Exemplo n.º 1
// FindPendingTags inspects all imageStreamTags that serve as outputs to builds.
// Precedence of failures:
// 1. A build config points to the non existent tag but no current build exists.
// 2. A build config points to the non existent tag but the latest build has failed.
func FindPendingTags(g osgraph.Graph, f osgraph.Namer) []osgraph.Marker {
	markers := []osgraph.Marker{}

	for _, uncastIstNode := range g.NodesByKind(imagegraph.ImageStreamTagNodeKind) {
		istNode := uncastIstNode.(*imagegraph.ImageStreamTagNode)
		if bcNode := buildedges.BuildConfigForTag(g, uncastIstNode); bcNode != nil && !istNode.Found() {
			latestBuild := buildedges.GetLatestBuild(g, bcNode)

			// A build config points to the non existent tag but no current build exists.
			if latestBuild == nil {
				markers = append(markers, osgraph.Marker{
					Node:         graph.Node(bcNode),
					RelatedNodes: []graph.Node{uncastIstNode},

					Severity:   osgraph.WarningSeverity,
					Key:        TagNotAvailableWarning,
					Message:    fmt.Sprintf("%s needs to be imported or created by a build.", f.ResourceName(istNode)),
					Suggestion: osgraph.Suggestion(fmt.Sprintf("oc start-build %s", f.ResourceName(bcNode))),

			// A build config points to the non existent tag but something is going on with
			// the latest build.
			// TODO: Handle other build phases.
			switch latestBuild.Build.Status.Phase {
			case buildapi.BuildPhaseCancelled:
				// TODO: Add a warning here.
			case buildapi.BuildPhaseError:
				// TODO: Add a warning here.
			case buildapi.BuildPhaseComplete:
				// We should never hit this. The output of our build is missing but the build is complete.
				// Most probably the user has messed up?
			case buildapi.BuildPhaseFailed:
				// Since the tag hasn't been populated yet, we assume there hasn't been a successful
				// build so far.
				markers = append(markers, osgraph.Marker{
					Node:         graph.Node(latestBuild),
					RelatedNodes: []graph.Node{uncastIstNode, graph.Node(bcNode)},

					Severity:   osgraph.ErrorSeverity,
					Key:        LatestBuildFailedErr,
					Message:    fmt.Sprintf("%s has failed.", f.ResourceName(latestBuild)),
					Suggestion: osgraph.Suggestion(fmt.Sprintf("Inspect the build failure with 'oc logs %s'", f.ResourceName(latestBuild))),
				// Do nothing when latest build is new, pending, or running.

	return markers
Exemplo n.º 2
// ictMarker inspects the image change triggers for the provided deploymentconfig and returns
// a marker in case of the following two scenarios:
// 1. The image stream pointed by the dc trigger doen not exist.
// 2. The image stream tag pointed by the dc trigger does not exist and there is no build in
// 	  flight that could push to the tag.
func ictMarker(g osgraph.Graph, f osgraph.Namer, dcNode *deploygraph.DeploymentConfigNode) *osgraph.Marker {
	for _, uncastIstNode := range g.PredecessorNodesByEdgeKind(dcNode, deployedges.TriggersDeploymentEdgeKind) {
		if istNode := uncastIstNode.(*imagegraph.ImageStreamTagNode); !istNode.Found() {
			// The image stream for the tag of interest does not exist.
			if isNode, exists := doesImageStreamExist(g, uncastIstNode); !exists {
				return &osgraph.Marker{
					Node:         dcNode,
					RelatedNodes: []graph.Node{uncastIstNode, isNode},

					Severity: osgraph.ErrorSeverity,
					Key:      MissingImageStreamErr,
					Message: fmt.Sprintf("The image trigger for %s will have no effect because %s does not exist.",
						f.ResourceName(dcNode), f.ResourceName(isNode)),
					// TODO: Suggest `oc create imagestream` once we have that.

			if bcNode := buildedges.BuildConfigForTag(g, istNode); bcNode != nil {
				// Avoid warning for the dc image trigger in case there is a build in flight.
				if latestBuild := buildedges.GetLatestBuild(g, bcNode); latestBuild != nil && !buildutil.IsBuildComplete(latestBuild.Build) {
					return nil

			// The image stream tag of interest does not exist.
			return &osgraph.Marker{
				Node:         dcNode,
				RelatedNodes: []graph.Node{uncastIstNode},

				Severity: osgraph.WarningSeverity,
				Key:      MissingImageStreamTagWarning,
				Message: fmt.Sprintf("The image trigger for %s will have no effect until %s is imported or created by a build.",
					f.ResourceName(dcNode), f.ResourceName(istNode)),
	return nil