Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: input.go Projeto: elos/elos
// dateInput retrieves a time.Time value as textual input over a
// a series of messages
// Use dateInput when you need a full date and time, i.e., 1/1/1 12:00
// If you only need a time, use 'timeInput'.
func dateInput(ui cli.Ui, text string) (time.Time, error) {
	ui.Output(text + " [date]")

	var (
		inputErr                    error
		year, month, day, hour, min int

	if year, inputErr = intInput(ui, "Year (e.g., 2016)"); inputErr != nil {
		return *new(time.Time), inputErr

	if month, inputErr = intInput(ui, "Month (e.g., 1 for January)"); inputErr != nil {
		return *new(time.Time), inputErr

	if day, inputErr = intInput(ui, "Day [e.g., 1]"); inputErr != nil {
		return *new(time.Time), inputErr

	if hour, inputErr = intInput(ui, "Hour [e.g., 13]"); inputErr != nil {
		return *new(time.Time), inputErr

	if min, inputErr = intInput(ui, "Minute [e.g., 59]"); inputErr != nil {
		return *new(time.Time), inputErr

	return time.Date(year, time.Month(month), day, hour, min, 0, 0, time.Local), nil
Exemplo n.º 2
func (c *Command) startShutdownWatcher(agent *Agent, ui cli.Ui) (graceful <-chan struct{}, forceful <-chan struct{}) {
	g := make(chan struct{})
	f := make(chan struct{})
	graceful = g
	forceful = f

	go func() {

		c.shuttingDown = true

		ui.Output("Gracefully shutting down agent...")
		go func() {
			if err := agent.Shutdown(); err != nil {
				ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s", err))

		select {
		case <-g:
			// Gracefully shut down properly
		case <-c.ShutdownCh:

func (c *ConsoleCommand) modeInteractive(session *repl.Session, ui cli.Ui) int {
		"The readline library Terraform currently uses for the interactive\n" +
			"console is not supported by Solaris. Interactive mode is therefore\n" +
			"not supported on Solaris currently."))
	return 1
Exemplo n.º 4
func (param *Parameter) Ask(name string, ui cli.Ui) string {
	query := fmt.Sprintf("%s:", name)
	if d := param.DisplayDefault(); d != "" {
		query += fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", d)

	ask := param.AskFunc(ui)

	var result string
	for {
		input, _ := ask(query)
		if input == "" {
			result = param.Default
		} else {
			result = input
		err := param.Validate(result)
		if err == nil {

	return result
Exemplo n.º 5
func (y YamlFormatter) Output(ui cli.Ui, secret *api.Secret, data interface{}) error {
	b, err := yaml.Marshal(data)
	if err == nil {
	return err
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: cal.go Projeto: elos/elos
func createFixture(ui cli.Ui, ownerID string, db data.DB) (fixture *models.Fixture, err error) {
	ui.Output("Creating a fixture")

	fixture = models.NewFixture()
	fixture.OwnerId = ownerID
	fixture.CreatedAt = time.Now()

	if fixture.Name, err = stringInput(ui, "Name of the fixture:"); err != nil {

	if fixture.Label, err = boolInput(ui, "Is this a label?"); err != nil {

	if !fixture.Label {
		if fixture.StartTime, err = timeInput(ui, "Start time of fixture?"); err != nil {

		if fixture.EndTime, err = timeInput(ui, "End time of fixture?"); err != nil {

	fixture.UpdatedAt = time.Now()

	err = db.Save(fixture)
Exemplo n.º 7
func outputFormatTableList(ui cli.Ui, s *api.Secret) int {
	config := columnize.DefaultConfig()
	config.Delim = "♨"
	config.Glue = "\t"
	config.Prefix = ""

	input := make([]string, 0, 5)

	input = append(input, "Keys")

	keys := make([]string, 0, len(s.Data["keys"].([]interface{})))
	for _, k := range s.Data["keys"].([]interface{}) {
		keys = append(keys, k.(string))

	for _, k := range keys {
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("%s", k))

	if len(s.Warnings) != 0 {
		input = append(input, "")
		for _, warning := range s.Warnings {
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("* %s", warning))

	ui.Output(columnize.Format(input, config))
	return 0
Exemplo n.º 8
func (t TableFormatter) OutputList(ui cli.Ui, secret *api.Secret, list []interface{}) error {
	config := columnize.DefaultConfig()
	config.Delim = "♨"
	config.Glue = "\t"
	config.Prefix = ""

	input := make([]string, 0, 5)

	input = append(input, "Keys")

	keys := make([]string, 0, len(list))
	for _, k := range list {
		keys = append(keys, k.(string))

	for _, k := range keys {
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("%s", k))

	if len(secret.Warnings) != 0 {
		input = append(input, "")
		input = append(input, "The following warnings were returned from the Vault server:")
		for _, warning := range secret.Warnings {
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("* %s", warning))

	ui.Output(columnize.Format(input, config))
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 9
// dumpAllocStatus is a helper to generate a more user-friendly error message
// for scheduling failures, displaying a high level status of why the job
// could not be scheduled out.
func dumpAllocStatus(ui cli.Ui, alloc *api.Allocation, length int) {
	// Print filter stats
	ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("Allocation %q status %q (%d/%d nodes filtered)",
		limit(alloc.ID, length), alloc.ClientStatus,
		alloc.Metrics.NodesFiltered, alloc.Metrics.NodesEvaluated))
	ui.Output(formatAllocMetrics(alloc.Metrics, true, "  "))
Exemplo n.º 10
func outputFormatTable(ui cli.Ui, s *api.Secret, whitespace bool) int {
	config := columnize.DefaultConfig()
	config.Delim = "♨"
	config.Glue = "\t"
	config.Prefix = ""

	input := make([]string, 0, 5)
	input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("Key %s Value", config.Delim))

	if s.LeaseID != "" && s.LeaseDuration > 0 {
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("lease_id %s %s", config.Delim, s.LeaseID))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf(
			"lease_duration %s %d", config.Delim, s.LeaseDuration))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf(
			"lease_renewable %s %s", config.Delim, strconv.FormatBool(s.Renewable)))

	if s.Auth != nil {
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token %s %s", config.Delim, s.Auth.ClientToken))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_duration %s %d", config.Delim, s.Auth.LeaseDuration))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_renewable %s %v", config.Delim, s.Auth.Renewable))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_policies %s %v", config.Delim, s.Auth.Policies))
		for k, v := range s.Auth.Metadata {
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_meta_%s %s %#v", k, config.Delim, v))

	for k, v := range s.Data {
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %v", k, config.Delim, v))

	ui.Output(columnize.Format(input, config))
	return 0
Exemplo n.º 11
// Discover plugins located on disk, and fall back on plugins baked into the
// Terraform binary.
// We look in the following places for plugins:
// 1. Terraform configuration path
// 2. Path where Terraform is installed
// 3. Path where Terraform is invoked
// Whichever file is discoverd LAST wins.
// Finally, we look at the list of plugins compiled into Terraform. If any of
// them has not been found on disk we use the internal version. This allows
// users to add / replace plugins without recompiling the main binary.
func (c *Config) Discover(ui cli.Ui) error {
	// Look in ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
	dir, err := ConfigDir()
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("[ERR] Error loading config directory: %s", err)
	} else {
		if err := c.discover(filepath.Join(dir, "plugins")); err != nil {
			return err

	// Next, look in the same directory as the Terraform executable, usually
	// /usr/local/bin. If found, this replaces what we found in the config path.
	exePath, err := osext.Executable()
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("[ERR] Error loading exe directory: %s", err)
	} else {
		if err := c.discover(filepath.Dir(exePath)); err != nil {
			return err

	// Finally look in the cwd (where we are invoke Terraform). If found, this
	// replaces anything we found in the config / install paths.
	if err := c.discover("."); err != nil {
		return err

	// Finally, if we have a plugin compiled into Terraform and we didn't find
	// a replacement on disk, we'll just use the internal version.
	for name, _ := range command.InternalProviders {
		if path, found := c.Providers[name]; found {
			ui.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("[WARN] %s overrides an internal plugin for %s-provider.\n"+
				"  If you did not expect to see this message you will need to remove the old plugin.\n"+
				"  See https://www.terraform.io/docs/internals/internal-plugins.html", path, name))
		} else {

			cmd, err := command.BuildPluginCommandString("provider", name)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			c.Providers[name] = cmd
	for name, _ := range command.InternalProvisioners {
		if path, found := c.Provisioners[name]; found {
			ui.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("[WARN] %s overrides an internal plugin for %s-provisioner.\n"+
				"  If you did not expect to see this message you will need to remove the old plugin.\n"+
				"  See https://www.terraform.io/docs/internals/internal-plugins.html", path, name))
		} else {
			cmd, err := command.BuildPluginCommandString("provisioner", name)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			c.Provisioners[name] = cmd

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 12
func PrintRawField(ui cli.Ui, secret *api.Secret, field string) int {
	var val interface{}
	switch {
	case secret.Auth != nil:
		switch field {
		case "token":
			val = secret.Auth.ClientToken
		case "token_accessor":
			val = secret.Auth.Accessor
		case "token_duration":
			val = secret.Auth.LeaseDuration
		case "token_renewable":
			val = secret.Auth.Renewable
		case "token_policies":
			val = secret.Auth.Policies
			val = secret.Data[field]

	case secret.WrapInfo != nil:
		switch field {
		case "wrapping_token":
			val = secret.WrapInfo.Token
		case "wrapping_token_ttl":
			val = secret.WrapInfo.TTL
		case "wrapping_token_creation_time":
			val = secret.WrapInfo.CreationTime.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
		case "wrapped_accessor":
			val = secret.WrapInfo.WrappedAccessor
			val = secret.Data[field]

		switch field {
		case "refresh_interval":
			val = secret.LeaseDuration
			val = secret.Data[field]

	if val != nil {
		// c.Ui.Output() prints a CR character which in this case is
		// not desired. Since Vault CLI currently only uses BasicUi,
		// which writes to standard output, os.Stdout is used here to
		// directly print the message. If mitchellh/cli exposes method
		// to print without CR, this check needs to be removed.
		if reflect.TypeOf(ui).String() == "*cli.BasicUi" {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, fmt.Sprintf("%v", val))
		} else {
			ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("%v", val))
		return 0
	} else {
			"Field %s not present in secret", field))
		return 1
Exemplo n.º 13
func (j JsonFormatter) Output(ui cli.Ui, secret *api.Secret, data interface{}) error {
	b, err := json.Marshal(data)
	if err == nil {
		var out bytes.Buffer
		json.Indent(&out, b, "", "\t")
	return err
Exemplo n.º 14
func outputFormatYAMLList(ui cli.Ui, s *api.Secret) int {
	b, err := yaml.Marshal(s.Data["keys"])
	if err != nil {
			"Error formatting secret: %s", err))
		return 1

	return 0
Exemplo n.º 15
func (t TableFormatter) OutputSecret(ui cli.Ui, secret, s *api.Secret) error {
	config := columnize.DefaultConfig()
	config.Delim = "♨"
	config.Glue = "\t"
	config.Prefix = ""

	input := make([]string, 0, 5)

	input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("Key %s Value", config.Delim))

	if s.LeaseDuration > 0 {
		if s.LeaseID != "" {
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("lease_id %s %s", config.Delim, s.LeaseID))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf(
			"lease_duration %s %d", config.Delim, s.LeaseDuration))
		if s.LeaseID != "" {
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf(
				"lease_renewable %s %s", config.Delim, strconv.FormatBool(s.Renewable)))

	if s.Auth != nil {
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token %s %s", config.Delim, s.Auth.ClientToken))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_accessor %s %s", config.Delim, s.Auth.Accessor))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_duration %s %d", config.Delim, s.Auth.LeaseDuration))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_renewable %s %v", config.Delim, s.Auth.Renewable))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_policies %s %v", config.Delim, s.Auth.Policies))
		for k, v := range s.Auth.Metadata {
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_meta_%s %s %#v", k, config.Delim, v))

	keys := make([]string, 0, len(s.Data))
	for k := range s.Data {
		keys = append(keys, k)

	for _, k := range keys {
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %v", k, config.Delim, s.Data[k]))

	if len(s.Warnings) != 0 {
		input = append(input, "")
		input = append(input, "The following warnings were returned from the Vault server:")
		for _, warning := range s.Warnings {
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("* %s", warning))

	ui.Output(columnize.Format(input, config))
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 16
func outputWithFormat(ui cli.Ui, format string, secret *api.Secret, data interface{}) int {
	formatter, ok := Formatters[strings.ToLower(format)]
	if !ok {
		ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid output format: %s", format))
		return 1
	if err := formatter.Output(ui, secret, data); err != nil {
		ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not output secret: %s", err.Error()))
		return 1
	return 0
Exemplo n.º 17
func OutputList(ui cli.Ui, format string, secret *api.Secret) int {
	switch format {
	case "json":
		return outputFormatJSONList(ui, secret)
	case "yaml":
		return outputFormatYAMLList(ui, secret)
	case "table":
		return outputFormatTableList(ui, secret)
		ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid output format: %s", format))
		return 1
Exemplo n.º 18
func outputFormatJSONList(ui cli.Ui, s *api.Secret) int {
	b, err := json.Marshal(s.Data["keys"])
	if err != nil {
			"Error formatting keys: %s", err))
		return 1

	var out bytes.Buffer
	json.Indent(&out, b, "", "\t")
	return 0
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: input.go Projeto: elos/elos
// stringListInput requests a list of a comma delimitted strings
// Use this where you need to take a list of string values,
// such as the case where you want to take a list of strings
// It parses the strings based on commas, or double commas,
// if the string input needs to include commas
func stringListInput(ui cli.Ui, text string) ([]string, error) {
	in, err := ui.Ask(text + " [list,of,strings]")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// if the user used double commas, single commas will be ignored
	if strings.Contains(in, ",,") {
		return strings.Split(in, ",,"), nil

	return strings.Split(in, ","), nil
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: input.go Projeto: elos/elos
// intInput requests an integer input (signed)
// Use intInput if you need to retrieve an integer.
func intInput(ui cli.Ui, text string) (int, error) {
	for {
		input, err := ui.Ask(text + " [integer]:")
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err

		i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(input, 10, 64)
		if err == nil {
			return int(i64), nil

		out := "Invalid input, please try again. Valid integer expressions include: 1, 12, -300 etc."
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: input.go Projeto: elos/elos
// timeInput retrieves a time.Time value, but only pays attention
// to the hour and the minute components. It fills in the year 0,
// month 0, day 0, second 0 and nsecond 0. It uses time.Local for
// location information.
// Use timeInput if you need to retrieve a time of the form 12:45,
// but if you care also abou the calendrical components, such as
// the year, month and day, use 'dateInput'.
func timeInput(ui cli.Ui, text string) (t time.Time, err error) {
	ui.Output(text + " [time]")

	var (
		inputErr  error
		hour, min int

	if hour, inputErr = intInput(ui, "Hour [e.g., 13]"); inputErr != nil {
		return *new(time.Time), inputErr

	if min, inputErr = intInput(ui, "Minute [e.g., 59]"); inputErr != nil {
		return *new(time.Time), inputErr

	return time.Date(0, 0, 0, hour, min, 0, 0, time.Local), nil
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: cal.go Projeto: elos/elos
func printFixtures(ui cli.Ui, fixtures []*models.Fixture) {
	if len(fixtures) == 0 {
		ui.Output(" -- No fixtures")
	for _, f := range fixtures {
		var output string
		if f.Label {
			output = fmt.Sprintf("* %s [Label]", f.Name)
		} else {
			output = fmt.Sprintf(`
			 * %s [%s - %s]
			`, f.Name, f.StartTime.Format("15:04"), f.EndTime.Format("15:04"))

Exemplo n.º 23
func (t TableFormatter) OutputList(ui cli.Ui, secret *api.Secret, list []interface{}) error {
	config := columnize.DefaultConfig()
	config.Delim = "♨"
	config.Glue = "\t"
	config.Prefix = ""

	input := make([]string, 0, 5)

	if len(list) > 0 {
		input = append(input, "Keys")
		input = append(input, "----")

		keys := make([]string, 0, len(list))
		for _, k := range list {
			keys = append(keys, k.(string))

		for _, k := range keys {
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("%s", k))

	tableOutputStr := columnize.Format(input, config)

	// Print the warning separately because the length of first
	// column in the output will be increased by the length of
	// the longest warning string making the output look bad.
	warningsInput := make([]string, 0, 5)
	if len(secret.Warnings) != 0 {
		warningsInput = append(warningsInput, "")
		warningsInput = append(warningsInput, "The following warnings were returned from the Vault server:")
		for _, warning := range secret.Warnings {
			warningsInput = append(warningsInput, fmt.Sprintf("* %s", warning))

	warningsOutputStr := columnize.Format(warningsInput, config)

	ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", tableOutputStr, warningsOutputStr))

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 24
func (c *ConsoleCommand) modeInteractive(session *repl.Session, ui cli.Ui) int {
	// Configure input
	l, err := readline.NewEx(wrappedreadline.Override(&readline.Config{
		Prompt:            "> ",
		InterruptPrompt:   "^C",
		EOFPrompt:         "exit",
		HistorySearchFold: true,
	if err != nil {
			"Error initializing console: %s",
		return 1
	defer l.Close()

	for {
		// Read a line
		line, err := l.Readline()
		if err == readline.ErrInterrupt {
			if len(line) == 0 {
			} else {
		} else if err == io.EOF {

		out, err := session.Handle(line)
		if err == repl.ErrSessionExit {
		if err != nil {


	return 0
Exemplo n.º 25
func (c *ConsoleCommand) modePiped(session *repl.Session, ui cli.Ui) int {
	var lastResult string
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(wrappedstreams.Stdin())
	for scanner.Scan() {
		// Handle it. If there is an error exit immediately
		result, err := session.Handle(strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text()))
		if err != nil {
			return 1

		// Store the last result
		lastResult = result

	// Output the final result

	return 0
Exemplo n.º 26
// Setup is used to perform setup of several logging objects:
// * A LevelFilter is used to perform filtering by log level.
// * A GatedWriter is used to buffer logs until startup UI operations are
//   complete. After this is flushed then logs flow directly to output
//   destinations.
// * A LogWriter provides a mean to temporarily hook logs, such as for running
//   a command like "consul monitor".
// * An io.Writer is provided as the sink for all logs to flow to.
// The provided ui object will get any log messages related to setting up
// logging itself, and will also be hooked up to the gated logger. The final bool
// parameter indicates if logging was set up successfully.
func Setup(config *Config, ui cli.Ui) (*logutils.LevelFilter, *GatedWriter, *LogWriter, io.Writer, bool) {
	// The gated writer buffers logs at startup and holds until it's flushed.
	logGate := &GatedWriter{
		Writer: &cli.UiWriter{ui},

	// Set up the level filter.
	logFilter := LevelFilter()
	logFilter.MinLevel = logutils.LogLevel(strings.ToUpper(config.LogLevel))
	logFilter.Writer = logGate
	if !ValidateLevelFilter(logFilter.MinLevel, logFilter) {
			"Invalid log level: %s. Valid log levels are: %v",
			logFilter.MinLevel, logFilter.Levels))
		return nil, nil, nil, nil, false

	// Set up syslog if it's enabled.
	var syslog io.Writer
	if config.EnableSyslog {
		retries := 12
		delay := 5 * time.Second
		for i := 0; i <= retries; i++ {
			l, err := gsyslog.NewLogger(gsyslog.LOG_NOTICE, config.SyslogFacility, "consul")
			if err != nil {
				ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Syslog setup error: %v", err))
				if i == retries {
					timeout := time.Duration(retries) * delay
					ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Syslog setup did not succeed within timeout (%s).", timeout.String()))
					return nil, nil, nil, nil, false
				} else {
					ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Retrying syslog setup in %s...", delay.String()))
			} else {
				syslog = &SyslogWrapper{l, logFilter}

	// Create a log writer, and wrap a logOutput around it
	logWriter := NewLogWriter(512)
	var logOutput io.Writer
	if syslog != nil {
		logOutput = io.MultiWriter(logFilter, logWriter, syslog)
	} else {
		logOutput = io.MultiWriter(logFilter, logWriter)
	return logFilter, logGate, logWriter, logOutput, true
Exemplo n.º 27
// NewCLILogger -
func NewCLILogger(level, file, context, format string, ui cli.Ui) *Logger {
	canWrite := true
	f, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
	if err != nil {
		ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to open %s in append mode, not writing to file: %s", file, err))
		canWrite = false
	// this needs to happen somewhere else
	// defer f.Close()

	c := []string{context}
	l := &Logger{
		Context:   c,
		Format:    format,
		Level:     strings.ToUpper(level),
		File:      file,
		_file:     f,
		_canWrite: canWrite,
		_ui:       ui,
		_buffer:   []LogLine{},
	return l
Exemplo n.º 28
Arquivo: input.go Projeto: elos/elos
// boolInput requests a boolean input
// Use this where you need to take a boolean value. If you are
// looking for a confirmation prompt, however, use 'yesNo'
func boolInput(ui cli.Ui, text string) (bool, error) {
	for {
		input, err := ui.Ask(text + " [boolean]:")
		if err != nil {
			return false, err

		switch input {
		case "yes":
			return true, err
		case "no":
			return false, err
			b, err := strconv.ParseBool(input)
			if err == nil {
				return b, nil

			out := " Invalid input, please try again. Valid boolean expressions include: true, false, 0, 1 etc."
Exemplo n.º 29
// directOutput -
func directOutput(ui cli.Ui, channel, prefix, line string) {

	channelType := strings.ToUpper(channel)
	if ui == nil {
		fmt.Printf("%s%s", prefix, line)
	} else {
		switch channelType {
		case "ERROR":
			ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", prefix, line))
		case "INFO":
			ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", prefix, line))
		case "WARN":
			ui.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", prefix, line))
			ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", prefix, line))
Exemplo n.º 30
func (t TableFormatter) OutputSecret(ui cli.Ui, secret, s *api.Secret) error {
	config := columnize.DefaultConfig()
	config.Delim = "♨"
	config.Glue = "\t"
	config.Prefix = ""

	input := make([]string, 0, 5)

	input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("Key %s Value", config.Delim))

	input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("--- %s -----", config.Delim))

	if s.LeaseDuration > 0 {
		if s.LeaseID != "" {
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("lease_id %s %s", config.Delim, s.LeaseID))
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf(
				"lease_duration %s %d", config.Delim, s.LeaseDuration))
		} else {
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf(
				"refresh_interval %s %d", config.Delim, s.LeaseDuration))
		if s.LeaseID != "" {
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf(
				"lease_renewable %s %s", config.Delim, strconv.FormatBool(s.Renewable)))

	if s.Auth != nil {
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token %s %s", config.Delim, s.Auth.ClientToken))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_accessor %s %s", config.Delim, s.Auth.Accessor))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_duration %s %d", config.Delim, s.Auth.LeaseDuration))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_renewable %s %v", config.Delim, s.Auth.Renewable))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_policies %s %v", config.Delim, s.Auth.Policies))
		for k, v := range s.Auth.Metadata {
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("token_meta_%s %s %#v", k, config.Delim, v))

	if s.WrapInfo != nil {
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("wrapping_token: %s %s", config.Delim, s.WrapInfo.Token))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("wrapping_token_ttl: %s %d", config.Delim, s.WrapInfo.TTL))
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("wrapping_token_creation_time: %s %s", config.Delim, s.WrapInfo.CreationTime.String()))
		if s.WrapInfo.WrappedAccessor != "" {
			input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("wrapped_accessor: %s %s", config.Delim, s.WrapInfo.WrappedAccessor))

	keys := make([]string, 0, len(s.Data))
	for k := range s.Data {
		keys = append(keys, k)

	for _, k := range keys {
		input = append(input, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %v", k, config.Delim, s.Data[k]))

	tableOutputStr := columnize.Format(input, config)

	// Print the warning separately because the length of first
	// column in the output will be increased by the length of
	// the longest warning string making the output look bad.
	warningsInput := make([]string, 0, 5)
	if len(s.Warnings) != 0 {
		warningsInput = append(warningsInput, "")
		warningsInput = append(warningsInput, "The following warnings were returned from the Vault server:")
		for _, warning := range s.Warnings {
			warningsInput = append(warningsInput, fmt.Sprintf("* %s", warning))

	warningsOutputStr := columnize.Format(warningsInput, config)

	ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", tableOutputStr, warningsOutputStr))

	return nil