Exemplo n.º 1
// Match function matches wild cards in 'pattern' for events.
func eventMatch(eventType string, events []string) (ok bool) {
	for _, event := range events {
		ok = wildcard.MatchSimple(event, eventType)
		if ok {
	return ok
Exemplo n.º 2
// TestMatchSimple - Tests validate the logic of wild card matching.
// `MatchSimple` supports matching for only '*' in the pattern string.
func TestMatchSimple(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		pattern string
		text    string
		matched bool
		// Test case - 1.
		// Test case with pattern "*". Expected to match any text.
			pattern: "*",
			text:    "s3:GetObject",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 2.
		// Test case with empty pattern. This only matches empty string.
			pattern: "",
			text:    "s3:GetObject",
			matched: false,
		// Test case - 3.
		// Test case with empty pattern. This only matches empty string.
			pattern: "",
			text:    "",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 4.
		// Test case with single "*" at the end.
			pattern: "s3:*",
			text:    "s3:ListMultipartUploadParts",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 5.
		// Test case with a no "*". In this case the pattern and text should be the same.
			pattern: "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads",
			text:    "s3:ListBucket",
			matched: false,
		// Test case - 6.
		// Test case with a no "*". In this case the pattern and text should be the same.
			pattern: "s3:ListBucket",
			text:    "s3:ListBucket",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 7.
		// Test case with a no "*". In this case the pattern and text should be the same.
			pattern: "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads",
			text:    "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 8.
		// Test case with pattern containing key name with a prefix. Should accept the same text without a "*".
			pattern: "my-bucket/oo*",
			text:    "my-bucket/oo",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 9.
		// Test case with "*" at the end of the pattern.
			pattern: "my-bucket/In*",
			text:    "my-bucket/India/Karnataka/",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 10.
		// Test case with prefixes shuffled.
		// This should fail.
			pattern: "my-bucket/In*",
			text:    "my-bucket/Karnataka/India/",
			matched: false,
		// Test case - 11.
		// Test case with text expanded to the wildcards in the pattern.
			pattern: "my-bucket/In*/Ka*/Ban",
			text:    "my-bucket/India/Karnataka/Ban",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 12.
		// Test case with the  keyname part is repeated as prefix several times.
		// This is valid.
			pattern: "my-bucket/In*/Ka*/Ban",
			text:    "my-bucket/India/Karnataka/Ban/Ban/Ban/Ban/Ban",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 13.
		// Test case to validate that `*` can be expanded into multiple prefixes.
			pattern: "my-bucket/In*/Ka*/Ban",
			text:    "my-bucket/India/Karnataka/Area1/Area2/Area3/Ban",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 14.
		// Test case to validate that `*` can be expanded into multiple prefixes.
			pattern: "my-bucket/In*/Ka*/Ban",
			text:    "my-bucket/India/State1/State2/Karnataka/Area1/Area2/Area3/Ban",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 15.
		// Test case where the keyname part of the pattern is expanded in the text.
			pattern: "my-bucket/In*/Ka*/Ban",
			text:    "my-bucket/India/Karnataka/Bangalore",
			matched: false,
		// Test case - 16.
		// Test case with prefixes and wildcard expanded for all "*".
			pattern: "my-bucket/In*/Ka*/Ban*",
			text:    "my-bucket/India/Karnataka/Bangalore",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 17.
		// Test case with keyname part being a wildcard in the pattern.
			pattern: "my-bucket/*",
			text:    "my-bucket/India",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 18.
			pattern: "my-bucket/oo*",
			text:    "my-bucket/odo",
			matched: false,
		// Test case - 11.
			pattern: "my-bucket/oo?*",
			text:    "my-bucket/oo???",
			matched: true,
		// Test case - 12:
			pattern: "my-bucket/oo??*",
			text:    "my-bucket/odo",
			matched: false,
		// Test case - 13:
			pattern: "?h?*",
			text:    "?h?hello",
			matched: true,
	// Iterating over the test cases, call the function under test and asert the output.
	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		actualResult := wildcard.MatchSimple(testCase.pattern, testCase.text)
		if testCase.matched != actualResult {
			t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the result to be `%v`, but instead found it to be `%v`", i+1, testCase.matched, actualResult)
Exemplo n.º 3
// Match function matches wild cards in 'pattern' for action.
func actionMatch(pattern, action string) bool {
	return wildcard.MatchSimple(pattern, action)