Exemplo n.º 1
func (s *Service) prepareNodesAsJsonMap() {
	if s.manifest.Nodes == nil || len(s.manifest.Nodes.([]interface{})) == 0 {
		logs.WithFields(s.fields).Warn("No nodes defined in service")
	tmpRes, err := utils.TransformYamlToJson(s.manifest.Nodes)
	var res []interface{} = tmpRes.([]interface{})
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, s.fields).Fatal("Cannot transform yaml to json")

	if res[0].(map[string]interface{})[NODE_HOSTNAME].(string) == "*" {
		if len(res) > 1 {
			logs.WithFields(s.fields).Fatal("You cannot mix all nodes with single node. Yet ?")

		newNodes := *new([]interface{})
		machines, err := s.env.ListMachineNames()
		if err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, s.fields).Fatal("Cannot list machines to generate units")
		for _, machine := range machines {
			node := utils.CopyMap(res[0].(map[string]interface{}))
			node[NODE_HOSTNAME] = machine
			newNodes = append(newNodes, node)
		res = newNodes
	s.nodesAsJsonMap = res
Exemplo n.º 2
func (u *Unit) Update(command string) error {
	if err := u.Service.Generate(); err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, u.Fields).Fatal("Generate failed")
	u.runHook(EARLY, command, "update")
	defer u.runHook(LATE, command, "update")

	u.Service.Lock(command, 1*time.Hour, "Update "+u.Name)
	defer u.Service.Unlock(command)

	same, err := u.IsLocalContentSameAsRemote()
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, u.Fields).Warn("Cannot compare local and remote service")
	if same {
		logs.WithFields(u.Fields).Info("Remote service is already up to date")
		if !u.IsRunning() {
			logs.WithFields(u.Fields).Info("But service is not running")
		} else if !BuildFlags.Force {
			return nil


	return nil
Exemplo n.º 3
func (p *Pod) Push() {


	checkVersion := make(chan bool, 1)

	for _, e := range p.manifest.Pod.Apps {
		aci, err := NewAciWithManifest(p.path+"/"+e.Name, p.args, p.toAciManifest(e), &checkVersion)
		if err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, p.fields.WithField("name", e.Name)).Fatal("Cannot prepare aci")
		aci.podName = &p.manifest.Name

	for range p.manifest.Pod.Apps {

	if err := utils.ExecCmd("curl", "-i",
		"-F", "r=releases",
		"-F", "hasPom=false",
		"-F", "e=pod",
		"-F", "g=com.blablacar.aci.linux.amd64",
		"-F", "p=pod",
		"-F", "v="+p.manifest.Name.Version(),
		"-F", "a="+p.manifest.Name.ShortName(),
		"-F", "file=@"+p.target+"/pod-manifest.json",
		"-u", cnt.Home.Config.Push.Username+":"+cnt.Home.Config.Push.Password,
		cnt.Home.Config.Push.Url+"/service/local/artifact/maven/content"); err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, p.fields).Fatal("Cannot push pod")

Exemplo n.º 4
func (s *Service) runNotify() {
	defer s.runNotifyMutex.Unlock()

	if s.currentStatus == nil {
		logs.WithF(s.fields).Info("No status to notify")

	if (*s.currentStatus == nil && s.disabled == nil) || s.forceEnable {
		logs.WithF(s.fields).Info("Service is available")

		if len(s.PreAvailableCommand) > 0 {
			if err := ExecCommand(s.PreAvailableCommand, s.PreAvailableMaxDurationInMilli); err != nil {
				s.nerve.execFailureCount.WithLabelValues(s.Name, "pre-available", s.Host, strconv.Itoa(s.Port)).Inc()
				logs.WithEF(err, s.fields).Warn("Pre available command failed")

	} else {
		if !s.NoMetrics {
			s.nerve.availableGauge.WithLabelValues(s.Name, s.Host, strconv.Itoa(s.Port)).Set(0)
		s.currentWeightIndex = 0
		logs.WithEF(*s.currentStatus, s.fields).Warn("Service is not available")
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: home.go Projeto: puckel/dgr
func NewHome(path string) HomeStruct {
	logs.WithField("path", path).Debug("Loading home")

	var config Config
	if source, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path + "/config.yml"); err == nil {
		err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(source), &config)
		if err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, data.WithField("path", path+"/config.yml")).Fatal("Failed to process configuration file")
	} else if source, err := ioutil.ReadFile(DefaultHomeFolder("cnt") + "/config.yml"); err == nil {
		logs.WithField("old", DefaultHomeFolder("cnt")+"/config.yml").WithField("new", DefaultHomeFolder("")).Warn("You are using old home folder")
		err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(source), &config)
		if err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, data.WithField("path", path+"/config.yml")).Fatal("Failed to process configuration file")

	if Args.NoStore {
		config.Rkt.NoStore = true
	if Args.StoreOnly {
		config.Rkt.StoreOnly = true

	rkt, err := common.NewRktClient(config.Rkt)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, data.WithField("config", config.Rkt)).Fatal("Rkt access failed")

	return HomeStruct{
		path:   path,
		Config: config,
		Rkt:    rkt,
Exemplo n.º 6
func (c *CheckCommon) CommonRun(checker Checker, statusChange chan<- Check, stop <-chan struct{}, doneWait *sync.WaitGroup) {
	logs.WithF(c.fields).Info("Starting check")
	defer doneWait.Done()

	for {
		status := checker.Check()
		if logs.IsTraceEnabled() {
			logs.WithEF(status, c.fields).Trace("Check done")
		if status != nil {
			logs.WithEF(status, c.fields).Debug("Failed check")
		if status != nil && !c.service.NoMetrics {
			c.service.nerve.checkerFailureCount.WithLabelValues(c.service.Name, c.Host, strconv.Itoa(c.Port), c.Type).Inc()

		current := c.stableStatus
		latest := c.latestStatuses
		if (latest[0] == nil && sameLastStatusCount(latest) >= c.Rise && (current == nil || *current != nil)) ||
			(latest[0] != nil && sameLastStatusCount(latest) >= c.Fall && (current == nil || *current == nil)) {
			c.stableStatus = &status
			statusChange <- Check{checker, *c.stableStatus}

		select {
		case <-stop:
			logs.WithFields(c.fields).Debug("Stopping check")
		case <-time.After(time.Duration(c.CheckIntervalInMilli) * time.Millisecond):
Exemplo n.º 7
func (s *Service) Lock(command string, ttl time.Duration, message string) {
	userAndHost := "[" + ggn.GetUserAndHost() + "] "
	message = userAndHost + message

	logs.WithFields(s.fields).WithField("ttl", ttl).WithField("message", message).Info("Locking")
	s.runHook(EARLY, command, "lock")
	defer s.runHook(LATE, command, "lock")

	kapi := s.env.EtcdClient()
	resp, err := kapi.Get(context.Background(), s.lockPath, nil)
	if cerr, ok := err.(*client.ClusterError); ok {
		logs.WithEF(cerr, s.fields).Fatal("Server error reading on fleet")
	} else if err != nil {
		_, err := kapi.Set(context.Background(), s.lockPath, message, &client.SetOptions{TTL: ttl})
		if err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(cerr, s.fields).Fatal("Cannot write lock")
	} else if strings.HasPrefix(resp.Node.Value, userAndHost) {
		_, err := kapi.Set(context.Background(), s.lockPath, message, &client.SetOptions{TTL: ttl})
		if err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(cerr, s.fields).Fatal("Cannot write lock")
	} else {
		logs.WithFields(s.fields).WithField("message", resp.Node.Value).
			WithField("ttl", resp.Node.TTLDuration().String()).
			Fatal("Service is already locked")
Exemplo n.º 8
func (w Work) ListEnvs() []string {
	path := ggn.Home.Config.WorkPath + PATH_ENV
	if _, err := os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		logs.WithEF(err, w.fields).WithField("path", path).Fatal("env directory not found")

	files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, w.fields).WithField("path", path).Fatal("Cannot read env directory")

	var envs []string
	for _, file := range files {
		if file.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
			followed_file, err := os.Readlink(path + "/" + file.Name())
			if err != nil {
			if followed_file[0] != '/' {
				followed_file = path + "/" + followed_file
			file, err = os.Lstat(followed_file)
			if err != nil {
			logs.WithField("followed_link", file.Name()).Trace("Followed Link")

		if !file.IsDir() {
		envs = append(envs, file.Name())
	return envs
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: env.go Projeto: blablacar/ggn
func (e *Env) loadAttributes() {
	files, err := utils.AttributeFiles(e.path + PATH_ATTRIBUTES)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, e.fields).WithField("path", e.path+PATH_ATTRIBUTES).Fatal("Cannot load attribute files")
	files, err = e.addIncludeFiles(files)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, e.fields).WithField("path", e.path+PATH_ATTRIBUTES).Fatal("Cannot load include files")

	e.attributes = attributes.MergeAttributesFiles(files)
	logs.WithFields(e.fields).WithField("attributes", e.attributes).Debug("Attributes loaded")
Exemplo n.º 10
func (w *WatcherZookeeper) watchNode(node string, stop <-chan struct{}, doneWaiter *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer doneWaiter.Done()

	fields := w.fields.WithField("node", node)
	logs.WithF(fields).Debug("New node watcher")

	for {
		content, stats, childEvent, err := w.connection.Conn.GetW(node)
		if err != nil {
			if err == zk.ErrNoNode {
				logs.WithEF(err, fields).Warn("Node disappear before watching")
			w.service.synapse.watcherFailures.WithLabelValues(w.service.Name, PrometheusLabelWatch).Inc()
			logs.WithEF(err, fields).Warn("Failed to watch node, retry in 1s")
			<-time.After(time.Duration(1000) * time.Millisecond)

			if isStopped(stop) {

		w.reports.addRawReport(node, content, fields, stats.Ctime)

		//if context.oneshot {
		//	go func() {
		//		<-rootEvents
		//	}()
		//	return

		select {
		case e := <-childEvent:
			logs.WithF(fields.WithField("event", e)).Trace("Receiving event from node")
			switch e.Type {
			case zk.EventNodeDataChanged | zk.EventNodeCreated | zk.EventNotWatching:
			// loop
			case zk.EventNodeDeleted:
				logs.WithF(fields).Debug("Node deleted")
		case <-stop:

Exemplo n.º 11
func (aci *Aci) RunBuilderCommand(command common.BuilderCommand) error {
	defer aci.giveBackUserRightsToTarget()

	if err := os.MkdirAll(aci.target, 0777); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Cannot create target directory")

	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.target+common.PathManifestYmlTmpl, []byte(aci.manifestTmpl), 0644); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("file", aci.target+common.PathManifestYmlTmpl), "Failed to write manifest template")

	stage1Hash, err := aci.prepareStage1aci()
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Failed to prepare stage1 image")

	builderHash, err := aci.prepareBuildAci()
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Failed to prepare build image")

	logs.WithF(aci.fields).Info("Calling rkt to start build")
	defer aci.cleanupRun(builderHash, stage1Hash)
	if err := Home.Rkt.Run(aci.prepareRktRunArguments(command, builderHash, stage1Hash)); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Builder container return with failed status")

	content, err := common.ExtractManifestContentFromAci(aci.target + pathImageAci)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields).Warn("Failed to write manifest.json")

	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.target+pathManifestJson, content, 0644); err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields).Warn("Failed to write manifest.json")

	im := &schema.ImageManifest{}
	if err = im.UnmarshalJSON(content); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("content", string(content)), "Cannot unmarshall json content")

	fullname := common.ExtractNameVersionFromManifest(im)
	logs.WithField("fullname", *fullname).Info("Finished building aci")
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.target+pathVersion, []byte(*fullname), 0644); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Failed to write version file in target")

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 12
func (s *Service) loadAttributes() {
	attr := utils.CopyMap(s.env.GetAttributes())
	files, err := utils.AttributeFiles(s.path + PATH_ATTRIBUTES)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, s.fields).WithField("path", s.path+PATH_ATTRIBUTES).Fatal("Cannot load Attributes files")
	files, err = s.addIncludeFiles(files)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, s.fields).WithField("path", s.path+PATH_ATTRIBUTES).Fatal("Cannot load include files")
	attr = attributes.MergeAttributesFilesForMap(attr, files)
	s.attributes = attr
	logs.WithFields(s.fields).WithField("attributes", s.attributes).Debug("Attributes loaded")
Exemplo n.º 13
func (u *Unit) Generate(tmpl *template.Templating) error {
	defer u.generatedMutex.Unlock()

	if u.generated {
		return nil

	data := u.GenerateAttributes()
	aciList, err := u.Service.PrepareAcis()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	acis := ""
	for _, aci := range aciList {
		acis += aci + " "
	data["aciList"] = aciList
	data["acis"] = acis

	out, err := json.Marshal(data)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, u.Fields).Panic("Cannot marshall attributes")
	res := strings.Replace(string(out), "\\\"", "\\\\\\\"", -1)
	res = strings.Replace(res, "'", `\'`, -1)
	data["attributes"] = res
	data["attributesBase64"] = "base64," + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(out))

	data["environmentAttributes"], data["environmentAttributesVars"] = u.prepareEnvironmentAttributes(data["attributes"].(string), "ATTR_")
	data["environmentAttributesBase64"], data["environmentAttributesVarsBase64"] = u.prepareEnvironmentAttributes(data["attributesBase64"].(string), "ATTR_BASE64_")

	var b bytes.Buffer
	err = tmpl.Execute(&b, data)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, u.Fields).Error("Failed to run templating")
	ok, err := utils.Exists(u.path)
	if !ok || err != nil {
		os.Mkdir(u.path, 0755)
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(u.path+"/"+u.Filename, b.Bytes(), 0644)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, u.Fields).WithField("path", u.path+"/"+u.Filename).Error("Cannot writer unit")

	u.generated = true
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 14
func (p *Pod) buildAci(e spec.RuntimeApp) *Aci {
	path := p.path + "/" + e.Name
	if dir, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil || !dir.IsDir() {
		if err := os.Mkdir(path, 0777); err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, p.fields).WithField("path", path).Fatal("Cannot created pod's aci directory")
	aci, err := NewAciWithManifest(p.path+"/"+e.Name, p.args, p.toAciManifest(e), nil)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, p.fields).WithField("aci", path).Fatal("Failed to prepare aci")
	aci.podName = &p.manifest.Name
	return aci
Exemplo n.º 15
func (e Env) Fleetctl(args []string) {
	logs.WithFields(e.fields).Debug("Running fleetctl")
	err := e.RunFleetCmd(args...)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, e.fields).Error("Fleetctl command failed")
Exemplo n.º 16
func (aci *Aci) Clean() {

	if err := os.RemoveAll(aci.target + "/"); err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields).WithField("dir", aci.target).Warn("Cannot remove directory")
Exemplo n.º 17
func (aci *Aci) copyAttributes() {
	files, err := utils.AttributeFiles(aci.path + PATH_ATTRIBUTES)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields).Fatal("Cannot read attribute files")
	for _, file := range files {
		targetPath := aci.rootfs + PATH_CNT + PATH_ATTRIBUTES + "/" + aci.manifest.NameAndVersion.ShortName()
		err = os.MkdirAll(targetPath, 0755)
		if err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("path", targetPath)).Fatal("Cannot create target attribute directory")
		if err := utils.CopyFile(file, targetPath+"/"+filepath.Base(file)); err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("file", file)).Fatal("Cannot copy attribute file")
Exemplo n.º 18
func (b *Builder) tarAci() error {
	upperId, err := b.upperTreeStoreId()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	upperPath := b.pod.Root + PATH_OVERLAY + "/" + upperId + PATH_UPPER
	upperNamedRootfs := upperPath + "/" + manifestApp(b.pod).Name.String()
	upperRootfs := upperPath + common.PathRootfs

	if err := os.Rename(upperNamedRootfs, upperRootfs); err != nil { // TODO this is dirty and can probably be renamed during tar
		return errs.WithEF(err, b.fields.WithField("path", upperNamedRootfs), "Failed to rename rootfs")
	defer os.Rename(upperRootfs, upperNamedRootfs)

	dir, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, b.fields, "Failed to get current working directory")
	defer func() {
		if err := os.Chdir(dir); err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, b.fields.WithField("path", dir)).Warn("Failed to chdir back")

	if err := os.Chdir(upperPath); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, b.fields.WithField("path", upperPath), "Failed to chdir to upper base path")
	if err := common.Tar(b.aciTargetPath+common.PathImageAci, common.PathManifest[1:], common.PathRootfs[1:]+"/"); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, b.fields, "Failed to tar aci")
	logs.WithField("path", dir).Debug("chdir")
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 19
func (e Env) ListUnits() map[string]UnitStatus {
	defer mutex.Unlock()

	if statusCache != nil {
		return statusCache

	stdout, _, err := e.RunFleetCmdGetOutput("list-units", "-no-legend")
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, e.fields).Debug("Cannot list units")

	var lines []string
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(stdout))
	for scanner.Scan() {
		lines = append(lines, scanner.Text())

	status := make(map[string]UnitStatus)
	for _, line := range lines {
		split := strings.Fields(line)
		status[split[0]] = UnitStatus{Unit: split[0], Machine: split[1], Active: split[2], Sub: split[3]}

	statusCache = status
	return status
Exemplo n.º 20
func (r *RouterHaProxy) Update(serviceReports []ServiceReport) error {
	reloadNeeded := r.socketPath == ""
	for _, report := range serviceReports {
		front, back, err := r.toFrontendAndBackend(report)
		if err != nil {
			return errs.WithEF(err, r.RouterCommon.fields.WithField("report", report), "Failed to prepare frontend and backend")
		r.Frontend[report.Service.Name+"_"+strconv.Itoa(report.Service.id)] = front
		r.Backend[report.Service.Name+"_"+strconv.Itoa(report.Service.id)] = back
		if !r.isSocketUpdatable(report) {
			reloadNeeded = true

	if reloadNeeded {
		if err := r.Reload(); err != nil {
			return errs.WithEF(err, r.RouterCommon.fields, "Failed to reload haproxy")
	} else if err := r.SocketUpdate(); err != nil {
		r.synapse.routerUpdateFailures.WithLabelValues(r.Type + PrometheusLabelSocketSuffix).Inc()
		logs.WithEF(err, r.RouterCommon.fields).Error("Update by Socket failed. Reloading instead")
		if err := r.Reload(); err != nil {
			return errs.WithEF(err, r.RouterCommon.fields, "Failed to reload haproxy")
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 21
func NewPod(path string, args BuildArgs) (*Pod, error) {
	fullPath, err := filepath.Abs(path)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithE(err).WithField("path", path).Fatal("Cannot get fullpath")

	manifest, err := readPodManifest(fullPath + POD_MANIFEST)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "Failed to read pod manifest")
	fields := data.WithField("pod", manifest.Name.String())

	target := path + PATH_TARGET
	if cnt.Home.Config.TargetWorkDir != "" {
		currentAbsDir, err := filepath.Abs(cnt.Home.Config.TargetWorkDir + "/" + manifest.Name.ShortName())
		if err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, fields).Panic("invalid target path")
		target = currentAbsDir

	pod := &Pod{
		fields:   fields,
		path:     fullPath,
		args:     args,
		target:   target,
		manifest: *manifest,

	return pod, nil
Exemplo n.º 22
func (p *Pod) Install() ([]string, error) {

	hashs := []string{}

	if err := p.CleanAndBuild(); err != nil {
		return hashs, err

	for _, e := range p.manifest.Pod.Apps {
		tmpl, err := p.toAciManifestTemplate(e)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		aci, err := NewAciWithManifest(p.path+"/"+e.Name, p.args, tmpl, p.checkWg)
		if err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, p.fields.WithField("name", e.Name)).Fatal("Cannot prepare aci")
		aci.podName = &p.manifest.Name
		hash, err := aci.Install()
		if err != nil {
			return hashs, err
		hashs = append(hashs, hash...)
	return hashs, nil
Exemplo n.º 23
func (aci *Aci) cleanupTest(testerHash string, hashAcis []string) {
	if !Args.KeepBuilder {
		if _, _, err := Home.Rkt.RmFromFile(aci.target + pathTesterUuid); err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields).Warn("Failed to remove test container")

	for _, hash := range hashAcis {
		if err := Home.Rkt.ImageRm(hash); err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("hash", hash)).Warn("Failed to remove container image")

	if err := Home.Rkt.ImageRm(testerHash); err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("hash", testerHash)).Warn("Failed to remove test container image")
Exemplo n.º 24
func (aci *Aci) cleanupRun(builderHash string, stage1Hash string) {
	if !Args.KeepBuilder {
		if _, _, err := Home.Rkt.RmFromFile(aci.target + pathBuilderUuid); err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields).Warn("Failed to remove build container")

	if err := Home.Rkt.ImageRm(builderHash); err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("hash", builderHash)).Warn("Failed to remove build container image")

	if stage1Hash != "" {
		if err := Home.Rkt.ImageRm(stage1Hash); err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("hash", stage1Hash)).Warn("Failed to remove stage1 container image")
Exemplo n.º 25
func (s *Service) Diff() {
	if err := s.Generate(); err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, s.fields).Fatal("Generate failed")
	for _, unitName := range s.ListUnits() {
		unit := s.LoadUnit(unitName)
Exemplo n.º 26
func (u *Unit) Ssh(command string) {
	u.runHook(EARLY, command, "ssh")
	defer u.runHook(LATE, command, "ssh")

	err := u.Service.GetEnv().RunFleetCmd("ssh", u.Filename)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, u.Fields).Fatal("Failed to run status")
Exemplo n.º 27
func (s *Service) loadManifest() {
	manifest := ServiceManifest{}
	path := s.manifestPath()
	source, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, s.fields).WithField("path", path).Warn("Cannot find manifest for service")
	err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(source), &manifest)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, s.fields).Fatal("Cannot Read service manifest")

	if manifest.ConcurrentUpdater == 0 {
		manifest.ConcurrentUpdater = 1

	logs.WithFields(s.fields).WithField("manifest", manifest).Debug("Manifest loaded")
	s.manifest = manifest
Exemplo n.º 28
Arquivo: env.go Projeto: blablacar/ggn
func (e *Env) loadPartials() {
	if ok, err := common.IsDirEmpty(e.path + PATH_TEMPLATES); ok || err != nil {
	tmplDir, err := template.NewTemplateDir(e.path+PATH_TEMPLATES, "", false)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, e.fields).WithField("path", e.path+PATH_ATTRIBUTES).Fatal("Failed to load partial templating")
	e.Partials = tmplDir.Partials
Exemplo n.º 29
func (hap *HaProxyClient) SocketUpdate() error {
	if hap.socketPath == "" {
		return errs.WithF(hap.fields, "No socket file specified. Cannot update")
	logs.WithF(hap.fields).Debug("Updating haproxy by socket")

	if err := hap.writeConfig(); err != nil { // just to stay in sync
		logs.WithEF(err, hap.fields).Warn("Failed to write configuration file")

	conn, err := net.Dial("unix", hap.socketPath)
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, hap.fields.WithField("socket", hap.socketPath), "Failed to connect to haproxy socket")
	defer conn.Close()

	i := 0
	b := bytes.Buffer{}
	for name, servers := range hap.Backend {
		for _, server := range servers {
			res := hap.weightRegex.FindStringSubmatch(server)
			if len(res) == 3 {
				b.WriteString("set weight " + name + "/" + res[1] + " " + res[2] + "\n")

	if b.Len() == 0 {
		logs.WithF(hap.fields).Debug("Nothing to update by socket. No weight set")
		return nil

	commands := b.Bytes()

	logs.WithF(hap.fields.WithField("command", string(commands))).Trace("Running command on hap socket")
	count, err := conn.Write(commands)
	if count != len(commands) || err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, hap.fields.
			WithField("written", count).
			WithField("len", len(commands)).
			WithField("command", string(commands)), "Failed to write command to haproxy")

	buff := bufio.NewReader(conn)
	line, prefix, err := buff.ReadLine()
	if err != nil || prefix {
		return errs.WithEF(err, hap.fields.WithField("line-too-long", prefix), "Failed to read hap socket response")
	if string(line) != "" {
		return errs.WithF(hap.fields.WithField("response", string(line)), "Bad response for haproxy socket command")

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 30
Arquivo: env.go Projeto: blablacar/ggn
func (e Env) FleetctlListMachines() {
	stdout, _, err := e.RunFleetCmdGetOutput("-strict-host-key-checking=false", "list-machines", "--full", "--no-legend")
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, e.fields).Fatal("Failed to list-machines")

	machines := strings.Split(stdout, "\n")
	for _, machine := range machines {