Exemplo n.º 1
// newBlockImporter returns a new importer for the provided file reader seeker
// and database.
func newBlockImporter(db btcdb.Db, r io.ReadSeeker) *blockImporter {
	return &blockImporter{
		db:           db,
		r:            r,
		processQueue: make(chan []byte, 2),
		doneChan:     make(chan bool),
		errChan:      make(chan error),
		quit:         make(chan struct{}),
		chain:        btcchain.New(db, activeNetParams, nil),
		lastLogTime:  time.Now(),
Exemplo n.º 2
// findCandidates searches the chain backwards for checkpoint candidates and
// returns a slice of found candidates, if any.  It also stops searching for
// candidates at the last checkpoint that is already hard coded into btcchain
// since there is no point in finding candidates before already existing
// checkpoints.
func findCandidates(db btcdb.Db, latestHash *btcwire.ShaHash) ([]*btcnet.Checkpoint, error) {
	// Start with the latest block of the main chain.
	block, err := db.FetchBlockBySha(latestHash)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Setup chain and get the latest checkpoint.  Ignore notifications
	// since they aren't needed for this util.
	chain := btcchain.New(db, activeNetParams, nil)
	latestCheckpoint := chain.LatestCheckpoint()
	if latestCheckpoint == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve latest checkpoint")

	// The latest known block must be at least the last known checkpoint
	// plus required checkpoint confirmations.
	checkpointConfirmations := int64(btcchain.CheckpointConfirmations)
	requiredHeight := latestCheckpoint.Height + checkpointConfirmations
	if block.Height() < requiredHeight {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("the block database is only at height "+
			"%d which is less than the latest checkpoint height "+
			"of %d plus required confirmations of %d",
			block.Height(), latestCheckpoint.Height,

	// Indeterminate progress setup.
	numBlocksToTest := block.Height() - requiredHeight
	progressInterval := (numBlocksToTest / 100) + 1 // min 1
	fmt.Print("Searching for candidates")
	defer fmt.Println()

	// Loop backwards through the chain to find checkpoint candidates.
	candidates := make([]*btcnet.Checkpoint, 0, cfg.NumCandidates)
	numTested := int64(0)
	for len(candidates) < cfg.NumCandidates && block.Height() > requiredHeight {
		// Display progress.
		if numTested%progressInterval == 0 {

		// Determine if this block is a checkpoint candidate.
		isCandidate, err := chain.IsCheckpointCandidate(block)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// All checks passed, so this node seems like a reasonable
		// checkpoint candidate.
		if isCandidate {
			candidateHash, err := block.Sha()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			checkpoint := btcnet.Checkpoint{
				Height: block.Height(),
				Hash:   candidateHash,
			candidates = append(candidates, &checkpoint)

		prevHash := &block.MsgBlock().Header.PrevBlock
		block, err = db.FetchBlockBySha(prevHash)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return candidates, nil