Exemplo n.º 1
func NewQueue(EventTTL *time.Duration) *EventQueue {

	queue := &EventQueue{eventTTL: EventTTL}
	queue.events = lane.NewPQueue(lane.MAXPQ)
	queue.done = make(chan struct{})

	return queue
Exemplo n.º 2
// Creates a new A* object from one point to another, which can be queried to
// find routing information.
func NewAStar(fromX, fromY, toX, toY int, g interfaces.Game) *AStar {
	me := &AStar{}

	// TODO handle costs of start/goal tiles OR unreachable goal
	me.start = tile{fromX, fromY}
	me.goal = tile{toX, toY}

	me.frontier = lane.NewPQueue(lane.MINPQ)
	me.cameFrom = make(map[tile]tile)
	me.costSoFar = make(map[tile]int)
	me.game = g

	me.frontier.Push(me.start, 0)
	me.cameFrom[me.start] = nilTile
	me.costSoFar[me.start] = 0

	for me.frontier.Size() != 0 {
		currentInterface, _ := me.frontier.Pop()
		current := currentInterface.(tile)

		if current == me.goal {

		for _, next := range me.getNeighbors(current.X, current.Y) {
			newCost := me.costSoFar[current] + me.getTileCost(next)

			if me.costSoFar[next] == 0 || newCost < me.costSoFar[next] {
				me.costSoFar[next] = newCost
				priority := newCost + me.heuristic(me.goal, next)
				me.frontier.Push(next, priority)
				me.cameFrom[next] = current

	return me
Exemplo n.º 3
func NewPriorityQueue() Source {
	var pq *lane.PQueue = lane.NewPQueue(lane.MINPQ)
	return &PriorityQueue{
		queue: pq,