Exemplo n.º 1
// XXX This should actually be done at the level of the ovsdb wrapper.
// As in, you should only have to get the row once, and then populate a
// struct with all necessary fields and have them be picked out into here
func populatePortConfig(odb ovsdb.Ovsdb, bridge, port string) (
	*ovsPort, error) {
	config := &ovsPort{
		name:   port,
		bridge: bridge,

	iface, err := odb.GetDefaultOFInterface(port)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	itype, err := odb.GetOFInterfaceType(iface)
	if err != nil && !ovsdb.IsExist(err) {
		return nil, err
	} else if err == nil {
		switch itype {
		case "patch":
			config.patch = true

	peer, err := odb.GetOFInterfacePeer(iface)
	if err != nil && !ovsdb.IsExist(err) {
		return nil, err
	} else if err == nil {
		config.peer = peer

	attachedMAC, err := odb.GetOFInterfaceAttachedMAC(iface)
	if err != nil && !ovsdb.IsExist(err) {
		return nil, err
	} else if err == nil {
		config.attachedMAC = attachedMAC

	ifaceID, err := odb.GetOFInterfaceIfaceID(iface)
	if err != nil && !ovsdb.IsExist(err) {
		return nil, err
	} else if err == nil {
		config.ifaceID = ifaceID
	return config, nil