// function creates a new imager with specific url which will guide to seeked card.
// The same Imager in all other senses.
func newImagerWithCardName(cardName string) quoter.Imager {
	urlRequest := "http://magiccards.info/query?q=" + strings.Replace(cardName, " ", "+", -1)
	return quoter.NewImager(
	temporaryCard bool

// function returns new magicCardAttachment struct for further work.
func newMagicCardAttachment(imager quoter.Imager, temporaryCard bool) magicCardAttachment {
	return magicCardAttachment{
		imager:        imager,
		temporaryCard: temporaryCard,

// prepared gatherer for random card.
// url and query for random card is always the same.
var randomCardGatherer = newMagicCardAttachment(quoter.NewImager(

// function replaces randomGatherer by gatherer with specific cardName,
// after that it makes the same request and returns a filePath of new image or error.
func GetCardByName(cardName string) (string, error) {
	cardGatherer := newMagicCardAttachment(newImagerWithCardName(cardName), true)
	return cardGatherer.GetAttachmentPath()

// function makes request to get a random card from online database
// and returns a filePath of new image or error.
func GetRandomCard() (string, error) {
	return randomCardGatherer.GetAttachmentPath()