(generators []metrics.Generator) chan metrics.Values {
	processed := make(chan metrics.Values)
	finish := make(chan bool)
	result := make(chan metrics.Values)

	go func() {
		allValues := metrics.Values(make(map[string]float64))
		for {
			select {
			case values := <-processed:
			case <-finish:
				result <- allValues

	go func() {
		var wg sync.WaitGroup
Exemplo n.º 5
package main

import (

	mp "github.com/mackerelio/go-mackerel-plugin"

var logger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.plugin.elasticsearch")

var graphdef = map[string](mp.Graphs){
	"elasticsearch.http": mp.Graphs{
		Label: "Elasticsearch HTTP",
		Unit:  "integer",
		Metrics: [](mp.Metrics){
			mp.Metrics{Name: "http_opened", Label: "Opened", Diff: true},
	"elasticsearch.indices": mp.Graphs{
		Label: "Elasticsearch Indices",
		Unit:  "integer",
		Metrics: [](mp.Metrics){
			mp.Metrics{Name: "total_indexing_index", Label: "Indexing-Index", Diff: true, Stacked: true},
			mp.Metrics{Name: "total_indexing_delete", Label: "Indexing-Delete", Diff: true, Stacked: true},
			mp.Metrics{Name: "total_get", Label: "Get", Diff: true, Stacked: true},
Exemplo n.º 6
// KernelGenerator Generates specs about the kernel.
// Keys below are expected.
// - name:    the operating system name ("Linux")
// - release: the operating system release ("2.6.32-5-686")
// - version: the operating system version ("#1 SMP Sun Sep 23 09:49:36 UTC 2012")
// - machine: the machine hardware name ("i686")
// - os:      the operating system name ("GNU/Linux")
type KernelGenerator struct {

// Key XXX
func (g *KernelGenerator) Key() string {
	return "kernel"

var kernelLogger = logging.GetLogger("spec.kernel")

// Generate XXX
func (g *KernelGenerator) Generate() (interface{}, error) {
	unameArgs := map[string][]string{
		"release": []string{"-r"},
		"version": []string{"-v"},
		"machine": []string{"-m"},
		"os":      []string{"-s"},

	results := make(map[string]string, len(unameArgs)+1)

	for field, args := range unameArgs {
		out, err := exec.Command("/usr/bin/uname", args...).Output()
		if err != nil {
Exemplo n.º 7

collect load average

`loadavg5`: load average per 5 minutes retrieved from /proc/loadavg

graph: `loadavg5`

// Loadavg5Generator XXX
type Loadavg5Generator struct {

var loadavg5Logger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.loadavg5")

// Generate XXX
func (g *Loadavg5Generator) Generate() (metrics.Values, error) {
	contentbytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/proc/loadavg")
	if err != nil {
		loadavg5Logger.Errorf("Failed (skip these metrics): %s", err)
		return nil, err
	content := string(contentbytes)
	cols := strings.Split(content, " ")

	f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(cols[1], 64)
	if err != nil {
		loadavg5Logger.Errorf("Failed to parse loadavg5 metrics (skip these metrics): %s", err)
		return nil, err
Exemplo n.º 8
package main

import (

	mp "github.com/mackerelio/go-mackerel-plugin-helper"

var logger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.plugin.proc-fd")

// ProcfdPlugin for fetching metrics
type ProcfdPlugin struct {
	Process           string
	NormalizedProcess string
	MetricName        string

// FetchMetrics fetch the metrics
func (p ProcfdPlugin) FetchMetrics() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
	fds, err := openFd.getNumOpenFileDesc()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	stat := make(map[string]interface{})

	// Compute maximum open file descriptor
package mppostgres

import (

	// PostgreSQL Driver
	_ "github.com/lib/pq"
	mp "github.com/mackerelio/go-mackerel-plugin-helper"

var logger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.plugin.postgres")

var graphdef = map[string]mp.Graphs{
	"postgres.connections": {
		Label: "Postgres Connections",
		Unit:  "integer",
		Metrics: []mp.Metrics{
			{Name: "active", Label: "Active", Diff: false, Stacked: true},
			{Name: "waiting", Label: "Waiting", Diff: false, Stacked: true},
	"postgres.commits": {
		Label: "Postgres Commits",
		Unit:  "integer",
		Metrics: []mp.Metrics{
			{Name: "xact_commit", Label: "Xact Commit", Diff: true, Stacked: false},
			{Name: "xact_rollback", Label: "Xact Rollback", Diff: true, Stacked: false},
package mpjmxjolokia

import (

	mp "github.com/mackerelio/go-mackerel-plugin-helper"

var logger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.plugin.jmx-jolokia")

// JmxJolokiaPlugin mackerel plugin for Jolokia
type JmxJolokiaPlugin struct {
	Target   string
	Tempfile string

// JmxJolokiaResponse response for Jolokia
type JmxJolokiaResponse struct {
	Status    uint32
	Timestamp uint32
	Request   map[string]interface{}
	Value     map[string]interface{}
	Error     string

var graphdef = map[string]mp.Graphs{
	"jmx.jolokia.memory.heap_memory_usage": {
Exemplo n.º 11
package main

import (

	mp "github.com/mackerelio/go-mackerel-plugin-helper"

var logger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.plugin.inode")

// InodePlugin plugin
type InodePlugin struct{}

var dfHeaderPattern = regexp.MustCompile(

var dfColumnsPattern = regexp.MustCompile(

var devicePattern = regexp.MustCompile(
Exemplo n.º 12
// CloudGenerator definition
type CloudGenerator struct {

// CloudMetaGenerator interface of metadata generator for each cloud platform
type CloudMetaGenerator interface {
	Generate() (interface{}, error)

// Key is a root key for the generator.
func (g *CloudGenerator) Key() string {
	return "cloud"

var cloudLogger = logging.GetLogger("spec.cloud")

var ec2BaseURL, gceMetaURL, digitalOceanBaseURL *url.URL

func init() {
	ec2BaseURL, _ = url.Parse("")
	gceMetaURL, _ = url.Parse("http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/?recursive=true")
	digitalOceanBaseURL, _ = url.Parse("") // has not been yet used

var timeout = 100 * time.Millisecond

// SuggestCloudGenerator returns suitable CloudGenerator
func SuggestCloudGenerator() *CloudGenerator {
	if isEC2() {
		return &CloudGenerator{&EC2Generator{ec2BaseURL}}
Exemplo n.º 13
package checks

import (


var logger = logging.GetLogger("checks")

// Status is a status that is produced by periodical checking.
// It is currently compatible with Nagios.
type Status string

// Current possible statuses, which is taken from command's exit code.
// the mapping is given as exitCodeToStatus.
const (
	StatusUndefined Status = ""
	StatusOK        Status = "OK"
	StatusWarning   Status = "WARNING"
	StatusCritical  Status = "CRITICAL"
	StatusUnknown   Status = "UNKNOWN"

var exitCodeToStatus = map[int]Status{
	0: StatusOK,
	1: StatusWarning,
	2: StatusCritical,
Exemplo n.º 14


// DiskGenerator XXX
type DiskGenerator struct {
	Interval time.Duration
	query    syscall.Handle
	counters []*windows.CounterInfo

var diskLogger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.disk")

// NewDiskGenerator XXX
func NewDiskGenerator(interval time.Duration) (*DiskGenerator, error) {
	g := &DiskGenerator{interval, 0, nil}

	var err error
	g.query, err = windows.CreateQuery()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	drivebuf := make([]byte, 256)
	r, _, err := windows.GetLogicalDriveStrings.Call(
Exemplo n.º 15
package config

import (


var configLogger = logging.GetLogger("config")

// `apibase` and `agentName` are set from build flags
var apibase string

func getApibase() string {
	if apibase != "" {
		return apibase
	return "https://mackerel.io"

var agentName string

func getAgentName() string {
	if agentName != "" {
Exemplo n.º 16


var logger = logging.GetLogger("command")
var metricsInterval = 60 * time.Second

var retryNum uint = 20
var retryInterval = 3 * time.Second

// prepareHost collects specs of the host and sends them to Mackerel server.
// A unique host-id is returned by the server if one is not specified.
func prepareHost(conf *config.Config, api *mackerel.API) (*mackerel.Host, error) {
	// XXX this configuration should be moved to under spec/linux
	os.Setenv("PATH", "/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:"+os.Getenv("PATH"))
	os.Setenv("LANG", "C") // prevent changing outputs of some command, e.g. ifconfig.

	doRetry := func(f func() error) {
		retry.Retry(retryNum, retryInterval, f)
Exemplo n.º 17
import (


// CPUUsageGenerator XXX
type CPUUsageGenerator struct {

var cpuUsageLogger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.cpuUsage")

var iostatFieldToMetricName = []string{"user", "nice", "system", "interrupt", "idle"}

// Generate returns current CPU usage of the host.
// Keys below are expected:
// - cpu.user.percentage
// - cpu.system.percentage
// - cpu.idle.percentage
func (g *CPUUsageGenerator) Generate() (metrics.Values, error) {

	// $ iostat -n0 -c2 -d -C
	//            cpu
	// us ni sy in id
	//  3 21  4  1 71
	//  0  0  4  0 96
Exemplo n.º 18


// MemoryGenerator collects the host's memory specs.
type MemoryGenerator struct {

// Key XXX
func (g *MemoryGenerator) Key() string {
	return "memory"

var memoryLogger = logging.GetLogger("spec.memory")

// Generate XXX
func (g *MemoryGenerator) Generate() (interface{}, error) {
	result := make(map[string]interface{})

	var memoryStatusEx windows.MEMORY_STATUS_EX
	memoryStatusEx.Length = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(memoryStatusEx))
	r, _, err := windows.GlobalMemoryStatusEx.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&memoryStatusEx)))
	if r == 0 {
		return nil, err

	result["total"] = fmt.Sprintf("%dkb", memoryStatusEx.TotalPhys/1024)
	result["free"] = fmt.Sprintf("%dkb", memoryStatusEx.AvailPhys/1024)
Exemplo n.º 19
import (

	mp "github.com/mackerelio/go-mackerel-plugin"

var logger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.plugin.redis")

type RedisPlugin struct {
	Host     string
	Port     string
	Socket   string
	Prefix   string
	Timeout  int
	Tempfile string

func (m RedisPlugin) FetchMetrics() (map[string]float64, error) {
	network := "tcp"
	target := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", m.Host, m.Port)
	if m.Socket != "" {
		target = m.Socket
Exemplo n.º 20
var dfHeaderPattern = regexp.MustCompile(
	// 1024-blocks or 1k-blocks

// DfColumnSpec XXX
type DfColumnSpec struct {
	Name  string
	IsInt bool // type of collected data  true: int64, false: string

var dfColumnsPattern = regexp.MustCompile(

var logger = logging.GetLogger("util.filesystem")

var dfOpt []string

func init() {
	switch runtime.GOOS {
	case "darwin":
		dfOpt = []string{"-Pkl"}
	case "freebsd":
		dfOpt = []string{"-Pkt", "noprocfs,devfs,fdescfs,nfs,cd9660"}
	case "netbsd":
		dfOpt = []string{"-Pkl"}
		dfOpt = []string{"-P"}
Exemplo n.º 21
package spec

import (

var logger = logging.GetLogger("spec")

// Generator XXX
type Generator interface {
	Key() string
	Generate() (interface{}, error)

// Collect XXX
func Collect(specGenerators []Generator) map[string]interface{} {
	specs := make(map[string]interface{})
	for _, g := range specGenerators {
		value, err := g.Generate()
		if err != nil {
			logger.Errorf("Failed to collect meta in %T (skip this spec): %s", g, err.Error())
		specs[g.Key()] = value
	specs["agent-version"] = version.VERSION
	specs["agent-revision"] = version.GITCOMMIT
	specs["agent-name"] = version.UserAgent()
	return specs
Exemplo n.º 22


// CPUGenerator Collects CPU specs
type CPUGenerator struct {

// Key XXX
func (g *CPUGenerator) Key() string {
	return "cpu"

var cpuLogger = logging.GetLogger("spec.cpu")

// Generate XXX
func (g *CPUGenerator) Generate() (interface{}, error) {
	file, err := os.Open("/proc/cpuinfo")
	if err != nil {
		cpuLogger.Errorf("Failed (skip this spec): %s", err)
		return nil, err

	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)

	var results []map[string]interface{}
	var cur map[string]interface{}
	for scanner.Scan() {
		line := scanner.Text()
Exemplo n.º 23
// allow options like -role=... -role=...
type roleFullnamesFlag []string

var roleFullnamePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*:\s*[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*$`)

func (r *roleFullnamesFlag) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprint(*r)

func (r *roleFullnamesFlag) Set(input string) error {
	inputRoles := strings.Split(input, ",")
	*r = append(*r, inputRoles...)
	return nil

var logger = logging.GetLogger("main")

func main() {

func printRetireUsage() {
	usage := fmt.Sprintf(`Usage of mackerel-agent retire:
  -conf string
        Config file path (Configs in this file are over-written by command line options)
        (default "%s")
        force retirement without prompting
  -apibase string
        API base (default "%s")
  -apikey string
Exemplo n.º 24
// InterfaceGenerator XXX
type InterfaceGenerator struct {
	Interval time.Duration

var interfaceMetrics = []string{
	"rxBytes", "rxPackets", "rxErrors", "rxDrops",
	"rxFifo", "rxFrame", "rxCompressed", "rxMulticast",
	"txBytes", "txPackets", "txErrors", "txDrops",
	"txFifo", "txColls", "txCarrier", "txCompressed",

// metrics for posting to Mackerel
var postInterfaceMetricsRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^interface\..+\.(rxBytes|txBytes)$`)

var interfaceLogger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.interface")

// Generate XXX
func (g *InterfaceGenerator) Generate() (metrics.Values, error) {
	prevValues, err := g.collectIntarfacesValues()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err


	currValues, err := g.collectIntarfacesValues()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
Exemplo n.º 25
Pages zero filled:                     50848672.
Pages reactivated:                         1999.
Pages purged:                           2496610.
File-backed pages:                       677870.
Anonymous pages:                        2996150.
Pages stored in compressor:                   0.
Pages occupied by compressor:                 0.
Decompressions:                               0.
Compressions:                                 0.
Pageins:                                6333901.
Pageouts:                                   353.
Swapins:                                      0.
Swapouts:                                     0.

var memoryLogger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.memory")
var statReg = regexp.MustCompile(`^(.+):\s+([0-9]+)\.$`)

// Generate generate metrics values
func (g *MemoryGenerator) Generate() (metrics.Values, error) {
	outBytes, err := exec.Command("vm_stat").Output()
	if err != nil {
		memoryLogger.Errorf("Failed (skip these metrics): %s", err)
		return nil, err
	out := string(outBytes)
	lines := strings.Split(out, "\n")

	stats := map[string]int64{}
	for _, line := range lines {
		if matches := statReg.FindStringSubmatch(line); matches != nil {
Exemplo n.º 26
package freebsd

import (

// FilesystemGenerator XXX
type FilesystemGenerator struct {

// Key XXX
func (g *FilesystemGenerator) Key() string {
	return "filesystem"

var logger = logging.GetLogger("spec.filesystem")

var dfColumnSpecs = []util.DfColumnSpec{
	util.DfColumnSpec{Name: "kb_size", IsInt: true},
	util.DfColumnSpec{Name: "kb_used", IsInt: true},
	util.DfColumnSpec{Name: "kb_available", IsInt: true},
	util.DfColumnSpec{Name: "percent_used", IsInt: false},
	util.DfColumnSpec{Name: "mount", IsInt: false},

// Generate XXX
func (g *FilesystemGenerator) Generate() (interface{}, error) {
	return util.CollectDfValues(dfColumnSpecs)
Exemplo n.º 27
// +build linux darwin freebsd netbsd

package util

import (


var utilLogger = logging.GetLogger("util")

// TimeoutDuration is option of `Runcommand()` set timeout limit of command execution.
var TimeoutDuration = 30 * time.Second

// TimeoutKillAfter is option of `RunCommand()` set waiting limit to `kill -kill` after terminating the command.
var TimeoutKillAfter = 10 * time.Second

// RunCommand runs command (in two string) and returns stdout, stderr strings and its exit code.
func RunCommand(command, user string) (string, string, int, error) {
	cmd := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-c", command)
	if user != "" {
		cmd = exec.Command("sudo", "-u", user, "/bin/sh", "-c", command)
	tio := &timeout.Timeout{
		Cmd:       cmd,
		Duration:  TimeoutDuration,
		KillAfter: TimeoutKillAfter,
Exemplo n.º 28

// InterfaceGenerator XXX
type InterfaceGenerator struct {

// Key XXX
func (g *InterfaceGenerator) Key() string {
	return "interface"

var interfaceLogger = logging.GetLogger("spec.interface")

// Generate XXX
func (g *InterfaceGenerator) Generate() ([]spec.NetInterface, error) {
	var results []spec.NetInterface

	ifs, err := net.Interfaces()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ai, err := windows.GetAdapterList()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
Exemplo n.º 29
import (

	mp "github.com/mackerelio/go-mackerel-plugin"

var (
	logger               = logging.GetLogger("metrics.plugin.solr")
	coreStatKeys         = []string{"numDocs", "deletedDocs", "indexHeapUsageBytes", "version", "segmentCount", "sizeInBytes"}
	queryHandlerPaths    = []string{"/update/json", "/select", "/update/json/docs", "/get", "/update/csv", "/replication", "/update", "/dataimport"}
	queryHandlerStatKeys = []string{"requests", "errors", "timeouts", "avgRequestsPerSecond", "5minRateReqsPerSecond", "15minRateReqsPerSecond", "avgTimePerRequest", "medianRequestTime", "75thPcRequestTime", "95thPcRequestTime", "99thPcRequestTime", "999thPcRequestTime"}
	cacheTypes           = []string{"filterCache", "perSegFilter", "queryResultCache", "documentCache", "fieldValueCache"}
	cacheStatKeys        = []string{"lookups", "hits", "hitratio", "inserts", "evictions", "size", "warmupTime"}

// SolrPlugin mackerel plugin for Solr
type SolrPlugin struct {
	Protocol string
	Host     string
	Port     string
	BaseURL  string
	Cores    []string
	Prefix   string
Exemplo n.º 30
package main

import (

	mp "github.com/mackerelio/go-mackerel-plugin-helper"

var logger = logging.GetLogger("metrics.plugin.jvm")

// JVMPlugin plugin for JVM
type JVMPlugin struct {
	Target    string
	Lvmid     string
	JstatPath string
	JavaName  string
	Tempfile  string

// # jps
// 26547 NettyServer
// 6438 Jps
func fetchLvmidByAppname(appname, target, jpsPath string) (string, error) {
	out, err := exec.Command(jpsPath, target).Output()