Exemplo n.º 1
// 非法值: ts=0,value无意义
func GetLast(endpoint, counter string) *cmodel.RRDData {
	dsType, step, exists := index.GetTypeAndStep(endpoint, counter)
	if !exists {
		return cmodel.NewRRDData(0, 0.0)

	if dsType == g.GAUGE {
		return GetLastRaw(endpoint, counter)

	if dsType == g.COUNTER || dsType == g.DERIVE {
		md5 := cutils.Md5(endpoint + "/" + counter)
		items := store.GetAllItems(md5)
		if len(items) < 2 {
			return cmodel.NewRRDData(0, 0.0)

		f0 := items[0]
		f1 := items[1]
		delta_ts := f0.Timestamp - f1.Timestamp
		delta_v := f0.Value - f1.Value
		if delta_ts != int64(step) || delta_ts <= 0 {
			return cmodel.NewRRDData(0, 0.0)
		if delta_v < 0 {
			// when cnt restarted, new cnt value would be zero, so fix it here
			delta_v = 0

		return cmodel.NewRRDData(f0.Timestamp, delta_v/float64(delta_ts))

	return cmodel.NewRRDData(0, 0.0)
Exemplo n.º 2
func GetTypeAndStep(endpoint string, counter string) (dsType string, step int, found bool) {
	// get it from index cache
	pk := cutils.Md5(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", endpoint, counter))
	if icitem := indexedItemCache.Get(pk); icitem != nil {
		if item := icitem.(*IndexCacheItem).Item; item != nil {
			dsType = item.DsType
			step = item.Step
			found = true

	// statistics

	// get it from db, this should rarely happen
	var endpointId int64 = -1
	if endpointId, found = GetEndpointFromCache(endpoint); found {
		if dsType, step, found = GetCounterFromCache(endpointId, counter); found {
			//found = true

	// do not find it, this must be a bad request
	found = false
Exemplo n.º 3
func configInfoRoutes() {
	// e.g. /strategy/lg-dinp-docker01.bj/cpu.idle
	http.HandleFunc("/strategy/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		urlParam := r.URL.Path[len("/strategy/"):]
		m := g.StrategyMap.Get()
		RenderDataJson(w, m[urlParam])

	// e.g. /expression/net.port.listen/port=22
	http.HandleFunc("/expression/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		urlParam := r.URL.Path[len("/expression/"):]
		m := g.ExpressionMap.Get()
		RenderDataJson(w, m[urlParam])

	http.HandleFunc("/count", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		sum := 0
		arr := []string{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"}
		for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
			for j := 0; j < 16; j++ {
				sum += store.HistoryBigMap[arr[i]+arr[j]].Len()

		out := fmt.Sprintf("total: %d\n", sum)

	http.HandleFunc("/history/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		urlParam := r.URL.Path[len("/history/"):]
		pk := utils.Md5(urlParam)
		L, exists := store.HistoryBigMap[pk[0:2]].Get(pk)
		if !exists || L.Len() == 0 {
			w.Write([]byte("not found\n"))

		arr := []string{}

		datas, _ := L.HistoryData(g.Config().Remain - 1)
		for i := 0; i < len(datas); i++ {
			if datas[i] == nil {

			str := fmt.Sprintf(
				"%d %s %v\n",
			arr = append(arr, str)

		w.Write([]byte(strings.Join(arr, "")))

Exemplo n.º 4
func DigestBuiltinMetrics(items []*model.BuiltinMetric) string {

	var buf bytes.Buffer
	for _, m := range items {

	return utils.Md5(buf.String())
Exemplo n.º 5
func (this *Graph) Last(param cmodel.GraphLastParam, resp *cmodel.GraphLastResp) error {
	// statistics

	resp.Endpoint = param.Endpoint
	resp.Counter = param.Counter

	md5 := cutils.Md5(param.Endpoint + "/" + param.Counter)
	item := store.GetLastItem(md5)
	resp.Value = cmodel.NewRRDData(item.Timestamp, item.Value)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 6
func (this *Graph) Info(param cmodel.GraphInfoParam, resp *cmodel.GraphInfoResp) error {
	// statistics

	dsType, step, exists := index.GetTypeAndStep(param.Endpoint, param.Counter)
	if !exists {
		return nil

	md5 := cutils.Md5(param.Endpoint + "/" + param.Counter)
	filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s_%s_%d.rrd", g.Config().RRD.Storage, md5[0:2], md5, dsType, step)

	resp.ConsolFun = dsType
	resp.Step = step
	resp.Filename = filename

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: agent.go Projeto: peteryj/hbs
func (t *Agent) MinePlugins(args model.AgentHeartbeatRequest, reply *model.AgentPluginsResponse) error {
	if args.Hostname == "" {
		return nil

	plugins := cache.GetPlugins(args.Hostname)
	checksum := ""
	if len(plugins) > 0 {
		checksum = utils.Md5(strings.Join(plugins, ""))

	if args.Checksum == checksum {
		reply.Plugins = []string{}
	} else {
		reply.Plugins = plugins

	reply.Checksum = checksum
	reply.Timestamp = time.Now().Unix()

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 8
func (this *Graph) Query(param cmodel.GraphQueryParam, resp *cmodel.GraphQueryResponse) error {
	// statistics

	resp.Values = []*cmodel.RRDData{}
	dsType, step, exists := index.GetTypeAndStep(param.Endpoint, param.Counter)
	if !exists {
		return nil

	md5 := cutils.Md5(param.Endpoint + "/" + param.Counter)
	filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s_%s_%d.rrd", g.Config().RRD.Storage, md5[0:2], md5, dsType, step)
	datas, err := rrdtool.Fetch(filename, param.ConsolFun, param.Start, param.End, step)
	if err != nil {
		if store.GraphItems.LenOf(md5) <= 2 {
			return nil
		// TODO not atomic, fix me
		items := store.GraphItems.PopAll(md5)
		size := len(items)
		if size > 2 {
			filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s_%s_%d.rrd", g.Config().RRD.Storage, md5[0:2],
				md5, items[0].DsType, items[0].Step)
			err := rrdtool.Flush(filename, items)
			if err != nil && g.Config().Debug && g.Config().DebugChecksum == md5 {
				log.Println("flush fail:", err, "filename:", filename)
		} else {
			return nil
	items := store.GraphItems.FetchAll(md5)

	// merge
	items_size := len(items)
	datas_size := len(datas)
	if items_size > 1 && datas_size > 2 &&
		int(datas[1].Timestamp-datas[0].Timestamp) == step &&
		items[items_size-1].Timestamp > datas[0].Timestamp {

		var val cmodel.JsonFloat
		cache_size := int(items[items_size-1].Timestamp-items[0].Timestamp)/step + 1
		cache := make([]*cmodel.RRDData, cache_size, cache_size)

		//fix items
		items_idx := 0
		ts := items[0].Timestamp
		if dsType == g.DERIVE || dsType == g.COUNTER {
			for i := 0; i < cache_size; i++ {
				if items_idx < items_size-1 &&
					ts == items[items_idx].Timestamp &&
					ts != items[items_idx+1].Timestamp {
					val = cmodel.JsonFloat(items[items_idx+1].Value-items[items_idx].Value) /
					if val < 0 {
						val = cmodel.JsonFloat(math.NaN())
				} else {
					// miss
					val = cmodel.JsonFloat(math.NaN())
				cache[i] = &cmodel.RRDData{
					Timestamp: ts,
					Value:     val,
				ts = ts + int64(step)
		} else if dsType == g.GAUGE {
			for i := 0; i < cache_size; i++ {
				if items_idx < items_size && ts == items[items_idx].Timestamp {
					val = cmodel.JsonFloat(items[items_idx].Value)
				} else {
					// miss
					val = cmodel.JsonFloat(math.NaN())
				cache[i] = &cmodel.RRDData{
					Timestamp: ts,
					Value:     val,
				ts = ts + int64(step)
		} else {
			log.Println("not support dstype")
			return nil

		size := int(items[items_size-1].Timestamp-datas[0].Timestamp)/step + 1
		ret := make([]*cmodel.RRDData, size, size)
		cache_idx := 0
		ts = datas[0].Timestamp

		if g.Config().Debug && g.Config().DebugChecksum == md5 {
			log.Println("param.start", param.Start, "param.End:", param.End,
				"items:", items, "datas:", datas)

		for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
			if g.Config().Debug && g.Config().DebugChecksum == md5 {
				log.Println("i", i, "size:", size, "items_idx:", items_idx, "ts:", ts)
			if i < datas_size {
				if ts == cache[cache_idx].Timestamp {
					if math.IsNaN(float64(cache[cache_idx].Value)) {
						val = datas[i].Value
					} else {
						val = cache[cache_idx].Value
				} else {
					val = datas[i].Value
			} else {
				if cache_idx < cache_size && ts == cache[cache_idx].Timestamp {
					val = cache[cache_idx].Value
				} else {
					val = cmodel.JsonFloat(math.NaN())
			ret[i] = &cmodel.RRDData{
				Timestamp: ts,
				Value:     val,
			ts = ts + int64(step)
		resp.Values = ret
	} else {
		resp.Values = datas

	resp.Endpoint = param.Endpoint
	resp.Counter = param.Counter
	resp.DsType = dsType
	resp.Step = step

	// statistics
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 9
func (this *JudgeItem) PrimaryKey() string {
	return utils.Md5(utils.PK(this.Endpoint, this.Metric, this.Tags))
Exemplo n.º 10
func (this *Graph) Query(param cmodel.GraphQueryParam, resp *cmodel.GraphQueryResponse) error {
	// statistics

	// form empty response
	resp.Values = []*cmodel.RRDData{}
	resp.Endpoint = param.Endpoint
	resp.Counter = param.Counter
	dsType, step, exists := index.GetTypeAndStep(param.Endpoint, param.Counter) // complete dsType and step
	if !exists {
		return nil
	resp.DsType = dsType
	resp.Step = step

	start_ts := param.Start - param.Start%int64(step)
	end_ts := param.End - param.End%int64(step) + int64(step)
	if end_ts-start_ts-int64(step) < 1 {
		return nil

	md5 := cutils.Md5(param.Endpoint + "/" + param.Counter)
	ckey := g.FormRrdCacheKey(md5, dsType, step)
	filename := g.RrdFileName(g.Config().RRD.Storage, md5, dsType, step)
	// read data from rrd file
	datas, _ := rrdtool.Fetch(filename, param.ConsolFun, start_ts, end_ts, step)
	datas_size := len(datas)
	// read cached items
	items := store.GraphItems.FetchAll(ckey)
	items_size := len(items)

	nowTs := time.Now().Unix()
	lastUpTs := nowTs - nowTs%int64(step)
	rra1StartTs := lastUpTs - int64(rrdtool.RRA1PointCnt*step)
	// consolidated, do not merge
	if start_ts < rra1StartTs {
		resp.Values = datas
		goto _RETURN_OK

	// no cached items, do not merge
	if items_size < 1 {
		resp.Values = datas
		goto _RETURN_OK

	// merge
		// fmt cached items
		var val cmodel.JsonFloat
		cache := make([]*cmodel.RRDData, 0)

		ts := items[0].Timestamp
		itemEndTs := items[items_size-1].Timestamp
		itemIdx := 0
		if dsType == g.DERIVE || dsType == g.COUNTER {
			for ts < itemEndTs {
				if itemIdx < items_size-1 && ts == items[itemIdx].Timestamp &&
					ts == items[itemIdx+1].Timestamp-int64(step) {
					val = cmodel.JsonFloat(items[itemIdx+1].Value-items[itemIdx].Value) / cmodel.JsonFloat(step)
					if val < 0 {
						val = cmodel.JsonFloat(math.NaN())
				} else {
					// missing
					val = cmodel.JsonFloat(math.NaN())

				if ts >= start_ts && ts <= end_ts {
					cache = append(cache, &cmodel.RRDData{Timestamp: ts, Value: val})
				ts = ts + int64(step)
		} else if dsType == g.GAUGE {
			for ts <= itemEndTs {
				if itemIdx < items_size && ts == items[itemIdx].Timestamp {
					val = cmodel.JsonFloat(items[itemIdx].Value)
				} else {
					// missing
					val = cmodel.JsonFloat(math.NaN())

				if ts >= start_ts && ts <= end_ts {
					cache = append(cache, &cmodel.RRDData{Timestamp: ts, Value: val})
				ts = ts + int64(step)
		cache_size := len(cache)

		// do merging
		merged := make([]*cmodel.RRDData, 0)
		if datas_size > 0 {
			for _, val := range datas {
				if val.Timestamp >= start_ts && val.Timestamp <= end_ts {
					merged = append(merged, val) //rrdtool返回的数据,时间戳是连续的、不会有跳点的情况

		if cache_size > 0 {
			rrdDataSize := len(merged)
			lastTs := cache[0].Timestamp

			// find junction
			rrdDataIdx := 0
			for rrdDataIdx = rrdDataSize - 1; rrdDataIdx >= 0; rrdDataIdx-- {
				if merged[rrdDataIdx].Timestamp < cache[0].Timestamp {
					lastTs = merged[rrdDataIdx].Timestamp

			// fix missing
			for ts := lastTs + int64(step); ts < cache[0].Timestamp; ts += int64(step) {
				merged = append(merged, &cmodel.RRDData{Timestamp: ts, Value: cmodel.JsonFloat(math.NaN())})

			// merge cached items to result
			rrdDataIdx += 1
			for cacheIdx := 0; cacheIdx < cache_size; cacheIdx++ {
				if rrdDataIdx < rrdDataSize {
					if !math.IsNaN(float64(cache[cacheIdx].Value)) {
						merged[rrdDataIdx] = cache[cacheIdx]
				} else {
					merged = append(merged, cache[cacheIdx])
		mergedSize := len(merged)

		// fmt result
		ret_size := int((end_ts - start_ts) / int64(step))
		ret := make([]*cmodel.RRDData, ret_size, ret_size)
		mergedIdx := 0
		ts = start_ts
		for i := 0; i < ret_size; i++ {
			if mergedIdx < mergedSize && ts == merged[mergedIdx].Timestamp {
				ret[i] = merged[mergedIdx]
			} else {
				ret[i] = &cmodel.RRDData{Timestamp: ts, Value: cmodel.JsonFloat(math.NaN())}
			ts += int64(step)
		resp.Values = ret

	// statistics
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 11
// 非法值: ts=0,value无意义
func GetLastRaw(endpoint, counter string) *cmodel.RRDData {
	md5 := cutils.Md5(endpoint + "/" + counter)
	item := store.GetLastItem(md5)
	return cmodel.NewRRDData(item.Timestamp, item.Value)