Exemplo n.º 1
// UpdateText repaints the text to an image associated with a particular
// CycleChoice. The text is retrieved by calling CycleChoice.CycleText.
func (ci *CycleItem) UpdateText() {
	t := ci.cycle.theme
	txt := ci.choice.CycleText()

	err := text.DrawText(ci.text, t.Font, t.FontSize, t.FontColor,
		t.BgColor, txt)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Warning.Printf("(*CycleItem).UpdateText: "+
			"Could not render text: %s", err)
Exemplo n.º 2
func (si *SelectItem) UpdateText() {
	t := si.slct.theme
	si.text = si.choice.SelectText()

	// Always have some text.
	if len(si.text) == 0 {
		si.text = "N/A"

	err := text.DrawText(si.regular, t.Font, t.FontSize,
		t.FontColor, t.BgColor, si.text)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Warning.Printf("(*SelectItem).UpdateText: "+
			"Could not render text: %s", err)

	err = text.DrawText(si.highlighted, t.Font, t.FontSize,
		t.ActiveFontColor, t.ActiveBgColor, si.text)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Warning.Printf("(*SelectItem).UpdateText: "+
			"Could not render text: %s", err)
Exemplo n.º 3
func (si *SelectGroupItem) UpdateText() {
	t := si.slct.theme
	txt := si.group.SelectGroupText()

	// Create a one pixel window and exit if there's no text.
	if len(txt) == 0 {
		si.win.Resize(1, 1)

	err := text.DrawText(si.win, t.GroupFont, t.GroupFontSize,
		t.GroupFontColor, t.GroupBgColor, txt)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Warning.Printf("(*SelectGroupItem).UpdateText: "+
			"Could not render text: %s", err)
Exemplo n.º 4
func (inp *Input) Show(workarea xrect.Rect, label string,
	do func(inp *Input, text string), canceled func(inp *Input)) bool {

	if inp.showing {
		return false


	text.DrawText(inp.label, inp.theme.Font, inp.theme.FontSize,
		inp.theme.FontColor, inp.theme.BgColor, label)

	pad, bs := inp.theme.Padding, inp.theme.BorderSize
	width := (pad * 2) + (bs * 2) +
		inp.label.Geom.Width() + inp.theme.InputWidth
	height := (pad * 2) + (bs * 2) + inp.label.Geom.Height()

	// position the damn window based on its width/height (i.e., center it)
	posx := workarea.X() + workarea.Width()/2 - width/2
	posy := workarea.Y() + workarea.Height()/2 - height/2

	inp.win.MoveResize(posx, posy, width, height)
	inp.label.Move(bs+pad, pad+bs)
	inp.bInp.MoveResize(pad+inp.label.Geom.X()+inp.label.Geom.Width(), 0,
		bs, height)
	inp.bTop.Resize(width, bs)
	inp.bBot.MoveResize(0, height-bs, width, bs)
	inp.bLft.Resize(bs, height)
	inp.bRht.MoveResize(width-bs, 0, bs, height)
	inp.input.Move(inp.bInp.Geom.X()+inp.bInp.Geom.Width(), bs)

	inp.showing = true
	inp.do = do
	inp.canceled = canceled
	inp.historyIndex = len(inp.history)

	return true
Exemplo n.º 5
func (msg *Message) Show(workarea xrect.Rect, message string,
	duration time.Duration, hidden func(msg *Message)) bool {

	if msg.showing {
		return false


	pad, bs := msg.theme.Padding, msg.theme.BorderSize
	height := pad + bs
	width := 0
	for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(message), "\n") {
		textWin := xwindow.Must(xwindow.Create(msg.X, msg.win.Id))
		msg.textWins = append(msg.textWins, textWin)
		if len(line) == 0 {
			line = " "

		textWin.Move(bs+pad, height)
		text.DrawText(textWin, msg.theme.Font, msg.theme.FontSize,
			msg.theme.FontColor, msg.theme.BgColor, line)
		height += textWin.Geom.Height()
		if w := textWin.Geom.Width(); w > width {
			width = w
	height += pad + bs
	width += pad*2 + bs*2

	// position the damn window based on its width/height (i.e., center it)
	posx := workarea.X() + workarea.Width()/2 - width/2
	posy := workarea.Y() + workarea.Height()/2 - height/2

	msg.win.MoveResize(posx, posy, width, height)
	msg.bTop.Resize(width, bs)
	msg.bBot.MoveResize(0, height-bs, width, bs)
	msg.bLft.Resize(bs, height)
	msg.bRht.MoveResize(width-bs, 0, bs, height)

	msg.showing = true
	msg.duration = duration
	msg.hidden = hidden
	msg.lastShow = time.Now()

	// If the duration is non-zero, then wait for that amount of time and
	// automatically hide the popup. Otherwise, focus the window and wait
	// for user interaction.
	if duration == 0 {
	} else {
		go func() {
			// If `Hide` is called before the timeout expires, we'll
			// cancel the timeout.
			select {
			case <-time.After(duration):
			case <-msg.cancelTimeout:

	return true