Exemplo n.º 1
func (c *AssetConfig) buildAssetHandler() (http.Handler, error) {

	publicURL, err := url.Parse(c.Options.PublicURL)
	if err != nil {

	assetFunc := assets.JoinAssetFuncs(assets.Asset, java.Asset)
	assetDirFunc := assets.JoinAssetDirFuncs(assets.AssetDir, java.AssetDir)

	handler := http.FileServer(&assetfs.AssetFS{Asset: assetFunc, AssetDir: assetDirFunc, Prefix: ""})

	// Map of context roots (no leading or trailing slash) to the asset path to serve for requests to a missing asset
	subcontextMap := map[string]string{
		"":     "index.html",
		"java": "java/index.html",

	handler, err = assets.HTML5ModeHandler(publicURL.Path, subcontextMap, handler, assetFunc)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Cache control should happen after all Vary headers are added, but before
	// any asset related routing (HTML5ModeHandler and FileServer)
	handler = assets.CacheControlHandler(version.Get().GitCommit, handler)

	// Gzip first so that inner handlers can react to the addition of the Vary header
	handler = assets.GzipHandler(handler)

	return handler, nil
Exemplo n.º 2
func (c *AssetConfig) buildHandler() (http.Handler, error) {

	masterURL, err := url.Parse(c.Options.MasterPublicURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	publicURL, err := url.Parse(c.Options.PublicURL)
	if err != nil {

	config := assets.WebConsoleConfig{
		MasterAddr:        masterURL.Host,
		MasterPrefix:      LegacyOpenShiftAPIPrefix, // TODO: change when the UI changes from v1beta3 to v1
		KubernetesAddr:    masterURL.Host,
		KubernetesPrefix:  KubernetesAPIPrefix,
		OAuthAuthorizeURI: OpenShiftOAuthAuthorizeURL(masterURL.String()),
		OAuthRedirectBase: c.Options.PublicURL,
		OAuthClientID:     OpenShiftWebConsoleClientID,
		LogoutURI:         c.Options.LogoutURL,

	handler := http.FileServer(

	// Map of context roots (no leading or trailing slash) to the asset path to serve for requests to a missing asset
	subcontextMap := map[string]string{
		"":     "index.html",
		"java": "java/index.html",

	handler, err = assets.HTML5ModeHandler(publicURL.Path, subcontextMap, handler)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Cache control should happen after all Vary headers are added, but before
	// any asset related routing (HTML5ModeHandler and FileServer)
	handler = assets.CacheControlHandler(version.Get().GitCommit, handler)

	// Generated config.js can not be cached since it changes depending on startup options
	handler = assets.GeneratedConfigHandler(config, handler)

	// Gzip first so that inner handlers can react to the addition of the Vary header
	handler = assets.GzipHandler(handler)

	return handler, nil
Exemplo n.º 3
func (c *AssetConfig) addHandlers(mux *http.ServeMux) error {
	assetHandler, err := c.buildAssetHandler()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	publicURL, err := url.Parse(c.Options.PublicURL)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	masterURL, err := url.Parse(c.Options.MasterPublicURL)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Web console assets
	mux.Handle(publicURL.Path, http.StripPrefix(publicURL.Path, assetHandler))

	originResources := sets.NewString()
	k8sResources := sets.NewString()

	versions := []unversioned.GroupVersion{}
	versions = append(versions, latest.Versions...)
	versions = append(versions, klatest.ExternalVersions...)
	deadOriginVersions := sets.NewString(configapi.DeadOpenShiftAPILevels...)
	deadKubernetesVersions := sets.NewString(configapi.DeadKubernetesAPILevels...)
	for _, version := range versions {
		for kind := range api.Scheme.KnownTypes(version) {
			if strings.HasSuffix(kind, "List") {
			resource, _ := meta.KindToResource(kind, false)
			if latest.OriginKind(version.WithKind(kind)) {
				if !deadOriginVersions.Has(version.String()) {
			} else {
				if !deadKubernetesVersions.Has(version.String()) {

	commonResources := sets.NewString()
	for _, r := range originResources.List() {
		if k8sResources.Has(r) {
	if commonResources.Len() > 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Resources for kubernetes and origin types intersect: %v", commonResources.List())

	// Generated web console config
	config := assets.WebConsoleConfig{
		MasterAddr:          masterURL.Host,
		MasterPrefix:        OpenShiftAPIPrefix,
		MasterResources:     originResources.List(),
		KubernetesAddr:      masterURL.Host,
		KubernetesPrefix:    KubernetesAPIPrefix,
		KubernetesResources: k8sResources.List(),
		OAuthAuthorizeURI:   OpenShiftOAuthAuthorizeURL(masterURL.String()),
		OAuthRedirectBase:   c.Options.PublicURL,
		OAuthClientID:       OpenShiftWebConsoleClientID,
		LogoutURI:           c.Options.LogoutURL,
		LoggingURL:          c.Options.LoggingPublicURL,
		MetricsURL:          c.Options.MetricsPublicURL,
	configPath := path.Join(publicURL.Path, "config.js")
	configHandler, err := assets.GeneratedConfigHandler(config)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	mux.Handle(configPath, assets.GzipHandler(configHandler))

	// Extension scripts
	extScriptsPath := path.Join(publicURL.Path, "scripts/extensions.js")
	extScriptsHandler, err := assets.ExtensionScriptsHandler(c.Options.ExtensionScripts, c.Options.ExtensionDevelopment)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	mux.Handle(extScriptsPath, assets.GzipHandler(extScriptsHandler))

	// Extension stylesheets
	extStylesheetsPath := path.Join(publicURL.Path, "styles/extensions.css")
	extStylesheetsHandler, err := assets.ExtensionStylesheetsHandler(c.Options.ExtensionStylesheets, c.Options.ExtensionDevelopment)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	mux.Handle(extStylesheetsPath, assets.GzipHandler(extStylesheetsHandler))

	// Extension files
	for _, extConfig := range c.Options.Extensions {
		extPath := path.Join(publicURL.Path, "extensions", extConfig.Name) + "/"
		extHandler := assets.AssetExtensionHandler(extConfig.SourceDirectory, extPath, extConfig.HTML5Mode)
		mux.Handle(extPath, http.StripPrefix(extPath, extHandler))

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 4
func (c *AssetConfig) addHandlers(handler http.Handler) (http.Handler, error) {
	publicURL, err := url.Parse(c.Options.PublicURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	if handler != nil {
		// colocated with other routes, so pass any unrecognized routes through to
		// handler
		mux.Handle("/", handler)
	} else {
		// standalone mode, so redirect any unrecognized routes to the console
		if publicURL.Path != "/" {
			mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
				http.Redirect(w, req, publicURL.Path, http.StatusFound)

	assetHandler, err := c.buildAssetHandler()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	masterURL, err := url.Parse(c.Options.MasterPublicURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Web console assets
	mux.Handle(publicURL.Path, http.StripPrefix(publicURL.Path, assetHandler))

	originResources := sets.NewString()
	k8sResources := sets.NewString()

	versions := []unversioned.GroupVersion{}
	versions = append(versions, registered.GroupOrDie(api.GroupName).GroupVersions...)
	versions = append(versions, registered.GroupOrDie(kapi.GroupName).GroupVersions...)
	deadOriginVersions := sets.NewString(configapi.DeadOpenShiftAPILevels...)
	deadKubernetesVersions := sets.NewString(configapi.DeadKubernetesAPILevels...)
	for _, version := range versions {
		for kind := range kapi.Scheme.KnownTypes(version) {
			if strings.HasSuffix(kind, "List") {
			resource, _ := meta.KindToResource(version.WithKind(kind))
			if latest.OriginKind(version.WithKind(kind)) {
				if !deadOriginVersions.Has(version.String()) {
			} else {
				if !deadKubernetesVersions.Has(version.String()) {

	commonResources := sets.NewString()
	for _, r := range originResources.List() {
		if k8sResources.Has(r) {
	if commonResources.Len() > 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Resources for kubernetes and origin types intersect: %v", commonResources.List())

	// Generated web console config and server version
	config := assets.WebConsoleConfig{
		APIGroupAddr:          masterURL.Host,
		APIGroupPrefix:        genericapiserver.APIGroupPrefix,
		MasterAddr:            masterURL.Host,
		MasterPrefix:          api.Prefix,
		MasterResources:       originResources.List(),
		KubernetesAddr:        masterURL.Host,
		KubernetesPrefix:      genericapiserver.DefaultLegacyAPIPrefix,
		KubernetesResources:   k8sResources.List(),
		OAuthAuthorizeURI:     OpenShiftOAuthAuthorizeURL(masterURL.String()),
		OAuthTokenURI:         OpenShiftOAuthTokenURL(masterURL.String()),
		OAuthRedirectBase:     c.Options.PublicURL,
		OAuthClientID:         OpenShiftWebConsoleClientID,
		LogoutURI:             c.Options.LogoutURL,
		LoggingURL:            c.Options.LoggingPublicURL,
		MetricsURL:            c.Options.MetricsPublicURL,
		LimitRequestOverrides: c.LimitRequestOverrides,
	kVersionInfo := kversion.Get()
	oVersionInfo := oversion.Get()
	versionInfo := assets.WebConsoleVersion{
		KubernetesVersion: kVersionInfo.GitVersion,
		OpenShiftVersion:  oVersionInfo.GitVersion,

	extensionProps := assets.WebConsoleExtensionProperties{
		ExtensionProperties: extensionPropertyArray(c.Options.ExtensionProperties),
	configPath := path.Join(publicURL.Path, "config.js")
	configHandler, err := assets.GeneratedConfigHandler(config, versionInfo, extensionProps)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	mux.Handle(configPath, assets.GzipHandler(configHandler))

	// Extension scripts
	extScriptsPath := path.Join(publicURL.Path, "scripts/extensions.js")
	extScriptsHandler, err := assets.ExtensionScriptsHandler(c.Options.ExtensionScripts, c.Options.ExtensionDevelopment)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	mux.Handle(extScriptsPath, assets.GzipHandler(extScriptsHandler))

	// Extension stylesheets
	extStylesheetsPath := path.Join(publicURL.Path, "styles/extensions.css")
	extStylesheetsHandler, err := assets.ExtensionStylesheetsHandler(c.Options.ExtensionStylesheets, c.Options.ExtensionDevelopment)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	mux.Handle(extStylesheetsPath, assets.GzipHandler(extStylesheetsHandler))

	// Extension files
	for _, extConfig := range c.Options.Extensions {
		extBasePath := path.Join(publicURL.Path, "extensions", extConfig.Name)
		extPath := extBasePath + "/"
		extHandler := assets.AssetExtensionHandler(extConfig.SourceDirectory, extPath, extConfig.HTML5Mode)
		mux.Handle(extPath, http.StripPrefix(extBasePath, extHandler))

	return mux, nil