Exemplo n.º 1
func (c *config) Read(task *mesos.TaskInfo) {
	config := new(config)
	Logger.Debugf("Task data: %s", string(task.GetData()))
	err := json.Unmarshal(task.GetData(), config)
	if err != nil {
	*c = *config
Exemplo n.º 2
// LaunchTask is called when the executor receives a request to launch a task.
// The happens when the k8sm scheduler has decided to schedule the pod
// (which corresponds to a Mesos Task) onto the node where this executor
// is running, but the binding is not recorded in the Kubernetes store yet.
// This function is invoked to tell the executor to record the binding in the
// Kubernetes store and start the pod via the Kubelet.
func (k *Executor) LaunchTask(driver bindings.ExecutorDriver, taskInfo *mesos.TaskInfo) {
	if k.isDone() {
	log.Infof("Launch task %v\n", taskInfo)

	if !k.isConnected() {
		log.Errorf("Ignore launch task because the executor is disconnected\n")
		k.sendStatus(driver, newStatus(taskInfo.GetTaskId(), mesos.TaskState_TASK_FAILED,

	obj, err := api.Codec.Decode(taskInfo.GetData())
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failed to extract yaml data from the taskInfo.data %v", err)
		k.sendStatus(driver, newStatus(taskInfo.GetTaskId(), mesos.TaskState_TASK_FAILED,
	pod, ok := obj.(*api.Pod)
	if !ok {
		log.Errorf("expected *api.Pod instead of %T: %+v", pod, pod)
		k.sendStatus(driver, newStatus(taskInfo.GetTaskId(), mesos.TaskState_TASK_FAILED,

	taskId := taskInfo.GetTaskId().GetValue()
	defer k.lock.Unlock()

	if _, found := k.tasks[taskId]; found {
		log.Errorf("task already launched\n")
		// Not to send back TASK_RUNNING here, because
		// may be duplicated messages or duplicated task id.
	// remember this task so that:
	// (a) we ignore future launches for it
	// (b) we have a record of it so that we can kill it if needed
	// (c) we're leaving podName == "" for now, indicates we don't need to delete containers
	k.tasks[taskId] = &kuberTask{
		mesosTaskInfo: taskInfo,
		launchTimer:   time.NewTimer(k.launchGracePeriod),

	go k.launchTask(driver, taskId, pod)
Exemplo n.º 3
// LaunchTask is called when the executor receives a request to launch a task.
// The happens when the k8sm scheduler has decided to schedule the pod
// (which corresponds to a Mesos Task) onto the node where this executor
// is running, but the binding is not recorded in the Kubernetes store yet.
// This function is invoked to tell the executor to record the binding in the
// Kubernetes store and start the pod via the Kubelet.
func (k *Executor) LaunchTask(driver bindings.ExecutorDriver, taskInfo *mesos.TaskInfo) {
	if k.isDone() {

	log.Infof("Launch task %v\n", taskInfo)

	taskID := taskInfo.GetTaskId().GetValue()
	if p := k.registry.pod(taskID); p != nil {
		log.Warningf("task %v already launched", taskID)
		// Not to send back TASK_RUNNING or TASK_FAILED here, because
		// may be duplicated messages

	if !k.isConnected() {
		log.Errorf("Ignore launch task because the executor is disconnected\n")
		k.sendStatus(driver, newStatus(taskInfo.GetTaskId(), mesos.TaskState_TASK_FAILED,

	obj, err := kruntime.Decode(api.Codecs.UniversalDecoder(), taskInfo.GetData())
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failed to extract yaml data from the taskInfo.data %v", err)
		k.sendStatus(driver, newStatus(taskInfo.GetTaskId(), mesos.TaskState_TASK_FAILED,
	pod, ok := obj.(*api.Pod)
	if !ok {
		log.Errorf("expected *api.Pod instead of %T: %+v", pod, pod)
		k.sendStatus(driver, newStatus(taskInfo.GetTaskId(), mesos.TaskState_TASK_FAILED,


	// run the next step aync because it calls out to apiserver and we don't want to block here
	go k.bindAndWatchTask(driver, taskInfo, time.NewTimer(k.launchGracePeriod), pod)
Exemplo n.º 4
// LaunchTask called when executor launch tasks
func (runner *TaskRunner) LaunchTask(driver executor.ExecutorDriver, taskInfo *mesosproto.TaskInfo) {
	fmt.Printf("Launching task %v with ID %v\n", taskInfo.GetName(), taskInfo.GetTaskId().GetValue())

	status := &mesosproto.TaskStatus{
		TaskId: taskInfo.GetTaskId(),
		State:  mesosproto.TaskState_TASK_RUNNING.Enum(),
	_, err := driver.SendStatusUpdate(status)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Send task running status error: ", err)

	// TODO run job

	fmt.Println("Task finished", taskInfo.GetName())
	status.State = mesosproto.TaskState_TASK_FINISHED.Enum()
	_, err = driver.SendStatusUpdate(status)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Send task finished status error: ", err)
func (e *MirrorMakerExecutor) LaunchTask(driver executor.ExecutorDriver, task *mesos.TaskInfo) {
	Logger.Infof("[LaunchTask] %s", task)

	err := json.Unmarshal(task.GetData(), &e.config)
	if err != nil {
		Logger.Errorf("Could not unmarshal json data: %s", err)


	runStatus := &mesos.TaskStatus{
		TaskId: task.GetTaskId(),
		State:  mesos.TaskState_TASK_RUNNING.Enum(),

	if _, err := driver.SendStatusUpdate(runStatus); err != nil {
		Logger.Errorf("Failed to send status update: %s", runStatus)
		os.Exit(1) //TODO not sure if we should exit in this case, but probably yes

	go func() {

		// finish task
		Logger.Infof("Finishing task %s", task.GetName())
		finStatus := &mesos.TaskStatus{
			TaskId: task.GetTaskId(),
			State:  mesos.TaskState_TASK_FINISHED.Enum(),
		if _, err := driver.SendStatusUpdate(finStatus); err != nil {
			Logger.Errorf("Failed to send status update: %s", finStatus)
		Logger.Infof("Task %s has finished", task.GetName())
Exemplo n.º 6
func (exec *exampleExecutor) LaunchTask(driver exec.ExecutorDriver, taskInfo *mesos.TaskInfo) {
	// *
	// Describes a task. Passed from the scheduler all the way to an
	// executor (see SchedulerDriver::launchTasks and
	// Executor::launchTask). Either ExecutorInfo or CommandInfo should be set.
	// A different executor can be used to launch this task, and subsequent tasks
	// meant for the same executor can reuse the same ExecutorInfo struct.
	// type TaskInfo struct {
	// TaskInfoではExecutor か Commandを設定しないといけない。
	// example実装だとExecutorが設定されているがValueがうまく渡っていないように見える
	// Executorの中のCommandInfoに入っていた

	fmt.Println("<------------------ Executor start ------------------>")
	// https://github.com/mesos/mesos-go/blob/master/mesosproto/mesos.pb.go
	// type CommandInfoあたり
	// fmt.Println("Launching task", taskInfo.GetName(), "with command", taskInfo.Command.GetUris())
	// fmt.Println("Launching task", taskInfo.GetName(), "with command", taskInfo.Command.GetValue())
	// fmt.Println("Launching task", taskInfo.GetName(), "with command", taskInfo.Command.GetShell())

	// ExecutorInfo
	cmd := taskInfo.Executor.GetCommand()

	fmt.Println("Launching task", taskInfo.GetName(), "with command[GetUris]", cmd.GetUris())
	fmt.Println("Launching task", taskInfo.GetName(), "with command[GetValue]", cmd.GetValue())
	fmt.Println("Launching task", taskInfo.GetName(), "with command[GetShell]", cmd.GetShell())
	fmt.Println("Launching task", taskInfo.GetName(), "with command[GetArguments]", cmd.GetArguments())
	fmt.Println("Launching task", taskInfo.GetName(), "with taskInfo.GetData()", string(taskInfo.GetData()))

	execcmd := string(taskInfo.GetData())
	fmt.Printf("execcmd = %s\n", execcmd)

	runStatus := &mesos.TaskStatus{
		TaskId: taskInfo.GetTaskId(),
		State:  mesos.TaskState_TASK_RUNNING.Enum(),
	_, err := driver.SendStatusUpdate(runStatus)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Got error", err)

	fmt.Println("Total tasks launched ", exec.tasksLaunched)
	// this is where one would perform the requested task

	output, err := osexec.Command("sh", "-c", execcmd).Output()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command exec error", err)
	fmt.Println("Exec output>")

	// this is where one would perform the requested task

	// finish task
	fmt.Println("Finishing task", taskInfo.GetName())
	finStatus := &mesos.TaskStatus{
		TaskId: taskInfo.GetTaskId(),
		State:  mesos.TaskState_TASK_FINISHED.Enum(),
	_, err = driver.SendStatusUpdate(finStatus)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Got error", err)
	fmt.Println("Task finished", taskInfo.GetName())
	fmt.Println("<------------------ Executor finish ------------------>\n")